Life on Land presentation

callie willis-warthan

Created on November 21, 2022

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Life On Land

Callie willis-warthan | lme 448, what are global goals, life on land, understanding the world goal.

  • Forests and mountains are the main source of food
  • Provide air and clean water
  • Sustainably managing terrestrial ecosystems is a huge part of protecting the environment

Why is this a world goal?

- Constitute the habitat of millions of animal and vegetable species- 1,600,000,000 people depend on forests for their subsistence - Forests are threatened by our activity

How is life on land?

Degradation, desertification, and deforestation.

  • Degradation is the deterioration of soils that may have been used for the future
  • One of the world’s most pressing environmental problems is degradation. It is said that it will worsen if quick action is not taken (2022, GEF)
  • 3.2 billion people are affected by land degradation
  • 25% of land has been degraded


  • Land degradation is where fertile land becomes a desert
  • The climate and human activities cause land desertification
  • The risk is widespread and hits more than 100 countries


  • The removal of forest or trees from land that will be used for non-land purposes
  • Examples of this could be shopping malls, parking lots, grocery stores, etc.
  • Landscapes have been greatly altered due to deforestation


  • A problem since the beginning of time
  • Only 10% of land was lost due to the small population on Earth
  • Today, we have lost 6 million hectacres
  • That rounds up to 14,826,323 acres
  • We have lost 1/3 of our forests and numbers are still decreasing

Global problem: Deforestation

  • Trophy hunting can affect wildlife as well as human life
  • Hunters risk it all for "big game"

National Problem: America's Poaching and Importation Problem

  • Constant construction and tearing buildings down on Western Kentucky University's campus
  • Potential wildlife habitats lost
  • Spending more time fixing up campus rather than worrying about wildlife on campus

local connection: Constant Construction In kentucky

Do you know of the recent issues regarding wildlife, results from survey, this is a global problem, be the change, what can you do, steps to change the world, the 3 r's: reduce, reuse, recycle, "learning about life on land will forever have an impact on my thoughts and action" - callie willis-warthan.

Please send questions and comments to @[email protected]

Jen Good

SDG 15: Life on Land Presentation

life on land ppt presentation

The life that surrounds us and nourishes our own life exists on land. The natural balance of animals and plants all depend on each other, so preserving as many resources and lives need to be a larger focus in the future.

More info about SDG 15 from the UN can be found here .

Use arrows on the bottom left to navigate.

To view presentations of the other 16 goals click here.

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UN SDGs PowerPoint Animated Presentation on Goal 15 Life on Land

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Welcome to a captivating PowerPoint presentation on UN Sustainable Development Goal 15 - "Life on Land"! This meticulously crafted educational resource is designed to engage, enlighten, and empower your audience with a deep understanding of this vital global goal.

Explore Life on Land: UN SDG 14

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  • Visually Stunning Animations: Capture your audience's attention with captivating animations that bring concepts to life, making complex information easily understandable and memorable.
  • Seamless Transitions: Navigate through the presentation effortlessly with seamless transitions that maintain a smooth flow, enhancing the overall learning experience.
  • Engaging Visuals: High-quality images, diagrams, and infographics provide visual aids that reinforce key points and enrich the learning journey.
  • Educators: Enhance your classroom instruction with an engaging and informative presentation that encourages student participation and critical thinking.
  • NGOs and Advocacy Groups: Educate your stakeholders about the significance of preserving life on land, fostering a deeper commitment to sustainable practices.
  • Businesses: Raise awareness among your employees about your company's commitment to environmental sustainability, encouraging positive actions both inside and outside the workplace.

Get Your Copy Today! Equip yourself with a powerful tool to educate, inspire, and incite positive change. Download our UN SDG 15 PowerPoint presentation now and make your mark in the journey towards a sustainable and thriving world on land.

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Manjula Gayan

Future Sustain Lab

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Life on Land - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

life on land ppt presentation

Life on Land

Janzen studied natural history of tropical dry forests in ... long growing seasons dominated by deciduous plants. short growing seasons dominated by conifers. ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • Janzen studied natural history of tropical dry forests in Costa Rica to aid restoration efforts.
  • Guanacaste tree (E. cyclocarpum) has no current dependable dispersers, thus trees produce massive numbers of fruits.
  • Last native dispersers went extinct 10,000 years ago.
  • Cattle and horses (exotics) now act as dispersers.
  • Temperature, Atmospheric Circulation, and Precipitation
  • Climate Diagrams
  • Soil Horizons
  • Terrestrial Biomes
  • Biomes are distinguished primarily by their predominant plants and are associated with particular climates.
  • Geographic and seasonal variations in temperature and precipitation are fundamental components.
  • Spherical shape and tilt of earths axis cause uneven heating of earths surface.
  • Drives air circulation patterns and consequently precipitation patterns.
  • Warm, moist air rises.
  • Cools, condenses, and falls as rain.
  • Cooler, dry air falls back to surface.
  • Rainforests found near equator.
  • Major deserts found near 30o N / S.
  • Coriolis effect causes apparent deflection of winds clockwise in the N hemisphere and counterclockwise in the S hemisphere.
  • Summarize climatic information using a standardized structure.
  • Temperature plotted on left vertical axis.
  • Precipitation plotted on right vertical axis.
  • 10o C equivalent to 20 mm precipitation.
  • Relative position of lines reflect water availability.
  • Adequate moisture for plant growth when precipitation above temperature.
  • Soil is a complex mixture of living and non-living material.
  • Classification based on vertical layering (soil horizons).
  • Profile ( the arrangement of the soil horizons) provides a snapshot of soil structure in a constant state of flux.
  • O horizon Organic Layer freshly fallen organic material - most superficial layer.
  • A horizon Mixture of minerals, clay, silt and sand.
  • B horizon Clay, humus, and other materials leached from A horizon - often contains plant roots.
  • C horizon Weathered parent material.
  • Most occur within 10o latitude of equator.
  • Little temperature variation between months.
  • Annual rainfall of 2,000 - 4,000 mm relatively evenly distributed.
  • Quickly leaches soil nutrients.
  • Mycorrhizae help gather nutrients.
  • Organisms add vertical dimension.
  • Harbor staple foods and medicines for worlds human populations - increasingly exploited.
  • Usually located between 10o - 25o latitude.
  • Climate more seasonal than tropical rainforest.
  • Soils generally richer in nutrients, but vulnerable to erosion.
  • Shares many animal and plant species with tropical rainforests.
  • Heavily settled by humans with extensive clearing for agriculture.
  • Most occur north and south of tropical dry forests within 10o - 20o of the equator.
  • Climate alternates between wet / dry seasons.
  • Drought associated with dry season leads to lightning-caused wildfires.
  • Soils have low water permeability.
  • Saturated soils keeps trees out.
  • Landscape is more two-dimensional with increasing pressure to produce livestock.
  • Major bands at 30o N and 30o S latitude.
  • Occupy about 20 of earths land surface.
  • Water loss usually exceeds precipitation.
  • Soil usually extremely low in organic matter.
  • Plant cover ranges from sparse to absent.
  • Animal abundance low, but biodiversity may be high.
  • Strong behavioral adaptations.
  • Human intrusion increasing.
  • Occur in all continents except Antarctica.
  • Climate cool and moist in fall, winter, and spring, but can be hot and dry in summer.
  • Fragile soils with moderate fertility.
  • Trees and shrubs typically evergreen.
  • Fire-resistant plants due to fire regime.
  • Long history of human intrusion.
  • Cleared for agriculture.
  • Extremely widespread distribution.
  • Annual rainfall 300 - 1,000 mm.
  • Experience periodic droughts.
  • Soils tend extremely nutrient rich and deep.
  • Thoroughly dominated by herbaceous vegetation.
  • Large roaming ungulates.
  • Bison vs. cattle
  • Majority lie between 40o and 50o latitude.
  • Rainfall averages 650 - 3,000 mm.
  • Fertile soils
  • Long growing seasons dominated by deciduous plants.
  • Short growing seasons dominated by conifers.
  • Biomass production can be very high.
  • Many major human population centers.
  • Confined to Northern Hemisphere.
  • Covers 11 of earths land area.
  • Thin, acidic soils low in fertility.
  • Generally dominated by evergreen conifers.
  • Relatively high animal density.
  • Historically, low levels of human intrusion.
  • Covers most of lands north of Arctic Circle.
  • Climate typically cool and dry with short summers.
  • 200 - 600 mm precipitation.
  • Low decomposition rates.
  • Supports substantial numbers of native mammals.
  • Human intrusion historically low, but increasing as resources become scarce.
  • Built by geological processes and thus concentrated in belts of geological activity.
  • Climate changes with elevation and latitude.
  • Soils are generally well-drained and thin.
  • Flora and fauna change with elevation.
  • Historically used as a source of raw materials for human settlements.
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International Day for Biological Diversity - 22 May 2024

The Theme of Biodiversity Day 2024: "Be part of the Plan"

May 13, 2024

International Day for Biological Diversity 2024

Biodiversity Day 2024

When: 22 May 2024

Theme: Be part of the Plan

Official website:

Lead: The Convention on Biological Diversity

“Be part of the Plan”, the theme of International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) 2024, is a call to action for all stakeholders to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity by supporting the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, also referred to as the Biodiversity Plan . 

The Biodiversity Plan offers opportunities for cooperation and partnerships among diverse actors. 

Governments, indigenous peoples and local communities, non-governmental organizations, lawmakers, businesses, and individuals are encouraged to highlight the ways in which they are supporting the implementation of the Biodiversity Plan. 

We are all #PartofThePlan.

IDB 2024 is expected to increase the visibility momentum in the lead-up to the sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 16) , to be held in Colombia from 21 October to 1 November 2024. 

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What is Biodiversity?

Biodiversity describes the wide range of life forms on Earth, spanning from genes to entire ecosystems. It encompasses the processes that maintain life, including evolution, ecology, and cultural practices. Biodiversity encompasses not only rare, threatened, or endangered species but all living beings, from well-known organisms like humans to lesser-known ones such as microbes, fungi, and invertebrates. 

Why is Biodiversity Important?  

Biodiversity plays a vital role in multiple aspects of our lives. Its importance lies in the numerous benefits humans derive from it, including essential needs like food, fuel, shelter, and medicine. Additionally, ecosystems offer critical services like pollination, seed dispersal, climate regulation, water purification, nutrient cycling, and pest control. Moreover, biodiversity holds value beyond known benefits, potentially offering new medicines and other services yet to be discovered. 

Nature in Action

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3 warnings and an advisory in effect for 12 regions in the area

Pop-off politics: houston police department seeks approval for real time crime center.

Jason Nguyen , KPRC 2 Senior Investigates Producer

HOUSTON – Pop-Off Politics is the only segment in Houston where we look through all the agenda items and tell you what they are and how much they cost.

City Council Members and the Mayor are tasked with allocating millions of dollars each week they are in session aimed to better Houstonian’s lives.

This week, KPRC 2 Senior Investigates Producer Jason Nguyen joined Zach Lashway while Mario Diaz was on assignment.

Real-Time Crime Center at HPD

The first agenda item explored this week deals with a Real Time Crime Center at the Houston Police Department (HPD). Back in October , we first told you about the Versaterm Public Safety System, which is the new records-keeping system HPD is trying to get operational by March of 2025.

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The system will allow them to streamline crime trend analysis and report tracking.

Now, HPD wants a Real Time Crime Center through Motorola Solutions. There is not much information under Agenda Item #38 other than indicating it’s a placeholder.

HPD is looking for a council vote on Wednesday, assuming the item doesn’t get pulled before then.

  • Third time a charm?

Houston Forensic Science Center

The next agenda item deals with the Houston Forensic Science Center (HFSC).

KPRC 2 Investigates first told you about the technician who was terminated because of questions dealing with the quality of her work that affected more than 390 criminal cases. That came at a time when HFSC was dealing with several backlogs.

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One of those backlogs deals with toxicology reports. This mostly deals with blood draws for those driving under the influence.

In Agenda Item #36, HFSC is asking the city council to maximize its American Rescue Plan Act or ARPA funding.

We’re told the center wants to use more than $133,000 to outsource the toxicology tests to NMS Labs. That money would go towards testing 100-150 toxicology tests.

While that doesn’t seem like a lot, in the grand scheme of things, it lightens the workload so that the lab techs who are working on those suspended cases can get them completed as soon as possible along with the rest of the backlog.

Have Questions?

Stay informed with Pop-Off Politics, where transparency and accountability in local government come first.

If you have questions on how the City of Houston is spending your hard-earned tax dollars, email Mario Diaz at [email protected] , or email the investigates team at [email protected] .

Copyright 2024 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved.

About the Author

Jason nguyen.

As an Emmy award-winning journalist, Jason strives to serve the community by telling in-depth stories and taking on challenges many pass over. When he’s not working, he’s spending time with his girlfriend Rosie, and dog named Dug.

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adapting to life on land

Adapting to Life on Land

Nov 29, 2011

770 likes | 1.21k Views

Adapting to Life on Land. Chapter 21.1. Characteristics of Plants (233). Review Photosynthesis Video. Multicellular eukaryote Nucleus has true nucleus Membrane-bound organelles Thick cell walls of cellulose Stem and leaves have waxy waterproof coating called _______________.

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  • generations
  • basic plant organs
  • as widespread
  • photosynthesis rap plant
  • water transport video hickox
  • close association


Presentation Transcript

Adapting to Life on Land Chapter 21.1 Hickox: Baker High School

Characteristics of Plants (233) Review Photosynthesis Video • Multicellular eukaryote • Nucleus has true nucleus • Membrane-bound organelles • Thick cell walls of cellulose • Stem and leaves have waxy waterproof coating called _______________. • The cuticle helps plants to reduce water loss cuticle Hickox: Baker High School

Cuticle of a stem Hickox: Baker High School

What are the basic plant organs? (234) leaf Photosynthesis RAP Plant video: Form and Structure • A ________ is a plant organ that grows from the stem. • Photosynthesis usually occurs here • Plants have uniquely different shapes & sizes Hickox: Baker High School

What are the basic plant organs? (234) Roots Root hairs increase absorption area _________ are the plant organ that absorbs water and nutrients • Tissues transport • Anchor a plant to ground • Some function as food storage (sweet potatoes) Hickox: Baker High School

Basic plant organs (234) stem • A __________ provides support for growth • Moves water from roots to leaves • Moves sugar (food) from leaves to roots • Contains tissues for transporting food, water and other materials • Sometimes contain food storage or photosynthesis Hickox: Baker High School

Non-seed Vascular Plants 22.2 rhizome sporangia sorus What is the structure of ferns? 1. (has roots, stems, and leaves) 2. The main stem is underground and is called a ________. 3. On the under area of a frond, the leaves you may see tiny brown circles. These clusters are spore-producing __________. Each cluster forms a _______. Hickox: Baker High School

Most plants we are familiar with have stemsmade of tube-like, long cells for transportingwater and food called ________ ______ Most of the vascular tissue is found in the trunkandstems Vascular tissue Water Transport Video Hickox: Baker High School

Hickox: Baker High School

Vascular and Nonvascular Plants (235) Vascular plants long distance • Plants that contain vascular tissue are called ___________ _________. • Can transport water a _________ _________ • Have fibers to be able to grow tall • Nonvascular plants include mosses, hornworts, and liverworts and do not contain vascular tissue. • Reproduce with alternations of generations • Only are a few cells thick • Water and nutrients travel by osmosis • Live close to the ground Hickox: Baker High School

Hornwort (Nonvascular plant) Hickox: Baker High School

Nonvascular Plants Liverworts Hickox: Baker High School

Nonvascular Plants Moss Reproduction in Mosses Video Hickox: Baker High School

What is a seed? (235) seed diploid 29)A __________ is a plant organ that contains an embryo and food supply covered in a hard protective coat. 30) Protects the embryo from drying out 31) Seed are __________, since they contain two of each kind of chromosome. 32) In non-seed plants such as in mosses and fern, the sperm require a film of water on the plant in order to reach the EGG. • This is why moist habitats are required Hickox: Baker High School

Seed Embryo Seed coat Food supply COTYLEDON Hickox: Baker High School

What is alternation of generations in plants? (235) gametophyte haploid spores diploid haploid male female 33) Includes two stages, one generation is the ____________ generation, which produces gametes of ___________ cells. 34) During the sporophyte generation, _______ are produced, which are _________. 35) In non-seed vascular plants such as ferns, spores are released and grow into ____________ gametophyte plants, producing _______ and _________ gametes. Hickox: Baker High School

Alternation of Generations Asexual reproduction (2n) Sexual reproduction (1n) Hickox: Baker High School Hickox: Baker High School Biology.

Fern Life Cycle (alternation of generations) 36) In non-seed vascular plants such as ferns, spores are released and grow into haploidgametophyte plants, produce male andfemale gametes. Hickox: Baker High School

Alternation of Generations Hickox: Baker High School

Mature Fern Sorus under frond Sporangium with spore diploid haploid Egg and Sperm unite producing Sporophyte Young sporophyte Spore Germinates Prothallus Archegonia & antheridium on Prothallus Hickox: Baker High School

Non-seed Vascular Plants 22.2 sporangia • Sporangia (spores) • Frond • Under frond - Sorus Hickox: Baker High School

Chapter 22.1 Reinforcement and Study Guide page 97 • 9. Nonvascular plants are not as common or as widespread as vascular plants (B) the life functions of nonvascular plants require a close association with water. • 10. The life cycle of nonvascular plants includes an alternation of generation between a (c) diploid sporophyte and a haploid gametophyte) • Fossil and genetic evidence suggests that the first land plants were (C) liverworts. • Chapter 22.2 Reinforcement and Study Guide page 98 • Unlike vascular plants, the spore-producing (1) sporophyte is the dominant generation in vascular plants. A major advance in vascular plants was the adaptation of (2) leaves to form structures that protect the developing (3) reproductive cells or zygote. Hickox: Baker High School

What is a plant? (21.1 Adapting to Life on Land) • (Alternation of Generations) (6 – 18) • The lives of all plants consist of two alternating stages, or (6) generations. The gametophyte generation of a plant is responsible for development of (7) gametes. All cells of the gametophyte, including the gametes are haploid. The (9) sporophyte generation is responsible for the production of spores. All cells of the sporophyte are (10) diploid . The spores are produced by the sporophyte plant by (11) meiosis and are, therefore, haploid. • The lives of seed plants include two generations that alternate. • The generation of a plant responsible for producing gametes is the gametophyte generation. • Gametophyte spores are haploid and sporophyte tissue cells are diploid. Hickox: Baker High School

What is a plant? (21.1 Adapting to Life on Land) • Non-seed plants release spores into the environment that grow into gametophytes. • What is the difference between vascular and nonvascular plants? Vascular plants have long, tube-like cells that form tissues that transport food, water, and other materials. Nonvascular plants have thin tissues that allow nutrients and water to travel from one cell to another by osmosis and diffusion. • Some land plants produce seeds. What is their function? How do they differ from spores? Seeds protect the embryos and spores protect haploid cells and keep them from drying out. Seeds have a diploid embryo and a food supply that are covered with a protective coat. Spores have a haploid cell with a hard protective covering. Hickox: Baker High School

What is a plant? (21.1 Adapting to Life on Land) 18. How do algae and land plants take in substances? Algae live in water and absorb dissolved substances directly into their cells. Most land plants absorb dissolved substances from the soil. Hickox: Baker High School

Survey of the Plant Kingdom 21.2 (238) Botanists 37) Phylogeny of Plants (evolutionary history) • Scientists who study plants are ________ 38) Non-seed Plants: use sporesto reproduce. 39) Hepaticophytes: non-seed plants called liverworts; nonvascular, use osmosis and diffusion, to absorb water & nutrients 40) May be ancestors to all plants. Hickox: Baker High School

Survey of the Plant Kingdom 21.2 (239) Hornworts 41) Anthocerophytes are very small, nonvascular and grow in damp shady habitats. They rely on osmosisand diffusion to transport nutrients. Are also called _____________ (resemble horns of animals) Hickox: Baker High School

Survey of the Plant Kingdom 21.2 (239) 42) Bryophytes: are the mosses; are nonvascular; have cells that transport water and sugar. Usually less than 5 cm. tall. Mosses Hickox: Baker High School

Vascular plants Club mosses 43) Lycophytes: Vascular plants that have stems, roots, and leaves. Another name are the ______________ Hickox: Baker High School

Seed Plants: 44) Seed Plants:Have a seed that consists of a plant embryo and a foodsupply and covered by a hard protective coat. All seed plants have vascular tissue Hickox: Baker High School

Vascular plants cones Sega palms Cycads: 45) Look like palm trees but are not. 46) Produce male and female ________, are scaly structures that support male or female reproductive structures. • 47) Commonly called ________________ Hickox: Baker High School

Cycads Hickox: Baker High School

Survey of the Plant Kingdom 21.2 (241) Ginkgophytes: Ginkgo biloba are small trees with fan-shaped leaves. Male and female reproductive structures on separate trees. Hickox: Baker High School

Ginkgo biloba: male Ginkgo biloba: female Ginkgo biloba: sperm Hickox: Baker High School

Conifers cone 47) Conifers are _________ bearing trees. 48) Pine, fir, cypress, and redwood 49) Produce seeds in cones 50) Many have needlelike leaves Hickox: Baker High School

Douglas Fir: Conifer Hickox: Baker High School

Giant Sequoia: Conifer Hickox: Baker High School

Pacific yew: Conifer Common Juniper: Conifer Pine Tree: Conifer Hickox: Baker High School

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The Challenges of Life on Land

The Challenges of Life on Land

The Challenges of Life on Land. Suitable Climate: O 2. Suitable Climate: CO 2. Fig. 3.3 in Willis and McElwain 2002. Land. Rodinia (1 bya). Rodinia Breakup (750 mya).

507 views • 29 slides

Adapting to change

Adapting to change

Adapting to change. Presentation by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Highlights. UN Conference on Environment and Development (June 92).“Think globally, act locally” Millenium Summmit (Sept 2000). Achievement 70% of MDGs related to local entities

350 views • 9 slides

Adapting to Climate Change

Adapting to Climate Change. Activities, Lessons learned, work in progress and recommendations for Latin America and The Caribbean region Climate Change Team, World Bank. Enabling activities. Caribbean Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change (CPACC) $5.0 m. Awareness & capacity building

667 views • 40 slides

Adapting to New Demands on PER Work

Adapting to New Demands on PER Work

Adapting to New Demands on PER Work. Integrating PER, CFAA and CPAR perspectives Anand Rajaram, PRMPS Public Expenditure Analysis and Management May 22-24, 2001. Growing Expectations of PERs. Continue to provide analysis of equity and efficiency of budget allocations

243 views • 15 slides

Adapting To Student Life in London

Adapting To Student Life in London

Adapting To Student Life in London. presented by Cathy Ingram and Catherine Perry Student Counselling Service. Adapting To Student Life in London. Role Play Arriving in a new country - What do we need ?. Adjustment to culture curve. Adapting To Student Life in London.

358 views • 11 slides



BIOMES: CLIMATE AND LIFE ON LAND. Different climates lead to different communities of organisms, especially vegetation. Biomes – large terrestrial regions characterized by similar climate, soil, plants, and animals.

952 views • 46 slides

Adapting to College Life: What We can do to Assist the

Adapting to College Life: What We can do to Assist the

Adapting to College Life: What We can do to Assist the. Returning Veteran. Florida Atlantic University's 5 th Annual Forum on Student Veterans. Supporting Veterans Through College. Understand the veteran Use institutional strengths Look for opportunities to improve services

226 views • 15 slides

Adapting to Work

Adapting to Work

4. Adapting to Work. 4.1 Communicating in the Workplace 4.2 Thriving in the Workplace. Lesson 4.1 Communicating in the Workplace. GOALS Describe effective communications on the job. Explain strategies for effective human relations at work. Effective Communication at Work.

472 views • 29 slides

Adapting to Work

304 views • 29 slides


306 views • 26 slides

How we're adapting to pandemic life

How we're adapting to pandemic life

From haircuts to elevators, our world re-engineered by the coronavirus outbreak.

1.29k views • 38 slides


  1. PPT

    life on land ppt presentation

  2. Goal 15: Life on land

    life on land ppt presentation

  3. PPT

    life on land ppt presentation

  4. All About Global Goals: Life on Land Display Poster

    life on land ppt presentation


    life on land ppt presentation

  6. Sustainable Development Goal #15: Life on Land

    life on land ppt presentation


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  3. Drama preparation video #C3stream land #isaiambalamschool #Auroville

  4. Living With The Land at Epcot

  5. land slide

  6. Life Land ਵਾਲਿਆਂ ਨੇ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਨਵਾ DAR। Mann Bathinde aala


  1. GOAL 15: Life on land

    All these efforts combined aim to ensure that the benefits of land-based ecosystems, including sustainable livelihoods, will be enjoyed for generations to come. Indicators: 15.1.2 Proportion of important sites for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity that are covered by protected areas, by ecosystem type (Tier I)


    AKSHPREETSINGH10B. this ppt help the students to complete the works and save time tis ppt contain 9 slides on subject AI chapter 3 SDG 15 life on land. Technology. 1 of 9. Download now. The key challenges. Climate change threatens. Al can be. which of these.

  3. Goal 15: Life On Land by Ayesha Ahmed on Prezi

    Goal 15: Life On Land by Ayesha Ahmed on Prezi. Blog. April 18, 2024. Use Prezi Video for Zoom for more engaging meetings. April 16, 2024. Understanding 30-60-90 sales plans and incorporating them into a presentation. April 13, 2024.

  4. SDG-Life on Land by Nilaa Muruganandham on Prezi

    Conserve and restore terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. End deforestation and restore degraded forests. Ensure conservation of mountain ecosystems. Protect biodiversity and natural habitats. Eliminate poaching and trafficking of protected species. Prevent invasive alien species on land and in water ecosystem.

  5. Goal 15: Life on land

    A flourishing life on land is the foundation for our life on this planet.We are all part of the planet's ecosystem and we have caused severe damage to it through deforestation, loss of natural habitats and land degradation. Promoting a sustainable use of our ecosystems and preserving biodiversity is not a cause. It is the key to our own survival.

  6. Sdg 15 presentation

    Sdg 15 presentation - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Sdg 15 presentation - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Submit Search. Upload. ... Report. Share. 1 of 10. Download now Download to read offline. Recommended. SDG 15 LIFE ON LAND PPT CH 3.

  7. Life on Land presentation

    The removal of forest or trees from land that will be used for non-land purposes; Examples of this could be shopping malls, parking lots, grocery stores, etc. Landscapes have been greatly altered due to deforestation; Deforestation. A problem since the beginning of time; Only 10% of land was lost due to the small population on Earth

  8. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Life on Land Chapter 2. Terrestrial Biomes • Biomes are distinguished primarily by their predominant plants and are associated with particular climates. • Geographic and seasonal variations in temperature and precipitation are fundamental components. • Predominant plants share similar growth characteristics ...

  9. SDG 15: Life on Land Presentation

    SDG 15: Life on Land Presentation. Posted October 5, 2020 jenjunegood. The life that surrounds us and nourishes our own life exists on land. The natural balance of animals and plants all depend on each other, so preserving as many resources and lives need to be a larger focus in the future. More info about SDG 15 from the UN can be found here.

  10. PPT

    Life on Land. Life on Land. Chapter 2. Terrestrial Biomes. Biomes are distinguished primarily by their predominant plants and are associated with particular climates. Geographic and seasonal variations in temperature and precipitation are fundamental components. 4.67k views • 43 slides

  11. UN SDGs PowerPoint Animated Presentation on Goal 15 Life on Land

    Welcome to a captivating PowerPoint presentation on UN Sustainable Development Goal 15 - "Life on Land"! This meticulously crafted educational resource is designed to engage, enlighten, and empower your audience with a deep understanding of this vital global goal. Explore Life on Land: UN SDG 14 Ke...

  12. Life on Land by Thomas McCarty on Prezi

    Life on Land Progress. Progress is being made everyday to reach our end goal of saving all life on land. People from across the globe are contributing their time and money to help save the planet. With everyone's help, forests and animals are being saved, water is being cleaned, air is becoming cleaner, and ecosystems are able to support their ...

  13. Life On Land 1

    Life-on-land-1.pptx - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  14. Life On Land

    Life on Land - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.


    Life on Land Natural history: Study of how organisms in particular area are influenced by factors such as climate, soils, predators, competitors, and evolutionary history. Daniel Janzen's study case of Guannacaste tree (Enterolobium cyclocarpum) in CR (1981a.1981b) Each tree produce average of 5000 fruit. Most seeds remain on the floor under the trees Large herbivorous animals feeding on ...

  16. Life on Land

    Life on Land. Description: Janzen studied natural history of tropical dry forests in ... Long growing seasons dominated by deciduous plants. Short growing seasons dominated by conifers. ... - PowerPoint PPT presentation. Number of Views: 2550. Avg rating:3.0/5.0. Slides: 36.


    Presentation Transcript. BIOMES: CLIMATE AND LIFE ON LAND • Different climates lead to different communities of organisms, especially vegetation. • Biomes - large terrestrial regions characterized by similar climate, soil, plants, and animals. • Each biome contains many ecosystems whose communities have adapted to differences in climate ...

  18. How to Start a Presentation: 12 Ways to Keep Your Audience Hooked

    1 Make a provocative statement. "I want to discuss with you this afternoonwhy you're going to fail to have a great career." One surefire way to get your audience's attention is to make a provocative statement that creates interest and a keen desire to know more about what you have to say. The presentation above, for example, does just that by ...

  19. Life On Land: Simonas Lankelis-Elwich

    Life on Land - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth, including the variety of species, genetic diversity within species, and diversity of ecosystems. It is important for its recreational, cultural, scientific, and ecosystem balance values.

  20. Life on Land

    Title: Life on Land. Description: Janzen studied natural history of tropical dry forests in ... Long growing seasons dominated by deciduous plants. Short growing seasons dominated by conifers. ... - PowerPoint PPT presentation. Number of Views: 58. Avg rating:3.0/5.0.

  21. International Day for Biological Diversity

    Biodiversity describes the wide range of life forms on Earth, spanning from genes to entire ecosystems. It encompasses the processes that maintain life, including evolution, ecology, and cultural practices. Biodiversity encompasses not only rare, threatened, or endangered species but all living beings, from well-known organisms like humans to ...

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    The Challenges of Life on Land. An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download presentation Download Policy: Content on the Website is provided to you AS IS for your information and personal use and may not be sold / licensed / shared on other websites without getting consent from its author. Download presentation by click this link.

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    An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download presentation Download Policy: ... Biology 12.3 History Life on Earth: Life Invaded the Land. Life Invaded the Land. The Ozone Layer:. The sun provides both life-giving light and dangerous ultraviolet radiation. Early in Earth's history, life formed in the seas where early organisms were ...

  26. Life On Land

    Life on Land - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  27. Pop-Off Politics: Houston Police Department seeks ...

    Check out the latest segment of Pop-Off Politics where we dive into important agenda items in Houston! This week, we explore the Houston Police Department's Real Time Crime Center and the Houston ...

  28. PPT

    Adapting to Life on Land. Chapter 21.1. Characteristics of Plants (233). Review Photosynthesis Video. Multicellular eukaryote Nucleus has true nucleus Membrane-bound organelles Thick cell walls of cellulose Stem and leaves have waxy waterproof coating called _______________.