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Lead Server: Job Description, Salary, and Skills for 2024

lead server job description for resume

As the hospitality industry continues to expand, more and more opportunities for job seekers arise. One such position that is increasingly in demand is that of a Lead Server. In this article, we will delve deeper into what exactly it means to be a Lead Server, their job description, salary, and the skills required.

Overview of Lead Server Position

A Lead Server or Head Server is someone who takes on a supervisory role in a restaurant, hotel or other hospitality environment. As the name suggests, they lead a team of servers and oversee the smooth running of service operations. They are responsible for ensuring that guests are satisfied, that the staff is efficient, and that the establishment runs smoothly.

In addition to their supervisory role, Lead Servers must possess excellent communication and customer service skills, as they often interact with guests to enhance their dining experience. They need to be knowledgeable about the menu, wine list, and other aspects of the establishment.

Importance of Lead Server in the Hospitality Industry

The Lead Server position is vital to the hospitality industry as they are responsible for ensuring the success of the service operation. They play a crucial role in ensuring that customers are satisfied, servers are performing at their best, and overall operations are running smoothly. The Lead Server position is a crucial component in the overall success of the hospitality business.

Lead Servers are responsible for training and mentoring junior servers, which means that they play a significant role in the development of staff in the service sector. They must be able to recognize training needs and help junior servers become proficient in their craft. As a result, the hospitality industry relies heavily on Lead Servers to maintain the high standards of service that customers expect.

The Lead Server position is a critical component of the hospitality industry. The role requires a range of skills and experience that make for a successful Lead Server. This article will take a closer look at the job description, salary expectations, and skills required to excel in this position.

Essential Skills for a Lead Server

As a lead server, you’re expected to have a set of skills that can enable you to manage a team and deliver high-quality services. The following are the essential skills that every lead server must possess.

Effective Communication Skills

Communication is key to delivering high-quality services in any organization. As a lead server, you’ll need to communicate effectively with your team to ensure that they understand their roles and responsibilities. You’ll also need to keep your customers informed of any updates or changes in your services. Without effective communication, it can be difficult to achieve the desired results.

Proactivity and Resourcefulness

A lead server must be proactive and resourceful. You need to be able to anticipate challenges and come up with creative solutions to overcome them. You should also be able to take the initiative to improve service delivery and client satisfaction. In the absence of guidance or direction, a proactive and resourceful lead server can sense what needs to be done and take appropriate action.

Leadership and Team Management Skills

As a lead server, you’ll be leading a team of servers, which means that you’ll need leadership and team management skills. You need to be able to motivate your team to deliver high-quality services and to remain productive. You should also have solid organizational skills that will enable you to manage schedules, delegate tasks, and resolve conflicts within the team.

Attention to Detail

A lead server must pay attention to detail. You need to ensure that all the small details are taken care of to deliver high-quality services. You should also supervise the team to ensure that they’re following the established procedures set by management. Missing details can lead to unsatisfied customers and a damaged reputation.

Multitasking Abilities

A lead server must be able to multitask. You’ll have to monitor multiple workstations, answer phone calls, attend to customers’ needs, and manage your team simultaneously. Being able to handle many tasks at once without sacrificing quality or efficiency is crucial in a fast-paced work environment.

Conflict Resolution Abilities

A lead server must have conflict resolution abilities. You’ll need to deal with difficult customers or coworkers and have the skills to resolve conflicts effectively. You should also be able to manage your emotions and maintain your composure in difficult situations. Handling conflicts well can lead to higher customer satisfaction and better team cooperation.

A lead server must possess these six essential skills – effective communication, proactivity and resourcefulness, leadership and team management, attention to detail, multitasking abilities, and conflict resolution abilities. With these skills, you can manage your team and deliver high-quality services to your customers.

Job Description

As a Lead Server, you play a critical role in ensuring excellent service and satisfaction for customers. You are responsible for overseeing the dining experience, from setting up the dining room or banquet hall to handling payments and transactions.

Duties and Responsibilities

Your duties and responsibilities as a Lead Server include:

1. Setting up the Dining Room or Banquet Hall

You are responsible for ensuring the dining room or banquet hall is set up correctly, including settings, decorations, and all necessary items, such as cutlery, glassware, and linens. You must also ensure that the dining area is clean and tidy, with all equipment and supplies in good condition.

2. Greeting and Seating Customers

As the Lead Server, you are the first point of contact for customers. You must greet them warmly, create a friendly, welcoming atmosphere, and ensure that they are seated comfortably and appropriately. You must also ensure that all customers are attended to promptly and efficiently, handling any special requests or requirements.

3. Taking Orders and Serving Food and Beverages

You must take customers’ orders accurately and efficiently, ensuring that they receive the food and beverages they’ve ordered in a timely manner. As the Lead Server, you are responsible for overseeing the entire serving process, ensuring that everything runs smoothly, and guests are happy with their service.

4. Supervising and Supporting Team Members

As a Lead Server, you are responsible for supervising and supporting your team members. You must delegate tasks appropriately, ensuring that everyone is working to their full potential, and resolving any conflicts or issues that may arise. You must also be available to offer guidance, support, and training where necessary.

5. Handling Payments and Transactions

Finally, you must handle all payments and transactions accurately and efficiently. This includes calculating bills, processing payments, issuing change, and updating records. You must also ensure that all financial information is kept secure and confidential.

Skills Required

To be an effective Lead Server, you need to possess the following skills:

  • Excellent customer service skills
  • Strong communication skills
  • Excellent organizational skills
  • Good leadership skills
  • Great attention to detail
  • Ability to work well under pressure
  • Ability to multitask
  • Good time management skills
  • Good problem-solving skills
  • Ability to work well in a team

The salary for a Lead Server varies depending on an individual’s level of experience, skills, and location. However, the average salary for a Lead Server in the US is around $35,000 per year.

A Lead Server plays an essential role in creating a positive dining experience for customers. They must excel in customer service, leadership, and communication skills, in addition to being able to multitask and work well under pressure. The salary for a Lead Server is competitive, making it an excellent job opportunity for those who want to work in the food service industry.

Required Education and Training

Becoming a Lead Server typically requires a combination of formal education, on-the-job training, and relevant certifications and licenses. In this section, we will provide an overview of each of these education and training requirements.

Formal Education and Degree Programs:

Most Lead Server positions require a high school diploma or equivalent. Many employers prefer candidates who have completed some postsecondary education, such as an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in hospitality, culinary arts, or a related field. A formal education can provide training in customer service, food and beverage service, and other skills that are essential for success in this role.

On-the-Job Training and Work Experience:

Lead Servers often learn on the job through training and work experience. This can include training in customer service protocols, food and beverage service procedures, table settings, communication skills, and conflict resolution. Work experience in related industries, such as restaurants, hotels, or catering services, is also valuable. In some cases, Lead Servers may start as entry-level servers and work their way up through the ranks.

Certifications and Licenses:

Some Lead Server positions may require specific certifications or licenses. For example, Lead Servers who serve alcoholic beverages may need to obtain a state-issued alcohol service certification. In addition, some employers may require Lead Servers to have a food safety certification, such as a ServSafe® certification. These certifications demonstrate that the Lead Server has the knowledge and skills required to perform their job duties safely and effectively.

Lead Servers require a combination of education, training, and certifications to succeed in their role. A solid foundation in customer service, food and beverage service, communication, and conflict resolution is essential. Employers may prefer candidates who have completed some postsecondary education and have relevant work experience. Obtaining relevant certifications and licenses can also demonstrate expertise and knowledge in the field.

Salary Ranges

As with any profession, salary ranges for lead servers vary depending on several factors such as experience and location. According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the national average salary for lead servers is $13.53 per hour, which equates to approximately $28,100 annually. However, this figure does not include tips and other bonus compensation that servers may receive.

It’s essential to note that many variables can affect a lead server’s salary, including:

Location: Salaries for lead servers can differ based on their geographical region. For example, servers working in urban areas may earn more than those working in rural areas. Cost of living is an important factor to consider when comparing salaries across different regions.

Type of establishment: The salary for a lead server can differ depending on the type of establishment in which they work. For instance, lead servers in upscale restaurants or hotels may earn a higher salary than those in diners or fast-food chains.

Years of experience: A lead server’s salary will likely increase as they gain more experience working in the industry. More experienced servers are often more efficient, work more quickly and accurately, and are better at communication, which can make them more valuable to employers.

When comparing the average salary for lead servers to other hospitality industry positions, it’s clear that the job pays relatively well. For example, the national average salary for a fast-food worker is $9.50 per hour, and the average salary for a bartender is $12.12 per hour. Meanwhile, according to data from the research, the average salary for a restaurant manager is $52,775 annually.

While the salary range for a lead server can vary across different locations and establishments, the national average salary is relatively good. Also, compared to other positions within the hospitality industry, the role of lead server offers competitive earnings.

Work Environment and Hours

As a lead server, you can expect a fast-paced work environment with long hours, especially during peak business hours. The work schedule for lead servers will vary depending on the establishment’s needs and customer demand. You will be expected to work evenings, weekends, and holidays.

Work Schedules and Availability Needs for Lead Servers

Lead servers need to be flexible when it comes to their work schedules. Their availability needs will vary depending on the establishment they work for. Some restaurants may require high availability, while others may be more lenient. However, lead servers should be prepared to work at least 40 hours per week.

Mode of Work and Setting of Work

The mode of work and setting will depend on the establishment. Lead servers can work in various settings, including fine dining restaurants, cafeterias, or catering companies. They should have excellent communication skills, as they will be working in a fast-paced environment with many moving parts. A lead server should be comfortable using a computer, as many establishments use point of sale (POS) systems to process orders and payments.

Working with Different Groups of People

As a lead server, you will work with various groups of people, including customers, other servers, and kitchen staff. You should be prepared to handle difficult customers with tact and professionalism. You will need to multitask to take care of your customers while working with kitchen staff to ensure orders are delivered promptly. Lead servers are also responsible for training new servers, so excellent leadership skills are a must.

Working as a lead server can be demanding, but it offers plenty of opportunities for growth and development. The work environment and hours can be challenging, but the satisfaction of providing excellent service and leading a team make it a rewarding career for those who are up for the challenge.

Benefits and Perks

As a lead server, you can expect to receive a range of benefits and perks from your employer. This section discusses the basic and additional benefits often provided, the differences between working for large chains versus small establishments, and the opportunities for advancement and growth.

Basic Benefits Offered by Employers

Most employers offer basic benefits to their employees, including lead servers. These include:

  • Health insurance: Many employers provide affordable health insurance plans for their employees, allowing them to access medical care when needed.
  • Paid time off: Paid time off (PTO) is common among servers, allowing them to take a certain number of days off each year for vacation, sick leave, or personal reasons.
  • Retirement benefits: Some employers offer retirement benefits, such as 401(k) plans, to help employees save for the future.
  • Worker’s compensation: In the event of an on-the-job injury, employers typically provide worker’s compensation to help cover medical costs and lost wages.

Additional Benefits Offered by Employers

In addition to basic benefits, employers may offer additional perks to attract and retain employees. Some examples include:

  • Flexible scheduling: Flexible schedules can be helpful for lead servers juggling work with other responsibilities, such as school or caregiving.
  • Employee discounts: Some restaurants offer employee discounts on food and drinks, which can be a nice perk for servers who enjoy dining out.
  • Performance bonuses: Employers may offer bonuses or incentives to servers who meet specific performance goals, such as selling a certain number of menu items or receiving positive customer feedback.
  • Educational opportunities: Some employers provide reimbursement for job-related education or training, which can be beneficial for lead servers looking to develop their skills and advance their careers.

Employment with Large Chains versus Small Establishments

When considering job opportunities as a lead server, it’s important to weigh the benefits of working for large chains versus small establishments. Large chains often provide more extensive benefits packages and may have more opportunities for advancement within the company. However, working for a smaller establishment may offer a more personalized work environment and the opportunity to build stronger relationships with customers.

Advancement and Growth Opportunities

As a lead server, there are several opportunities for advancement and growth within the industry. Some options include:

  • Management positions: Many lead servers go on to become restaurant managers, overseeing staff and operations.
  • Sommeliers or mixologists: For those with a passion for wine or cocktails, becoming a sommelier or mixologist can be a rewarding career path.
  • Catering or event planning: Experience as a lead server can be valuable for those interested in catering or event planning, as it provides familiarity with foodservice and customer needs.
  • Entrepreneurship: With the right skills and experience, some lead servers choose to start their own catering or event planning businesses.

Job Outlook and Demand for Lead Servers

Lead servers are crucial members of the hospitality industry – they manage Hote’s and assist guests with their needs, working with a team of servers to ensure an enjoyable experience. As the hospitality industry continues to grow, the demand for lead servers is also increasing.

Current Industry Trends and Growth Patterns

Recent industry reports suggest that the hospitality industry is experiencing significant growth – this includes hotels, restaurants, cafes, and bars. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment of food and beverage serving-related jobs, including lead servers, is projected to grow 8 percent from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations. This growth is primarily driven by a growing population that increases demand for food services.

Additionally, current industry trends are moving towards more personalized service and experiences, such as specialty dining and private events. These trends create exciting opportunities for lead servers to showcase their talents and serve as ambassadors for the industry.

Future Job Growth Prospects

The projected job growth for lead servers is promising, as more hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality establishments continue to open. The BLS notes that the projected demand for lead servers will be higher in areas with increased tourism, such as coastal cities and resort towns.

Moreover, as more people seek to experience unique dining experiences and event spaces, there is also the potential for technological advancements such as online reservations, food delivery, and ordering services to change the way lead servers operate.

Factors Affecting Future Growth

Several factors could potentially impact the job outlook and demand for lead servers moving forward. One of which is the ongoing pandemic and its effects on the hospitality industry. With reduced travel and social distancing measures, many restaurants and hotels have had to adjust their operations, leading to a decline in employment opportunities.

Another factor includes consumer trends – as preferences shift towards healthier food options and different dining experiences, lead servers may have to adapt to changing customer needs, including providing education on different types of cuisine or beverage pairings.

The demand for lead servers remains strong, and the job outlook is promising, especially in areas with increased tourism. Technological advancements and changing consumer preferences may require lead servers to adapt, but with their skills and experience, they are well-equipped to meet the changes in the industry.

Interview Tips and Questions

Congratulations on landing an interview for a Lead Server position! Now it’s time to prepare for the big day. Here are some tips on how to make a great impression during the interview:

Preparing for the Interview

Research the company: Before the interview, it is essential to research the company you are interviewing for. You should know their history, mission, values, and any recent news or developments.

Practice interview questions: Practicing interview questions will help you feel more confident and prepared. Anticipate questions that the interviewer may ask and prepare answers in advance.

Dress professionally: Your appearance is crucial during the interview process. Dress appropriately for the position and the company culture. It’s better to be overdressed than underdressed.

Bring copies of your resume: Bring several copies of your resume to the interview. It’s also a good idea to bring a notepad and pen to take notes.

Common Questions Asked by Employers

Here are some common questions that employers might ask during a Lead Server interview:

Tell us about your experience in the food service industry.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

How do you handle difficult customers?

Can you give an example of a time when you had to solve a challenging problem?

How do you prioritize tasks in a fast-paced environment?

Best Answers and Strategies to Ace the Interview

To ace the interview, here are some tips for answering common questions and standing out from other applicants:

When discussing your experience in the food service industry, highlight any leadership or mentoring roles you have had. Employers are looking for someone with leadership experience to fill the Lead Server position.

When discussing your strengths and weaknesses, focus on your strengths and present your weaknesses in a positive light. You can mention an area in which you are working to improve or learn more about.

When discussing how you handle difficult customers, emphasize your ability to remain calm and professional when dealing with challenging situations. You can also provide an example of a time when you went above and beyond to resolve a customer’s issue.

When discussing problem-solving abilities, showcase your critical thinking and decision-making skills. Provide an example of a time when you came up with a creative solution to a problem.

When discussing how you prioritize tasks in a fast-paced environment, talk about your time management skills and ability to multitask. Highlight any experience you have with managing a busy section or working under pressure.

The Lead Server job interview is the perfect opportunity to showcase your skills and experience in the food service industry. By researching the company, practicing interview questions, and dressing professionally, you can make a great first impression. By providing strong, relevant answers to common questions, you can prove that you are the best candidate for the position. Good luck!

Sample of Resume for a Lead Server

If you’re looking to pursue a career as a lead server, you need to craft a resume that highlights your experience, skills and qualifications.

Introduction to crafting Lead Server Resume

A lead server is responsible for supervising and managing a team of servers, ensuring that all the customers receive the best dining experience possible. Crafting a lead server resume can be challenging, but it’s essential to showcase your leadership, communication and customer service skills.

Necessary Sections in Lead Server resume

When creating a lead server resume, here are the essential sections that you should include:

  • Summary or objective statement: This should be a brief introduction that highlights your key skills, experience, and the type of role you’re looking for.
  • Professional experience: This section should highlight your work history, including job titles, companies and the duration of employment. You should also focus on your accomplishments, such as managing a team, increasing sales or improving customer satisfaction.
  • Education and training: In this section, list any relevant degrees, certifications or training programs that you have completed.
  • Skills: Here, you can highlight your technical and soft skills, such as communication, leadership, time management, and attention to detail.

Tips for formatting Lead Server resume

When formatting your lead server resume, keep in mind the following tips:

  • Use a professional font and avoid using too many graphics or images.
  • Keep the resume length to one or two pages, depending on your experience and career level.
  • Use bullet points to organize information to make it easy to skim-read for recruiters.
  • Customize your resume to fit the job description to show that you’re the right fit for the role.

Qualities of a Reliable Lead Server

As a lead server, it is important to possess certain qualities that allow you to excel in your role. The following are some common qualities that are required for this position:

Strong communication skills : A lead server must be able to communicate effectively with both the kitchen staff and customers. This includes being able to explain menu options, take orders accurately and send instructions clearly to the kitchen.

Leadership skills : Leading a team of servers requires confidence, organization and the ability to make quick decisions. A reliable lead server must be able to delegate tasks, manage time efficiently and handle conflicts in a calm and professional manner.

Industry knowledge : A good understanding of the restaurant industry is crucial to being a successful lead server. This includes knowing how to operate the point-of-sale system, understanding food safety guidelines and having knowledge of wine and beer.

Customer service orientation : Strong customer service skills are essential for a lead server. This includes greeting customers with a smile, anticipating their needs, and handling any complaints with grace and professionalism.

Physical stamina : Working as a lead server can be demanding physically, from standing for extended periods to carrying heavy trays of food and drink. A reliable lead server must be able to handle the physical demands of the job with ease.

A real-life example of a reliable lead server is Max Smith, who has been a lead server at XYZ Restaurant for over five years. Max possesses all the qualities required for the lead server position.

One of Max’s strongest qualities is his communication skills. He is able to explain menu items in a clear and concise way and is always respectful when dealing with customers. Max’s customers often comment on how well he listens to their needs and how he always goes above and beyond to provide excellent service.

Max is also a natural leader, and he is respected by his team. He leads by example and is always willing to jump in and help out his team members when needed. Max is able to delegate tasks while still keeping an eye on the overall flow of the restaurant to ensure everything runs smoothly.

His industry knowledge is also a big benefit to him, as he is able to answer any questions about the menu and provide recommendations for diners, as well as troubleshoot any issues with the POS system.

Finally, Max has outstanding customer service skills. He is always greeting guests with a warm smile and making them feel welcome. Even when dealing with difficult customers, Max remains calm and professional, and his ability to handle these situations with grace is something that is admired by his colleagues.

Max Smith is an excellent example of a reliable lead server. His strong communication skills, leadership abilities, industry knowledge, physical stamina and customer service orientation all contribute to his success in the role.

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lead server job description for resume

  • • Trained more than 50 new hires, improving productivity by 25%.
  • • Achieved 30% more upsells than average, contributing to increased restaurant revenue.
  • • Implemented a new reservation management system, resulting in a 20% decrease in reservation errors.
  • • Surpassed sales targets by 35% consistently, leading to recognition as top sales server.
  • • Managed shift scheduling, reducing team overtime costs by 15%.
  • • Introduced a carbon footprint reduction initiative, reducing waste by 10%.
  • • Consistently recognized for excellent customer service, leading to repeat business.
  • • Initiated a new order-taking process, reducing order errors by 30%.
  • • Proactively identified a potential food allergy incident, maintaining restaurant's impeccable safety record.

5 Lead Server Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your lead server resume must prominently display your experience in the hospitality industry. Highlight the number of years you've led a team and your knowledge of restaurant operations. Ensure you include specific accomplishments, such as improvements to customer service or efficiency. These details demonstrate your impact and leadership skills effectively.

All resume examples in this guide

lead server job description for resume


lead server job description for resume

Resume Guide

Simple guide to your lead server resume format, the experience section of your lead server resume: your professional journey, how to create an impactful lead server resume skills section, lead server resume: certifications and education, crafting the lead server resume summary or objective: a blend of achievements, aspirations, and uniqueness, additional sections to elevate your lead server resume, key takeaways.

Lead Server resume example

A significant resume challenge faced by a Lead Server is effectively communicating their abilities to manage customer relationships, organize workflows, and handle high-pressure situations within the confines of a concise document. Our guide can assist in overcoming this challenge by providing industry-specific examples and actionable tips on how to concisely yet effectively highlight these skills and experiences in a way that appeals to potential employers.

Dive into our lead server resume guide to:

  • Explore top-tier resume examples, offering insights into the industry's best practices.
  • Enhance sections like experience, education, and achievements with expert advice.
  • Articulate your technical prowess and personal attributes, setting you apart from other candidates.
  • Sharpen your focus on the distinct skills that make your lead server resume resonate with recruiters.

Recommended reads:

  • Executive Chef resume
  • Restaurant Assistant Manager resume
  • Pastry Chef resume
  • Office Administrator resume
  • Senior Engineer resume

Successful lead server resumes all have something in common - candidates invest in a simple resume layout . One that is easy to read, makes a good first impression, and is adapted to their professional experience.

There are three distinct resume formats , which help you focus on different aspects of your resume. Those are:

  • A reverse-chronological resume format - puts your most recent experience in the spotlight
  • A functional skill-based resume format that makes your transferrable skills the center of attention
  • A hybrid resume format - it combines skills and experiences.

What's more, keep in mind that your resume usually goes through an ATS (Applicant Tracker System) (i.e. the software used by companies in the hiring process).

The lead server resumes that suit the ATS:

  • incorporate exact match keywords and skills from the job description;
  • should be no longer than two pages;
  • should be submitted in a PDF format, unless specified otherwise.

Upload your resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

Keep your lead server resume clear and concise. Top professionals narrate their career stories while highlighting their strengths.

Don't forget to include these six sections on your agile scrum master resume:

  • A header for your contact details and a summary that highlight your alignment with the agile scrum master job you're applying for
  • An experience section that explains how you apply your technical and personal skills to deliver successful results
  • A skills section that further highlights how your profile matches the job requirements
  • An education section that provides your academic background
  • An achievements' section that mentions any career highlights that may be impressive, or that you might have missed so far in other resume sections

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Proven experience in a server leadership role, showcasing effective team management and the ability to handle high-pressure situations.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of food and beverage pairings, menu planning, and special dietary needs handling.
  • Strong customer service skills, including conflict resolution and complaint management.
  • Experience with restaurant technology, e.g., point-of-sale systems, reservation applications, etc.
  • Certifications relevant to the food industry, such as ServSafe or TIPS alcohol training.
  • Resume Icons
  • Resume Margins

The experience section is your platform to narrate your professional story. Recruiters scrutinize this section to gauge your unique value proposition.

Here are five steps to craft a compelling experience section:

  • Highlight relevant roles, including the company, role description, and tenure, supported by up to six bullet points per role.
  • Emphasize tangible outcomes of your contributions, using quantifiable metrics where possible.
  • Integrate positive feedback or endorsements to bolster your claims.
  • Ensure verb tense consistency when detailing responsibilities.
  • Summarize significant achievements relevant to each role.

Explore how seasoned lead server professionals have crafted their experience sections to secure roles at industry-leading firms.

  • Managed a team of 10 servers, ensuring high-quality customer service and smooth dining operations.
  • Implemented new training program resulting in a 20% increase in server efficiency and customer satisfaction.
  • Collaborated with the kitchen staff to streamline food delivery process, reducing wait times by 15%.
  • Developed and maintained relationships with VIP clients, leading to a 30% increase in repeat business.
  • Created weekly schedules, optimizing staff allocation and reducing labor costs by 10%.
  • Trained new servers on menu knowledge, service techniques, and POS system resulting in improved order accuracy.
  • Organized and executed private events for up to 100 guests, ensuring seamless coordination between front and back of house.
  • Developed and implemented upselling strategies, leading to a 25% increase in average check size.
  • Resolved customer complaints promptly and professionally, maintaining a 95% customer satisfaction rate.
  • Assisted in inventory management, reducing waste by 12% through accurate forecasting and stock rotation.
  • Delivered exceptional service to a diverse clientele, resulting in consistent positive feedback and increased tips.
  • Collaborated with the chef to create seasonal specials, boosting restaurant revenue by 10% during peak periods.
  • Implemented efficient seating plan, maximizing table turnover and reducing wait times by 20%.
  • Trained and mentored junior servers, improving their knowledge and performance within the team.
  • Established strong relationships with local suppliers, ensuring high-quality ingredients and timely deliveries.
  • Provided attentive service to a high-volume restaurant, maintaining composure during busy periods.
  • Collaborated with a team of servers to expedite food delivery, resulting in a 15% decrease in wait times.
  • Implemented effective communication system with kitchen staff, reducing errors in order preparation by 10%.
  • Assisted in training new hires on service standards and restaurant policies.
  • Contributed to menu planning and participated in taste-testing sessions for new dishes.
  • Served customers in a fast-paced environment, maintaining professionalism and accuracy.
  • Collaborated with the barista team to ensure prompt delivery of beverage orders.
  • Operated the cash register and handled customer payments with precision.
  • Provided recommendations to customers based on their preferences and dietary restrictions.
  • Maintained cleanliness and organization of the dining area, adhering to health and safety regulations.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Include the number of customers served on a daily or weekly basis to show your efficiency and capability to handle high-volume service.
  • List the total amount in dollars of sales you generated, highlighting your ability to upsell and contribute to the restaurant's profit.
  • State the number of different dishes or drinks you were responsible for, demonstrating your knowledge of a diverse menu.
  • Specify the size of the team you led or coordinated, indicating your leadership and team management skills.
  • Mention any percentage increase in customer satisfaction or tips received, signifying your customer service skills.
  • Note if you trained any number of new servers, showing your ability to mentor others and contribute to a unified team environment.
  • Document any decrease in order errors or service inefficiencies in percentages, revealing your attention to detail and commitment to quality service.
  • Quantify the number of peak hours or rush periods handled successfully, underlining your ability to work effectively under pressure.

Tips for lead server newcomers launching their careers

Lacking extensive experience for that lead server role? No worries.

Sometimes, hiring managers go for the unexpected candidate when they see potential.

Here's how to convince them you're the right fit:

  • Opt for the functional skill-based or hybrid formats to highlight your unique professional value.
  • Always tailor your lead server resume to emphasize the most critical requirements, usually listed at the top of the job ad.
  • Compensate for limited experience with other relevant sections like achievements, projects, and research.
  • In your lead server resume objective, pinpoint both your achievements and how you envision your role in the position.
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When detailing your career journey, there's no need to delve deep into early roles. Prioritize what resonates with recruiters. For senior positions, a decade-long retrospective can effectively illustrate your evolution.

Recruiters always care about the skill set you'd bring about to the lead server role. That's why it's a good idea to cherry pick yours wisely, integrating both hard (or technical) and soft skills.

Hard skills are gained through studying, are certifiable, and it's impossible to do your job without them. All in all, they show your suitability for the technical aspect of the role.

Your soft skills are those personality traits you've gained over time and most often than not - outside of the workplace. Soft skills are more difficult to quantify but are definitely worth it - as they show how you'll fit and adapt into a new team environment.

How do you build the skills section of your resume?

  • Include up to five or six skills in the section as keywords to align with the advert.
  • Create a specific technical skills section to highlight your hard skills aptitude.
  • Read more about the culture of the company you're applying and cherry pick the soft skills you have that deserve a mention.
  • Make sure you answer the majority of the job requirements that are in the advert within your skills section.

A lead server's resume requires a specific skill set that balances both industry-specific hard skills with personal, soft skills. Discover the most often used ones on lead server resumes from our list:

Top skills for your lead server resume

Food and beverage knowledge

POS system operation

Order management

Inventory control

Cash handling skills

Table setting and service protocols

Health and safety regulations

Menu memorization

Reservations system management

Knowledge of wine pairings and mixology

Customer service orientation

Communication skills

Conflict resolution

Leadership abilities

Patience and composure under stress

Attention to detail

Problem-solving skills

Time management


When detailing your skills, always back them up with tangible evidence, be it quantifiable results or certifications.

Boost your lead server resume by:

  • Featuring recent and relevant certificates.
  • Listing basic details: certificate name, school, and dates.
  • If you lack experience, highlight skills from your education.
  • Only include valid license numbers if needed.

Job ads often list desired education and certificates. Match these with top industry certificates.

Best certifications to list on your resume

  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional (AWS CSA-P) - Amazon Web Services
  • Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) - Red Hat

If you have basic certificates, place them in the skills or experience section. This saves space for high-demand industry certificates.

  • Cum Laude on Resume
  • Continuing Education on Resume

Whether you opt for a resume summary or objective depends on your career trajectory.

  • If you have a rich tapestry of relevant achievements, a resume summary can spotlight these accomplishments.
  • If you're relatively new or transitioning, a resume objective can articulate your aspirations and how they align with the role.

Regardless of your choice, this section should encapsulate your unique value proposition, blending your technical and interpersonal strengths.

Resume summary and objective examples for a lead server resume

  • With over six years of experience as a Lead Server at upscale restaurants in New York City, I have developed strong leadership abilities and outstanding customer service skills. My proven track record in improving dining experiences through comprehensive knowledge of food pairing and wine selection stands testament to my capability.
  • Experienced Lead Server with more than 10 years in the hospitality industry. Recognized for maintaining high standards for taste and presentation leading to a consistent 15% increase in upselling profits. Skilled at training new staff and streamlining operations for efficiency.
  • A Registered Nurse seeking to transition into the restaurant industry. Well-versed in multitasking under pressure, managing teams, and providing exceptional client service. Committed to the highest standards of professionalism and quality assurance, I aim to apply my skills as a Lead Server.
  • As a seasoned Retail Manager desiring to leverage extensive team management, problem-solving, and customer service skills in the restaurant business. Eager to contribute to creating a memorable dining experience using excellent communication skills and in-depth product knowledge.
  • Recent hospitality graduate with a keen interest in the restaurant business. Seeking an opportunity as a Lead Server to utilize academic knowledge coupled with a personal passion for food and beverages to create engaging customer experiences.
  • Energetic and customer-oriented individual, eager to start a career as a Lead Server. Offers excellent interpersonal skills, attention to detail, and a deep appreciation for the culinary arts. Aim to utilize these attributes to enhance the customer dining experience.

Recruiters often seek candidates who offer more than just the basics.

To stand out, consider adding:

  • Interests : Share hobbies or activities that reveal your personality and transferable skills.
  • Projects : Highlight innovative work that showcases your expertise.
  • Languages : If communication is vital for the role, showcase your linguistic abilities.
  • Awards : Feature significant recognitions that underscore your expertise.
  • Pay special attention to the tiny details that make up your lead server resume formatting: the more tailored your application to the role is, the better your chances at success would be;
  • Select the sections you include (summary or objective, etc.) and formatting (reverse-chronological, hybrid, etc.) based on your experience level;
  • Select experience items and, consequently, achievements that showcase you in the best light and are relevant to the job;
  • Your profile will be assessed both based on your technical capabilities and personality skills - curate those through your resume;
  • Certifications and education showcase your dedication to the particular industry.

lead server resume example

Looking to build your own Lead Server resume?

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How to Explain Being Fired on a Job Application: Tips and Strategies

The success journey: marissa mayer’s pre-yahoo resume, what are you passionate about: best interview answers, expert advice on the best jobs for introverts - 20 careers to find success in, choosing the right resume adjectives, ahead of the trend: how quiet hiring could affect your career in 2024.

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Lead Server Resume Samples

A Lead Server is a food and beverage service professional who is experienced and skillful in the area of serving and providing amazing guest service. The common responsibilities highlighted on the Lead Server Resume include the following – ensuring customer’s get a great dining experience , greeting and serving guests; assisting in menu selection ; assisting the managers and the owners by undertaking tasks like balancing cash register and scheduling work tasks to employees; training new hires, leading wait staff; and ensuring the dining area is always neat and sanitized.

To provide such dining experience, these servers need the following qualities – exceptional knowledge of menu items and cook items; familiarity with food preparation and presentation standards; proficiency with food serving techniques, and immense knowledge of restaurant POS systems. The resumes need not contain any formal education beyond a high school diploma.

Lead Server Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Hospitality
  • Lead Server

Lead Server Resume

Summary : Lead Server with exceptional customer service and communication skills looking for a job in your company. Exceptional knowledge of menu items, cook time, and ingredients.

Skills : Customer Service Skills, Management.

Lead Server Resume Sample

Description :

  • Serve food and beverages in an efficient, courteous, and professional manner.
  • Balance and enter sales reports into computer.
  • Formally recognized for excellent customer service on multiple occasions.
  • Developed a broad base of regular customers due to excellent service.
  • Won numerous brand sponsored sales contests.
  • Front of the House Trainer Trained new employees to provide quality service that met or exceeded corporate standards.
  • Acted in a supervisory role ensuring standards were understood and implemented.

Restaurant Lead Server Resume

Objective : Intend to contribute to the company by increasing sales and maintaining a constructive working environment through the utilization of fine customer service, professional communication skills, sustain a positive attitude, and exceptional work ethic. And more importantly, preserve customers as our main priority. Self-motivated, confident, fast-paced, productive, and fast- learner individual ready to utilize full potential in a company seeking an ethical and valuable employee.

Skills : Excellent communication skills to interact with the guests.

Restaurant Lead Server Resume Example

  • Assisted with order taking and gave full attention to customers.
  • Ran orders to back servers and provided specific instructions on entree's.
  • Trained back servers to become front servers to help meet expectations.
  • Manage team servers for the shift and go over goals for the day.
  • Worked as a cashier, server, hostess and a busser.
  • Maintained more than one task at a time along with meeting aggressive sales goals.
  • Answer phones to take reservations or to-go orders.

Lead Server/Bartender Resume

Objective : To secure a full time position in an environment that utilizes my outstanding customer service skills; while offering greater challenges and the opportunity to build a career with a growing corporation.

Skills : Verbal And Written Communication, Volunteer Training And Management, Conflict Mediation, Marketing, Event Planning, Public Speaking, And Team Leadership.

Lead Server/Bartender Resume Format

  • Set banquet rooms and halls as per instructions of the Chef/ Manager.
  • Ensure that all decorations have been set in accordance to the instructions.
  • Make sure that tables are set with linen, dishware and flatware.
  • Greet guests in a cordial manner as they arrive.
  • Offer welcome drinks and ask guests if they need any additional items.
  • Ensure that food is replenished in a quick manner.
  • Anticipate guests' needs continually and fulfill them appropriately.
  • Lead Server at Governor's Mansion and has served at several private homes for high end events and parties.

Lead Server/Trainer Resume

Objective : Extensive background in customer-oriented service operations, employee relations and scheduling Excellent communication skills maintain positive relations with staff and customers in high-volume, face-paced operations. Proven ability to handle currency and financial transactions accurately; resolve discrepancies promptly/ Familiar with Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, email, and the specialized systems ALOHA, and POS as well as a variety of other data maintenance systems.

Skills : Customer Service, Case Management, Cooking, Human Resources, Medical Records, Insurance Verification.

Lead Server/Trainer Resume Format

  • Responsible for interviewing prospective employees and monitoring new employees.
  • Responsible for the scheduling of up to 25 employees, including kitchen staff, servers, and bartenders.
  • Checking out servers and bartenders at the end of their shifts at the end of their shifts utilizing POINT OS account system, and accounting for all indirect tipping.
  • Run daily reports on POINT OS and balancing the day's receipts.
  • Monitoring all department activities during opening and/or closing shifts assuring adherence to food costs, labor costs, waste and customer service.
  • Responsible for monitoring inventory, maintaining restaurant par levels, placing orders.
  • Responsible for all aspects of entertainment brought into the facility, including the auditioning, booking, scheduling, and payment of the musicians.
  • Responsible for all marketing, advertising and promotions for the restaurant Scheduling of special events, banquets, parties, wedding dinners.

Lead Server/Server Resume

Headline : Highly motivated proactive manager, with years of large volume, fast paced, team leadership. Background includes business ownership, management (outside and inside sales/restaurant ). Focusing on meeting quotas promoting and increasing sales, quality control, and efficient labor and cost. Effectively accomplished using innovative ideas to create new and keep established consumers with superior service and hospitality.

Skills : Computer Skills, Advanced Math, Physics, Mechanical And Technical, Written And Verbal Communication, Creativity.

Lead Server/Server Resume Sample

  • Prepared for and surpassed sales quotas executing new and special menu items.
  • Created a cheerful accommodating experience for clientel acknowledging any and all customers in need of service.
  • Excelled at prompt and detailed personalized service.
  • Acquired numerous consumers requesting personalized table and party service.
  • Accredited with greeting cards, notes and emails complimenting their experience noting the service.
  • Gained respect of my superiors with ethical and quality work performance.Attained a leadership role in my duties.
  • Led and helped all fellow workers in need gaining their admiration and trust.

Restaurant Lead server Resume

Headline : Patient and empathetic Bartender with extensive background in conflict resolution and customer care. Desires a more career oriented role. Friendly Sales Associate adept at working in diverse retail and customer service environments.

Skills : Management, Microsoft Office, Shift Lead.

Restaurant Lead server Resume Example

  • Checked temperatures of freezers, refrigerators, and heating equipment to ensure proper functioning Routinely supported other areas of the restaurant as requested, including answering telephones and completing financial transactions for other staff.
  • Proactively prepared for large parties and reservations, anticipating planning and staffing needs.
  • Addressed diner complaints with kitchen staff and served replacement menu items promptly.
  • Effectively listened to, understood and clarified guest concerns and issues.
  • Served beverages, breads and butter and replenished items as necessary.
  • Consistently provided professional, friendly and engaging service.
  • Resolved guest complaints quickly and efficiently.

Lead Server/Banquet Captain Resume

Objective : Seeking a federal or state challenging position that will enable me to use my knowledge within the field of criminal justice. As an entry-level criminal justice personal, I would like to be a part of and work for the esteemed organization who maintains and keeps a check on criminals and forms justice policies.

Skills : Typing Speed 40 Words Per Minute, Data Entry Terminal, Word Processing Software, Fluent Bilingual In English And Spanish.

Lead Server/Banquet Captain Resume Format

  • Ensured server staff compliance with restaurant attendance and uniform policies.
  • Coordinated with management in handling server disciplinary actions such as warnings and terminations.
  • Provided daily server supervision for both lunch and dinner shifts.
  • Prepared and updated daily server work schedules.
  • Monitored and mentored new servers to ensure efficient dining operations.
  • Conducted regular food supply quality checks.
  • Responded quickly and courteously to guest complaints.
  • Made special menu item recommendations to guests as required.

Lead Server/Beverage Cart Attendant Resume

Summary : To obtain a position as an active employee in a growing, reputable company where I can contribute my experience, proactive attitude, and positive atmosphere to help improve the company and myself.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Customer Service, Customer Relations, Leadership, Telephone Skills, Document Preparation.

Lead Server/Beverage Cart Attendant Resume Sample

  • Apportioned and served food to facility residents, employees, or patrons.
  • Assisted diners with seating as needed Checked the quantity and quality of received products Cleaned and maintained the beverage area, display cases, equipment, and order transaction area Cleaned and prepared various foods for cooking or serving Cleaned bars, work areas, and tables Cleaned up spilled food, drink and broken dishes, and removed empty bottles and trash Managed kitchen operations for high grossing, fast-paced fair concession kitchen.
  • Responsible for daily set up of five stations.
  • Examined trays to ensure that they contained required items ACCOMPLISHMENT Consistently generated additional revenue through skilled sales techniques.
  • Greeted customers upon entrance and handled all cash and credit transactions.
  • Assisted customers over the phone regarding store operations, product, promotions and orders.
  • Cashiered with two cash registers at once in tandem to maximize customer flow.

Lead Server/Dining Room Supervisor Resume

Objective : Seeking a challenging opportunity where I will be able to utilize my strong organizational skills, educational background, and ability to work well with people, which will allow me to grow personally and professionally. I am self-motivated and able to work both independently and as a collaborative team member.

Skills : Excellent leadership and motivational skills, Able.

Lead Server/Dining Room Supervisor Resume Sample

  • Assisted guests with making menu choices in an informative and helpful fashion.
  • Maintained knowledge of current menu items.
  • Delivered exceptional service by greeting and serving customers in a timely, friendly manner.
  • Suggested additional items to customers to increase restaurant sales.
  • Managed closing and opening duties, including restocking items and reconciliation of the cash drawer.
  • Correctly calculated charges, issued bills and collected payments.
  • Inquired about guest satisfaction and fulfilled requests.
  • Continually kept carpets and floor clear of debris.

Lead Server Administrator Resume

Objective : three years of customer service experience good with answering phones, communicating with people fluently in english or Spanish and good with Microsoft programs.

Skills : Insurance Details, Customer Management, Personal Nutrition, Expert Microsoft Office, Certified CPR and First Aid.

Lead Server Administrator Resume Format

  • Recorded customer orders and repeated them back in a clear, understandable manner.
  • Promptly reported complaints to a member of the management team.
  • Served fresh, hot food with a smile in a timely manner.
  • Resolved guest complaints promptly and professionally.
  • Prepared and served beverages such as coffee, tea and juice.Carefully maintained sanitation, health and safety standards in all work areas.
  • Frequently washed and sanitized hands, food areas and food preparation tools.
  • Maintained a neat, well groomed appearance including impeccable personal hygiene, hair restraint and minimal jewelry that met company standards.
  • Worked well with teammates and openly invited coaching from the management team.

Lead Server/Cocktail Server Resume

Summary : I am a hard working individual who drives high sales in both slow and busy shifts. Maintains an orderly and neat store floor at all times. I handle tasks with accuracy and efficiency. I am able to learn new tasks quickly and proficient in growing key customer relationships.

Skills : Microsoft Applications, Telecommunications, Customer Service.

Lead Server/Cocktail Server Resume Format

  • Maintained knowledge of current menu items, garnishes, ingredients and preparation methods.
  • Delivered exceptional service by greeting and serving customers in a timely and friendly manner.
  • Also appropriately suggested additional items to customers to increase restaurant sales.
  • Effectively communicated with kitchen staff regarding customer allergies, dietary needs and other special requests.
  • Regularly checked on guests to ensure satisfaction with each food course and beverages.
  • Managed closing duties, including restocking items and reconciliation of the cash drawer.
  • Consistently adhered to quality expectations and standards.

Objective : Experienced Server/ Bartender looking to obtain a position within an environment where I can exhibit all of my skills and grow within my role while providing consistent exceptional guest experiences, excelling within all position expectations and overall driving restaurant sales Highlights Trained and knowledgeable in liquor, wine and food service Highly responsible and reliable Works well under pressure Extensive hospitality background Exceptional interpersonal skills.

Skills : Great People Skills, Time Management Skills, Detail Oriented.

Lead Server Resume Sample

  • Executed daily operations of the dining room.
  • Explained how various menu items were prepared, describing ingredients and cooking methods.
  • Stocked service areas with supplies such as coffee, food, tableware, napkins, straws and cups.
  • Performed food preparation duties such as preparing salads, appetizers, and cold dishes, portioning desserts, and brewing coffee.
  • Trained and managed new waitresses in the first week and achieved significant improvements in their productivity.
  • Filled salt, pepper, sugar, cream, condiment, and napkin containers.
  • Described and recommended wines and beers to customers.

Table of Contents

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Lead Server Job Description

Lead server duties & responsibilities.

To write an effective lead server job description, begin by listing detailed duties, responsibilities and expectations. We have included lead server job description templates that you can modify and use.

Sample responsibilities for this position include:

Lead Server Qualifications

Qualifications for a job description may include education, certification, and experience.

Licensing or Certifications for Lead Server

List any licenses or certifications required by the position: ITIL, IAT, II, V3, MCSE, MS, III, TABC, MVP, MCITP

Education for Lead Server

Typically a job would require a certain level of education.

Employers hiring for the lead server job most commonly would prefer for their future employee to have a relevant degree such as Bachelor's and High School Degree in Computer Science, Education, Engineering, Technical, Information Systems, Computer Engineering, Administration, Information Technology, Business, Computer

Skills for Lead Server

Desired skills for lead server include:

Desired experience for lead server includes:

Lead Server Examples

  • Microsoft Word (.docx) .DOCX
  • PDF Document (.pdf) .PDF
  • Image File (.png) .PNG
  • Knowledge sharing, best practices
  • Ensure requirements and expected outcomes are well understood
  • Mentorship and career development
  • Provide troubleshooting and root cause analysis for live issues that are escalated to the server team
  • Coordinate with external partner teams to ensure dependencies are planned for and tracked
  • Use Microsoft’s tools and technologies to extend and improve the functionality of our product
  • Write WCF services, business objects, and other middle-tier framework using the .NET framework
  • Development of stored procedures, functions, views, and any code related to the database (including SQLCLR)
  • Performance monitoring and analysis of pre and post production systems
  • Preform database administration functions that include capacity planning, backup / recovery strategies and HA/ DR design
  • Multi-threaded design and development
  • Previous bartending experience is preferred
  • Must have several years’ experience is serving and supervisory skills
  • 4+ years of experience with Microsoft server operating systems (Windows 2008/2012)
  • Participate in project meetings and design sessions with development teams
  • Perform daily maintenance and troubleshooting of servers, verify and ensure tape backups are scheduled and successful on a daily basis
  • Determine a need for any server or infrastructure upgrades and will participate in configuring, designing and implementing such upgrades
  • Server builds and installation of post-OS required software
  • Work closely with DevOps, QA, and Front-end Practice Leads
  • Expert escalation for troubleshooting production issues, assists in development lifecycle, capacity management and strategy, operational standards and procedures, stabilization and optimization, DB instance performance monitoring and tuning, standards identification and compliance, continuous improvement, automation
  • Well versed in SSIS/ SSAS/SSRS providing expert opinion and technical details for business applications by performing capacity planning, workload modeling and prediction
  • Be available for monthly server patching schedule (Saturday)
  • Respond to user calls regarding hardware and software problems, correcting or ensuring that problems are escalated when required
  • Sets up and knows basic operation of all lodge and rental A.V
  • Providing support for Electronic Trading Application Systems, including, build maintenance and repair
  • Assisting with remote support for trading systems globally, at off-site locations and being responsible for completing repairs as problems arise
  • Understanding of how to build and run systems at high scale / load
  • Multi-tier application design and development
  • Extensive knowledge of supporting, implementing & managing Microsoft Active Directory Services
  • Strong understanding of networking theory and application
  • Experience in Exchange 2010/2013 design concepts, roles & functionality
  • Ability to manage, support & troubleshoot Exchange 2010/2013 messaging
  • Provide excellent meal service to ensure customer satisfaction
  • Ensures that the waiter/esses within assigned sections are thoroughly trained in their duties and are knowledgeable about the various dishes prepared by the kitchen
  • Define, architect, & develop scalable back-end components that coordinate well with client-side technologies
  • Develop, innovate & integrate new technologies and tools (including Web Admin Tool front-end functionality)
  • Architect & develop new (and extend existing) back-end architectures with PHP
  • Evaluate new cloud services to meet the requirements of the titles
  • Work with client team to harden back-end and client functionality
  • Scope large tasks, and systems, and assist with execution of non-critical path tasks
  • Oversight of monitoring and operation of our server systems to maximize uptime and resolve issues quickly
  • Mentor and develop the team and participate in code reviews
  • Experience in configuring and Managing SCCM
  • Managing Antivirus (Symantec)
  • Experience in managing blade servers
  • Experience in Incident, Problem, Change & Capacity Management, ITIL preferred
  • Prepare plan of Improvement, discuss with customer & carry out execution
  • Must have managed a team of min 6 members in the past
  • Keep daily operation and whole server infrastructure Up and Running
  • Supervise delivery of server (hosting) systems and services
  • Supervise implementations of complex hosting scenarios as per the various client requirements
  • Participate or drive periodical reviews, audits, projects of the Data services environment for whole region
  • Manage proper monitoring for the effective utilization of the hosting infrastructure resources to resolve the server environment issues
  • Ensure delivery of hosting services as defined in SLA
  • Identify process improvement areas, drive changes in the processes
  • Coach less experienced staff, ensure appropriate trainings are planned for the team to provide services on expected level
  • Manage the server team to meet all established goals and requirements
  • Ensure that that the server team adheres to established coding standards and maintains efficient coding practices
  • Should be capable of managing team issues
  • Must have worked a team lead managing onsite Data Center delivery
  • Knowledge in Configuring and supporting Virtual Desktop technologies(Microsoft remote Desktop services, Netscaler)
  • Experience in MS Lync & Skype for Business
  • Understanding of Office 365 hybrid environment with exchange on premise
  • Understanding & experience on public cloud management
  • Perform research to acquire new knowledge necessary to perform assigned tasks and maintain the technological evolution of the game
  • Ensure the smooth transition of shifts by preparing the shift log report detailing issues, well, instructions
  • Provide daily support for over 200 SQL Server databases with the help of both on and offshore resources
  • Implement the technical procedures, standards and security for support of databases managed by ITS
  • Help document the design, accessibility, and maintenance of database systems
  • Design, develop, and maintain optimized databases for development, testing, production, and training
  • Help Identify database tools which enable efficient database development, management, and utilization
  • Provide database support for SQL Server databases in development, test and production cycles
  • Designing and implementing SQL Server solution for support High Availability, Disaster Recovery, and Database Capacity Management
  • Daily task will include but are not limited to managing backups, database patching, performance tuning
  • At least 2 years of direct management experience, leading a
  • Ability to accurately estimate project scope and duration
  • Ability to manage resources in an ever-changing project
  • Experience with non-relational or NoSQL databases is a plus
  • IOS &/or Android mobile application development
  • Familiarity with container configuration (Docker, Rocket)

Related Job Descriptions

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lead server job description for resume

Lead Server Resume Examples and Templates

This page provides you with Lead Server resume samples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder . Below you'll find our how-to section that will guide you through each section of a Lead Server resume.

Lead Server Resume Sample and Template

What do Hiring Managers look for in a Lead Server Resume?

While scanning a Lead Server resume, hiring managers expect to see the following from a good candidate:

  • Candidates who have experience in the food and beverage industry.
  • Communicate effectively with customers, staff, and management to ensure a smooth and efficient service experience.
  • Handling customer complaints and resolving issues in a professional manner.
  • You can lead a team of servers, assign tasks, delegate responsibilities, etc.
  • Knowledge of menus, wine lists, and other related items.
  • Your ability to work collaboratively with other servers, kitchen staff, and management.

How to Write a Lead Server Resume?

To write a professional Lead Server resume, follow these steps:

  • Select the right Lead Server resume template.
  • Write a professional summary at the top explaining your Lead Server’s experience and achievements.
  • Follow the STAR method while writing your Lead Server resume’s work experience. Show what you were responsible for and what you achieved as a Lead Server.
  • List your top Lead Server skills in a separate skills section.

How to Write Your Lead Server Resume Header?

Write the perfect Lead Server resume header by:

  • Adding your full name at the top of the header.
  • Add a photo to your resume if you are applying for jobs outside of the US. For applying to jobs within the US, avoid adding photo to your resume header.
  • Add your current Lead Server to the header to show relevance.
  • Add your current city, your phone number and a professional email address.
  • Finally, add a link to your portfolio to the Lead Server resume header. If there’s no portfolio link to add, consider adding a link to your LinkedIn profile instead.
  • Bad Lead Server Resume Example - Header Section

Rose 7704 Clay St. Huntley, IL 60142 Marital Status: Married, email: [email protected]

  • Good Lead Server Resume Example - Header Section

Rose Hudson, Huntley, IL, Phone number: +1-555-555-5555, Link: linkedin/in/johndoe

Make sure to add a professional looking email address while writing your resume header. Let’s assume your name is John Doe - here is a formula you can use to create email addresses:

For a Lead Server email, we recommend you either go with a custom domain name ( [email protected] ) or select a very reputed email provider (Gmail or Outlook).

How to Write a Professional Lead Server Resume Summary?

Use this template to write the best Lead Server resume summary: Lead Server with [number of years] experience of [top 2-3 skills]. Achieved [top achievement]. Expert at [X], [Y] and [Z].

  • Example Summary for a Lead Server Resume

5+ Years experienced Lead Server with a passion for providing exceptional customer service and creating an enjoyable dining experience for guests. Skilled in taking and delivering food/drink orders, promoting a clean and safe environment, and serving as the point person for all work-related requests.

  • Restaurant Lead Server Resume Summary Example

Restaurant Lead Server with a proven track record of providing exceptional customer service and creating memorable dining experiences for guests. Skilled in welcoming guests, recommending food and drink options, and keeping service on-track and up to standard. Passionate about tailoring each guest's experience to their unique tastes.

How to Write a Lead Server Resume Experience Section?

Here’s how you can write a job winning Lead Server resume experience section:

  • Write your Lead Server work experience in a reverse chronological order.
  • Use bullets instead of paragraphs to explain your Lead Server work experience.
  • While describing your work experience focus on highlighting what you did and the impact you made (you can use numbers to describe your success as a Lead Server).
  • Use action verbs in your bullet points.

Lead Server Resume Example

Lead Server

  • Ensured accuracy through correct billing, payment processing and cash management practices.
  • Kept updated knowledge of menu and promotions, recommending specific items according to preferences and food allergies.
  • Taught staff how to deliver outstanding service to every customer without sacrificing profit objectives.
  • Handled customer complaints professionally, resolving issues through diplomatic acknowledgement and commitment to service.
  • Displayed enthusiasm and promoted excellent service to customers, building customer relations and successfully increasing walk-in business.
  • Serving 25 tables each night involves: advanced multi tasking, listening and communication skills; natural customer service skills, analytical thinking, retaining and relaying information.
  • Perfected my ability to remain professional and efficient in a fast paced, challenging environment.
  • Improved staff performance by participating in Shift Lead meetings to discuss innovative ways to boost morale and maintain healthy work environments.
  • Oversaw all nightly closing duties such as: breakdown of waitress stations, Night shift-cleaning list, running EOD reports, till counts and deposits, training new hires, resolved in-house conflicts among servers and many other common or spontaneous tasks as needed.
  • Supervised and participated in kitchen and dining area cleaning activities.
  • Served customers, handled customer relations, and assisted other servers as needed.
  • Compiled and balanced cash receipts at the end of the day or shift and other financial activities, such as cash handling, deposit preparation, and account handling.
  • Handled table service and other dining room tasks to address shortfalls due to unexpected absences or unusual service volumes.
  • Trained new servers per ACME's requirements.
  • Assigned work tasks and coordinated activities of dining room personnel to provide prompt and successful service to patrons.
  • Addressed and resolved customer conflicts with managed waitstaff, verifying satisfactory outcomes for involved parties.
  • Provided front-of-house manager with detailed customer metrics to inform stock ordering, reducing food waste and increasing profits.
  • Opened and closed the restaurant on a regular basis and promoted the sales of specials and limited menus.
  • Exchanged cash, counted cash registers, distributed tips, and prepared daily sales reports.
  • Supervise servers and assistants while waiting tables in a fast-paced tourist environment.
  • Strict adherence to health and safety regulations, liquor laws, and art museum rules.
  • Trained staff in the art of impeccable service.
  • Ensured all aspects of production and presentation of service met high quality standards expected by clients.

Shift Lead Server Resume Example

Shift Lead Server

  • Monitor dining room to ensure optimal guest experiences.
  • Work with individual servers to improve performance.
  • Answer customer inquiries and resolve issues promptly.
  • Train new waiters and floor staff on guest service expectations, safety procedures, proper food handling, and restaurant protocols.
  • Greeted customers, answered questions and recommended specials, wine and desserts to increase profits.
  • Checked on guests to verify satisfaction with meals and suggested additional items to increase restaurant sales.
  • Welcomed guests with personable attitude and brought beverage orders while reviewing menu options.
  • Practice good customer relations and attend to customer complaints / queries satisfactorily way.
  • Responsible for maintaining hygiene and cleanliness standards in the outlet & upkeep of all service equipment.
  • Responsible for all service preparations before, during & after the service.
  • Ensure day to day operation and minimize the customer complaints all the times.
  • Consistently monitor products quality being placed in guest room as well as stored.

Top Lead Server Resume Skills for 2023

  • Customer service
  • Communication
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Time management
  • Problem-solving
  • Attention to detail
  • Organization
  • Multi-tasking
  • Menu knowledge
  • Wine knowledge
  • Food safety
  • Cleanliness
  • Salesmanship
  • Flexibility
  • Adaptability
  • Positive attitude
  • Conflict resolution
  • Stress management
  • Dependability
  • Active listening
  • Decision-making
  • Professionalism
  • Tailoring experiences

How Long Should my Lead Server Resume be?

Your Lead Server resume length should be less than one or two pages maximum. Unless you have more than 25 years of experience, any resume that’s more than two pages would appear to be too long and risk getting rejected.

On an average, for Lead Server, we see most resumes have a length of 2. And, that’s why we advise you to keep the resume length appropriate to not get rejected.

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  • Lead Server

5 Amazing lead server Resume Examples (Updated 2023) + Skills & Job Descriptions

Build your resume in 15 minutes, lead server: resume samples & writing guide, ursula roberts, employment history.

  • Coordinate with kitchen staff to ensure timely preparation and delivery of food
  • Assist with menu planning and creating specials
  • Process guest payments accurately and efficiently
  • Track and report daily sales figures
  • Ensure proper set-up of tables, side stations, and service areas
  • Ensure compliance with health and safety regulations
  • Monitor and enforce compliance with alcohol service policies
  • Prepare and submit daily, weekly, and monthly reports
  • Respond to guest inquiries and complaints in a timely and professional manner

Do you already have a resume? Use our PDF converter and edit your resume.

Tony Bailey

  • Greet guests and provide excellent customer service
  • Supervise and train servers, bussers, and other front-of-house staff
  • Monitor and maintain cleanliness and organization of dining and service areas
  • Maintain knowledge of current menu items, garnishes, ingredients, and preparation methods
  • Monitor and manage inventory and supplies

Brad Nelson

  • Assist in the preparation and presentation of food and beverages

Professional Summary

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lead server job description for resume

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Resume Samples & Writing Guide
  • Resume Example 1
  • Resume Example 2
  • Resume Example 3
  • Resume Example 4
  • Resume Example 5
  • Jobs Description
  • Jobs Skills
  • Technical Skills
  • Soft Skills
  • How to Improve Your Resume
  • How to Optimize Your Resume
  • Cover Letter Example

lead server Job Descriptions; Explained

If you're applying for an lead server position, it's important to tailor your resume to the specific job requirements in order to differentiate yourself from other candidates. Including accurate and relevant information that directly aligns with the job description can greatly increase your chances of securing an interview with potential employers. When crafting your resume, be sure to use action verbs and a clear, concise format to highlight your relevant skills and experience. Remember, the job description is your first opportunity to make an impression on recruiters, so pay close attention to the details and make sure you're presenting yourself in the best possible light.

lead server/cashier

  • Multi-task in a fast pace environment 
  • Receive, order and deliver food orders 
  • Assist management in employee scheduling
  • Assist management with interviewing qualified candidates
  • Train new hires to restaurant standards

lead server/ bartender

  • Hostessing, greeting and seating customers including informing them on daily specials
  • Familiar with breakfast, lunch, and dinner services, along with banquets and events
  • Consistently serving tables by providing a friendly and enjoyable dining experience
  • Taking correct orders and being available for customers wants/ needs while having knowledge of the menu and ingredients
  • Preforming in between customer duties including side work, bussing tables, keeping bar or service ally clean and stocked, answering phone calls, and to-go orders
  • Mix, pour and serve drinks for bar customers and all waitstaff

lead server

  • Interpersonal and team building skills with an aptitude for building a relationship with a diverse range of customers and colleagues
  • Count money and prepare bank deposit
  • Investigate and resolve customer complaints regarding food quality, service, and accommodations 
  • Multitask while remaining professional and courteous in fast-paced environment 
  • Ability to listen, communicate, and to relate to others on a personal or professional level

lead server/trainer

  • Managed check outs at the end of the shift for the servers and bartenders.
  • Train new floor staff on guest service expectations, safety procedures, restaurant protocols, proper food handling.
  • Monitor dining room for optimal guest experience.
  • Work with individual servers to improve performance from time management, or increasing food and beverage sales. 
  • Answer guest concerns and resolve issues efficiently. 
  • Manage closing duties, restocking of items and proper set up of the restaurant.
  • Maintain scheduling and event calendars for our food/beer/and wine dinners.
  • All Lead and Head Server duties.
  •  Wine and beer knowledge. 
  • P.O.S. and tablet efficient.
  •  Taught new hires. 
  • Food expertise from description to table. 

lead server/cashier Job Skills

For an lead server/cashier position, your job skills are a key factor in demonstrating your value to the company and showing recruiters that you're the ight fit for the role. It's important to be specific when highlighting your skills and ensure that they are directly aligned with the job requirements, as this can greatly improve your chances of being hired. By showcasing your relevant skills and experience, you can make a compelling case for why you're the best candidate for the job.

How to include technical skills in your resume:

Technical skills are a set of specialized abilities and knowledge required to perform a particular job effectively. Some examples of technical skills are data analysis, project management, software proficiency, and programming languages, to name a few. Add the technical skills that will get hired in your career field with our simple-to-use resume builder. Select your desired resume template, once you reach the skills section of the builder, manually write in the skill or simply click on "Add more skills". This will automatically generate the best skills for your career field, choose your skill level, and hit "Save & Next."

  • Data Security
  • Network Administration
  • Cloud Computing
  • Hardware Maintenance
  • Operating Systems
  • System Administration
  • Troubleshooting
  • Network Protocols
  • Cybersecurity
  • System Monitoring
  • Server Configuration
  • Virtualization
  • Network Security
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Data Center Management
  • IT Infrastructure
  • Linux Administration
  • Data Backup
  • Server Clustering
  • DNS Management

How to include soft skills in your resume:

Soft skills are non-technical skills that relate to how you work and that can be used in any job. Including soft skills such as time management, creative thinking, teamwork, and conflict resolution demonstrate your problem-solving abilities and show that you navigate challenges and changes in the workplace efficiently. Add competitive soft skills to make your resume stand-out to recruiters! Simply select your preferred resume template in the skills section, enter the skills manually or use the "Add more skills" option. Our resume builder will generate the most relevant soft skills for your career path. Choose your proficiency level for each skill, and then click "Save & Next" to proceed to the next section.

  • Communication
  • Interpersonal
  • Time Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • Critical Thinking
  • Adaptability
  • Organization
  • Public Speaking
  • Negotiation
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Attention to Detail
  • Self-Motivation
  • Stress Management
  • Collaboration
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Flexibility
  • Reliability
  • Professionalism
  • Computer Literacy
  • Data Analysis
  • Project Management
  • Customer Service
  • Presentation
  • Written Communication
  • Social Media
  • Quality Assurance
  • Supervisory
  • Risk Management
  • Database Management
  • Documentation
  • Financial Management
  • Visualization
  • Business Acumen
  • Process Improvement
  • Relationship Management.

How to Improve Your lead server/cashier Resume

Navigating resume pitfalls can mean the difference between landing an interview or not. Missing job descriptions or unexplained work history gaps can cause recruiters to hesitate. Let's not even talk about the impact of bad grammar, and forgetting your contact info could leave your potential employer hanging. Aim to be comprehensive, concise, and accurate.

Unexplained Year Gaps and Missing Job Experiences are a No-no

Gaps in your resume can prevent recruiters from hiring you if you don't explain them..

  • It's okay to have gaps in your work experience but always offer a valid explanation instead of just hiding it.
  • Use the gap to talk about positive attributes or additional skills you've learned.
  • Be honest and straightforward about the gap and explain it using a professional summary.

How to Optimize Your lead server/cashier Resume

Keep an eye out for these resume traps. Neglecting to detail your job roles or explain gaps in your career can lead to unnecessary doubts. Grammar blunders can reflect negatively on you, and without contact information, how can employers reach you? Be meticulous and complete.

William Austin

  • Maintains knowledge of current menu items, garnishes, ingredient, and preparations methods
  • Assists with menu planning and creating special
  • Prepared and submits daily, weekly, and monthly report's
  • Trac and report daily sales figuers
  • Ensure compiance with healh and safty regulations
  • Monitor and manag inventory and supplise
  • Assist with menu planning and creating special's
  • Track and report daily sale's figures
  • Monitor and enforces compliance with alcohol service policie's

Avoid Spelling Mistakes and Include your Contact Information

Missing contact information prevents recruiters from understanding you're the best fit for the position..

  • Make sure you're not missing contact information on your resume. That should include your full name, telephone number and email address.
  • Make sure to use a professional email address as part of your contact information.
  • Highlight your contact information and double check that everything is accurate to help recruiters get in touch with you.

lead server/cashier Cover Letter Example

A cover letter can be a valuable addition to your job application when applying for an lead server/cashier position. Cover letters provide a concise summary of your qualifications, skills, and experience, also it also gives you an opportunity to explain why you're the best fit for the job. Crafting a cover letter that showcases your relevant experience and enthusiasm for the Accounts Payable role can significantly improve your chances of securing an interview.

Greetings InterContinental Hotels Group Recruitment Team

I am a highly motivated Lead Server with 9 years of experience in Hospitality. I am excited to submit my application for the Chief Lead Server position at InterContinental Hotels Group, where I believe my skills and expertise would be an excellent fit.

As someone who has always been curious and eager to learn, I have pursued my education and gained experience in areas like Hotel Management to develop my skills in my work. This experience has given me the opportunity to lead major projects and provide my input in diverse areas, which have helped me gain a deeper understanding of the industry. I am excited to bring my passion and expertise to the role at this company and work towards achieving your organization's goals.

I appreciate the opportunity to apply for the Chief Lead Server position. I am committed to making a positive impact on the world, so I am thrilled about the opportunity to join your team and work towards achieving our shared goals for the betterment of everyone.

Showcase your most significant accomplishments and qualifications with this cover letter. Personalize this cover letter in just few minutes with our user-friendly tool!

Related Resumes & Cover Letters






Looking to explore other career options within the Hospitality field?

Check out our other resume of resume examples.

  • Bar Back Resume
  • Wait Staff Resume
  • Waiter Resume
  • Bartender Resume
  • Busser Resume
  • Front Desk Resume
  • Event Staff Resume
  • Chef Resume
  • Baker Resume
  • Hostess Resume
  • Hotel Manager Resume



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Build your Resume in 15 minutes

Lead Server Resume Sample

The resume builder.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Work Experience

  • Alcohol service and Food Handler certifications are required
  • Display high knowledge of restaurant service, policies and procedures
  • Deal professionally with the guest and coworkers
  • Responsible for the service of food and beverage to the Members and guests, adhering to the ClubCorp standards of service. As requested, mentor and train others to ensure adherence within the team
  • Know Members names and greet them promptly in a manner to provide a warm welcome and making them feel at home, setting an example for others as a lead server
  • Flexibility. This is a demanding business and we look for flexibility with work days and hours, but it’s also a lot of fun!
  • Communicate with kitchen for food ordering
  • Ensure prompt delivery of food to the guest’s table
  • Suggest pairings of food to wine or beer
  • Provide guests with excellent customer service
  • Accommodate any needs for reasonable special requests
  • Knowledge of food and wine
  • Prepare room for event (set table cloths, dishes and silverware as needed)
  • Set condiments as needed
  • Serve guests food & drinks during event as required
  • Be able to answer questions related to buffet or menu
  • Meet and Greet -Make initial contact with group contact/ host and review the function details and relay any changes to appropriate departments
  • Communicate with group contact /host throughout the event
  • Thoroughly review BEO and all details of the event
  • Set food and beverage buffets and tables as specified on BEO's
  • Serve food and beverages to the tables or on a buffet, clear buffets and tables
  • Work effectively with the kitchen staff and banquet team to ensure that events are successful
  • Perform set up and breakdown of various food and beverage stations

Professional Skills

  • Excellent communication skills.Job-Related Physical Requirements
  • Accuracy in transactions and cash-handling skills
  • Prior experience as a server
  • Fine dining serving experience
  • Have a passion for delivering unparalleled hospitality and excellent service
  • Tableside wine serving experience
  • Works closely with Food and Beverage manager to address any concerns and creates a positive dining experience

How to write Lead Server Resume

Lead Server role is responsible for basic, training, payroll, printing, water, physical, engineering, compliance, education, inventory. To write great resume for lead server job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Lead Server Resume

The section contact information is important in your lead server resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Lead Server Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your lead server resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous lead server responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular lead server position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Lead Server resume experience can include:

  • Two years server experience
  • Keeping staff apprised of all marketing and programing for the hotel
  • Printing of reports at the end of the shift and banking out in a responsible and accurate manner
  • Monitoring appropriate checklists in support of the dining area cleanliness and readiness standards
  • Providing exceptional service to our guests
  • Promoting the restaurant in daily job interactions

Education on a Lead Server Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your lead server resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your lead server experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Lead Server Resume

When listing skills on your lead server resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical lead server skills:

  • Experience in Node.js API development using TDD and Agile methodologies
  • To maintain a good rapport and working relationship with the staff in the restaurant and all other departments
  • Previous experience as a server or in a food service role required
  • Previous food & beverage, hospitality, restaurant, banquets or hotel experience required
  • Ensures that all tables and trolleys are set up that linen and tableware are clean and in good condition
  • The ability to ensure that each guest receives the same quality experience from first to last

List of Typical Experience For a Lead Server Resume

Experience for in room dining lead server resume.

  • Gather products, set up and serve beverages as needed for bars and beverage stations
  • Handles guest requests for special (off the menu) items
  • Ensures that employees smile at guest and greet by name
  • Ensures that all passenger requests, inquiries and concerns are responded to promptly
  • Assists residents to make selections, places food on trays and carries trays to resident's tables or room
  • Responsible for the front of the house day to day operations
  • Hold monthly and or as needed trainings with Dietary staff
  • Report employee performance issues to the FSD or Executive Chef. Council & discipline employee as needed

Experience For Lead Server / Supervisor Resume

  • Address meal service issues as well as resident issues
  • Have knowledge of property specific events, activities and surroundings to better answer guest questions
  • Print daily reports and insure accuracy of amenity deliveries
  • Insure completion of tray retrieval and floor sweeps
  • A listener and a motivator of all crew members
  • Exceptional F&B product knowledge in order to train staff and communicate with patrons
  • Have an eye for detail in all aspects of the are of responsibility
  • Comply with all ABC rules and regulations

Experience For Team Lead Server Engineering Resume

  • Follow all company cash flow procedures
  • Ensure consistency in service on a daily basis
  • The ability to share the story of the restaurant and specialty products, along with the vision of our culinary team
  • The ability to handle guest inquiry in a courteous and efficient manner and report guest complaints to manager if no immediate solution can be found
  • The ability to determine assigned station from the Open Table floor plan
  • The ability to use/input table and seat numbers
  • The ability to be professional with all aspects of service to our guests
  • The ability to understand and practice empowerment. When assistance is needed, inform the manager, but do not let a guest leave our restaurant dissatisfied

Experience For Lead Server Management Resume

  • The ability to be courteous and display a professional attitude throughout service under all service conditions
  • The ability to upsell guests on additional items available on the menu or specialty items
  • To understand and strictly adhere to the rules and regulations established in the employee
  • Handbook and the hotel’s policies
  • To take breaks as scheduled

Experience For Lead Server & Supervisor Resume

  • Report food problems to Chef and restaurant manager
  • Communicate constantly with the server assistant and/or runner on the immediate needs of the section
  • Provide lateral service wherever is necessary in the hotel
  • The ability to complete all side-work in a timely manner and have stations checked by the manager
  • Carry out all specified instructions given by the manager or supervisor
  • Attend shift briefings and ask questions as necessary

Experience For Catering Lead Server Resume

  • To assist with inventory as needed
  • The ability to use the 10’-5’-3’ rule in all interactions
  • Maintain a professional demeanor at all times to everyone
  • Embody mission, vision and values of the Hotel Irvine daily
  • Understand and comply with all information in Hotel Irvine’s Employee Handbook
  • Be able to do accurate inventory
  • Understand and follow the California Labor Laws

Experience For Technical Lead Server Side Development Resume

  • Fully proficient with the Micros POS system
  • Complete recaps for each shift, and post-convention notes for each large group
  • Supervise the cashier and all servers
  • Check daily boards for team sidework assignments and special instructions
  • Run Pre-meals to give team members information on reservations
  • Assist in other Food and Beverage outlets as needed
  • Cleans and organizes the work area.Formal Education and Job-Related Requirements

Experience For Technical Lead Server Provisioning & Deployment Technologies Resume

  • Handling all food and beverages in accordance with sanitary procedures and standards and complies with all federal, state and local regulatory procedures regarding food service
  • Be knowledgeable of all food and beverage offerings including ingredients, methods of preparation and proper service; be able to explain all food and beverage items listed on the menu
  • Ensure the pantry, common areas, dining area and overall gallery environment is presentable throughout the course of the day
  • Answer guest questions with regards to F&B
  • Monitor hospitality areas to ensure they are kept clean, safe and code compliant. Communicate with Manager any issues and assist as needed

Experience For Technical Lead Server Resume

  • Assess guests’ needs and preferences to make recommendations
  • Some wine knowledge
  • 7:00 - 3:00

List of Typical Skills For a Lead Server Resume

Skills for in room dining lead server resume.

  • Upselling guests at each appropriate opportunity
  • Delighting guests with special celebrations
  • Sharing the story of the restaurant
  • Training new servers
  • Provide friendly yet discreet and unobtrusive service in: greeting, seating and waiting on all guests

Skills For Lead Server / Supervisor Resume

  • Follows up with members and guests to ensure satisfaction and maintains the highest level of service and working with FOH team on continuous training
  • Works with Food and Beverage Manager and Lead Bartender to make sure all opening/closing procedures, and side work are completed
  • Supervise and delegate cleaning and all other tasks as needed to dining staff employees
  • Prepare, take and process payment of checks utilizing proper recording methods
  • Assists setting up orders for servers insuring that the order is accurate, the tray is set correctly and requested items are up to Omni standards
  • Complete all opening and closing procedures on a daily basis in his/her areas of responsibility

Skills For Team Lead Server Engineering Resume

  • Use upselling techniques by promoting appetizers, specials, desserts, wines and cocktails
  • Ensure the smooth transition of shifts by preparing the shift log report detailing issues, well, instructions etc
  • Perform all opening and closing management tasks as needed
  • Ensures all FOH staff are taking care of member and guests needs accordingly and in a timely manor
  • Ensures that setting up is up to Restaurant Standards after meal periods
  • Assists in the pouring of wine as appropriate
  • Insures that the dining areas are kept in a clean and sanitary condition at all times

Skills For Lead Server Management Resume

  • Ensures that the dining room staff meets service standards
  • Makes schedule adjustments to cover call outs & staffing issues
  • Attends monthly food and dining committee meetings
  • Responsible to answer the phone within three rings and greeting guests in a friendly and appropriate manner
  • Take orders for guests following the steps detailed in Omni Moments of Service
  • Successfully lead and finish new hire onboarding process
  • Comply with all company grooming standards
  • To ensure that the surrounding area is kept clean and organized at all time

Skills For Lead Server & Supervisor Resume

  • The ability to monitor operating supplies and reduce spoilage and waste
  • The ability to acknowledge your table following the Hotel Irvine Service standards
  • The ability to assist our guests when they are leaving the restaurant. Invite guests back for future visits
  • Occasionally run food orders from the kitchen & serve to table according to procedures
  • To attend and contribute to all staff meetings, departmental and hotel training as scheduled
  • Use point of sale MICROS equipment efficiently. Follow correct cash and check handling procedures

Skills For Catering Lead Server Resume

  • Take orders according to procedures based on the seat number and in compliance with the restaurant floor plan
  • Check and re-check all tables during service
  • Checks with supervisor before leaving
  • Assist with maintaining proper par levels on inventory in his/her areas of responsibility
  • Assist with labor controls, payroll and scheduling
  • Assist with customer requests, including email receipts, invoices, pre-orders, deliveries
  • Expedite food orders, checking for accuracy and presentation

Skills For Technical Lead Server Side Development Resume

  • Assist the Manager in training team members
  • Oversees the completion of tasks within a catering, restaurant, or suites environment
  • Sets up work areas according to guest/client requests, banquet event orders, Aramark standards, etc
  • Ensures service areas are maintained including replenishment of product, cleanliness, etc
  • Responsible for the daily setup and breakdown of the dining area
  • Complete Server training for all new associates

Skills For Technical Lead Server Provisioning & Deployment Technologies Resume

  • Administer all server testing and 6 month checkups
  • Responsible for issued Aloha Leader card for support with comps/voids/discounts in the dining room
  • Accountable for implementation and maintenance of all service quality standards in the dining room
  • Post checks/Ring in orders
  • Computer literacy with the ability to learn Aloha POS system
  • Extended food and beverage knowledge
  • Proficient in Microsoft Word and basic Excel

Skills For Technical Lead Server Resume

  • Take direction and follow through to ensure safe, consistent five star service
  • Adhere to UDABC rules and regulations
  • Genuine desire to care for guests
  • Maintain a positive and respectful work environment
  • Assist the Manager in daily operations
  • TIPS certified within 30 days of hire
  • Intermediate Microsoft Office and Outlook knowledge
  • Communicate and handle personnel issues and concerns with tact and professionalism

Skills For Lead Server Resume

  • Holidays, Weekends and Evenings required
  • TIPS certified within 30 days of hire - required
  • Intermediate or better Microsoft Office and Outlook knowledge - required
  • Holidays, Weekends and Evenings - required
  • Assists Restaurant or Assistant Restaurant Manager as requested
  • In the absence of Restaurant or Assistant Restaurant Manager
  • Ensures that the staff is properly informed to provide the required service
  • Contacts guests with special dietary requirements

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lead server job description for resume

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lead server job description for resume

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  • It's like magic, we promise
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12 Server Resume Examples for 2024

Stephen Greet

Best for senior and mid-level candidates

There’s plenty of room in our elegant resume template to add your professional experience while impressing recruiters with a sleek design.

Resume Builder

Like this template? Customize this resume and make it your own with the help of our Al-powered suggestions, accent colors, and modern fonts.

  • Server Resumes
  • Server Resumes by Experience
  • Specialized Server Resumes

Writing Your Server Resume

Server resume faqs.

Good news: you’ve found a server job opening, and you can’t wait to apply!

Bad news: in response to the  server job description , you have to write a resume so you can apply.

Does this sound familiar? When  crafting your resume or making a cover letter , we know that nothing is more intimidating than staring at a blank screen. It’s why we want to help you  create a server resume that will land you a job in 2024 .

Our twelve server resume samples are proven to help servers land jobs, so they’re the perfect launching pad for your server resume!

Server Resume

or download as PDF

Server resume example with 8 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • This is also a great place to put metrics related to sales. Did your ability to cross-sell result in higher tips? List how much your tip percentage rose. How often did customers purchase high-profit margin items after your recommendations? These are just a few examples of the metrics and sales experience you can add to your server resume.
  • The  skills section on your resume  should include both hard and soft skills based on the  server job description . Try to include no more than eight skills to avoid overwhelming the reader.

Restaurant Server Resume

Restaurant server resume example with 7 years of experience

  • For example, remember that you can skip the resume objective unless you’re new to the industry. You can also consider changing formats based on your experience.
  • Demonstrating your focus on customer experience (with skills like “customer service” and “verbal communication”) can increase your chances of being called for an interview.

Server Bartender Resume

Server bartender resume example with 8 years of experience

  • For example, if the job description mentions they want a server bartender who provides accurate service, mention you have experience doing exactly that in your objective.
  • If you don’t have time to tailor your objective, leave it out to include more work experience instead.
  • When applying for a dual role like a server bartender, you need to demonstrate on your resume you have expertise in both areas. If the role you’re applying for has a stronger emphasis on one of these roles, then so too, should your resume.

Server Assistant Resume

Server assistant resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Like Aurora flaunts a ServSafe certification as a busser, your server assistant resume can use such a genius strategy to give you an edge over other applicants.

Lead Server Resume

Lead server resume example with 2+ years of experience

  • Nothing damages a restaurant’s reputation like foodborne illness. Got a ServSafe certification to minimize the risk of mishandled meals? Make sure hiring managers see it on your lead server resume.

Experienced Server Resume

Experienced server resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • For example, saying you led close-out processes and trained other servers are great ways to showcase your leadership ability.
  • Formatting your resume  properly means choosing the best layout and adding some of your personality through stylistic elements (for example, your contact header is a great way to add a pop of color).

Cocktail Server Resume

Cocktail server resume example with 2 years of experience

  • Showing that you earned a degree from a top culinary institution, like Johnson & Wales, or a service certification, like the Responsible Beverage Server (RBS), will instantly make you a more serious candidate.

Fine Dining Server Resume

Fine dining server resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • You can help create the right “resume atmosphere” by using a  resume template  to structure your experience according to industry standards.
  • As such, be sure to talk about your experience working as part of a team, especially if you’ve worked with a renowned chef.

Banquet Server Resume

Banquet server resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Luckily, there are quite a few  resume tips  you can use to make your resume a cut above the rest, such as skipping the objective/summary and proofreading your document  multiple  times. With just a bit of research, you can make your resume much more appealing!
  • For example, by mentioning your success at upselling high-margin items, you can show future employers that you care about sales and can increase their revenue.

High End Server Resume

High end server resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Your highlighted bullet points should showcase you increasing sales, bolstering customer satisfaction, and perhaps reducing waste, as evidenced by statements like “a 31% increase in positive reviews” and “boosting sales by an average of $2,652 per month.”

Bottle Server Resume

Bottle server resume example with 6 years of experience

  • You could talk about reducing ordering errors by particular percentage, slashing wait times by specific minutes, or bolstering sales or inventory cost savings by a certain dollar amount. Even better, include an estimate of the number of patrons you served at a specific establishment.

Event Server Resume

Event server resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Even if your accomplishments were all in the  server job description , you can demonstrate your abilities by quantifying your results with percentages and numbers. 
  • Beyond serving tables, how did you go above and beyond? Did you increase revenue through successful upselling? Did you collaborate with co-workers to increase serving efficiency or develop something new?
  • You can make sure your resume makes the cut by using a  resume template , or at the very least, ensuring your styling choices are consistent for each header and section.

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Job seeker works on blue laptop, holding hand to head in question of how to build job application

Servers can find employment in different types of restaurant environments, from casual eateries to fine dining establishments. Servers do more than just serve food—they can also have experience as bartenders, cashiers, hostesses, or other front-of-house positions. Many restaurant servers also have prior experience in sales roles or back-of-house positions, such as prep or line cook. 

Building a professional resume  is a surefire way to make sure employers notice you. Your resume will be ready to make its debut on your next job application when:

  • You showcase relevant skills
  • You adhere to Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) standards
  • You’ve quantified your impact across work experiences
  • You’ve customized your resume for each server job you apply to (after all, a Michelin Star restaurant will look for different qualifications than a laid-back pub)

lead server job description for resume

Tip 1: Showcase your server skills

Did you know that it’s not uncommon for a single job posting to get 200+ applicants? Unfortunately, this often leaves hiring managers overwhelmed and unable to spend significant time reviewing each candidate. As a result, companies turn to recruiters and applicant tracking system (ATS) software to do some of the initial work. 

Recruiters and ATS usually work hand-in-hand to sort through candidates. Recruiters are human resources (HR) workers skilled at attracting applicants, screening resumes, and conducting interviews alongside hiring managers. Recruiters configure ATS software to scan for select keywords in your resume. If there aren’t enough keyword matches, ATS will automatically remove the resume from the pool of applicants, thus reducing the overall workload for the hiring team. 

The downside to ATS is that it can overlook even the best applicants  if they don’t have enough matching keywords in their resumes . Fortunately, once you know how to beat the ATS, you can rest assured that a person will review your application. 

How do you do this? 

The number one way to make it through ATS screening is to include a  resume skills section . The keywords that recruiters program ATS to recognize are the most relevant skills for that specific server job. ATS scans your resume to determine whether your skillset is a match, so carefully curated skills sections help you ensure you have enough matching skills. 

The real challenge is deciding what skills to include. Luckily, the  server job description  itself should offer up key job skills you can use.

Take a look at these server-specific skills a:

  • Knowledge of Food Service Regulations
  • Central Reservations Systems 
  • Bilingual 
  • Wine/beer/cocktail Education
  • Billing, Receipts, and Cash Register Operation
  • Memorization
  • Negotiation
  • POS Systems

Possibly, your skills section could look like this: 

Server resume skills

Tip 2: Ensure your server resume format is correct

Not to be dramatic, but resume format is  everything . If your resume isn’t formatted well, employers will have a difficult time reading it. Plus, ATS won’t be able to properly scan your resume (meaning it may never be viewed by recruiters).

The  best resume format  is one that’s easy to read, flows logically, and is ATS-friendly. We recommend you format your server resume in  reverse-chronological order  with your most recent job experience listed at the top of the page. Here are some other essential formatting tips for making sure your resume is easy to read and passes ATS software:

  • Resume length:  Keep your resume to one full page as possible. Play around with appropriate header/body fonts, header/body text size, and margins to hit the bottom of the page. Put your contact information at the top so it’s easy to see.
  • Bullet points:  Using bullet points makes your resume look less intimidating and dense.
  • Icons and images:  Don’t use them. ATS software doesn’t handle icons and imagery well, plus there’s not much reason or need to include them on your resume when the focus should be your content.
  • The title of the job position you’re seeking:  Taking steps to customize your resume for every job you apply to shows recruiters you care about the job.
  • Error-free:  There’s nothing worse than listing something like “attemrion too detail.” You’re asking a potential employer to hire you, so be professional and  proofread your resume .
  • Use a resume objective/summary (if needed):  You won’t always need an objective or summary, but if you do incorporate this section, you’ll want to make sure to customize it (more on this below).

In the contact header, you should list your name, your desired role, and contact information like your email address, phone number, location, and LinkedIn profile.

Server resume contact header

Server resume objective

Many applicants report confusion about what  resume objectives  are and when they’re needed.  Resume summaries  are also an option, so how are you supposed to know which to use?

Both objectives and summaries are short paragraphs that can be included to enhance some resumes. However, there are a few key differences:

Resume objectives are two-to-three-sentence paragraphs highly specific to each job for which you apply. A thoughtful objective should include:

  • Your experience and the job title you’re seeking
  • The name of the company you’re applying to, and 
  • One to three specific skills that you bring that will contribute to operations.

A resume objective is appropriate for your resume if: 

  • You’re making a significant career transition (ex: from working as a sales associate to working as a server), or
  • you’re an entry-level worker with minimal restaurant work experience. 

To better understand when you’d want to include an objective, let’s go over two examples. First, here’s a generic, uninformative objective: 

Looking for a restaurant job where my skills would help advance the work environment, and I can grow my career. 

  • Why this doesn’t work:  This resume objective doesn’t specify a specific job title, a restaurant, any relevant skills, or how the applicant would positively contribute to the restaurant. 

Now, compare this objective with the poor one above: 

Observant, disciplined, and energetic high school graduate seeking a restaurant server position at Red Robin. My can-do attitude and amiable personality will serve dine-in customers well, keeping happy diners returning and expanding the customer base with professional service. 

  • Why this works:  This resume objective is specific. This entry-level candidate clearly articulates skills and how employment would benefit the restaurant—despite not having job experience as a server. 

Alternatively, a resume summary provides a short overview of your job history and skillset in two to three sentences. A summary is best-suited for restaurant servers who have years of industry experience because it allows them to pull from a lot of information to provide recruiters with key information and core competencies. 

However, if you write a summary like this, you’re likely to end up in the reject pile: 

With lots of years of experience, my skills make me the perfect candidate for the position.

  • Why this doesn’t work:  Just like the example of the poor objective, there’s nothing specific here either. It’s vague, underwhelming, and honestly makes us wonder whether the applicant even wants a job.

This job-specific resume summary, however, is likely to snag the attention of hiring managers: 

Welcoming and thoughtful server with 12+ years of front-of-house experience at local dining establishments. Throughout my career, I have sought to ensure customers return again and again. Eager to build rapport with regulars and establish relationships with new diners with the utmost care and attention at Glenwood Eatery. 

  • Why this works:  This resume summary is highly specific. It specifies a job title, the number of years of relevant experience, skills, the restaurant name, and how employment would benefit the restaurant. 

Server resume objective

Tip 3: Use numbers to quantify your impact as a server

A great resume is not just a summary of job titles, descriptions, and responsibilities. To set yourself apart from the competition,  you’ll need to highlight  how  you bring value to the restaurant . You can do this by  showing  rather than  telling  recruiters about your achievements and value. 

By using quantifiable metrics (numbers), you can demonstrate your impact at previous jobs without rambling about your responsibilities. Furthermore, centering your work experience around numbers will help ensure that each bullet point provides recruiters with clear and concrete evidence that you’re an asset to the service industry. 

Now that you know why it’s important to include quantifiable metrics, let’s examine a few ways to leverage metrics on your server resume:

  • Customer satisfaction:  Can you think of any regulars who came back because of the experience you provide? Did you get exceptionally large tips? Have customers specifically mentioned you in positive restaurant reviews? 
  • Speed of service:  How many tables per hour have you served? How long did it take you, on average, between seating a table and taking orders during peak operation hours? How often did you check on tables?
  • Memory:  Did you have the menu memorized? Could you advise guests on any number of dietary restrictions? How many orders did you take at any given table without error?
  • Sales:  Were your order sizes, on average, larger than sales targets per customer? Were check sizes larger than targets? What percent of customers ordered drinks?

Check out a few concrete examples of some server bullet points that successfully incorporate some of these metrics: 

  • This bullet point includes two metrics that demonstrate memory retention and attention to detail.
  • This bullet point uses a percentage to back up sales performance. 
  • This number emphasizes service speed and customer service skills during prime operational hours. 

lead server job description for resume

Tip 4: Hand-tailor your resume for each server job

We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again:  you must customize your resume for each job application . Tailoring your resume for each job will demonstrate three things to recruiters:

1. You’re committed to the job

2. You’re serious about the application process

3. You respect employers’ time.

Fortunately, you don’t need to start from scratch each time you apply for a job. That would be both depressing and time-consuming! Instead, focus your attention on these three areas:

  • Resume objective/summary:  If including this section, state the company name, the specific job title you’re applying to, and skills unique to this role.
  • Skills section:  Read the  server job description . Oftentimes, recruiters will give you hints (or overtly list) on what the most critical skills are for this server position.
  • Work experience bullet points:  Again, look at the job description. Is teamwork emphasized? Is the job in a fast-paced environment? Think about how you can shift your bullet points (and metrics) to meet the needs of this work environment. 

Before we examine a few types of server resumes and how they can be customized for any job, take this bonus tip:

Have a folder on your computer where you can save an expanded bulleted list of your work experience, skills, and skeletons for resume objectives/summaries. Then, pull what works from this list to  build a truly customized resume  for your next job application. 

Server resume 

  • Your server resume should ideally include two to three server positions, but you can include relevant job titles like back-of-house restaurant positions, bartending, hosting, or runner/busser positions. 
  • Emphasize skills like customer relations, sales performance, and multitasking. 

Restaurant server resume 

  • By contrast, a server job where you’re not waiting on tables may emphasize just how quickly you get food out. A sit-down restaurant server resume should highlight building customer relationships throughout the meal service. 

Server bartender resume 

  • If you’re applying to work as a server bartender, you should emphasize your drink-making knowledge (such as the number of cocktails you can prepare) and your ability to accurately dispense any type of alcohol (over or under pouring is no good when it comes to a good cocktail).
  • You may also want to present knowledge about profit margins and sales (like upselling and cross-selling).

Experienced server resume 

  • Format your resume  in reverse-chronological order.
  • Include recent leadership experience (such as mentorship and training for junior servers or collaborating in server interviews).
  • Include a tailored summary at the top of your resume.

Fine dining server resume 

  • At a fine dining restaurant, most recruiters are interested in providing diners with a personalized and luxurious experience. 
  • Wine pairing knowledge
  • Cross-selling and up-selling abilities for high-margin items
  • Memory retention concerning prix fixe menu items, such as dish origin/backstory, ingredients, and specifics on dish preparation

Job seeker holds letters "F-A-Q" to ask about writing resumes, cover letters, & other job materials

Think about the specific server role you’re applying for when writing your server resume. If you’re hoping to bartend, what you write in your resume should be different than what you’d write if you’re applying for a fine dining server position.

Write about specific past experiences and successes that prove you’re the right candidate for this job. So, in the event you’re applying as a server bartender, you’d want to write your resume’s job description bullet points around your knowledge of mixology as well as your attentive care and food recommendations to guests. And be sure to expound on those achievements with a story-telling approach in your server cover letter .

It’s pretty common knowledge that servers should have exceptional customer service skills and be attentive to the details, but beyond that, there are some other important skills you might consider including if applicable to the particular business you’re applying to (and if you can honestly say you rock these skills!):

◉ Math: Some customers pay in cash and lots of customers leave tips in cash. The ability to count back change is a dying skill, but it’s one that will make you quicker on your feet in peak hours! ◉ Memorization: Not only will you need a strong knowledge of the menu, but you may also need to learn weekly specials, ingredients, and—in some cases—the history and origins of the food. ◉ POS software: Jotting down diners’ orders is quite soon to be history. Most places log orders through software and if you’ve used any type of this technology before, you’ll have a leg up. ◉ Bilingual: Your ability to communicate in another language is a skill you should advertise proudly! Any restaurant, bar, or event business will be excited to see this skill.

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  • Resume and Cover Letter

Server Job Description

3 min read · Updated on September 03, 2019

TopResume Editor

In order to ensure your professional resume will support your goals, use this server job description to inform what you should highlight on your resume.

By reviewing job description examples, you'll be able to identify what technical and soft skills , credentials and work experience matter most to an employer in your target field.

Restaurant Servers are responsible for positive Guest interactions while serving Guests in a friendly and efficient manner and play an integral role in ensuring our customers have exceptional dining experiences. At all times, servers are expected to be attentive to our Guests' needs, making them feel welcome, comfortable, important and relaxed.

The right person will be passionate about food and service and thoroughly enjoy creating excellent experiences for our customers. The ideal candidate will have a friendly, outgoing disposition and previous experience working as a Server in a bustling, fast-paced restaurant setting.


Prepare room for dining by clothing tables and setting decorations, condiments, candles, napkins, service plates and utensils

Protect establishment and patrons by adhering to sanitation, safety and alcohol beverage control policies

Help patrons select food and beverages by presenting menu; offering cocktails; suggesting courses; explaining the chef's specialties; identifying appropriate wines; answering food preparation questions

Stay updated on current menu choices, specialties and menu deviations, knowing if the kitchen staff is running out of any items, etc.

Transmit orders to bar and kitchen by recording patrons' choices; identifying patrons' special dietary needs and special requests

Keep kitchen staff informed by noting timing of meal progression

Serve orders by picking up and delivering patrons' choices from bar and kitchen; deliver accompaniments and condiments from service bars

Respond to additional patron requirements by inquiring of needs; observing dining process

Maintain table setting by removing courses as completed; replenishing utensils; refilling water glasses; being alert to patron spills or other special needs

Properly open and pour wine at the tableside

Conclude dining experience by acknowledging choice of restaurant; inviting patrons to return

Obtain revenues by totaling charges; issuing bill; accepting payment; delivering bill and payment to host; returning change or credit card and signature slip to patrons

Contribute to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed

Provide welcoming phone greeting and following Guest ordering procedures

Convey menu information over the phone to Guests and give accurate estimate of delivery time

Perform basic cleaning tasks as needed or directed by supervisor

Fill in for absent staff as needed

Assist with special events as needed

Adhere to grooming and appearance standards consistently

Promptly address customer service issues and refer customers to management when necessary


Previous serving experience required

Excellent oral communication skills required

Positive interpersonal skills required

Must speak English fluently and be able to write in basic English

Food Handlers Card OLCC Certification

Good telephone speaking and listening ability

Server top skills & proficiencies:

Knowledge of Food Service Regulations

Verbal and Written Communication


Customer Service

Resolve Conflict


Energy Level

Selling to Customers Needs



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Job Description

Lead Server job description

Example lead server requirements on a job description.

  • Minimum of 2 years experience in a lead server position
  • Excellent knowledge of food and beverage service techniques
  • Ability to handle cash and POS systems accurately
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to work flexible hours, including weekends and holidays
  • Outstanding customer service skills
  • Proactive problem-solving ability
  • Strong leadership and team management skills
  • Ability to work well under pressure
  • Excellent time management and organizational skills

Lead Server job description example 1

Delaware north lead server job description.

At Delaware North, we care about our associates' professional and personal wellbeing. We have a comprehensive benefits program designed to give our associates the comfort, safety, and stability they need to deliver exceptional service to our guests. All associates are eligible for benefits including weekly pay, employee assistance program, training and development, employee discounts, and flexible work schedules. Medical, dental, and vision insurance, 401(k) with company match, paid vacation and holidays, and tuition reimbursement are available for eligible associates.

  • Lead and direct catering associates. Serve as a role model.
  • Conduct daily function meetings with banquet managers and associates before events.
  • Ensure all company policies, service procedures, and safety standards are followed.
  • Maintain communication with both the banquet and kitchen team to ensure guests receive the best quality service and experience.
  • Other duties assigned.
  • Previous supervisory or lead experience preferred, 6 months to 1 year experience in a hotel, restaurant, catering facility, or club environment preferred.
  • Must have full, open work availibility, including weekends.
  • Excellent customer service and employee relations skills.
  • Ability to lift or carry up to 50 lbs.
  • Ability to stand and walk entire length of shift.
  • Possible exposure to a high volume of noise.

Delaware North has operated concessions, premium dining and restaurants at the Green Bay Packers' Lambeau Field since 2012. At Titletown we manage The Turn, featuring Topgolf Swing Suites, and operate special events including seasonal sledding and ice skating.

At Delaware North, you'll love where you work, who you work with, and how your day unfolds. Whether it's in sporting venues, casinos, airports, national parks, iconic hotels, or premier restaurants, there's no telling where your career can ultimately take you. We empower you to do great work in a company with 100 years of success, stability and growth. If you have drive and enjoy the thrill of making things happen - share our vision and grow with us.

Delaware North Companies, Incorporated and its subsidiaries consider applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, religion, creed, gender, national origin, age, disability, marital or veteran status, sexual orientation, or any other legally protected status. Delaware North is an equal opportunity employer.

Lead Server job description example 2

Tri-cor industries, inc. lead server job description, lead server job description example 3, mbk senior living lead server job description, resources for employers posting lead server jobs.

lead server job description for resume

Lead Server job description FAQs

What are the most common skills on a job description for a lead server, what does a lead server do.

Updated March 14, 2024

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

Related Job Descriptions

  • Assistant Manager/Server Description
  • Banquet Server Description
  • Bartender Server Description
  • Beverage Server Description
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  • Cocktail Server Description
  • Customer Service And Serving Description
  • Dining Room Server Description
  • Fine Dining Server Description
  • Food And Beverage Server Description
  • Food Server Description
  • Lead Bartender Description
  • Restaurant Server Description
  • Server Description
  • Server And Hostess Description

Lead Server Related Hirings

  • Hiring An Assistant Manager/Server
  • Hiring A Banquet Server
  • Hiring A Bartender Server
  • Hiring A Beverage Server
  • Hiring A Caterer/Server
  • Hiring A Cocktail Server
  • Hiring A Customer Service And Serving
  • Hiring A Dining Room Server
  • Hiring A Fine Dining Server
  • Hiring A Food And Beverage Server
  • Hiring A Food Server
  • Hiring A Lead Bartender
  • Hiring A Restaurant Server
  • Hiring A Server
  • Hiring A Server And Hostess

Lead Server Related Jobs

  • Assistant Manager/Server
  • Banquet Server
  • Bartender Server
  • Beverage Server
  • Caterer/Server
  • Cocktail Server
  • Cocktail Waitress
  • Customer Service And Serving
  • Dining Room Server
  • Fine Dining Server
  • Food And Beverage Server
  • Food Server
  • Lead Bartender
  • Restaurant Server

What Similar Roles Do

  • Banquet Server Responsibilities
  • Bartender Server Responsibilities
  • Caterer/Server Responsibilities
  • Cocktail Server Responsibilities
  • Dining Room Server Responsibilities
  • Food And Beverage Server Responsibilities
  • Food Server Responsibilities
  • Restaurant Server Responsibilities
  • Server Responsibilities
  • Server And Hostess Responsibilities
  • Waitress Responsibilities
  • Zippia Careers
  • Food Preparation and Restaurant Industry
  • Lead Server
  • Lead Server Job Description

Browse food preparation and restaurant jobs


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  2. Professional Lead Server Resume Examples

    Oversaw dining hall cleanliness and safety. Assisted with greeting and seating guests as needed. Lead Server. 6/1/2006 - 5/1/2010. Company Name. City, State. Assisted in applicant screening and new server training. Motivated servers to ensure optimal service quality. Answered guest queries regarding menu selections.

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  4. 5 Lead Server Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    Your lead server resume must prominently display your experience in the hospitality industry. Highlight the number of years you've led a team and your knowledge of restaurant operations. Ensure you include specific accomplishments, such as improvements to customer service or efficiency. These details demonstrate your impact and leadership ...

  5. Lead Server Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Lead Server Salary and Outlook. The national average base pay for lead servers is $26,159 per year, according to Glassdoor. Additional cash compensation, usually in the form of tips, averages $23,611 per year, with a range of $2,995 to $60,917. The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects the job outlook for restaurant servers to increase 7 percent ...

  6. Lead Server Resume Sample (Qualifications, Job Description)

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  7. Lead Server Resume Samples

    Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates. CHOOSE THE BEST TEMPLATE - Choose from 15 Leading Templates. No need to think about design details. USE PRE-WRITTEN BULLET POINTS - Select from thousands of pre-written bullet points. SAVE YOUR DOCUMENTS IN PDF FILES - Instantly download in PDF format or share a custom link.

  8. Lead Server Resume Samples

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  12. What does a Lead Server do? Role & Responsibilities

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    Experienced server resumes should be specialized to emphasize career growth. Format your resume in reverse-chronological order. Include recent leadership experience (such as mentorship and training for junior servers or collaborating in server interviews). Include a tailored summary at the top of your resume.

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    A server is a restaurant employee who ensures the fulfillment of guest needs at a dining establishment. When you look for a job as a server, it's important to review the job description so you can draft a resume that highlights your unique qualifications and find the right job description for you. Knowing how to write a server resume can help you create a document that distinguishes you from ...

  19. Server Resume Examples

    For a professional server resume and those who are writing for a specialized server job, such as a fine dining server resume, server trainer resume, banquet server resume, and lead server resume, it is best to go with the basic reverse-chronological format since these server roles require more than exceptional communication skills and physical strengths.

  20. Lead Server Must-Have Skills List & Keywords for Your Resume

    Communication Skills. Beverage Sales. MS Office. Detail Oriented. Multi Tasking. Wine. Job seeker resumes showcase a broad range of skills and qualifications in their descriptions of Lead Server positions. The top three keywords represent 45.06% of the total set of top resume listed keywords. Look to the Resume Checklist below to investigate ...

  21. Server Job Description

    Resolve Conflict. Teamwork. Persistence. Energy Level. Selling to Customers Needs. Thoroughness. Professionalism. Client Relationships. Take a look at this server job description sample to get a good understanding of server responsibilities & skills to assist you in writing a targeted resume.

  22. Restaurant Server Job Description (Sample for 2024)

    Food Server Job Description for a Resume. Properly prepared and provided food and meal services to over 200 members of the community. Maintained cleanliness and food safety standards according to internal and federal regulations. Prepared and served special orders to individuals with food allergies or special diets.

  23. Lead Server Job Description (2024 Templates)

    WINDOWS SERVER LEAD Job Location: Remote Minimum Clearance: IT-I - Critical Sensitive IA Xenith Solutions is a small family focused business where we focus on taking care of our employees and customers equally. We are focused on serving Federal / Civilian, Defense and Intelligence organizations with superior service. If you want to be a part of a rapidly growing business with an exceptional ...