internship application letter in uganda

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Everything You Need to Know to Get an Internship in Uganda

Everything You Need to Know to Get an Internship in Uganda

Internship opportunities in Uganda can be a truly transformative experience. First and foremost, you’ll develop professional skills and gain valuable experience. You’ll also get to explore a far-off country and immerse yourself in its culture. Most excitingly, you’ll help make a positive impact on the world.

Unfortunately, they also require a lot of legwork. From finding your internship to securing your placement to preparing for your trip, each step in the process will provide its own challenges. There are limited internship opportunities in Uganda, and there is strong competition for those opportunities. Then there are the challenges of infrastructure and communication within the country. Fortunately, we’re here to help.

This guide will provide you with a comprehensive roadmap detailing how to get internships in Uganda. We’ll cover the essential steps, including identifying organizations aligned with your goals, navigating visa requirements, ensuring your safety, and understanding the local customs. So, get ready to start your hunt for the best Uganda internships.

8 Steps to Get an Internship in Uganda

1. research and identify organizations.

You’ll begin by researching internship opportunities with NGOs in Uganda.

The best advice we can offer here is to make sure you know what you want. Set clear intentions and goals for what you want from your internship experience. These goals should account for the professional skills you want to develop, the tasks you want to complete, and the cause you want to contribute to. Knowing your own wants and needs will help narrow down your options and help impress interviewers when you get to that stage too.

It’s also important to look for organizations that have a track record of hosting interns. One method for this is to thoroughly explore their websites, social media pages, and any available reports or publications on their projects and impact. Alternatively, you can apply through an intern-placing company (like Roots), which finds the top companies in Uganda, vets their capacity for interns, and spares you the donkey work.

2. Contact Potential Organizations

Once you’ve identified the top companies in Uganda you want to intern with, reach out to them, ask questions, and express your interest.

Your priority here should be clearing up any uncertainties you have about the internship. So, inquire about application deadlines, specific requirements, the tasks and responsibilities you’ll be assigned, and the mentorship and support on offer. Contacting the organization is the best chance you’ll have to get a clear idea of the program you’re applying to and gather other essential information.

Bear in mind, you’ll never get a second chance to make a first impression, and you want to get off on the right foot. To this end, send a personalized message in a professional manner that demonstrates your enthusiasm for their work.

Our top tip: reach out sooner rather than later. A common mistake here is to wait too long before getting in touch. The sooner you contact the organization, the sooner you’ll know if the internship suits your needs. Simple as that.

3. Prepare Application Materials

Once you’ve found internship opportunities in Uganda you’re interested in pursuing, you’ll have to prepare your application materials. Gather all required documents, including transcripts, letters of recommendation, identification, and so forth. An essential part of this is customizing your resume.

Firstly, make sure your CV is up-to-date with all your relevant experience and skills. Then, it is absolutely pivotal that you personalize your application. Stock cover letters and CVs will damage your chances when applying to any job, and internship jobs in Uganda are no exception. Craft a tailored resume that highlights your relevant experiences, skills, and education. Critically, ensure you respond to the requirements in the job listing.

4. Submit Applications

Each organization will have its own specific application process. Make sure you follow them. Follow the application instructions provided by each organization. Pay close attention to details, ensure all documents are properly formatted, and proofread for any errors.

Again, this is vital advice for how to get internships in Uganda, and how to get jobs in general. A poor eye for detail is a quick turn-off for any employer.

5. Interview Process

Once you apply for internships with NGOs in Uganda, you’ll be asked to interview.

Research common interview questions and prepare thoughtful responses that highlight your skills, experiences, and passion for the organization’s work. Be ready to discuss how your background can contribute to their projects and demonstrate your genuine interest.

6. Visa and Legal Requirements

If you want an internship in Uganda, visa applications are an unavoidable part of the process. Research the visa and work permit requirements for Uganda based on your nationality and the duration of your stay. Useful resources we recommend for this are Travel.State.Gov for US citizens and Gov.UK for British citizens.

Be sure to leave plenty of time for visa processing before your intended departure date. With Uganda being a developing country, this is especially important. Limited bureaucratic capacity and infrastructure can slow the application process dramatically.

7. Funding and Logistics

Sorry to break it to you, but there are simply very few paid internships in Uganda. You might be able to find internships that offer stipends or cover certain expenses, but even then, you should be prepared to cover additional costs if needed. As such, a crucial step towards an internship in Uganda is working out how you’re going to fund it.

Start by evaluating the financial aspects of interning in Uganda, including travel costs, accommodation, insurance, meals, and local transportation. Uganda is a budget-friendly destination, but these costs still add up.

Once you have a rough idea of what the costs will be, start saving. You could also try organizing fundraising events: sponsored runs, bake sales, and so forth. If you’re doing a fundraising internship, this could be a valuable experience in more ways than one.

8. Health and Safety

Your health and safety is your responsibility. Contact your doctor for the required vaccinations and obtain the necessary insurance before your trip. Uganda’s a fairly safe country, but you’ll still need to familiarize yourself with local customs, culture, and safety recommendations. Then, stay informed about any travel advisories or health precautions relevant to your destination before and throughout your internship.

Common Questions about Internships in Uganda

Are internships paid in uganda.

In Uganda, many internships, especially within the nonprofit and public sectors, are mostly unpaid. In profit-making corporations, interns will occasionally be offered a small stipend to cover basic expenses, but this is uncommon. Fully-paid internships are even less common. That’s why, it’s important to thoroughly research specific opportunities and organizations to understand their compensation policies.

Is a visa required to intern in Uganda?

For most Western travelers, if your internship is under three months, you can just apply for a tourist visa. You can even renew a tourist visa and upgrade to a ‘special pass’ which will allow you to stay for a total of five months. Alternatively, you can apply for a multiple-entry visa, which is valid for six months, and comes with the perk of being able to leave and re-enter the country.

3 Internships in Uganda to consider

Charity development internship in uganda.

Join a nonprofit organization in Uganda that provides music classes for underprivileged children with no access to instruments. The aim of these lessons is to inspire children and instill life lessons while providing them with a safe space to grow and have fun.

As an intern, you’ll aid in the overall development of the organization by exploring new fundraising, communications, and monitoring strategies. You’ll enjoy diverse work across your internship, getting involved with grant writing, managing social media, running online fundraising campaigns, assisting with digital marketing strategy, and more. Requires a self-driven, flexible, passionate intern ready to try anything


Here’s one of the best internship opportunities in Uganda for music enthusiasts. If you’re handy with an instrument and want to make a difference in the lives of children, listen up.

You’ll work with the same organization as the above internship, only this time, you’ll take on the role of teacher. By sharing your musical talent, you’ll directly impact underprivileged children and adults.

Take advantage of Uganda’s internship opportunities

There aren’t a huge number of internship opportunities in Uganda, but the ones there are, are fantastic. Working with NGOs in Uganda can benefit your professional development, personal growth, social responsibility, and global awareness. You’ll get to make an impact for an important cause, explore a hidden gem of a travel destination, and learn about new cultures and ways of life, all while furthering your career. What more could you ask for?

This guide tells you exactly how to get internships in Uganda, now go follow the steps. If you’re keen on finding intern jobs in Uganda, but are put off by the process of finding one, then get some help. Get in touch, and we’ll find you the best internship Uganda can offer.

Browse through our available internships in Uganda

This blog was written by Tom Rusbridge

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We are always excited to add new people to our team on a temporary or permanent basis!  See below for information on internship opportunities. For other career opportunities, visit our Careers page .

An internship with REACH provides dedicated individuals the opportunity to get involved in international development. With internships available in Uganda as well as our US headquarters, we seek individuals with experience in a wide range of fields.

Internships at REACH-US headquarters (Arlington, VA):

The REACH for Uganda (REACH) is a non-profit that partners with communities in rural eastern Uganda to improve the quality of their daily life and realize their future potential through improved education, healthcare, and community development. Interns will play an instrumental role in REACH’s operations, research, outreach, planning. This is a unique opportunity to learn about non-profit work alongside staff. Our internships are located on site at our office in Arlington, VA. Please note: In light of the current pandemic, work will be performed remotely.

We invite both undergraduate and graduate students to apply for internships with us. In order to qualify, an applicant must:

  • Provide own housing and transportation to/from work at the Arlington office *In light of the current pandemic, work will be performed remotely.
  • Possess unrestricted work authorization
  • Provide full work availability during proposed dates of internship
  • Earn course credit for internship at accredited college or university
  • Have completed coursework in related field

We encourage students enrolled in the following programs to apply:

  • Communications / Marketing
  • International Development / Affairs / Policy
  • Public Policy
  • Social Justice / Peace Studies
  • Social Work
  • Sustainability

Students should possess the following experience and skills:

  • Strong desire to learn along with professional drive
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Excellent knowledge of MS Office and G-Suite
  • Ability to multi-task and take initiative
  • Hardworking and dedicated outlook
  • Ability to take direction and absorb information quickly
  • Ability to think strategically, handle multiple tasks, and meet deadlines
  • Has a passion for the mission of the organization

To apply, please submit a resume, cover letter (to include proposed internship dates and related coursework), copy of transcript, and a writing sample. Please email applications to [email protected] . We accept applications on a rolling basis.

Internships with REACH in Uganda:

Interns in Uganda will gain insight on the operations of an international non-profit organization, be immersed in a new language and culture, work with skilled staff, and have opportunities to explore Uganda during free time. Interns ideally will stay on site with us in Uganda for at least three months. Internships are available at both our clinics and our school.

Health Interns: Health interns work directly with patients under clinic staff supervision. Daily activities will vary with the applicant’s personal experience and interest. Ideally, REACH looks for those interested in nursing, obstetrics and gynecology, infectious diseases, midwifery, pediatrics, and public health.

Interns interested in public health will have the opportunity to work with the Beatrice Tierney Health Center as a part of the non-medical staff assisting with community health education in areas of HIV, infectious diseases, health and sanitation, reproductive and maternal health, family planning, and nutrition. Public health interns have a unique opportunity to design and implement multi-disciplinary educational programs that can demonstrate how these areas impact the functioning of the entire community, including economic, educational, political, and social implications.

Education Interns: Education volunteers can do a variety of tasks depending on their specific knowledge, their teaching qualifications, and their preference for large or small groups. For example, interns can teach or mentor in academic subjects to either classes or individual students, provide teacher training, assist in the holiday program over school breaks, run workshops, and much more at Arlington Junior School or the primary schools in our Outreach Program.

We welcome anyone interested in an internship with REACH to contact us .

Eleni Zervos

Eleni Zervos

Eleni Zervos is a native of the Arlington, VA community and graduated from Washington-Liberty High School in 2017. She is currently studying International Relations and Modern History at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. During her internship, Eleni will focus on building marketing content, conducting research, and creating outreach campaigns.

Eleni Zervos

Gabriela Armada

Gabriela Armada is a Sociology major student. She learned about REACH in her internship search because she wanted to work with an organization that focused on youth empowerment and community development. After reading more about our mission, values, and programs, she knew she would be able to gain new skills and experiences and also apply her academic knowledge into practical work by working with us. During her internship, Gabriela will focus on development and research.

Read more about Gabriela...

Loryn Hill

Loryn Hill is a graduate student at Liberty University, completing her Master’s in Public Health (with a focus on Health Promotion). She frequently gets asked, “What will you be doing with your Master of Public Health?” In her own words, Loryn shares: “As I examine the question and explore the response I get when I answer the question, I receive affirmation in knowing this is my purpose in life. My purpose? Helping others and shifting the dynamics in underserved populations.”

Read more about Loryn...

As a social work major, it has exposed me to a whole new field of service that I had not yet explored or had prior knowledge of. It deepened my understanding and compassion for higher education, youth, and health prevention/awareness at an international level. It also provide me with first-hand insight into the functioning of a nonprofit organization."

Anna Intern

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internship application letter in uganda

Interns play a very important role in Uwezo’s work and we welcome applications from recent graduates from Uganda and around the world. We are always looking for new interns to support us in our main areas of work: Assessment and Action, Research and Experimentation, Communication and Advocacy, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL), Finance and Administration.

Uwezo internships are normally for three months and can be a maximum of six months

We encourage applications from skilled and motivated young people to serve as interns.

The purpose of the internship is to provide an opportunity for individuals to substantively contribute to and learn from our work. The intern will be given specific tasks and responsibilities and will be challenged to develop their capabilities and gain experience. We are looking for interns who are committed, hard-working, positive, open-minded, reflective and willing to learn. We seek to find a balance between Ugandan interns and those from other countries. We look for a diversity of interests, backgrounds and experiences. At any one time we expect to engage up to three interns.

What we offer

Uwezo Uganda does not offer any remuneration for its internships. It offers an exciting work environment, modern office space, lunch and a modest allowance to cover local travel. In some cases, we may be able to reimburse costs of visas and vaccinations. The intern is wholly responsible for all other expenses, including health insurance, accommodation and incidentals.

How to apply

To apply for an internship, write a letter stating which area of our organization you are interested in working with and why, and when you are available. Attach to the e-mail your CV, two writing samples, and two letters of reference. Applications should be sent to [email protected]. Only complete applications will be considered. Application packages will be shared with Uwezo Managers to see if there is a fit within the organization. We will respond to you on whether there is an opening and an appropriate fit. If there is a fit, the unit Manager will start corresponding with you to work out details. If you haven’t received a response from us within two weeks of sending your application, please let us know.

Current Interns

Mercelina Flora Kantono

Mercelina Flora Kantono

John Maate

Former Interns

Maria nakimwero, bridget agolor, joseph kateregga, hellen kyatusiimire, mark anthony owiny, benard madanda, joseph kasasa, immaculate namuli, vincent kalibbala, (formally twitter), follow us on, our address, explore these links.

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Here’s How to Apply for Internship Placements at NTV, Daily Monitor, KFM, Spark TV and Dembe FM

David Mujuni

Nation Media Group (NMG) the company housing NTV Uganda, Daily Monitor, KFM, Spark TV and other media houses has called upon students to submit in their internship applications for the June – August 2021 intake. 

Interested students should submit in requirements like introduction letter from university/institution, application letter for internship(clearly indicating department of interest), curriculum vitae (CV), photocopy of student ID, and copies of O and A level certificates.

Students are urged to send their applications to  [email protected]  before 5 th  April 2021. According to communication from NMG, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. 

Check the poster below for details;

internship application letter in uganda

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Engagement of Interns / Volunteers at the UNATCOM

UNESCO’s involvement with youth dates back to the creation of the Organization in 1946, when after World War II, UNESCO helped organize International volunteer youth work camps to aid reconstruction of Europe. In recognition of this, UNESCO at its 29th Session of the General Conference reaffirmed and stressed unanimous commitment to youth as a priority.

The overall objective of UNESCO’s action with and for youth is the empowerment of young persons to ensure their full participation as equal and valuable partners especially in the design of the knowledge society. This includes enabling them further their visions, creativity and aspiration in the service of society development.

Response of Uganda National Commission

It is in response to this objective that UNATCOM wishes to provide an avenue through which young people can participate in activities of UNESCO as interns and volunteers. This way the youth get involved as actors and agents in developing, implementing and evaluating UNESCO’s programmes.

The purpose of the intern/volunteer programme is to engage fresh graduates in UNESCO’s activities and give them professional experience which relates to and supplements their studies.

Intern/ volunteer

An intern/volunteer is a person who unconditionally sets out to identify with and participate in the work of UNESCO through the UNATCOM for the love, interest and passion and commitment to the work without expecting any financial or material reward. Material rewards, if they come, should be incidental to and not the primary motivation.

Depending on one’s qualifications, the assignments will relate to the Organization’s strategic activities or administrative and technical functions.


Age: Youth from a wide range of disciplines aged between 21 to 30 years are eligible to apply for 1-4 month internships at UNATCOM. Academic qualifications and fields of interest: Internships are exclusively reserved for students who have completed their first degree or those pursuing their postgraduate degree programme (second university degree or higher) or technical/professional studies. Languages: Excellent spoken and written knowledge of English. Knowledge of any other working languages of United Nations is an added advantage. Computer skills: Ability to use office-related software (MS Office) Availability: The duration of an internship will be between one and four months. Recruitment

It is expected that the volunteers will be “self-recruiting” based on their interest in UNESCO affairs. Application for internship/volunteership will be made by filling an application form available at UNATCOM Offices or downloaded from UNATCOM website , detailing one’s qualifications and desired field of work. Applications will be considered on first come first served basis. Conditions/ Contract

The following conditions shall apply to interns/ volunteers recruited to UNATCOM.

The intern/ volunteer shall be given a contract which subjects him/her to the authority of the Secretary General. The duration of the contract will not be longer than 4 months depending on the needs of the National Commission. The granting of internship/ volunteering opportunity should not be interpreted in anyway as a preliminary step to recruitment to the Uganda National Commission for UNESCO. Remuneration

  • UNATCOM does not remunerate or pay Interns/Volunteers.
  • Costs and arrangements for travel, accommodation and living expenses are the responsibility of Interns/Volunteers or their sponsoring institutions.
  • UNATCOM accepts no responsibility for the medical insurance of interns/volunteers or for costs arising from accidents and illness incurred during an internship.
  • Interns are fully responsible for arranging at their own expense health and other forms of insurance covering the period of internship at UNATCOM.

The Interns/Volunteers shall during the period of internship respect the agreed working hours and observe the norms required of staff of the Commission such as:-

  • Conduct themselves at all times in a manner befitting their status as public servants.
  • Not engage in any activity that is incompatible with the proper discharge of their duties with the National Commission.
  • Avoid any action and in particular any public pronouncement which may adversely reflect the integrity required of them.
  • Exercise discretion in regard to all matters of official business and shall not communicate to any person unpublished information known to them by reason of their position except in the course of their duties or by authorization of the Secretary General.
  • Confidentially and publication of information
  • Interns are expected to respect the confidentiality of information collected or received within the National Commission.
  • No reports or papers may be published based on the function obtained within the National Commission without written authorization of the Secretary General.

Benefits to the Intern/Volunteer

By participating in the programmes of UNESCO, the intern/ volunteer should gain in following:-

  • Self motivation.
  • Exposure/experience and expansion.
  • Satisfaction and participation.
  • Contacts and networking.
  • Learning and training.
  • Intellectual understanding.
  • Responsibility.
  • Assessment and evaluation

If you are interested in an internship at Uganda National Commission for UNESCO please use our application form.

Download Application Form

Internship Application form

Benefits to the organization

On the other hand, UNATCOM would also get the following benefits:-

  • Extra working capacity in daily work
  • A participant in planning and implementation of projects Participate in assessment/ evaluation of reports and analysis Contribute ideas and solution to working team(s)

Benefits to society

  • The community or society should also have a common benefit:-
  • Good citizenship among its young people, responsibility and voluntarism and resource development.

Uganda National Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Alliance

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UNREEEA is an apex organization that represents private sector businesses and actors engaging in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency to the government.


  • Mission and Vision
  • Alliance Board
  • Secretariat Team
  • Annual General Meeting

As an umbrella body, UNREEEA coordinates, supports and represents Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency private sector players through advocacy for a conducive business environment

Action Areas

  • Market Building
  • Lobbying and Advocacy
  • Capacity Building
  • Standards and Quality Assurance
  • National Renewable Energy Platform

UNREEEA meets member demands through advocacy, brokerage, capacity building and research and development


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Our Members

  • BEETA (Biomass)
  • HPAU (Hydro)
  • WPAU (Wind)
  • EEAU (Energy Efficiency)
  • USEA (Solar)
  • UNBA (Biogas)
  • ARUWE (Women Empowerment)

We strongly believe that knowledge enhancement and management is vital for advancement within the renewable energy and energy efficiency sector

Sector Publications

  • Regulations
  • Sector Reports
  • Global Reports

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  • Login to access latest tenders, opportunities and UNREEEA Publications

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Internship Application Portal

Be the drive for Renewable Energies

Internship Application​ Form (June-December 2024)

" * " indicates required fields

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  • 5-day seminar
  • In-depth trainings on technical, financial and didactic topics
  • Group work, discussions, as well as computer-based and interactive exercises

Target group:

  • Trainer with previous experiences in access to finance education, banking, clean energy or climate finance
  • Professionals who wish to enhance their financial evaluation and didactical skills in order to become a trainer in the field of green energy/climate finance

After the TtT-Seminar, participating trainers are:

  • Provided with a starter kit of slides, exercises and additional tools for trainers
  • Equipped with hard facts and soft skills to develop their individual training
  • Capacitated to undertake courses autonomously


Topics addressed include:

  • Political and legal frameworks of the energy market in Uganda
  • Characteristics of decentralised RE markets in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Technologies for small- and medium-scale renewable energy applications
  • Business models for decentralised RE technologies
  • Business plan development
  • SME Finance and loan assessment cycle
  • Project Finance / RE and EE project evaluation
  • International climate finance options
  • Accessing the Green Climate Fund

Implemented through:

  • RE and EE case studies from Uganda, Senegal and other SSA-markets
  • Live expert-led webinars to discuss specific questions

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Application Letters & CV Examples or Samples in Uganda

Cover letter/ application letter.

A cover letter is the first element of your job application  that your prospective employer will read, often ahead of your  CV . For that reason, it’s vital that you get it right – and that means knowing how to write a cover letter that will grab the recruiter’s attention for all the right reasons.

A poorly crafted cover letter that fails to clearly articulate why you are the ideal candidate for the role, or one containing bad grammar and spelling mistakes, will result in your application getting dispatched to the reject pile. But a good cover letter can work wonders in convincing an employer of your credentials and your professionalism, as well as providing insights into your personality and character.

With that in mind, here’s our step-by-step guide to writing the perfect cover letter to help get you over the line for that all-important face-to-face interview.

Curriculum Vitae/ CV

CV, short for curriculum vitae ,  it provides a potential employer with a quick summary of your experience, background and skills to help them decide if you are a good candidate to invite for an interview. CVs are also often required as part of graduate/professional school applications.

A CV is required when applying for a  job . In addition to your CV, employers may also require a cover letter and a completed application form.

For Expert Help with your Application letter or CV, Fill the form below

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5-dimensional assessment & superior guidance to help you discover your perfect career and choose the best next step.

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Breaking News

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  • Mastercard Foundation Graduate Scholarships at Makerere University for AY 2024 ... Read More
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  • Applications for the Watoto Church Launchpad program now open for fresh graduates ... Read More
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  • Call for Applications for MOTIV Media Academy ... Read More

internship application letter in uganda

From the Classroom

internship application letter in uganda

To the Courses

internship application letter in uganda

To the Careers

internship application letter in uganda

Meet Patriq Nkakalukanyi, An Actor who started his career in senior six

Meet Allan Manzi, Uganda's Award Winning Film Maker

Invest In Women - Female Aviators in Uganda

Uganda Airlines Chief Pilot Journey from Dubai to Entebbe

internship application letter in uganda

Architecture and Construction

internship application letter in uganda

Hospitality and Tourism

internship application letter in uganda

Information Technology

internship application letter in uganda

Health Science

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Subject Selector

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Course Finder

internship application letter in uganda

Compare Courses

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Career Path Discovery

internship application letter in uganda

Makerere University

internship application letter in uganda

Kyambogo University

internship application letter in uganda

Mbarara University of Science and Technology

internship application letter in uganda

Gulu University

internship application letter in uganda

2024 HiPipo Women in FinTech Magazine

The rise of global digital jobs, career guidance for girls interested in architecture by dr assumpata nnaggenda musana, information on public universities admissions for 2024-2025 academic year.

  • Coca Cola Beverage Africa Internship Program 2023 - Student Hub Uganda

internship application letter in uganda

Help Us Track Your Application

Coca cola beverage africa internship program 2023.

internship application letter in uganda

Deadline 2023-05-12

Coca-Cola Beverages Africa [CCBA] is the largest African Coca-Cola Bottler, accounting for 40% of all Coca-Cola volumes on the continent. Coca-Cola Beverages Uganda Limited is a subsidiary of CCBA. We are currently looking for passionate and ambitious undergraduates for an internship opportunity in the following Functions/Departments:

  • People and Culture
  • Procurement & Supply Chain
  • Engineering specific to Electrical /Mechanical/Automotive/Civil Engineering
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Public Affairs & Communications

To be eligible to apply, you must be/have:

  • A Ugandan Citizen or a Ugandan Permanent Resident at the time of submitting your application
  • In your second year of study
  • Able to commit to either Internship model (full-time or part-time)
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Equipped with a ‘can-do’ attitude and the desire to learn and the ability to work well
  • Excellent teamwork and relationship-building skills
  • Adaptable and flexible at work
  • Resilient and energetic
  • Inclusive and able to work with diverse backgrounds

Register Here >>>

Top courses currently admitting, diploma in biomedical engineering, diploma in purchasing and supplies management.

Management and Training Advisory Center (MTAC)

Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies

Nkumba University

Bachelor of Creative & Performing Arts

Ndejje University

Diploma in Environment Sciences

Leave a reply, advertisement, courses admitting now, bachelor of science in midwifery (weekday).

Lira University

Diploma in Education (Primary)

Certificate in sound engineering.

Esom School of Music

Bachelor of Science in Public Health (Fulltime, Day & Distance)

Mountain of the Moon University

Certificate in Library and Information Science

Uganda Institute of Information and Communication Technology

In other News

internship application letter in uganda

Don't let your career dreams wait. Join our Career Mentorship Program

EMAIL: [email protected] TEL: +256 774330564


Uganda_240-animated-flag-gifs.gif, search form, internship..

Karenga District is highly dedicated to providing meaningful opportunities for students to enhance their educational experiences and contribute to our work. The internship programme provides practical, applicable experience and builds lasting relationships between students and Karenga District Local Government.

Karenga therefore would like to receive both online and hard copies of applications for internship between 1st June 2023 to 31st August 2023. Only Second Year University students are eligible. Applicants are required to attach an application letter, an introductory letter, and provisional results (Testimonial) from their university.

Our Contacts

Karenga District Local Government

  • P.O Box 102, Kitgum, Uganda

For Government Dues:

  • Telephone : (+256) 774330564
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Website :
  • Tourism and Investment
  • Publications

Parish development Modal

Universal Secondary Education

Uganda Women Entrepreneurs Programme

Youth Livelihood Program

Universal Primary Education

Useful links

Ministry of Local Government

Ministry of Finance

Office of the President

Uganda Media Centre

Join Our Graduate Training Program

Get the much needed experience at nssf., internship and graduate training programme.

The Fund provides Internship and Graduate Training opportunities for students who have just finished their studies or are in the process of finalizing their studies at local universities or other tertiary institutions that are more relevant and closely linked to the Fund’s core business.

Internship and Graduate Training opportunities will be advertised here on the website and on the Fund’s social media platforms. Applicants are subjected to assessments to help us match your ability to the right area of business, and a list of successful applicants will be published here.

Our 2023 Graduate Training Program is now open, please visit to apply if you meet the prerequisites below:

  • A CGPA of atleast 4.0 at the time of graduation.
  • A Bachelor’s in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Software Engineering.
  • Completion of the undergraduate program less than two years ago.
  • Ugandan citizen.
  • Aged 20- 25 years and below at the time of application.

Card image

A Culture made for One and All

About the NSSF Culture

Get notified when our Graduate Training Program and internship Program intakes opens

Card image

Our Employee Value Proposition

The perks of working with us

Card image

Why you should join NSSF.

NSSF Head of Human Resources and Administration - Milton Owor

Get notified

Sign up to get updates when our internship or graduate trainee programs are open., site search.

internship application letter in uganda

Recruitment Guides Logo

Internships – Airtel Uganda

Airtel is seeking to recruit highly motivated, result oriented and dynamic interns based in Uganda. At Airtel we believe in nurturing talent, together we can work towards shaping our customers’ future through our 2022 Airtel Internship Program. Start your career with us in any of our functions:

  • Sales and Distribution
  • Supply chain
  • Information technology
  • Human Resource
  • Legal and Regulatory
  • Customer service
  • Home broadband
  • Airtel Money


  • Follow the link:
  • Fill in your information
  • Attach recommendation letter from your university.
  • Attach previous semesters results.
  • Specify department of interest.

The program will run from  1st June to 30th August 2022 . Please note that our preferred interns are 2nd year students for those doing a 3-year course and 2nd & 3rd year students for students doing 4–5-year courses.

Applications should be submitted not later than  13th May 2022  at midnight!

Note:  Airtel Uganda is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and we remain fully committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

  • UK Embassy Recruitment ( May 2024) : Open Jobs/Vacancies
  • Capitec Bank recruitment ( May 2024) : Open Jobs/Application
  • United Nations recruitment ( May 2024) :Open Jobs/Online application
  • Driving Vacancies & recruitment ( May 2024) : Open Jobs/ Application
  • SACAA recruitment ( May 2024) : Open Jobs/Vacancies at Civil Aviation Authority
  • About Pulse
  • MTN Pulse FAQs
  • Senkyu Points

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Do Internship with MTN 2024

Be part of the MTN PULSE undergraduate internship program and equip yourself with the best practices for your career in the following disciplines;

* Sales & Distribution * Enterprise Business Unit * Business Intelligence * Enterprise Portfolio Management * Technology * Customer Experience * Wholesale & Carrier * Human Resources * Marketing * Risk & Compliance * Business Intelligence

The program is eligible for 1st or 2nd year students looking for Internship. Application open from 24th April – 1st May 2024. Visit this page to apply.

Minimum requirements to apply!

  • Your University faculty introductory letter
  • A copy of your results (testimonial)
  • A copy of your University ID

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Y'ello, please wait as we process the request...

Ugandan Water Project

careers & internships

Careers & internships, employment opportunities, marketing manager.

As the Marketing Manager, you will play a vital role in growing and engaging UWP’s donor base in the mission of ensuring clean water for Uganda today, tomorrow, and forever. You’ll do this by creating attractive, empowering, and compelling social media, website, email, and written communications. Partnering with staff and volunteers, you’ll learn how to best interact with our UWP Tribe and locate new Tribe members, as well as increase awareness and action towards solving the water crisis affecting millions of Ugandans.

internship opportunities

Development internship.

As the Development Intern, you’ll work directly with our Development Director and have many opportunities to work with several members of the team. This position consists of working in UWP’s database to maintain data accuracy, learn organization skills, experience event planning, and spend time with leaders within UWP to grow their leadership skills.


Work with our Director of Community Partnerships to leverage existing relationships and help expand opportunities and resources that will provide solutions to the water crisis in Uganda . Play an integral role in developing the reach of the Wavemaker Initiative. Help mobilize communities around the country to bring sustainable change to communities in Uganda.

Graphic design Internship

You’ll collaborate directly with our Development Director and Marketing Strategist, with abundant opportunities to engage in various projects. This role involves crafting visually captivating designs for both web and print materials.

Program Internship

As the Program Intern, you’ll work directly with our Program Coordinator and have opportunities to connect with several members of the team, including our Program Director. This position consists of conducting a literature review on research questions of importance to UWP and summarizing your findings in an annotated bibliography. Your literature review will produce evidence that will inform program implementation and support fundraising efforts.

To apply for one or more positions, please email a resume and cover letter to [email protected] or the appropriate staff person listed in the position description.

Jobs in Uganda

DEADLINE: 10/05/2024

Hima Cement Internship 2024

Hima Cement Ltd invites applications for internship for the period of July – September 2024, in the following sections;

  • Mechanical. (Application Code MIX 03)
  • Electrical (Application Code EIX 03)
  • Automation and Instrumentation – (Application Code AlIX 03)
  • Industrial Chemistry – (Application Code ICIX 03)
  • Mechatronics – (Application Code MEIX 01)


  • Internship application letter
  • Introduction letter from university
  • Copy of University Identification Card
  • Copies of UCE and UACE certificates


Applications should be submitted to

career.applications.hima@ with the application code as the subject line. The deadline for submission is 10th May 2024.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted!

hima cement - Jobs in Uganda


Share job on social media.

internship application letter in uganda

YALI Application Call

Corporate banker -trade finance, manager client coverage.

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internship application letter in uganda

Internship Programme

Our undergraduate internship program runs from July – September every year and applications will open in May of each year. The internship will be a three-month experience that will expose you to practical work experiences and provide you with insights into how organizations operate.

Our internships will enable you to get grips with meetings and deadlines and working in a team.

  • Open Recruitments
  • Lecturer-Economics-College of Letters and Science (JPF04193)

Lecturer-Economics-College of Letters and Science Apply now to Lecturer-Economics-College of Letters and Science

  • Economics / College of Letters & Science - Social Sciences / UC Berkeley

Position overview

Application window.

Open date: November 15, 2023

Most recent review date: Thursday, Apr 4, 2024 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) Applications received after this date will be reviewed by the search committee if the position has not yet been filled.

Final date: Thursday, Nov 14, 2024 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) Applications will continue to be accepted until this date, but those received after the review date will only be considered if the position has not yet been filled.

Position description

The Department of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley is recruiting a pool of qualified lecturers to teach core and upper-division undergraduate courses in Economics.

UC Berkeley plans for instruction to be given in person. However, UC Berkeley is prepared to implement hybrid and/or flexible modes of instruction in response to unforeseen circumstances (e.g., public emergencies). Remote instruction requires an online course to be designed from the outset for delivery via distance learning methods. Instructors must have internet access and be prepared to adjust pedagogical approaches with a remote setting and use new teaching tools. Department policy requires instructors to create and maintain a bcourses site.

Teaching Responsibilities The Department of Economics is seeking outstanding instructors to be appointed in the Non-Senate Lecturer title series who can teach Economics courses that may include large courses (300 or more students)

General Duties In addition to teaching responsibilities, general duties include (but are not limited to) managing graders and/or graduate student instructors (teaching assistants), holding office hours, assigning grades, advising students, preparing course materials (e.g., syllabus), and maintaining a course website. Those teaching large courses are expected to work with, meet with, and mentor graduate student instructors.


PhD (or equivalent international degree) or enrolled in a PhD (or equivalent international degree) program.

Ph.D. (or equivalent international degree).

A Ph.D. (or equivalent international degree) in Economics or a related discipline, is preferred. Demonstrated experience with courses in Economics, and a track record of excellence in teaching to a diverse undergraduate student body.

Application Requirements

Curriculum Vitae - Your most recently updated C.V.

Cover Letter

Statement of Research (Optional)

Statement of Teaching

Statement on Contributions to Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Statement on your contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion, including information about your understanding of these topics, your record of activities to date, and your specific plans and goals for advancing equity and inclusion if hired at Berkeley (for additional information go to ).

  • 3-5 required (contact information only)

Help contact: [email protected]

About UC Berkeley

UC Berkeley is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. The excellence of the institution requires an environment in which the diverse community of faculty, students, and staff are welcome and included. Successful candidates will demonstrate knowledge and skill related to ensuring equity and inclusion in the activities of their academic position (e.g., teaching, research, and service, as applicable).

The University of California, Berkeley is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, or protected veteran status.

Please refer to the University of California’s Affirmative Action Policy and the University of California’s Anti-Discrimination Policy .

In searches when letters of reference are required all letters will be treated as confidential per University of California policy and California state law. Please refer potential referees, including when letters are provided via a third party (i.e., dossier service or career center), to the UC Berkeley statement of confidentiality prior to submitting their letter.

As a University employee, you will be required to comply with all applicable University policies and/or collective bargaining agreements, as may be amended from time to time. Federal, state, or local government directives may impose additional requirements.

Job location


  1. Internship

    The internship programme provides practical, applicable experience and builds lasting relationships between students and UBOS. Interested Applicants are encouraged to apply through our online Job Application System. Applicants should attach an application letter and an introductory letter from their university. Click here to Apply.

  2. Everything You Need to Know to Get an Internship in Uganda

    1. Research and Identify Organizations. You'll begin by researching internship opportunities with NGOs in Uganda. The best advice we can offer here is to make sure you know what you want. Set clear intentions and goals for what you want from your internship experience. These goals should account for the professional skills you want to develop ...

  3. Internships & Careers

    Internships at REACH-US headquarters (Arlington, VA): The REACH for Uganda (REACH) is a non-profit that partners with communities in rural eastern Uganda to improve the quality of their daily life and realize their future potential through improved education, healthcare, and community development. Interns will play an instrumental role in REACH ...

  4. Internship

    The Internship application shall include the following: ... A letter from the higher institution of learning/university is attached. That the higher institution of learning/university is recognised by the National Council for Higher Education of Uganda. Internship is part of the student's course requirement programme.

  5. Internships » Uwezo Uganda

    What we offer. Uwezo Uganda does not offer any remuneration for its internships. It offers an exciting work environment, modern office space, lunch and a modest allowance to cover local travel. In some cases, we may be able to reimburse costs of visas and vaccinations. The intern is wholly responsible for all other expenses, including health ...

  6. Internships

    Internships. Every year, URA provides students with the chance to gain practical experience and exposure in their respective fields of study through temporary work opportunities that last a few months. This allows students to build connections with professionals, explore career growth in Tax Administration, and prepare for the competitive job ...

  7. PDF Why Internship at the Bank of Uganda? The purpose of the Bank of Uganda

    2. Introductory letter from the university. 3. Application letter clearly indicating personal contacts and the applicant's preferred intake i.e. July, August, or September intake. Selection criteria The selection process is very competitive due to the limited number of slots available for internship.

  8. Bank of Uganda| A Guide to Internship at BoU

    Edwin Paratra 6/5/23 3:25 PM. Why Internship at the Bank of Uganda? Bank of Uganda is continually in search of the brightest and most talented individuals. The Bank is an equal opportunity employer with a dedicated and committed diverse workforce. Bank of Uganda's internship programme offers a wide range of opportunities for students to gain ...

  9. Here's How to Apply for Internship Placements at NTV, Daily Monitor

    Nation Media Group (NMG) the company housing NTV Uganda, Daily Monitor, KFM, Spark TV and other media houses has called upon students to submit in their internship applications for the June - August 2021 intake. ... Interested students should submit in requirements like introduction letter from university/institution, application letter for ...

  10. Internship

    Recruitment. It is expected that the volunteers will be "self-recruiting" based on their interest in UNESCO affairs. Application for internship/volunteership will be made by filling an application form available at UNATCOM Offices or downloaded from UNATCOM website , detailing one's qualifications and desired field of ...

  11. Internship Application

    Internship Application Portal. Be the drive for Renewable Energies. INTERNSHIP PORTAL; Internship Application; Menu. ... Upload your cover letter * Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 32 MB. Upload your cover letter. ... Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development. Amber House,Plot 29/33, Kampala Rd. Kampala, Uganda; Social Media.

  12. Application Letters & CV Examples or Samples in Uganda

    Curriculum Vitae/ CV. CV, short for curriculum vitae, it provides a potential employer with a quick summary of your experience, background and skills to help them decide if you are a good candidate to invite for an interview. CVs are also often. required as part of graduate/professional school applications. A CV is required when applying for a job.

  13. Coca Cola Beverage Africa Internship Program 2023

    Deadline 2023-05-12. Coca-Cola Beverages Africa [CCBA] is the largest African Coca-Cola Bottler, accounting for 40% of all Coca-Cola volumes on the continent. Coca-Cola Beverages Uganda Limited is a subsidiary of CCBA. We are currently looking for passionate and ambitious undergraduates for an internship opportunity in the following Functions ...

  14. Internship.

    Karenga therefore would like to receive both online and hard copies of applications for internship between 1st June 2023 to 31st August 2023. Only Second Year University students are eligible. Applicants are required to attach an application letter, an introductory letter, and provisional results (Testimonial) from their university.

  15. National Social Security Fund

    Aged 20- 25 years and below at the time of application. Download Brochure. ... About the NSSF Culture. Get notified when our Graduate Training Program and internship Program intakes opens. Our Employee Value Proposition. The perks of working with us. Why you should join NSSF. NSSF Head of Human Resources and Administration - Milton Owor ...

  16. Internships

    Internships - Airtel Uganda. Airtel is seeking to recruit highly motivated, result oriented and dynamic interns based in Uganda. At Airtel we believe in nurturing talent, together we can work towards shaping our customers' future through our 2022 Airtel Internship Program. Start your career with us in any of our functions: Marketing.

  17. Do Internship with MTN 2024

    Be part of the MTN PULSE undergraduate internship program and equip yourself with the best practices for your career in the following disciplines; The program is eligible for 1st or 2nd year students looking for Internship. Application open from 24th April - 1st May 2024. Visit this page to apply. Minimum requirements to apply!

  18. Careers & Internships • Ugandan Water Project

    Careers & Internships • Ugandan Water Project. Download. Download. Download. Download. Download. To apply for one or more positions, please email a resume and cover letter to [email protected] or the appropriate staff person listed in the position description.


    Hariss International is Located, in Mperewe, Tula, Kampala-Uganda. P.O Box 12270, plot 2397. For more details call toll-free: 0800299008. ELIGIBILITY & REQUIREMENTS FOR INTERNSHIP. Applicants must be Ugandan citizens or Ugandan residents. Applicants must be enrolled in a recognized institution for the first-degree/ diploma program and are ...

  20. Hima Cement Internship 2024 Job At

    REQUIREMENTS; Internship application letter. Introduction letter from university. Copy of University Identification Card. Copies of UCE and UACE certificates. HOW TO APPLY. Applications should be submitted to. career.applications.hima@ with the application code as the subject line. The deadline for submission is 10th May 2024.

  21. Application Letters & CV Examples or Samples are Uganda

    Front letter/ Application letter. ADENINE cover letter is the first id regarding to job application that your prospective employer will read, often going on your CV.For that reason, it's vital that you get it right - and so means knowing wie to start a cover letter that will grab the recruiter's attention for all the right reasons.

  22. Internship Programme

    Our undergraduate internship program runs from July - September every year and applications will open in May of each year. The internship will be a three-month experience that will expose you to practical work experiences and provide you with insights into how organizations operate. ... Uganda Breweries Limited Plot 3 - 17 Port Bell P. O ...

  23. Elevate Your Career with The Ultimate AI-Powered

    In an era where first impressions often begin with a digital footprint, a standout resume and cover letter can significantly impact your career trajectory. is transforming the job ...

  24. How To Write a Retail Merchandiser Cover Letter (With Examples)

    To assist you in understanding the structure and content of cover letters, below is a sample cover letter for a retail merchandiser: Chuck Ferris. Chicago, Illinois. 304-555-0192. [email protected] March 14, 2024 Mr. Bob Richardson. Wavewood Retailers Dear Bob Richardson, I am writing to express my interest in the retail merchandiser ...

  25. Lecturer-Economics-College of Letters and Science

    A reasonable estimate for Lecturer positions is $72,404-$109,516. This salary range is the annual amount for a 100% FTE (full time equivalent). Actual salaries will be paid proportionally for a Lecturer's assigned course. Most appointments are assigned at 37% per course annually which equates to total pay per course of $13,394 -$20,260.46.