CCTV Surveillance in Schools | Notable Benefits and Challenges

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The work of schools is to offer safe learning surroundings for students, teachers, and faculty. To do this, school districts are mandated to keep weapons, violence, predators, and unwanted behavior out of school environments. However, with the recent surge in cases of bullying and issues of gun violence, administrators can no longer assume that their current school security systems can cope.

Schools require all the assistance they can get to ensure the safety of learning environments. Recently, debates have centered on the potential use of security cameras and video surveillance systems in the security structures of schools, with divergent views. This article examines some pros and cons of using CCTV surveillance in schools.

Why Do Schools Need Video Surveillance?

One of the main jobs of schools is to offer students and teachers a safe environment to share knowledge and facilitate learning. The assumption is that video surveillance is the school’s way of boosting its security systems. The goal is to help administrators address some of the common challenges experienced in institutions, including theft, bullying, absenteeism, violence, trespassing, and violence. Here are some notable benefits of this kind of surveillance.

  • Prevention of Harmful Events

The main benefit of video surveillance in schools is that it allows institutions to prevent incidents that could affect student safety and well-being. Prevention is vital when managing students` welfare. The understanding is that having cameras placed in crucial areas in the school would deter potential offenders from committing crimes.

The experience is that students tend to behave better when they know they are being watched. Also, video footage can be used as evidence when it comes to enforcing disciplinary actions. Institutions can integrate cameras with security systems, mobile phone apps, and video verification to address safety incidents quickly and effectively. Students shouldn’t worry as the cameras won’t be a problem when they decide to buy essay online .

  • Assisting in Access Control

Proponents of video surveillance in schools indicate that the tool provides an additional layer of access control to the institution’s premises. By integrating the cameras into the school security system, schools can track exactly who accesses specific areas of the school. The cameras may provide an additional tool to confirm credentials and visual information before providing access. The tools greatly support the guards manning the institution, allowing them to focus on important areas.

  • Deterrence of Theft

Another reason why many schools are embracing the idea of having cameras around their facilities is to deter theft. Theft cases are quite common in learning institutions, mostly regarding school equipment and student valuables. Video surveillance offers a useful tool that can help administrators prevent theft from taking place. Schools can deter theft and unwanted habits when installing cameras in important areas and vulnerable spots. Schools can also use the information from the security cameras to evaluate resource use and ensure efficiency and responsible behavior.

  • Monitoring Attendance

Regular attendance is one of the most important determinants of academic success among students. According to research, the overall growth of a student increases considerably over time when they attend school regularly and have strong connections to all the elements of class and school learning. The findings demonstrate a crucial relationship between successful learning and attending school regularly.

Although we recognize that students may be periodically absent from sessions, being available for lectures, group discussions, and academic tasks is important for supporting assigned readings and independent research.

Surveillance cameras allow teachers and school administrators to assess students’ whereabouts during learning activities. While teachers can take class attendance lists, their efforts may not help when looking at involvement outside the traditional classroom. Cameras can be used to support the efforts of teachers and administrators by allowing them to verify attendance and assist in student location. This is an important step in ensuring the safety of students within the school premises.

  • Promote Safety During Emergencies

Although school emergencies may seem infrequent, their occurrence can have serious implications for students and faculty. When emergencies happen, schools need to be prepared if the unfortunate happens. When emergencies happen and evacuations need to happen, video surveillance can be instrumental in locating bottlenecks and identifying available exit points.

Problems With Video Surveillance

Schools in the United States are increasingly turning to security cameras as a tool to monitor and enhance student safety. However, most schools still lack a standard setup for their security cameras and video surveillance, leading to several challenges and privacy fears.

According to a recent comprehensive study on exclusion, security cameras in the classroom can make certain kids feel alienated and result in negative views of the learning environment. Some parents have also registered worries and discomfort over the idea of their children being recorded by schools without their clear authorization.

When it comes to the learning environment, the presence of video surveillance in the classroom is considered by some to be an infringement on the privacy of learners and educators. While video monitoring is legal and widespread, some teachers, students, and parents are concerned about installing some gadgets improperly. In areas where privacy is required, such as restrooms and locker rooms, cameras must never be installed.

Another possible challenge with school security cameras is the financial implication of their installation and management. Most schools cannot afford to purchase the equipment and run the features required for safe and effective use. Remember, the total cost of your system will depend on the number and quality of cameras you desire for your institution.

The Bottom Line

The debate on surveillance cameras in schools is ongoing, and the result will depend on what stakeholders feel is best in addressing learners’ needs. Data shows that, when properly used, the devices can support student safety, prevent incidences, and help manage attendance. However, developing issues relating to privacy and pricing need to be addressed before schools fully benefit from the advantages of CCTV surveillance.

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Why Is CCTV Important In Schools?

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Blog: Why Is CCTV Important In Schools?            Published: 26/05/2022

CCTV has been widely adopted in many sectors as a practical, effective, and cost-efficient security solution. CCTV cameras are not only a practical part of security systems in warehouses or commercial facilities, however, but also in educational venues. In this article we discuss the advantages of CCTV in schools.

The benefits of CCTV cameras in schools

Head teachers and those with decision-making power in schools know they have a duty of care towards students, teachers, and anyone who visits their premises. Having a reliable CCTV system installed can help improve safety and security both inside the school grounds and the surrounding areas where students and other people from outside the school may also gather.

CCTV systems have other practical uses, such as:

  • Monitoring student behaviour to ensure compliance with school policies. Expecting teachers to always do this themselves is unrealistic and can interfere with their performance.
  • Reducing pupil bullying, which unfortunately has a very high occurrence within British schools.
  • Improving the learning environment by getting teachers to use recordings to evaluate their practice and find ways of making lessons more engaging.
  • Reducing the risk of vandalism. Unfortunately, it’s not enough to simply hope that anti-social behaviour will not affect those on your premises. Acts of vandalism against schools have been on the rise, and the cost of damages amounts to millions of pounds nationwide. Making it obvious that you have a functioning CCTV system can deter vandals and thieves who would usually target venues with poor monitoring systems, as they know in the past that their acts would have no consequences.
  • Deterring antisocial behaviour outside the school gates, including smoking, fighting, illegal or dangerous parking, selling drugs etc.
  • Prevent unauthorised access within or outside school hours to keep students and staff safe by controlling who has access to school premises. Failing to do so could pose anything from nuisance and disturbance to threatening the safety of others. Depending on your location, having security staff guarding entrances may not be enough, but on-site CCTV systems are effective at monitoring trespassers, both during school hours and out of hours.

Providing systematic monitored security for your staff and pupils

Ultimately, a school with greater student safety leads to increased trust. Educational institutions must always safeguard their pupil’s well-being. This isn’t just a legal requirement, but also a non-negotiable expectation that all parents have. Parents will also know the difference between a school that has an isolated CCTV camera, and a school that has a comprehensive CCTV system tailored to the specific needs of pupils and the area.

“Prevention is better than cure” is absolutely correct when it comes to security breaches and school safety. Remedial action to cover property repairs or legal fees is always costly and time consuming, so we always recommend being proactive and discussing your needs with one our experts in CCTV and access control .

Please call 01480 407740 today to find out more.

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Security Cameras In School: Protective Or Invasive?

More and more schools are installing security cameras in halls, classrooms and buses. Administrators say it helps protect students and staff, but some argue the practice is invasive. Guests discuss the use of surveillance cameras in schools and where to draw the line between safety and privacy.

Ben Lang, director of technology, Novato Unified School District in California Peter Pochowski, secretary, National Association of School Safety and Law Enforcement Officers

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CCTV in Schools: Benefits, Advantages, Drawbacks

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Schools are an integral part of society where every child can feel safe and nurtured. They are a place where children not just gain knowledge but also make connections, socialise with their peers, and prepare for the future.

Sadly, increasing crime and violence are jeopardising this right to safety and security and putting not just students, but teachers at risk as well.

Some of the most common security threats in schools include bullying, anti-social behaviour, drug dealing, trespassing, intrusions, vandalism, theft, and vehicle crime.

As reported by the West Yorkshire police, two suspects recently forced entry into a school in Calderdale followed by the theft of a minibus.

Assault on teachers is also now becoming extremely commonplace with teaching considered one of the riskiest professions when it comes to workplace violence.

All this leaves a huge impact on the quality of education where both students and teachers suffer at the hands of mischief mongers and criminals.

Due to increased awareness of the potential dangers of these threats, more attention is now being paid to school security with the school management working harder towards providing a safer environment for students and teachers.

CCTV cameras are becoming more prevalent in schools to maintain safety and security and allow school staff and students to focus on their responsibilities rather than worry about undesirable events such as the ones stated above.

Read on to find out the benefits of installing CCTV cameras in schools, their drawbacks, where to install them, and much more:


CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television) cameras are one of the most commonly used security systems around the world with an estimated one billion surveillance cameras in the world by the end of 2021.

Their widespread use in a variety of applications, including schools and educational institutions, must be taken as proof of their efficiency as a security tool.

There are many benefits of using CCTV cameras in schools that include:

Reducing bullying and anti-social behaviour

According to a global survey of teachers , England is reported as one of the worst countries for bullying among secondary school pupils.

The frequency of bullying has decreased in several countries around the world, however, in England, it has almost doubled in the last five years – which is something of serious concern.

Bullying and anti-social behaviour may include violence or assault, theft, repeated harassment, and hate crimes.

Installing CCTV cameras around the premises, including cornered off areas, will not only deter bullies from targeting others but also help management identify them and take action, which can be especially useful if the victims are apprehensive about calling out their bullies.

Deterring vandalism

Schools are often targeted for vandalism by students on campus as well as individuals or group of individuals from outside.

Common acts of vandalism include breaking windows and furniture, graffiti, and stealing school supplies, all of which lead to huge unnecessary overheads.

In recent news , a primary school in Bilton was broken into and damage caused to the school pavilion and a classroom window. According to the North Yorkshire police, the school also recently suffered several incidents of anti-social behaviour causing alarm among the school teachers, students, and parents.

Installing CCTV cameras can reduce cases of vandalism from both internal and external threats for the fear of getting caught on camera, identified, and reprimanded.

Reducing crime during school closures

In addition to being targeted during school hours, schools are also often targeted by intruders during the night, the weekend, term holiday periods, and other similar events that result in closures.

The reason is that schools are often equipped with high-tech and expensive equipment such as computers, laptops, tools, and furniture, all of which are extremely lucrative for criminals looking for items of value to sell for money.

A closed, empty property is much easier to break into than one filled with people, where the chances of getting caught increase exponentially.

You can beat such criminals at their own game by installing CCTV cameras that monitor the area 24/7, regardless of the day or night, and whether the school is open or closed.

Controlling unauthorised access

Controlling unauthorised access into a property is one of the pillars of security and the solution to a number of security issues in schools.

The thought of an unauthorised individual entering the school premises is an unnerving one for both the school management and parents since it puts the safety of everyone inside at risk.

Installing CCTV cameras at all the entrances will help monitor who is entering and leaving the school and when, and in case it is someone who shouldn’t be there, real-time monitoring will help identify and escort them off the property and carry out the necessary action such as calling the police or relevant authorities.

Monitoring teachers’ behaviour

People under surveillance are less likely to be disruptive or inappropriate for the fear of getting caught, and that goes for teachers as well.

It is extremely important for school management to know how a teacher is performing in class and behaving with their pupils.

In recent times, there have been reports of teachers resorting to violence with their students, as is apparent in this news article about a teacher brutally beating a special needs 15-years old child .

CCTV surveillance on campus will help school management monitor their staff at all times and call them out for any inappropriate behaviour.

Improved safety

As mentioned above, schools are supposed to be safe and secure for all, where the main focus should be on the students’ personal growth instead of worrying about safety and security threats.

A school with a CCTV system and constant surveillance will give students, teachers, and parents peace of mind, reducing the stress and worry of anti-social behaviour, intrusions, theft, and acts of abuse and violence.

CCTV systems can also help highlight areas of improvement in the way that the school operates, particularly with respect to safety, such as busy corridors, bottlenecks, and unsafe infrastructure.


CCTV cameras have always been met with uncertainty despite the great benefits that they offer, with the biggest issue being that of privacy.

Following are the few drawbacks associated with using CCTV cameras in schools:

Privacy concerns

Some people might not be comfortable with the idea of being watched by someone, and that raises huge privacy issues.

However, to prevent anyone from feeling uncomfortable, it is important to keep the use of CCTV cameras as transparent as possible and to inform everyone in the school, including the parents, about why the systems have been put in place and what the footage will be used for.

There are surveillance laws for schools that ensure CCTV cameras are used lawfully without infringing on anyone’s right to privacy.

Added costs

Schools are often sprawled across a large area and may require multiple cameras to cover the entirety of the property and set up an effective surveillance system.

The more the number of cameras, the more complex the system and the higher the total cost will be. However, when you think of it, you can’t put a price tag on safety and security, can you? The several advantages of CCTV cameras in schools greatly outweigh their costs.

Also, since the demand for CCTV cameras has increased over the years, the prices have really come down. What was affordable only for a selected few a couple of years back is now easily and commonly used in various applications across the community .

Can’t stop crime

While CCTV cameras are powerful tools used for deterring crime and catching the criminals on camera, they cannot stop it from taking place.

However, advanced features such as one-way or two-way communication will enable you to threaten the perpetrators by letting them know that they are being watched and recorded, hopefully stopping them in their tracks right and there.

Professional CCTV monitoring is another great feature where the CCTV footage is monitored by trained professionals in real-time, leaving no room for oversight, and in case of a crime being committed, the authorities can be contacted right away.

Additionally, you can also combine an alarm security system with the CCTV cameras on campus to not only deter and record the criminals but also scare them away using loud sirens and flashing lights.


Strategically installing CCTV cameras in the right locations is just as important as installing them in the first place.

You must install them in a way that allows you to monitor all the important areas of the school while also respecting the privacy of students, teachers, and other staff members.

To get a better idea of where to install and position the cameras , you need to carefully assess your safety and security requirements and plan accordingly.

If you wish to monitor students inside the classroom, you need to position the camera in a way that allows you to view them. If it is just facing the door or window, it would simply defeat its purpose of being there.

CCTV cameras also need to be positioned at the optimal height to allow for a broader scope of view and keep them safe from tampering and vandalism. The ideal heights are 2.5 and 5 inches, although it all depends on the type of cameras being installed and the height and size of the area being monitored.

Some of the most common places to install CCTV cameras inside a school include:

  • Entrance doors
  • Main offices
  • Laboratories
  • Sports grounds and fields
  • School buses
  • Toilet entrances

You must make sure to not use CCTV cameras in the following places inside a school:

  • Changing rooms
  • Any other private area


There are many types of CCTV cameras available in the market and choosing the best one for your school is indeed an important decision.

For a school environment, you need to choose cameras that are efficient and record as much activity as possible while also being unobtrusive so that they do not interfere with regular school activities.

Some of the most common types of CCTV cameras used in schools include:

Bullet CCTV cameras

Bullet CCTV cameras are shaped like a rifle bullet shell or lipstick case and are one of the most commonly installed CCTV cameras in schools.

They can be installed on both walls and ceilings, and are capable of producing high-definition, clear images, even in poorly-lit areas making them ideal to be used outdoors, such as in car parks.

However, they are limited in the direction that they can record and monitor, which is why if the area to be monitored is a big one, a single bullet CCTV camera may not suffice.

Dome CCTV cameras

Dome CCTV cameras are another popular type commonly found in schools that get their name from the dome-shaped covering that the cameras sit in.

They are more discreet than bullet cameras and can easily blend into their surroundings, making them a great choice to avoid feelings of intrusion.

Also, dome cameras can rotate at certain angles allowing you to monitor a wider field of view using a single camera.

PTZ CCTV cameras

PTZ CCTV cameras, also called pan-tilt-zoom cameras are more versatile and flexible than their counterparts in providing maximum security footage.

Appearance-wise, they are similar to dome CCTV cameras with the addition to film at a wide-angle and the ability to manually or automatically adjust the angle and zoom into certain areas of interest.

Due to the high level of control and flexibility that they offer, a single PTZ camera can be used to monitor a relatively large area and can also be programmed to follow movement which can be extremely beneficial in the case of a crime being committed.


All schools are allowed to set up CCTV cameras to ensure the safety and security of their students and teachers. However, there are certain laws and guidelines surrounding privacy and data protection that need to be followed.

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has issued a code of practice for data controllers, including schools, to follow which ensures that the rights of the data subjects are not being violated.

It is extremely important that the individuals being monitored are made aware of it, which can best be achieved by putting up clear signs that state that the school is under CCTV surveillance.

CCTV footage is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) under which you must ensure that the data is kept secure and only authorised individuals are allowed to access it.

There are very strict laws related to the retention of CCTV footage where schools are required to delete it when it is no longer necessary, which is preferably within 31 days unless the footage is required for an ongoing investigation.

CCTV systems must be installed by professionals who are experienced in the field and will not use substandard equipment prone to defects, damages, and vulnerabilities.

The systems must also be regularly maintained to check for faults and security breaches, both of which call for an immediate response and rectification.


Calder Security offers a comprehensive solution for CCTV cameras that are state-of-the-art and comply with CCTV laws and regulations.

We understand the special security and safety needs of various properties and offer professional installation and design for CCTV systems bespoke to each school.

We conduct every aspect from surveys, design, specification and installation ourselves, and our professional maintenance services ensure that your CCTV systems work in the optimal condition all year round, guaranteeing effectiveness and compliance with the law.

We also offer professional CCTV monitoring services that help detect criminal activity and security breaches as they are in progress for the appropriate action to be taken, even when the school is empty.

We understand that CCTV systems can malfunction for several reasons and that the issues must be resolved instantly to not put the school’s security in a vulnerable state. Our expert repair services carry a comprehensive range of parts, equipment, and service kits on their vans to ensure that fixes are dealt with quickly and efficiently.

Contact us here or call us on 0800 612 9799 to talk to our security experts right away!

Photo by Joshua Eckstein on Unsplash

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Benefits of Security Cameras in Schools: Safety Guide

  • Anish Devasia
  • Surveillance Systems
  • April 30, 2024

School administrators and staff have many responsibilities, and student safety is undoubtedly a top priority.

To keep students safe, schools must have the proper  security systems  to protect them from everyday problems and incidents, such as natural disasters or unthinkable events like active shooter situations. It’s a difficult job, and parental and societal concerns have increased.

5 Pros of Security Cameras in Schools

Schools increasingly use security cameras to mitigate these risks and maintain safety in response to these challenges. 

In this article, we’ll cover the five key benefits of video  surveillance cameras in schools  and share some practical examples of how schools use them to improve safety and deter crime.

Top 5 Advantages of Security Cameras in Schools

Have a security project ?

1. Security Cameras Improve Access Control

The protection of students and teachers starts with ensuring that everyone enters and leaves the school grounds with proper authorization and is not trespassing.

Most schools have multiple access points, making tracking unauthorized entries and suspicious activities challenging. Gone are the days when schools relied on the local janitor to manage physical keys.

Access control means securing the perimeter of the school’s property, including each point of entry. Preventing unauthorized access with a traditional lock and key system is not the best option for schools.

School entrace access point.

Although access control systems are essential, combining them with security cameras allows school administrators to: 

  • Monitor all entry points in a centralized manner during school hours.
  • Obtain a visual record of who is entering and exiting the school property.
  • Remotely monitored events in real-time or later with recorded footage.

2. Video Surveillance Can Prevent Crime

During the 2017–18 school year, 80% of  public schools recorded  one or more incidents of violence, theft, or other crimes, amounting to 1.4 million incidents.

School violence, aggressive behavior, vandalism, gang activity, bullying, and theft are more common events that not only interfere with academic achievement but also put massive pressure on schools.

An  elementary school  in Florida kept being vandalized. After months of failed attempts to stop or catch the criminals, the school district upgraded its security.  Florida has experienced its share of crime rates , and addressing security concerns in schools is vital to ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff.

School hallway lockers crime.

Schools and other institutions need to  be aware of security camera laws in Florida , which regulate the use of surveillance cameras to maintain a balance between safety measures and privacy concerns.

School security cameras may help deter crime since bullet and video surveillance will be on the school grounds and the rest of the school premises.

3. Security Cameras Support Student Safety

In 2017, around 827,000 students ages 12 to 18 became  victims of non-violent crimes  within their school campus.

Private and public schools have a critical duty to ensure the safety of their students and teachers while on school grounds.

Security cameras support student safety

While we hope everything goes smoothly, schools are not immune to safety and security risks.

School security cameras help keep students safe and have numerous benefits that support security and safety on school premises.

4. Security Cameras Support Teacher Safety

Teachers are on the front line of school security. They deserve a safe and positive school environment where they can focus on their students without worrying about their security.

In addition to all the challenges teachers were already facing, the pandemic added new health and safety concerns that require attention.

In the aftermath of the pandemic, many schools are considering high-tech security products, including  thermal security cameras  that can take student temperatures.

Security cameras support teacher safety

There may be privacy concerns about installing a video surveillance system in locker rooms and employee lounges. Still, these security cameras provide many benefits to the safety and security of students and teachers.

To address this concern, school districts can use motion sensors, audio detectors, or vaping sensors instead of dome or bullet cameras.

5. Security Cameras Assist in Emergency Preparedness

Emergency preparedness means having a video surveillance system to prevent, prepare, respond, and recover from emergencies caused by natural disasters and unthinkable events such as active shooter scenarios.

School security cameras combined with well-trained security staff effectively ensure the facility is ready for various emergencies.

Security cameras allow schools to respond to emergencies and give parents peace of mind.

Security cameras assist in emergency preparedness

Security cameras that provide schools access to centralized video footage allow them to find incidents of interest quickly and, more importantly, share this footage with authorities. This combination gives schools the best chance at quick, safe, calm emergency resolution.

Pros & Cons of Security Cameras in School

Advantages of having cctv cameras in schools.

A video surveillance system improves a school’s security program in many ways. It enhances the way school officials can communicate and coordinate security plans. It also helps to deter potential crimes and internal threats.

Although using security cameras in classrooms remains somewhat controversial, most  educators support  using communal spaces such as hallways, cafeterias, and entranceways as part of the security plan.

Schools often need help implementing their security cameras transparently and professionally. That’s why it is crucial to work with professional security integrators who understand the ins and outs of installing  school security systems .

School Security Cameras Help Identify Risks

Far too many tragedies have made it clear that schools are always at risk of an incident. For school administrators, security cameras are an indispensable safety tool.

While active shooter incidents rightfully get most of the media’s attention, school administrators have to deal with many other safety and security challenges.

School hallway security camera.

Security cameras can help not only keep students safe, but they can also be used to identify high-risk areas on the school premises.

  • Monitoring entrances and exits : Entrance and exit points are vulnerable, so having an eye on them is essential to safety.
  • Monitoring potential risk areas : If any event occurs, tapping into the security camera system and bullet cameras remotely will aid law enforcement.

It Helps Improve Visitor Management

Today’s modern schools are opting for smart electronic solutions that facilitate the check-in process and provide digital records.

Security cameras can effectively monitor all access points using facial recognition and respond appropriately to any given situation. That is why more and more schools are integrating  security cameras  into their educational programs. 

School main entrance visitor screening.

Considering today’s threat environment, it makes sense to  integrate access control systems  with security cameras. Combining them helps generate actionable video data, thus strengthening the school’s security posture.

Security Camera Systems Can Monitor School Parking Lots

Parking lots, in general, are the third most common place where  crimes occur , with nearly 1,400 violent crimes committed each day. Most schools in the United States have parking lots for students and teachers to use as a convenient way to enter and exit campus.

Since this is one of the busiest and highest safety risks for schools, using security cameras to monitor this area makes sense.

Positive Impacts of Installing Security Cameras in Schools

Placing security cameras in strategic areas is an effective way to deter crime. Criminals always look for cameras; their top priority is avoiding being captured. Security cameras placed on and around the campus and its perimeter provide schools with many advantages, including:

  • Monitoring entrances to ensure only authorized students, staff, and visitors obtain access.
  • It prevents vandalism.
  • It protects students, teachers, and staff members.
  • It improves security awareness.

The benefits of getting them in schools become apparent when you see how security cameras can transform a high-risk area into a safe environment.

Studies have shown that security cameras reduce criminal activity and promote security when placed in plain sight and the right location. 

Security cameras in parking lots also assist with the following:

  • Crime prevention : Visible security cameras help to deter thieves from breaking into cars, especially video surveillance cameras with facial recognition.
  • Investigations : Archived video surveillance footage can be used to identify individuals who have committed crimes or breached school policies.
  • Security awareness :  Parking lot security cameras  are an important piece of any security awareness program that seeks to detect and deter crimes before they happen.

Why Do You Need Security Cameras in Schools?

School security cameras offer students, staff, and parents support and reassurance that few tools can deliver.

With modern security cameras, a facility can take a proactive approach to security. School security cameras improve a school’s ability to detect and respond to issues much more efficiently.

Various reports and  case studies  have shown that video surveillance can deter significant crime.

School security camera.

The University of North Carolina found that half of all the surveyed burglars would flee the area after discovering cameras.

There is a reason why over 80% of  public schools  and 95% of high schools in the U.S. have security cameras.

The  Oregon City School system  is a good example. The district recently announced that they are expanding their state-of-the-art security camera system.

Oregon school security camera.

Currently, more than 100 security cameras on  Clay High School’s campus  cover the campus’s interior and exterior. It is the largest district in Oregon in terms of student population size.

Authorized staff members such as the principal, assistant principal, or resource officer can access the live camera footage from anywhere. Video surveillance can also be viewed at the  Oregon Police  Division’s dispatch center to track a person’s movements.

Why Should Cameras Be Allowed in Classrooms?

Classroom cameras enhance safety and accountability by deterring misconduct and providing real-time monitoring. They offer objective records for investigations and dispute resolution while enabling educators to refine teaching methods. 

Cameras promote transparency and peace of mind, ensuring students and staff a safer and more conducive learning environment.

Cloud-Based Security Cameras Help During Emergencies

Cloud connectivity does more than stream recorded footage. With cloud-based cameras, schools can access the live camera feed at any time, and more importantly, they can share their video surveillance feed with local law enforcement during emergencies.

Partnerships between school districts and local law enforcement agencies are making it easier to spot intruders or focus on emergencies should they arise. An excellent example of this implementation is in the  Middleton-Cross Plains School District .

School security survillance center.

Their cloud-based video security system enables police to access its live video surveillance feed and communicate in emergencies like fire or an active shooter. The school district has over 400 cameras districtwide, and law enforcement has access to all of them at any time.

School Security Camera Recommendations

General Coverage & Visibility : Consider entry-level dome cameras for comprehensive coverage and visibility throughout the campus.

Classrooms & Entryways : High-traffic areas like classrooms and entryways benefit from dome or bullet cameras with a 5MP or higher image sensor.

Hallways & Corridors : Use fisheye cameras to monitor long, narrow spaces like hallways. These cameras offer panoramic 360° or 180° views.

Gyms, Cafeterias, and auditoriums: Fisheye security cameras are best suited for large , open spaces like gyms, cafeterias, and auditoriums.

Parking Lots & Sports Fields : Outdoor areas require security cameras with long-distance capabilities and powerful zoom for license plate recognition. 

What Cameras Do Schools Use?

Dome Cameras : Dome e discreet and versatile cameras are suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Dome cameras offer 360-degree coverage and are often used in hallways, common areas, and entrances.

Bullet Cameras : Known for their long-range visibility and weatherproof design, bullet cameras are ideal for outdoor surveillance. 

PTZ (Pan-Tilt-Zoom) Cameras : PTZ video surveillance offers flexibility, as it can pan, tilt, and zoom to focus on specific areas of interest in school premises. 

Wireless Cameras : Wireless video surveillance cameras eliminate the need for extensive cabling and are suitable for temporary or remote surveillance.

I.P. Cameras : I.P. cameras transmit security footage data over an internet protocol network, allowing for remote viewing, facial recognition, and management. 

What is the purpose of CCTV in schools?

CCTV in schools aims to create a safer and more secure learning environment for students, staff, and visitors while providing valuable tools for incident prevention and management.

Video surveillance allows staff and administrators to monitor various areas in real time, including entrances, hallways, and common areas.

Can security cameras improve overall school discipline?

While security cameras are not a standalone solution for maintaining discipline, they are valuable in promoting a respectful and secure school environment. 

They contribute to a safer and more orderly school environment, helping security guards enforce school rules.

Are cameras allowed in classrooms in the U.S.?

Several states in the United States, including Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Nevada, and Texas, are actively exploring the possibility of installing classroom cameras. 

The potential implementation of such surveillance systems reflects a growing interest in enhancing video security and emergency response. 

How can security be improved in schools?

Schools can improve security by installing cameras, enhancing access control, and training security personnel with school rules. Regular drills and collaboration with emergency responders further strengthen safety. 

Integrating technology like surveillance systems and emergency alerts enhances monitoring and response capabilities. 

Security cameras in schools will remain an important issue for years, but having security cameras that can monitor strategic areas protects students and improves the school’s overall safety.

Security camera systems have proven their effectiveness in various school settings. They are cost-effective, simple to operate, and can be used in various ways.  

While schools consider the potential downside of school security cameras, like privacy concerns (if they are placed in changing and locker rooms),the benefits of security cameras have proven effective in school environments.

Installing security cameras helps improve access control, crime prevention, student and teacher safety, and emergency preparedness. 

Ready to enhance safety and security in your school?  Contact us  today to learn more about our camera installation services, which are tailored to meet educational institutions’ unique needs.

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The Pros, Cons & Laws of Using CCTV Cameras in Schools & Classrooms

importance of cctv in schools essay

Aside from providing an education, schools have a responsibility to keep pupils, staff and visitors safe. Whether that is in the classroom, the playground or elsewhere on site, those in charge of school security must protect individuals from a range of threats.

In this comprehensive guide, we look at the pros and cons of installing CCTV in schools.

Whilst protecting pupils and keeping others safe on school grounds, those in charge of security need to make informed choices. They need to take a rounded, balanced view of all the implications; both positive and negative of installing CCTV at their school.

The intention of this guide is to arm those in charge of school security with the information to make the right security choices for the right reasons.

Table of contents

What are the pros and cons of using cctv cameras in schools and classrooms, what are the different security threats schools face, improving teacher safety, protecting pupils, deterring vandalism in schools, dealing with harassment, bullying and anti-social behaviour, detecting and deterring break ins and theft, spotting drug dealers, and pupils drinking alcohol on school grounds, you can’t prevent every crime from happening, costs and repairs, cheap cctv security camera systems, gdpr & cctv, cctv in school toilets, adherence to the ico code of practice, article summary: the pros, cons & law of using cctv cameras in schools & classrooms, installing school cctv cameras with safeguard systems.

There are a plethora of advantages and a few drawbacks to installing CCTV in schools. In the third and fourth parts of this guide, we will give a detailed overview of each. in the second section, we summarise the key security threats and risks schools face.

Before we start, here is a quick summary of the key pros and cons of installing CCTV cameras in schools and classrooms.

  • Spotting drug dealers, and pupils drinking alcohol onsite

In terms of the disadvantages and drawbacks, to summarise, they are:

  • You can’t stop every crime
  • Poor systems

importance of cctv in schools essay

The different security threats schools face

Before delving into the pros and cons of using CCTV in schools, it’s important to highlight the range of security threats schools face.

This will provide context to the rest of this guide.

Schools deal with a range of security threats and risks. These include:

  • Sexual offences
  • Alcohol and drugs

If you are looking to learn more about this topic read our article covering the diverse range of school security risks and threats.

School CCTV cameras

The pros of installing CCTV cameras in schools & classrooms

Considering the threats mentioned earlier in this guide, there are a whole host of pros to having professionally installed CCTV cameras inside and outside of a school.

Whilst we always hope none of these threats come to fruition, when they do the impact can be significant to pupils, parents, teachers and the school itself.

Let’s start with this section that covers the key pros of installing CCTV cameras in schools and classrooms.

Over the years, there has been an increase in the volume of attacks on teachers in schools. Violence toward teachers can be a key issue for some schools.

Teachers need to feel secure and safe in their place of work. CCTV cameras in school classrooms, and in the corridor, can offer peace of mind to a teacher when delivering lessons.

External security cameras covering exits, the car park, and other areas can offer teachers the security they are being looked after and protected.

Finally, although infrequent, there are alarming incidents where teachers are on the receiving end of sexual offences.

Well placed CCTV cameras will serve to deter these threats.

Schools protect their pupils from a range of threats through deploying CCTV cameras. Drug dealing, bullying and violence are all too commonplace in schools.

Furthermore, accidents happen, and CCTV cameras can help a school  improve its health and safety measures.

Lastly, there are the occasional reports in the press of inappropriate advances from teachers towards pupils.

You can deploy internal and external security cameras in order to mitigate these threats.

Whether its committed by pupils or other individuals, vandalism can be a costly nuisance for schools. Well placed CCTV cameras can function as a robust deterrent to opportunistic vandals.

Alongside audio intervention, this helps deter vandals from conducting these needless acts.

Example of vandalism in schools: Historic Leicester school’s future decided after years of arson and vandalism

Bullying and anti-social behaviour is unfortunately commonplace in schools.

Harassment is another unfortunate school security issue that requires dealing with.

Whether it’s pupils bullying their classmates or harassing teachers, security cameras fitted in classrooms, corridors and around the playground can help deal with this issue.

Audio recording as well as visual footage can be used in evidence. To ensure the CCTV footage can be used in evidence, high resolution HD CCTV and IP security cameras are highly recommended.

Related reading: The impact of bullying in schools

CCTV cameras in schools can be used as a deterrent. They can also be deployed to detect situations as they unfold. This means crimes can be deterred, but also intruders can be detected and dealt with accordingly.

Schools with onsite security may spot an intruder and can deal with them appropriately. Budget conscious schools would be well recommended to consider CCTV monitoring and an effective solution.

With CCTV monitoring , cameras can be fitted with sensors. If triggered, an alarm is raised to an offsite security team, to deal with the threat remotely.

Example of theft at a school: Burglar broke into £14k-a-term Oxford public school

For some schools drugs and alcohol can be a real issue. County lines drug gangs can infiltrate schools and snare vulnerable kids by manipulating them into selling drugs on site.

Teenagers drinking alcohol and taking drugs at school can be a real threat to pupil and teacher safety.

ANPR CCTV cameras can be deployed to track and spot the number plates of known vehicles belonging to drug dealers.

Lastly, well placed CCTV cameras in and around the school grounds can help to deter and detect kids sneaking off and getting drunk!

Related reading: The benefits and advantages of school CCTV systems

importance of cctv in schools essay

The cons (disadvantages) of installing CCTV cameras in schools

You may be surprised for a security company to include this section in a guide to using CCTV in schools.

However, this guide isn’t a self-promotional piece of marketing.

Over the years Safeguard Systems has worked with dozens of schools. We understand the broad range of factors and considerations those in charge of school safety need to address when considering their security options.

Some pupils may experience a level of anxiety knowing they are being watched. Innocent, well behaved pupils may feel their privacy is being infringed by the presence of surveillance cameras.

Occasionally,  parents may object and feel the school is breaching their children’s privacy.

To negate this issue, the school should communicate why the cameras are being installed to all stakeholders – parents, pupils, teachers, cleaners and visitors.

Whilst CCTV is a robust deterrent, you can’t prevent every crime from taking place. Criminals will take the chance and commit crimes even if they spot the cameras.

If this is a concern, there are a couple of solutions on offer.

CCTV monitoring allows you to spot and deal with threats in real-time.

Furthermore, audio intervention allows onsite or offsite security personnel to communicate with an intruder and warn them they are ware of their presence.

School budgets aren’t infinite and large sites may require a system that stretches the finances of the school.

Furthermore, pupils may vandalise cameras resulting in added ad-hoc repair costs.

To help reduce initial costs, we would recommend considering paying for a CCTV system on finance . Payments can often be spread over 3-5 years and can include maintenance and call out fees.

Those in charge of security may go for the cheapest system, if finances are stretched.

In many cases this results in poor CCTV footage and image clarity. A cheap security camera system offering poor CCTV footage and image quality will inhibit accurate detection resulting in thieves, vandals and intruders going undetected.

As mentioned above, if capital expenditure is a challenge, there are plenty of finance options available.

Related reading: School ANPR & CCTV case study

CCTV laws and regulations

As mentioned at the start of this guide, schools have a responsibility to keep pupils, teachers, staff and visitors safe.

Using CCTV schools is one of the ways to do this effectively.

However, there are laws and regulations that need to be followed and adhered to when using CCTV cameras in schools and classrooms.

  • Adherence with the ICO code of practice

When using CCTV in schools, there is a legal requirement to follow the relevant Data Protection Legislation.

This is to ensure the CCTV system is controlled and best practices are upheld to minimise the risk of data loss.

You may find this surprising, but schools are allowed to install CCTV in their toilets. In 2018 the ICO stated “CCTV cameras should only be used in toilet areas in exceptional circumstances.”

This covers where there are issues around drug misuse, sexual conduct, and the potential for self-harm and suicide.

Source : Parents angry as secondary school installs CCTV in student toilets

There are six clear steps that you need to follow when installing CCTV in schools.

  • Think about how you’ll respect people’s privacy and uphold their rights
  • Consider if you need to use audio
  • Create a document that explains your decision
  • Update your policies
  • Pay attention to how your CCTV is set-up

Find out more: The ICO Guide to Installing CCTV

To summarise, the pros of installing CCTV in schools and classrooms far outweigh the drawbacks and disadvantages.

For example, if you have an issue with bullying, drug taking, and attacks on teachers, using CCTV in classrooms far outweighs any risk to privacy concerns.

Furthermore, the impacting of burglary or significant theft of equipment, in our opinion, outweighs the cost of installing an effective CCTV system.

If you are looking for a reputable security company with extensive experience installing CCTV systems for schools, our team is on had to help.

We hold experience working with:

  • State schools
  • SEN & SEND schools
  • Independent and private schools

To talk to a school security specialist call 0800 689 1835 or visit out school security page for more information.

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Why Surveillance Cameras Are Important in Schools

School Security in St. Louis, MO

It’s an ongoing mission for schools to improve safety and security.

Video surveillance equipment in keys areas in and around schools, in addition to access control, fire monitoring and mass communication systems, make a big difference in helping to prevent violence in schools across the country.

The right security equipment paired with emergency preparedness training for everyone at the school, from students to teachers, as well as clear strategies and processes, are important components in creating safer schools.

Video surveillance in Schools

Importance of School Surveillance and Security

The following is a look at the importance of surveillance cameras in schools and the best ways to leverage video surveillance equipment to provide a safer and more secure environment.

Increased Security

The rise in security and video surveillance equipment in schools is well documented, with spending to continue as schools make a concerted effort to be more prepared and preventative in their overall security posture.

Highlights from recently published research from IHS Markit show that the education sector of the market for security equipment and services reached $2.7 billion in revenue in 2017, and is expected to reach $2.8 billion by 2021. Much of this growth, IHS reports, has occurred over the past 10 years.

IHS noted in its findings that new technologies are now currently being investigated to improve safety at schools. These technologies include:

  • facial recognition
  • logical and physical security identity management integration
  • high-security classroom doors

Raised Awareness

Continued acts of violence in our schools is also driving heightened national awareness of a need for better security and emergency preparedness in our schools.

Key national security organizations such as the Electronic Security Association (ESA), Security Industry Association (SIA) and The Monitoring Association (TMA), are championing the cause to bring greater awareness and solutions for schools.

For example, at the recent ESA/ESX security conference in June, the Closing Keynote Luncheon focused on “Stronger Security, Safer Schools,” and featured a panel that included H “Butch” Browning, State Fire Marshal, Louisiana Office of State Fire Marshal; Guy Grace, Director of Security and Emergency Planning, Littleton Public Schools (LPS); and Ryan Petty, Senior Vice President, Business Solutions, Cable & Wireless Communications. Petty lost his daughter Alaina in the tragic school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Valentine’s Day 2018.

The panel looked at ways in which security technology can help make schools safer. It is no longer a privacy issue, as the majority are in favor of cameras on campus.

Government Advocacy and Action

SIA also focused on the topic of school safety in its most recent Government Summit held in Washington D.C. in June, with Jake Glacer , who survived the Parkland shooting, and his father, speaking on the importance of better safety and security procedures in schools.

A major policy priority for the Security Industry Association (SIA) since 2008 has been working with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) on school safety grants . As provisioned in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2018, the DOJ will administer grants that will provide $25 million immediately, and $33 million annually to schools in need.

The money is earmarked for school security technology and equipment in addition to emergency communications systems and other coordination with law enforcement to enhance response capabilities.

Overall, the STOP School Violence Act included in the spending measure authorizes a total of nearly $1 billion in funding for DOJ school safety grant programs through 2028.

Security Cameras on School Campuses

Features of Surveillance Systems in Schools

Although video surveillance and other security features have always been an important component to school security, recent developments in technology have made it an even more crucial aspect to a school’s overall security strategy.

The following are a few features of surveillance systems in schools that close the gap, reducing security threats.  

Video Verification

The rise in the use of cameras throughout society, from home to businesses to schools and other buildings, is not only being driven by the need for higher security but also by increases in the capability of cameras today.

For example, video surveillance equipment technology has improved dramatically in just the past 5-10 years alone. Prices have dropped, making video surveillance an option for those who could not previously budget this key security solution.

Using cameras in combination with key access control points in a school is a great strategy, as it allows a school official to verify who is coming into the school and grant access when needed.

Proactive Prevention

Moving beyond the benefits of video verification, video surveillance equipment can also help a school to take a more preventive approach to security.

For example, if there is a certain person or student who should not be on campus, cameras can alert staff as soon as they step on campus or park their car, allowing a school to take immediate action prior to the person trying to enter the school.

Security System Integration

Video surveillance equipment is most effective when integrated with other systems on campus, like access control, fire monitoring, and mass communication systems.

For example, being able to spot an assailant as he/she approaches the property enables school security or staff to lock down the school in real time, alert the authorities and send instructions and information to everyone in the school about what to do.

This also allows school officials to communicate effectively with law enforcement and other first responder and emergency personnel, giving them precise information as to the location of the possible threat, and helping them better protect students, faculty, and staff.

Integration and coordination are what was found to be lacking in many of the schools where shootings have taken place over the years. This is why it is essential that a school work with a security company that can integrate systems, ensuring they work together to their fullest capacity.

Threat Identification

Education and training on what to do when there is an emergency is what school safety experts are emphasizing. This includes how to identify and report red flags, such as violent posts on social media, verbal threats made by students, etc., so action can be taken before something happens.

It has been reported that many times red flags are missed leading up to some of the tragedies such as the one that recently occurred in Parkland, FL.

Security and communication equipment is critically important in this new age of shifting towards being proactive rather than reactive, preventing an incident rather than simply responding once it’s already taken place.

Choosing a School Security Provider

When it comes to security in schools, be sure to research your options and work with a security company that understands all of the nuances of surveillance on campus.

A thorough understanding and expertise in school surveillance, as well as great customer service and support, go a long way in ensuring a safer environment for everyone.

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School Security Cameras & Surveillance: Pros & Cons

February 23, 2023

One of the biggest debates today is whether or not schools should use security cameras on campus. There are many pros to video surveillance in education and security cameras have been proven effective in enhancing campus safety. However, school districts should evaluate both the pros and cons before taking action. Improper use of video surveillance can lead to negative sentiments and concerns about privacy invasion.

This post will lay out the pros and cons to understand both sides of this hot button issue. Here are the topics that we'll cover:

  • How schools are using security cameras
  • The pros and benefits of using security cameras in schools
  • The potential cons and drawbacks of school security cameras
  • Where and when to use different types of security cameras on campus

How Schools Use Security Cameras

Before we weigh the pros and cons of security cameras in schools, let’s take a look at the current state of video surveillance in education.

Many schools use video surveillance as a security method. Security cameras were used in 91% of public schools in 2019-2020, according to the NCES . Compared to other school safety measures, video surveillance is the second most common campus security measure after controlled access to buildings.

What security cameras do schools use?

Schools use either on-premise (NVR) systems or cloud video surveillance systems. Cloud solutions have modern infrastructure that allows native remote access and are more scalable.

School security cameras come in different form factors, including bullet, dome, PTZ, and fisheye.

  • Bullet school security cameras have durable housing in a barrel-like form factor.
  • Dome school security cameras have dome-shaped housing that is more discreet than that of bullet cameras.
  • PTZ school security cameras can pan and tilt to change where the camera is facing.
  • Fisheye school security cameras are dome cameras that capture 360° of footage and provide the maximum amount of camera coverage.

Pros of Using Security Cameras in Schools

School administrators and staff have many responsibilities, and student safety is a top priority. Schools are expected to keep students safe and to have appropriate systems to protect them from everything from bullying, to vaping, to emergencies like natural disasters or active shooter situations. It's a tall order, and parental and societal concerns and pressure have increased over the years.

This is where video security comes in. Video surveillance is a large part of many school districts' overall security plan, and most schools consider installing security cameras to help keep students and faculty safe. There are many benefits to this, which we'll discuss below.


University Area CDC has Rhombus cameras deployed for real-time visibility across their 28-acre campus.

1. School security cameras can improve emergency preparedness and response

Video surveillance is on the front line of defense when protecting a school. With modern security cameras, a school can be more proactive with campus safety and know when suspicious activities are happening in real time. Video surveillance improves emergency response for schools and provides a clear indication that the school values safety. For these reasons, most parents tend to support security cameras as long as they are installed responsibly.

It's crucial to have reliable, up-to-date information during an emergency, and video security helps provide this. Modern systems improve emergency preparedness by helping schools:

  • Respond to incidents more quickly with automatic real-time alerts
  • Easily share live footage with emergency responders
  • Proactively detect suspicious behavior with AI Analytics

importance of cctv in schools essay

2. School video surveillance can deter theft, mischief, vandalism, car theft, and potential threats

When security cameras are installed in plain sight, this can deter potential crimes from happening. More often than not, when a camera is visible, a person will think twice before committing a crime since the possibility of facing negative legal repercussions increases dramatically with security cameras.

Bullet cameras are a good choice for areas where schools want to make it obvious that security cameras are present. Bullet cameras have a prominent silhouette that many people associate with traditional CCTV video surveillance.

importance of cctv in schools essay

Bullet cameras have a prominent silhouette that many people associate with traditional CCTV video surveillance.

3. School security cameras can decrease bullying and create safer environments for teachers and students

In some instances, teachers can harass students and vice-versa. Harassment can be highly detrimental to a child’s well-being and academic development, while false accusations damage a teacher's career and reputation. Having security cameras installed in classrooms or public places provides some objective truth when allegations of harassment occur. If an incident happens, video footage can provide leadership with accurate information to act on. Birch Tree Academy has used its security cameras to successfully clear up incidents like this.

Pros of using security cameras to combat bullying:

  • Prevent escalation by automatically detecting aggressive movement, fights, and bullying in real time.
  • Resolve investigations quickly to protect victims and provide peace of mind as soon as possible.
  • Deal with incidents accurately and fairly by using objective video evidence to verify or disprove bullying accusations.


4. School security cameras help control campus perimeters and building access

During school hours, knowing who is on-premises is crucial for campus safety. The ability to detect unauthorized visitors is a major pro of security cameras. Security cameras make it easier for security staff to keep track of students and teachers and better understand who should or should not be on school property. AI features like facial recognition give schools even more power to detect unauthorized visitors in real time and improve security.

importance of cctv in schools essay

Video surveillance helps schools protect their campus by detecting trespassers, including unauthorized visitors, fence-hoppers, and suspicious vehicles. Modern security cameras have much better resolution than cameras of days past. Higher video quality makes it possible to effectively monitor large outdoor space such as parking lots, playgrounds, and sports fields.

License plate recognition helps detect unauthorized and suspicious cars parked on school property.

Example: Catching trespassers hopping the fence

For example, University Area CDC (nonprofit providing educational programs to at-risk youth) successfully used video surveillance to protect their campus perimeter. With security cameras and onboard video analytics, they were able to identify the motion caused by trespassers hopping over fences and send security guards to intervene.

5. School security cameras give parents peace of mind

Nothing is more important to parents than their children's safety. Parents rely on the school to keep their children safe and trust the school administration to properly investigate conflicts, treat their children fairly, and resolve issues quickly.

The presence of security cameras provides greater peace of mind to parents and is a much better experience when these issues do arise. It demonstrates that the school administration takes conflict resolution seriously and prioritizes student safety and general parental concerns. Security cameras also allow administrators to resolve incidents more quickly and give parents prompt and satisfying answers.

Cons of School Security Cameras

While there are numerous benefits to installing security cameras, there are reasons why some believe schools should not use them. School leaders must be aware of these potential drawbacks in order to make an educated decision.

Below are the most common cons and concerns around using video surveillance in schools.

1. Legality and privacy concerns

Those against video surveillance in schools consider the use of security cameras to be an invasion of privacy. Video surveillance in schools is legal and common, but if security cameras are installed irresponsibly (i.e., hidden cameras or cameras that are not clearly visible), this can cause concern among students, staff, and parents.

School security cameras should never be used in places where privacy is required, such as restrooms, locker rooms, and employee lounges in some states. Schools can still protect these areas with alternatives like motion sensors or vape sensors, which provide insight without infringing on students' right to privacy.

Every school that uses security cameras should develop a video surveillance policy that gives proper consideration to student privacy and equity. Read Guide to School Video Surveillance Policy: Safety, Privacy, and Legality  for a four-step framework for developing school video surveillance policies that are effective, thoughtful, and responsible.

2. Cost of school security cameras and systems

Some commercial and enterprise security camera systems are cost-prohibitive for many schools. Enterprise video surveillance solutions tend to be expensive for schools that are conscious of budget, which puts them in a challenging position.

To help schools improve campus safety, many states provide grants for schools with funding specifically earmarked for school safety and security. Applying for education grants is an excellent way for schools to pay for security camera systems without straining resources. Many vendors also offer special discounts for schools and universities.

3. Mistrust from teachers and students

When a school installs security cameras, teachers and students may feel like they are being spied on or like the school doesn't trust them. This can create feelings of apprehension and resentment.

When deploying security cameras, it is best to have clear policies and to educate teachers and students on why cameras are being used. Make it clear that the school’s priority is the protection and safety of all students, teachers, and staff.

With a modern tool, you can easily extend limited/permission-based access to individual teachers if needed. This can increase feelings of ownership and trust from faculty rather than resentment.

4. Inability to prevent active crime

If a crime is in progress, there's a limit to the value cameras alone provide. Video surveillance cannot physically prevent crime. For most schools, security cameras are part of a larger security strategy that involves School Resources Officers, security policies, and communication with local law enforcement.

Though video surveillance cannot prevent active crime, modern security camera systems can help accelerate emergency response. Smart security cameras can use video analytics to proactively scan for suspicious behavior and send live alerts. School Resource Officers can investigate these security alerts immediately and investigate or escalate to law enforcement.

Security Camera Recommendations Based on Campus Location

Where should school security cameras go.

Most schools have a wide variety of environments, and different areas are best served by different types of cameras. Here are five real-world security camera recommendations for different campus locations:

  • General Coverage & Visibility: Entry-level dome cameras like Rhombus' R120 are the best all-purpose cameras for schools. This type of camera is great for increasing visibility, camera density, and delivering top-tier performance while keeping costs low.
  • Classrooms & Entryways: High-traffic, frequently-used areas like classrooms and entryways are best monitored by dome or bullet cameras that have a 5MP or greater image sensor. These points of entry benefit from security cameras that are powerful enough to capture faces and human activity with detail and accuracy. The Rhombus R200 provides that powerful performance at a price that is cost-effective for schools.
  • Hallways & Corridors: Fisheye cameras like Rhombus' R360 can capture a panoramic 360° or 180° views of the environment. This lets you cover long, narrow spaces like hallways with just one camera.
  • Gyms, Cafeterias, & Auditoriums: Large, open spaces in schools like gyms, cafeterias, and auditoriums are best covered by a fisheye security camera. Omnidirectional fisheye cameras like the Rhombus R360 allow schools to monitor a massive area with just one camera. The R360 in particular provides a complete 360° view of your environment with multiple viewing options, including a tile view and immersive view.
  • Parking Lots & Sports Fields: Outdoor campus areas, such as parking lots and sports fields, benefit from security cameras that have long distance capabilities and a powerful zoom. Rhombus' R500 is a telephoto bullet camera that records video in ultra-HD 4K resolution. 4K detail with 2.5X manual zoom is ideal for capturing distant activity with accuracy and for reliable license plate recognition and facial recognition.

importance of cctv in schools essay

Security cameras with telephoto zoom, like the Rhombus R500 , can record license plates and capture accurate footage in school parking lots.

Weighing the Pros and Cons of School Security Cameras

After weighing the pros and cons, if you believe that video security would benefit your school, we recommend starting a free trial to evaluate how a modern security camera system fits into your safety strategy.

The Rhombus platform is reliable and designed to be easy for anyone to use—no technical experience required. Unlike traditional on-premise systems, updates happen automatically, meaning your system is always up to date with no work on your part.

Additionally, Rhombus uses powerful AI analytics to help keep your campus safe. The system automatically recognizes different types of activity and sends real-time alerts with synchronized video so you can quickly respond to urgent security events.

If you’re interested in video security for your school, don’t hesitate to request a free trial to see just how easy and stress-free video security can be.

To learn about evaluating school video security solutions, read:  How to Choose the Right Video Surveillance System for Education

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Advantages and Disadvantages of CCTV In Schools

Looking for advantages and disadvantages of CCTV In Schools?

We have collected some solid points that will help you understand the pros and cons of CCTV In Schools in detail.

But first, let’s understand the topic:

What is CCTV In Schools?

CCTV in Schools’ means using video cameras in schools to watch and record what’s happening. It helps keep everyone safe by spotting problems like bullying or strangers entering the school. It’s like a big eye that watches over the school all the time.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of CCTV In Schools

The following are the advantages and disadvantages of CCTV In Schools:

Advantages and disadvantages of CCTV In Schools

Advantages of CCTV In Schools

  • Boosts safety and security – CCTV in schools enhances the feeling of safety, providing a secure environment for students and staff by monitoring any suspicious activity.
  • Deters bullying and violence – It plays a significant role in preventing bullying and violence, as potential offenders are aware they’re being watched.
  • Aids in behavior monitoring – With CCTV, educators can keep an eye on student behavior, identifying any disruptive conduct quickly.
  • Helps in incident resolution – In the event of incidents, like fights or vandalism, CCTV footage can help resolve the situation by providing clear evidence.
  • Encourages good discipline – Knowing they’re under surveillance, students are more likely to behave responsibly, promoting a disciplined school environment.

Disadvantages of CCTV In Schools

  • Invasion of student privacy – CCTV in schools can intrude on student privacy, making them feel constantly watched and affecting their freedom.
  • Expensive to install and maintain – The installation and maintenance of CCTV systems can be costly, placing a financial burden on schools.
  • Can’t prevent all crimes – Despite their presence, CCTVs can’t halt all crimes, as they are more reactive than preventive.
  • May create mistrust among students – The use of CCTV can foster a sense of mistrust among students, negatively impacting the school environment.
  • Limited effectiveness without human monitoring – Without human monitoring, the effectiveness of CCTV is limited, as it can’t interpret or react to nuanced situations.
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importance of cctv in schools essay

Here’s How Ivy League Schools Evaluate Student GPAs

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One of the main gates on the Brown University campus, decorated with the University crest. (Photo by ... [+] Rick Friedman/Corbis via Getty Images)

A stellar GPA is one of the building blocks of a successful Ivy League application, and as the school year winds down, many students are anxiously seeking to give theirs a final boost. While most students and families understand the importance of a 4.0, few are aware of how top colleges evaluate student GPAs or what they look for when reviewing student transcripts. Though your GPA may seem to be a simple metric, nothing could be further from the case—colleges consider more than just the number, accounting for complexities such as diverse grading systems across schools, trends in grade inflation, and level of course rigor.

Here are three important facts to keep in mind about your GPA as you choose your courses:

1. Your GPA doesn’t directly compare to that of students at other schools.

One common misconception among college applicants is that they can compare their GPAs with those of students attending different schools. However, the GPA is not a universal metric but rather a reflection of an individual's academic performance within their specific educational environment. As a result, comparing GPAs from different schools is like comparing apples and oranges. For instance, some schools offer a plethora of AP, IB, and honors courses, while others may have limited options or offer none at all. Additionally, the weight assigned to AP versus honors versus regular classes varies from school to school. So, your GPA may not hold the same weight as those of your peers at different schools, even if you all have 4.0s.

Admissions officers understand that schools vary in their rigor, curriculum, and grading policies. Therefore, they evaluate your GPA in the context of your high school, considering the courses offered and the academic challenges presented. Instead of fixating on how your GPA compares to your friends’ from other schools, focus on challenging yourself and taking advantage of all the opportunities available to you at your school.

2. GPAs across the country are inflated—and colleges know it.

The last few years have seen surges in high school student GPAs nationwide. While GPA inflation has been on the rise over the last decade, average ACT composite scores are steadily declining. “For the 1.4 million ACT test-takers in the high school class of 2023, the average composite score on the exam was 19.5 out of 36, the lowest score since 1991,” according to The New York Times . The parallel differences, coupled with academic differences across schools, suggest that GPA must be considered in tandem with multiple other factors. Simply put, an A no longer means what it used to on a transcript.

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Ivy League and other top colleges are well aware of this trend and evaluate student GPAs alongside other metrics such as standardized test scores and AP exam scores in order to better understand a student’s academic skill sets. While some Ivy League and other top schools remain test-optional , they still place emphasis on course rigor and the context offered by your high school profile in order to understand the grades on your transcript.

3. Colleges will recalculate your GPA.

Given the abundance of variables in GPA calculations, colleges often recalculate the metric to create a standardized baseline for comparison between students across different schools. The recalibration may involve adjusting for variations in grading scales or the weighting of honors, International Baccalaureate (IB) or Advanced Placement (AP) courses. The University of California system, for example, calculates students’ UC GPAs by converting grades to grade points (an A is equivalent to 4 points, a B to three points, etc.) for classes taken between summer after 9th and summer after 11th grade, and adding one point for each honors class, and dividing by total classes taken to yield final GPA.*

Other colleges also take additional factors that impact academic performance into consideration, and envelop GPA into a broader, holistic consideration. For instance, the Harvard University lawsuit over affirmative action revealed that Harvard rates students on a scale of 1–6 (with one being the most desirable) in academic, extracurricular, athletic and personal categories. A student’s GPA and test scores are folded together into an academic score which “summarizes the applicant’s academic achievement and potential based on grades, testing results, letters of recommendation, academic prizes, and any submitted academic work.”

This process aims to provide a fair and equitable evaluation of students from different educational backgrounds. Keep in mind that Harvard considers not only your grades, test scores, and academic rigor in this score, but also “evidence of substantial scholarship” and “academic creativity,” which can make the difference between a 1 and a 2 in the scoring system. These systems underscore the importance of taking advantage of every opportunity, showcasing your unique personality and creativity, and seeking to maximize opportunities to improve your performance within the academic landscape of your institution.

By understanding the complex way by which colleges evaluate students’ GPAs, you are better equipped to present a comprehensive and competitive picture of your academic achievements on your transcript and stand out in the competitive Ivy League admissions landscape.

*Variations exist for in-state versus out-of-state students and by high school. Be sure to calculate your GPA following the UC issued guidelines.

Christopher Rim

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