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Modern Love

25 Modern Love Essays to Read if You Want to Laugh, Cringe and Cry

The popular column, which began in 2004, has become a podcast, a book and an Amazon Prime streaming series. Here are some of its greatest hits.

essay titles about love

By Daniel Jones

Whether you’re new to Modern Love or a longtime fan, we think you’ll enjoy this collection of some of our most memorable essays. You’ll find some of our most read and most shared of all time, and others that really got readers talking (and tweeting, and sharing). We present, in no particular order, the quirky, the profound, the head scratching and the heartbreaking. (A handful of these essays and dozens more of our most memorable columns can also be found in the Modern Love anthology .)

To keep up on all things Modern Love — our weekly essays, podcast episodes and batches of Tiny Love Stories, along with other relationship-based reads from The Times — sign up for Love Letter , a weekly email. And check out the “Modern Love” television series , based on this column, on Amazon Prime Video.

1. No Sound, No Fury, No Marriage

By Laura Pritchett

After her peaceful marriage quietly dissolves, a woman comes to appreciate the vitality of conflict and confrontation.

2. Sometimes, It’s Not You, or the Math

By Sara Eckel

He didn’t care that I was 39 and hadn’t had a serious boyfriend in eight years.

3. Am I Gay or Straight? Maybe This Fun Quiz Will Tell Me

By Katie Heaney

A young woman seeks answers to her sexual orientation online, where the endless quizzes she takes deliver whatever label she wants.

4. First I Met My Children. Then My Girlfriend. They’re Related.

By Aaron Long

A former sperm donor, searching online, finds both offspring and love. 

5. What Shamu Taught Me About a Happy Marriage

By Amy Sutherland

I wanted — needed — to nudge my husband a little closer to perfect.

6. The 12-Hour Goodbye That Started Everything

By Miriam Johnson

A spurned woman confronts the question: When you lose love, should you even try to get over it?

7. During a Night of Casual Sex, Urgent Messages Go Unanswered

By Andrew Rannells

On one of the most consequential evenings of his life, a young man still finding himself wishes he had picked up the phone.

8. Let’s Meet Again in Five Years

By Karen B. Kaplan

They thought college was too soon for lifelong love, so they scheduled their next date for a little later — 60 months.

9. My Body Doesn’t Belong to You

By Heather Burtman

A young woman who finds herself being catcalled, followed and grabbed at wonders why some men seem to think a female body is public property.

10. Making a Marriage Magically Tidy

By Helen Ellis

At her husband’s suggestion (and with the wisdom of Marie Kondo), a recovering slob discovers the sexiness of cleanliness.

11. Loved and Lost? It’s O.K., Especially if You Win

By Veronica Chambers

It’s O.K. to fall deeply for one loser after another. It’s O.K. to show up at a guy’s house with a dozen roses and declare your undying affection.

12. To Stay Married, Embrace Change

By Ada Calhoun

It’s unrealistic to expect your spouse to forever remain the same person you fell in love with.

13. After 264 Haircuts, a Marriage Ends

By William Dameron

He acknowledged he was gay and left his wife, but he kept returning home for their monthly ritual.

14. In the Waiting Room of Estranged Spouses

By Benjamin Hertwig

An ex-soldier, rocked by infidelity, finds hope in a chance meeting with a mother and her young son.

15. What Sleeping With Married Men Taught Me About Infidelity

By Karin Jones

A divorced woman seeking no-strings-attached liaisons learns a sobering lesson about men and marriage.

16. Sharing a Cab, and My Toes

By Julia Anne Miller

During a taxi ride home a co-worker makes a surprising request.

17. On Tinder, Off Sex

By Ali Rachel Pearl

Living a life where secondary abstinence isn’t exactly a first choice.

18. No Labels, No Drama, Right?

By Jordana Narin

The winner of the 2015 Modern Love college essay contest, who was then a sophomore at Columbia University, writes about her generation’s reluctance to define relationships.

19. Those Aren’t Fighting Words, Dear

By Laura A. Munson

“I don’t love you anymore,” my husband said, but I survived the sucker punch.

20. You May Want to Marry My Husband

By Amy Krouse Rosenthal

After learning she doesn’t have long to live, a woman composes a dating profile for the man she will leave behind.

21. Somewhere Inside, a Path to Empathy

By David Finch

A man learns to deal with Asperger’s syndrome, with the help of his wife.

22. My Husband Is Now My Wife

By Diane Daniel

He took the first step in becoming a woman: surgery to help his face look more feminine.

23. Would My Heart Outrun Its Pursuer?

By Gary Presley

How might a woman love the millstone I believed myself to be?

24. When Eve and Eve Bit the Apple

By Kristen Scharold

A Christian woman’s identity is challenged by her love for church and another woman.

25. To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This

By Mandy Len Catron

What happens if you decide that falling in love is not something that happens to you, but something that you do?

Daniel Jones is the editor of Modern Love.

Modern Love can be reached at [email protected] .

Want more? Watch the trailer for the Modern Love TV show ; read past Modern Love columns and Tiny Love Stories ; listen to the Modern Love Podcast on iTunes , Spotify or Google Play Music ; check out the updated anthology “ Modern Love: True Stories of Love, Loss, and Redemption ;” and follow Modern Love on Facebook .

Stories of Love to Nourish Your Soul

After the Affair, the Reckoning:  While a mother takes care of her new baby, her husband takes up with another woman .

This Is Not the Relationship I Ordered:   Divorce leaves a woman with a surprising realization  about who has been the love of her life.

My Husband Is Two Years Older Than My Son:  A woman’s 19-year marital age gap feels treacherous — and is the best thing that’s ever happened to her .

Please Stay, Baby. Please?: The grief of miscarriage is largely invisible. And with each loss, the longing multiplies .

My Bad-Times-Only Boyfriend: Why is a woman’s long-ago fling suddenly acting as if he’s her husband ?

A Family Dinner With My Wife and Girlfriend: Learning to love two women at once  — one living with Alzheimer’s — is a challenge and a blessing.

Our Last, Impossible Conversation: Artificial intelligence gives a widow another chance to talk to her long-lost husband .

55 Creative and Romantic Love Story Book Title Ideas

By: Author Paul Jenkins

Posted on Published: January 12, 2023  - Last updated: December 28, 2023

Categories Creativity

Whether you’re a romance author or simply looking for fun book title ideas for a love story, love stories are always enjoyable to write. If you’re looking for a new favorite, check out these love story book title ideas. From sweet tales of young love to steamy reads full of passion, there’s a title for every romance author on this list. So curl up with your favorite beverage and get ready to fall in love with some great titles!

55 Love Story Book Title Ideas

  • A Heart’s Enchantment
  • Starstruck Lovers
  • Whispered Promises of Love
  • Through the Gates of Love
  • Passionate Embrace
  • Undying Devotion
  • True Love’s Fury
  • Tender Trifles of Love
  • Captivated Hearts
  • Love’s Enduring Legacy
  • Moonlight Amour
  • From Here to Eternity
  • Dreaming of You
  • Sunrise Serenade
  • Always in My Heart
  • My Only Love
  • Heaven Sent
  • A Love So Pure
  • Sweetest of Dreams
  • Wings of Love
  • Joyous Union
  • Love’s Sweet Refrain
  • A Love Story for the Ages
  • Love’s Melody
  • Two Halves of a Whole
  • Fragile Ties of Passion
  • Heaven’s Call
  • Cherished Moments
  • Love at First Sight
  • Our Love Grows Stronger
  • Unconditional Love
  • All for Love
  • Awakened by Love
  • Beloved Heart
  • Once in a Lifetime
  • Embrace of Love
  • Everlasting Love
  • My Love is True
  • A Love That Lasts
  • Captive of Love
  • The Strength of Love
  • Destiny’s Love
  • A Love to Cherish
  • Beyond Words
  • A Love Transcending Time
  • Sweet Surrender
  • The Sound of Love
  • More Than Words Can Say
  • An Eternity of Love
  • Love’s Eternal Flame
  • Unspoken Longings
  • Love Rekindled
  • Unconditional Devotion
  • Love Under the Starry Skies
  • Love’s Eternal Gift

How to Name a Love Story

Choose Something Memorable

When crafting a story title, one of the most important things to remember is that it should be memorable. Your readers should be able to easily recall your title so they can recommend it to their friends or family members.

It’s also important that your title stands out from other similar titles in its genre. For example, if you’re writing a novel about love and loss, don’t choose something generic like “Love and Loss.” Instead, try something unique that stands out from similar titles, such as “The Unrequited Love Affair.”

Be Appropriate

Your story title should always remain appropriate in content and tone. You want to ensure that your audience feels comfortable reading your work and doesn’t feel they need to censor themselves when sharing it with others. Also, be aware of cultural sensitivities—avoid language or imagery that certain groups could misinterpret or deem offensive.

Use Writing Prompts

If you’re struggling with a good title for your story, why not try using writing prompts? Writing prompts provide an easy way to generate ideas for titles quickly and effectively. Type in “writing prompt” into Google or another search engine, and you’ll find plenty of websites that provide ideas for stories , characters, settings, and even titles!

How to Write a Love Story

Create an engaging plot.

The plot is the backbone of your story and should be carefully developed to make sure it keeps readers engaged. Start by establishing the setting in which your story takes place and introducing the main characters. Then, determine what obstacles or challenges stand in the way of your characters getting together–these could be external or internal forces that need to be overcome before they can have their happily ever after.

Finally, consider where you want your characters’ relationship and how you plan to get them there. This will help ensure that your plot doesn’t feel stagnant or predictable as it develops.

Develop Your Characters

Your characters should be dynamic and layered so readers can relate to them and understand why they’re going through this particular journey of finding love. Spend some time thinking about each character’s backstory and motivations, so you know who they are as individuals before they become part of a couple.

Make sure they each have unique personalities, strengths, weaknesses, flaws, etc., so that readers are invested in their relationship even when it hits its bumps.

Create Intense Conflict

No good love story is complete without conflict! Readers need to see why these two people have difficulty connecting and what ultimately helps them overcome those obstacles (which could range from family disapproval or career ambitions to personal trauma).

Conflict is also essential for adding tension throughout your story–without it; your narrative may come off as too saccharine-sweet or trite. Give your characters something real to fight for!

Use Description Liberally

Description is essential for helping readers visualize the setting of your story and feel like they’re right there alongside your characters as they fall in love with one another. Incorporate sensory details (such as sights, smells, tastes) into meaningful moments between your two protagonists; not only will this help bring their relationship alive on the page, but it will also help convey important themes within your narrative arc—perhaps even making it more emotionally resonant than if you had relied solely on dialogue alone!

What Makes a Good Hook for a Love Story

Set the mood with a strong opening sentence.

The opening sentence of your love story should set the tone of the whole tale. Whether you want to start with an intense action scene or an emotional monologue, choose one technique and stick with it throughout the book.

For example, if you open with a dramatic action scene, keep up that intensity throughout the book by including suspenseful moments. This will keep your readers engaged and excited about what will happen next.

Introduce Your Characters Immediately

It’s important to introduce both of your main characters as early as possible to give your readers an idea of who they are and why they should care about them. You can describe each character’s physical traits—hair color, eye color, height—and their personality traits—outgoing or shy? Funny or serious? Laid back or ambitious?—so readers can start forming connections with them.

Create Tension Between Your Characters

Your characters don’t have to be immediately smitten with each other; in fact, creating tension between them can be even more interesting for readers! Have one character disagree with the other about something important or have one character think they know better than the other—whatever it is, make sure there is some friction between them from page one. This will give readers something tangible to root against and make them eager to see how things turn out.

What Makes a Book Title Attractive

Conveying meaning and emotion.

It’s essential to make sure your title conveys meaning and emotion in as few words as possible. Your title should evoke emotion from your reader, whether it be curiosity, excitement, or joy. An excellent way to do this is by using descriptive words that set the tone for your book and express its theme. Additionally, avoid generic titles like “The Big Adventure,” which could describe any number of books. Instead, opt for something more specific like “The Pirate’s Treasure Hunt” or “The Witch’s Curse,” which will immediately pique the reader’s interest.

Being Unique

Similarly, make sure your title stands out among other books in its genre by being unique. This means avoiding clichés and overused phrases such as “A Journey Through Time” or “Tales from Another Land.”

To ensure you come up with something original, brainstorm different combinations of words that relate to your story and then try them out until you find one that resonates with you. Additionally, if you need help coming up with ideas, plenty of online tools are available to help generate titles for books, so don’t hesitate to use them!

Using Imagery

Imagery can also be constructive when writing an attention-grabbing book title. Words such as “whisper” or “frosty” can evoke vivid mental images that draw readers in even before reading the story’s synopsis. For example, instead of calling your novel “The Werewolf,” why not call it “Howling Under The Moon”? This is much more evocative than simply naming it after the creature itself. It gives readers immediate suspense and intrigue about what might happen in the story !

Exploring Beyond Romance: Dive into Mystery

If you’ve enjoyed this article on love storybook title ideas and want to expand your creative horizons, why not delve into the world of mystery? Visit our article on Mystery Story Ideas for inspiration to craft intriguing and suspenseful narratives. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting, these ideas will spark your imagination and can add an exciting new twist to your love storytelling repertoire.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are good book titles for a love story.

Good book titles for a love story can range from poignant and romantic to fun and whimsical. Some great examples of love story book titles include: “The Kiss of Fate,” “The Wedding Date,” “Forever in Love,” “Lost and Found Love,” “Playing by Heart,” “Twin Flame Reunion,” and “Love Conquers All.” Additionally, consider using lyrics from love songs or classic quotes as inspiration to create unique titles that are both meaningful and memorable.

How do I develop an original title for my love story?

The best way to create an original title for a love story is to draw upon experiences in your life that have resonated with you—moments of joy or heartbreak. Additionally, look to art forms like music and literature for inspiration—whether through song lyrics or quotes from classic works of literature. Combining these elements can help you brainstorm creative concepts that truly capture the essence of your novel.

Are there any tips to help me develop a title for my love story?

– Incorporate alliteration or rhymes into your titles – this helps make them easier to remember and more eye-catching. – Try playing with puns or double entendres – these can often be quite clever and amusing. – Utilize metaphors – these can be powerful tools when conveying complex emotions within just a few words.

Can I use the book title ideas provided in the article for my work?

You can use the book title ideas in the article for your work. However, it is recommended to customize or modify them to suit your unique story and avoid copyright issues.

How important is the book title for the success of my love story?

The book title plays a significant role in capturing the attention of potential readers.

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Top 100  Love Essay Topics for Students

Sep 2, 2021 | 0 comments

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Sep 2, 2021 | Topics | 0 comments

Love is considered the most powerful emotion, and for centuries it has played a significant role in human existence. This intense feeling of affection makes people attracted to particular objects or other persons; without love, humans are subject to loneliness and depression. Thus, for many students who struggle with writing essays about complex topics such as this one, they may find themselves at an advantage because their knowledge on how important this concept is can guide them when writing. Love is something that we all need in our lives. It’s one of the most important things to have for a happy life, so it makes sense then why students are always struggling when they’re asked about writing love essays and papers as part of their academics or homework assignments. So what should you do if you struggle with finding ideas? This article has compiled some popular topics on the love that will help guide your work – whether at school or just simply trying to find inspiration.

Best love essay topics

  • Love is a Choice or a Feeling
  • How can love be dangerous?
  • The mysteries of love
  • Love Is a Complex and Distinct Emotion
  • Is Love Becoming A Joke?
  • Why you should love people without expecting anything in return
  • The Triangle Of Love Theory
  • How to Express Love
  • The Medicine of Love
  • Why is it important to love people?
  • What pessimists think love is all about
  • The Ideas and Concepts behind Love
  • Love: The Marriage Kind of Love
  • The Idea of Love
  • The Purest Form of Love Is Friendship
  • Can love be measured?
  • Love is the bedrock of every relationship
  • Love is a Natural and Beautiful Thing
  • Is it possible to love annoying people?
  • The role of love in friendship
  • Places where anyone can find true love
  • Chemistry Of Love: The Brain Scan
  • Love Is A Temporary Madness
  • The signs of true love
  • Love in Relationships
  • Is True Love Necessary?
  • A careful Examination of Parental Love
  • What Makes A True Love?
  • The Pattern of Love and Relationship
  • Love at First Sight
  • The Power of Love
  • Why you should love those who don’t love you
  • What emotion can we rightly compare love to?
  • How to know when someone truly loves you
  • How to find true love
  • My View On Love
  • How love controls the mind
  • Is Love Just a Word?
  • The Power of Youth Love
  • Love is Not Easy or Simple
  • Love and Fellowship
  • Why is it difficult to find true love?
  • Love Is Just an Illusion
  • Differences between love and lust
  • How to show your love to someone
  • Personality Influences Love
  • A Quiz on First Love
  • The Existence Of Love: The Theory
  • Socrates: Theory Of Love
  • The strongest kind of love
  • Love Is A Universal Language
  • The Classic Belief Of Love
  • The True Meaning of Love
  • Love And Masculinity: The Theme
  • Eros: The God Of Love
  • How Pessimist View Love
  • What makes romantic love different from other kinds of love?
  • How to fall in love with anyone
  • The True Elements Of Love
  • Love is Everywhere: A Society Without Romantic Love
  • Love at first sight: how does it happen?
  • A Discussion about Love and Marriage
  • The Cage of Love
  • The Definition of True Love
  • Love is More Than a Verb
  • What are the differences between love and crush?
  • Why it’s good to love everyone around you
  • Self Love Is True Love
  • Can a person love without giving?
  • Love: The Best Memory
  • Is Love Real?
  • Garden of Love
  • Dependency of Love
  • Love and Sacrifice
  • Why people hardly forget their first love
  • The Influence of Money on Love
  • What is Love?
  • The Proper and Improper Way of Love
  • Signs that a person doesn’t love you genuinely
  • What makes love a special kind of emotion?
  • How to stop loving someone
  • Is love compulsory in every relationship?
  • The Third Type Of Love
  • The Various Ways to Love
  • Various Forms to Express Love
  • The Meaning of a Realistic Love
  • God and Love: God Vs. Love
  • What does it mean to love someone from the heart?
  • Is love the same as lust?
  • One Can See Love Anywhere
  • The Goddess Of Love
  • The Lack Of Love
  • Theories of Love

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Before You Write a Love Essay, Read This to Get Examples

The day will come when you can’t escape the fate of all students: You will have to write a what is love essay.

No worries:

Here you’ll find tons of love essay topics and examples. No time to read everything? Scroll down to get a free PDF with original samples.

Definition: Essay on Love

First, let’s define what is love essay?

The most common topics are:

  • Definition of love
  • What is love?
  • Meaning of love

Why limit yourself to these hackneyed, general themes? Below, I’ll show how to make your paper on love original yet relevant to the prompt you get from teachers.

Love Essay Topics: 20 Ideas to Choose for Your Paper

Your essay on love and relationship doesn’t have to be super official and unemotional. It’s ok to share reflections and personal opinions when writing about romance.

Often, students get a general task to write an essay on love. It means they can choose a theme and a title for their paper. If that’s your case,  feel free to try any of these love essay topics:

  • Exploring the impact of love on individuals and relationships.
  • Love in the digital age: Navigating romance in a tech world.
  • Is there any essence and significance in unconditional love?
  • Love as a universal language: Connecting hearts across cultures.
  • Biochemistry of love: Exploring the process.
  • Love vs. passion vs. obsession.
  • How love helps cope with heartbreak and grief.
  • The art of loving. How we breed intimacy and trust.
  • The science behind attraction and attachment.
  • How love and relationships shape our identity and help with self-discovery.
  • Love and vulnerability: How to embrace emotional openness.
  • Romance is more complex than most think: Passion, intimacy, and commitment explained.
  • Love as empathy: Building sympathetic connections in a cruel world.
  • Evolution of love. How people described it throughout history.
  • The role of love in mental and emotional well-being.
  • Love as a tool to look and find purpose in life.
  • Welcoming diversity in relations through love and acceptance.
  • Love vs. friendship: The intersection of platonic and romantic bonds.
  • The choices we make and challenges we overcome for those we love.
  • Love and forgiveness: How its power heals wounds and strengthens bonds.

Love Essay Examples: Choose Your Sample for Inspiration

Essays about love are usually standard, 5-paragraph papers students write in college:

  • One paragraph is for an introduction, with a hook and a thesis statement
  • Three are for a body, with arguments or descriptions
  • One last passage is for a conclusion, with a thesis restatement and final thoughts

Below are the ready-made samples to consider. They’ll help you see what an essay about love with an introduction, body, and conclusion looks like.

What is love essay: 250 words

Lao Tzu once said, “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” Indeed, love can transform individuals, relationships, and our world.

A word of immense depth and countless interpretations, love has always fascinated philosophers, poets, and ordinary individuals. This  emotion breaks boundaries and has a super power to change lives. But what is love, actually?

It’s a force we feel in countless ways. It is the warm embrace of a parent, filled with care and unwavering support. It is the gentle touch of a lover, sparking a flame that ignites passion and desire. Love is the kind words of a friend, offering solace and understanding in times of need. It is the selfless acts of compassion and empathy that bind humanity together.

Love is not confined to romantic relationships alone. It is found in the family bonds, the connections we forge with friends, and even the compassion we extend to strangers. Love is a thread that weaves through the fabric of our lives, enriching and nourishing our souls.

However, love is not without its complexities. It can be both euphoric and agonizing, uplifting and devastating. Love requires vulnerability, trust, and the willingness to embrace joy and pain. It is a delicate balance between passion and compassion, independence and interdependence.

Finally, the essence of love may be elusive to define with mere words. It is an experience that surpasses language and logic, encompassing a spectrum of emotions and actions. Love is a profound connection that unites us all, reminding us of our shared humanity and the capacity for boundless compassion.

What is love essay: 500 words

essay titles about love

A 500-word essay on why I love you

Trying to encapsulate why I love you in a mere 500 words is impossible. My love for you goes beyond the confines of language, transcending words and dwelling in the realm of emotions, connections, and shared experiences. Nevertheless, I shall endeavor to express the depth and breadth of my affection for you.

First and foremost, I love you for who you are. You possess a unique blend of qualities and characteristics that captivate my heart and mind. Your kindness and compassion touch the lives of those around you, and I am grateful to be the recipient of your unwavering care and understanding. Your intelligence and wit constantly challenge me to grow and learn, stimulating my mind and enriching our conversations. You have a beautiful spirit that radiates warmth and joy, and I am drawn to your vibrant energy.

I love the way you make me feel. When I am with you, I feel a sense of comfort and security that allows me to be my true self. Your presence envelops me in a cocoon of love and acceptance, where I can express my thoughts, fears, and dreams without fear of judgment. Your support and encouragement inspire me to pursue my passions and overcome obstacles. With you by my side, I feel empowered to face the world, knowing I have a partner who believes in me.

I love the memories we have created together. From the laughter-filled moments of shared adventures to the quiet and intimate conversations, every memory is etched in my heart. Whether exploring new places, indulging in our favorite activities, or simply enjoying each other’s company in comfortable silence, each experience reinforces our bond. Our shared memories serve as a foundation for our relationship, a testament to the depth of our connection and the love that binds us.

I love your quirks and imperfections. Your true essence shines through these unique aspects! Your little traits make me smile and remind me of the beautiful individual you are. I love how you wrinkle your nose when you laugh, become lost in thought when reading a book, and even sing off-key in the shower. These imperfections make you human, relatable, and utterly lovable.

I love the future we envision together. We support each other’s goals, cheering one another on as we navigate the path toward our dreams. The thought of building a life together, creating a home filled with love and shared experiences, fills my heart with anticipation and excitement. The future we imagine is one that I am eager to explore with you by my side.

In conclusion, the reasons why I love you are as vast and varied as the universe itself. It is a love that defies logic and surpasses the limitations of language. From the depths of my being, I love you for the person you are, the way you make me feel, the memories we cherish, your quirks and imperfections, and the future we envision together. My love for you is boundless, unconditional, and everlasting.

A 5-paragraph essay about love

essay titles about love

I’ve gathered all the samples (and a few bonus ones) in one PDF. It’s free to download. So, you can keep it at hand when the time comes to write a love essay.

essay titles about love

Ready to Write Your Essay About Love?

Now that you know the definition of a love essay and have many topic ideas, it’s time to write your A-worthy paper! Here go the steps:

  • Check all the examples of what is love essay from this post.
  • Choose the topic and angle that fits your prompt best.
  • Write your original and inspiring story.

Any questions left? Our writers are all ears. Please don’t hesitate to ask!

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  • Essay writing
  • Writing tips

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The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, is one of the most famous love stories in literature. Throughout the play, Shakespeare uses various forms of figurative language to enhance the themes of love, [...]

The tragic story of Romeo and Juliet is one of the most famous and enduring tales of love and loss in literature. The conclusion of their story is a poignant and heartbreaking moment that has captivated audiences for centuries. [...]

The tragic tale of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is a timeless classic that continues to captivate audiences worldwide. One of the central themes of the play is the concept of fatal flaws, which are inherent weaknesses [...]

In William Shakespeare's famous tragedy "Romeo and Juliet," the theme of punishment plays a crucial role in shaping the actions and outcomes of the characters. Punishment, in its various forms, serves as a driving force behind [...]

Life is driven by both choice and faith but choice is mainly what life is driven by. To begin with, fate is responsible for the reason that both Romeo and Juliet were born into two opposite families that hate each other, yet [...]

Romeo and Juliet, a tragic love story written by William Shakespeare. A pair of star-crossed lovers that fall in love. Unfortunately, fate is against them and the misfortune is what leads to a tragic and sorrowful ending.Romeo [...]

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essay titles about love

Feb 20, 2023

250-500 Word Example Essays About Love and Romance

Got an Essay assignment about Love and Romance? Let us help you out with these inspiring Examples!

Love, an emotion that has captivated the hearts and minds of poets, authors, and artists throughout history, remains a profound and multi-faceted subject. While the depth and complexity of this emotion can make it a daunting topic to explore in an essay, the right resources can turn this challenge into a rewarding endeavor. For those looking to capture the essence of love and romance in their writing, our essay writer can be a beacon of inspiration and assistance. This tool, powered by Jenni.ai, offers a seamless journey through the essay-writing process, from brainstorming ideas to refining the final draft. 

Whether you're delving into argumentative, persuasive , or reflective essays about love, Jenni.ai ensures clarity, coherence, and a touch of elegance in your prose. It's a trusted companion for students, educators, and seasoned writers alike, simplifying the writing journey every step of the way.

1. The Evolution of Love: A Study of the Changing Nature of Romance throughout History


Love is one of humanity's most complicated and mysterious emotions. People have strived to comprehend and define Love throughout history, resulting in many works of literature, art, and music dedicated to the subject. Despite its universal appeal, the nature of Love has evolved significantly throughout time, reflecting evolving cultural, social, and economic situations. In this essay, we will look at the evolution of Love, from ancient times to the present.

Ancient Love

A. Greek and Roman Love

Love was viewed as a complex and varied feeling in ancient Greece and Rome, comprising characteristics of desire, friendship, and awe. Love was frequently represented as a tremendous force in ancient civilizations, capable of both propelling individuals to high heights of success and bringing them down into the depths of sorrow. This was especially true of romantic Love, which was glorified in epic poems like the Iliad and Odyssey , as well as works of art and literature depicting the hardships and sufferings of star-crossed lovers.

B. Medieval Love

A chivalric code known as courtly Love emerged in medieval Europe. Its core tenants were the importance of Love, honour, and devotion. During this time, romantic Love was typically portrayed as an unrequited emotion, with the lover pining for the affections of a faraway and unreachable beloved. Medieval poets and troubadours mirrored this romanticised picture of Love in their works by singing and writing about the highs and lows of passionate Love.

Modern Love

A. The Renaissance

The idealized picture of Love that had ruled for centuries was called into question by artists and intellectuals during the Renaissance, marking a turning point in the development of romantic relationships. During this time, romantic Love was portrayed as more tactile and visceral. Shakespeare, for instance, reflected the shifting beliefs of his day by exploring the nuanced and often tragic nature of Love in his works.

B. The Enlightenment

The concepts of reason and individuality began to gain root during the Enlightenment, and with that came a shift in how people saw Love. Political marriages and alliances were often formed based on Love, which was now considered a more sensible and practical feeling. Thinkers from the Enlightenment period, including Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, shared this perspective on Love as a tool for bettering society and the individual.

C. The Modern Era

Today, the word "love" is most often used to describe a feeling one has when they are in a committed relationship or when one has achieved their own goals. Love has become a consumable good thanks to the spread of consumerism and the worship of the individual. The media and arts reflect this conception of Love by depicting it as a means to one's fulfillment and contentment.

The changing cultural, social, and economic conditions of each historical epoch are reflected in the history of Love. The essence of Love has changed dramatically throughout the years, from its idealised image in ancient Greece and Rome to its depiction as a spiritual tie in mediaeval Europe to its current identification with romantic relationships and personal fulfilment. Despite these changes, Love remains a strong and enduring force in human existence, inspiring numerous works of art, literature, and music and affecting how we live and interact with one another.

2. The Power of Love: Examining the Impact of Love on Our Lives and Relationships

Love is a strong feeling that may dramatically alter our life and the bonds we form with others. love, whether romantic, familial, or platonic, can unite us and improve our lives in countless ways., the benefits of love.

A. Improved Physical Health

Love has been demonstrated to improve physical health by decreasing stress, lowering blood pressure, and increasing immunity. The hormone oxytocin, which is released in response to social bonding and has been demonstrated to reduce physiological responses to stress, is thought to be at play here.

B. Enhanced Mental Health

In addition to its physical benefits, Love has been shown to have a beneficial effect on our mental health, lowering stress and anxiety levels and boosting our general sense of happiness. The protective powers of Love against the negative consequences of stress and other difficulties in life are well accepted.

C. Strengthened Relationships

A stronger tie may be formed between two people via the power of Love. Relationships of all kinds, whether romantic, familial, or platonic, may benefit from the strengthening effects of Love by increasing their levels of closeness, trust, and mutual understanding.

The Challenges of Love

A. Love can be painful

Sometimes Love hurts, as when a relationship ends or when we can't find the one we're looking for. One of life's most trying events is losing someone we care about, which may leave us feeling isolated, discouraged, and empty.

The Power of Love to Overcome Challenges

Despite these difficulties, Love may help us overcome them and grow closer to one another. The strength of Love is that it may help us learn and grow, both as people and as a community, via its many forms, such as forgiveness, compromise, and the willingness to persevere through adversity.

Finally, Love is a strong and transformational force that may profoundly influence our lives and relationships. Love may provide us joy, comfort, and a feeling of purpose, whether between friends, family, or romantic partners. Despite its numerous advantages, Love may also bring with it difficulties such as heartbreak and strife. Nonetheless, never underestimate the power of Love. 

It has the potential to draw people together and form deep, long-lasting bonds. Love has the power to make the world a better place, whether through acts of kindness, selflessness, or simply being there for one another. So, let us embrace Love in all of its manifestations and harness its potential to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.

3. The Science of Love: Understanding the Biology and Psychology Behind Love and Attraction

For millennia, people have been drawn and intrigued by the intricate and intriguing feeling of Love. Despite its enormous global significance, the science of Love is now being thoroughly investigated. This paper will investigate the biology and psychology of Love and attraction, delving into the different elements that impact these powerful emotions and how they form our relationships.

The Biology of Love

A. Hormone Function

Love is a biological process controlled by chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. These hormones influence our sensations of attraction, enthusiasm, and enjoyment and boost sentiments of trust and closeness.

B. The Influence of Genetics

Genetics also has an impact on Love and attraction, with some personality qualities and physical characteristics that are considered to be appealing to potential spouses being handed down from generation to generation. This suggests that particular preferences for specific sorts of people are hardwired into our genetics, influencing our romantic and sexual attraction patterns.

The Psychology of Love

A. The Role of Attachment Styles

Our attachment types, which we acquire from our early connections with our caretakers, also affect our Love. These attachment types can significantly influence our later relationships, influencing how we build and keep deep attachments with others.

B. The Impact of Social Norms and Values

Cultural Values

Social conventions and cultural ideas also impact Love and attraction, with societal expectations and values impacting our romantic and sexual impulses. These social conventions and cultural ideas influence everything from who we are attracted to and how we approach and pursue relationships.

The Meeting of Biology and

Love Psychology

The biology and psychology of Love are inextricably linked and interdependent, with one having a complicated and subtle impact on the other. This suggests that, while biology influences our sentiments of attraction and Love, our psychological experiences and beliefs may equally shape these emotions.

To summarise, love science is a complicated and intriguing discipline that encompasses the biology and psychology of this strong and transformational emotion. By investigating the elements that impact Love and attraction, we may gain a deeper understanding of the systems that underpin these feelings and how they shape our lives and relationships. The study of Love is a vital and beneficial effort, whether we seek Love, attempt to preserve Love, or wonder about the science underlying this feeling.

4. The Fine Line Between Love and Obsession: Exploring the Dark Side of Love

Love is a powerful and transformative emotion that can bring immense joy and fulfilment to our lives. But Love can also turn dark and dangerous when it crosses the line into obsession. This essay will examine the fine line between Love and obsession, exploring how Love can become unhealthy and dangerous.

The Characteristics of Obsessive Love

A. Unhealthy Attachment

Obsessive Love is characterized by an unhealthy attachment to another person, with the obsessed person becoming overly dependent on their partner for emotional fulfilment. This can lead to feelings of possessiveness and jealousy, as well as a need for constant attention and validation.

B. Control and Manipulation

Obsessive Love can also involve control and manipulation, with the obsessed person trying to control every aspect of their partner's life and behaviour. This can range from minor acts of manipulation, such as trying to dictate what their partner wears or who they spend time with, to more serious forms of control, such as physical abuse or stalking.

The Dark Side of Love

A. Stalking and Harassment

The dark side of Love can take many forms, with stalking and harassment being among the most extreme and dangerous forms of obsessive behaviour. Stalking and harassment can have serious and long-lasting consequences for the victim, causing fear, stress, and trauma that can impact their mental and physical well-being.

B. Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is another form of the dark side of Love, with physical, sexual, and psychological abuse being used as a means of control and domination. Domestic violence can have devastating consequences for the victim, often leading to serious injury or even death.

The Roots of Obsessive Love

A. Psychological Issues

Obsessive Love can have its roots in psychological issues, including depression, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder. These conditions can lead to feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem, making it difficult for individuals to form healthy relationships.

B. Cultural and Social Factors

Cultural and social factors can also play a role in the development of obsessive Love, with certain societal beliefs and norms promoting possessiveness and control in relationships. This can include gender roles, expectations, and cultural beliefs about Love and relationships.

In conclusion, the fine line between Love and obsession is delicate and dangerous, with Love crossing over into unhealthy and dangerous territory when it becomes obsessive. By understanding the characteristics of obsessive Love and how it can take dark and dangerous forms, we can better protect ourselves and our loved ones from the negative consequences of this powerful emotion.

5. The Concept of Unconditional Love: An Analysis of the Ideal of Selfless Love

All kinds of different things count as Love since it's such a complicated and diverse feeling. Unconditional Love is frequently depicted as altruistic, all-encompassing, and unshakable, making it one of the most romanticized types. In this essay, I'd discuss the idea of unconditional Love, defining it and contrasting it with other types of affection.

An Explanation of Selfless Love

A. Selfless Love

The term "unconditional love" is commonly used to describe a type of Love that puts the other person's needs before its own. In this kind of Love, one person cares for another without any thought of return or compensation.

B. Love that encompasses everything

Many people use the term "all-encompassing" to express how unconditional Love embraces a person regardless of who they are or what they've done in their lives. A love like this doesn't depend on the other person changing or improving in any way; rather, it's an unconditional embrace of the person as they are.

The Ideal of Unconditional Love

A. Love Without Conditions

Unconditional Love is a romantic ideal in which the lover places no restrictions on the object of his affection. Since it involves so much giving of oneself, this kind of Love is typically held up as the pinnacle of romantic relationships.

B. Putting the Feeling into Action

However, since we are all flawed human beings, practising unconditional Love can be challenging in daily life. Although this may be the case, the ideal of unconditional Love is still significant since it motivates us to improve our Love and compassion towards others.

The Advantages of Unconditional Love

A. Stronger Connections

Unconditional Love has the potential to improve our connections with others, leading to deeper and more meaningful bonds. This kind of Love creates a non-judgmental and welcoming attitude towards people, which can assist to lessen conflict and improve understanding.

B. More Joy and Satisfaction

As a result of the more profound relationships it fosters, unconditional Love may also increase a person's sense of well-being and contentment. Finding Love like this may give our life new meaning and make us feel whole.

In conclusion, many of us hold unconditional Love as a relationship goal. Even if it's not always possible, the ideal of unconditional Love is worthwhile since it motivates us to increase our Love and compassion. The concept of unconditional Love may lead us to a more meaningful and happy lifestyle, whether our goal is to better our relationships or to find more pleasure and contentment in general.

6. The Importance of Communication in Love Relationships: A Study of the Role of Communication in Maintaining Love

Love relationships, like all others, benefit greatly from open lines of communication between partners. Connecting with one another on a regular basis, whether it's to chat about the day, express emotions, or problem-solve, is crucial to keeping the Love alive between you. This essay will discuss the significance of communication in romantic relationships, specifically how it helps couples stay together and grow closer over time.

Advantages of good communication

Increased Compatibility and Mutual Understanding

Love partnerships benefit significantly from open lines of communication that facilitate mutual understanding and closeness. Sharing our innermost ideas, emotions, and experiences with our partners via direct and honest communication strengthens our bonds with them.

Reduced Conflict

As we can better address difficulties and find positive solutions to differences when communicating effectively, we experience less conflict in our relationships. Relationships may be stronger and more loving by talking through differences and finding common ground.

The Difficulties in Expressing Your Feelings in a Romantic Relationship

A. Confusing Messages and Confused Intents

Good communication can sometimes be difficult, especially in romantic partnerships, despite its many advantages. Conflict, anger and a lack of trust may all result from poor communication and misunderstandings in relationships.

B. Vulnerability and Emotional Safety

Likewise, it takes courage and trust to open up and talk about your feelings with the person you love. It may be nerve-wracking to communicate our innermost thoughts and feelings with a partner because of the risk of being judged harshly or rejected.

The Importance of Active Listening

What is Active Listening?

Maintaining positive connections with others requires not just good talkers but also good listeners. Paying close attention to the other person as they speak and making an effort to get their viewpoint and requirements is an essential component of active listening.

The Benefits of Active Listening

The ability to listen attentively and process information can have a significant influence on interpersonal bonds. You may show your spouse how much you value their opinion and the commitment you have to the relationship by listening attentively to what they have to say.

Finally, it's important to note that communication is a cornerstone of successful, loving partnerships. Communication is crucial for developing and maintaining healthy relationships , whether it is via problem-solving, venting, or just listening. Your relationship may grow stronger and become more rewarding and loving if you put an emphasis on communicating well with one another.

Final Words

Love is a complicated and varied theme that has inspired numerous works of art, literature, and music. Whether it is the science of Love, the power of Love, or the development of Love, there is a great deal to learn and comprehend about this universal feeling. 

Students now have access to a potent tool that may assist them in writing essays about Love with ease and assurance thanks to Jenni.ai. From giving ideas and recommendations to leading you through the writing process, Jenni.ai is the ideal option for anyone who wants to write about Love and relationships. Why then wait? Sign up for a free trial of Jenni.ai today and explore its numerous writing perks!

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Essay on Love for Students and Children

500+ words essay on love.

Love is the most significant thing in human’s life. Each science and every single literature masterwork will tell you about it. Humans are also social animals. We lived for centuries with this way of life, we were depended on one another to tell us how our clothes fit us, how our body is whether healthy or emaciated. All these we get the honest opinions of those who love us, those who care for us and makes our happiness paramount.

essay on love

What is Love?

Love is a set of emotions, behaviors, and beliefs with strong feelings of affection. So, for example, a person might say he or she loves his or her dog, loves freedom, or loves God. The concept of love may become an unimaginable thing and also it may happen to each person in a particular way.

Love has a variety of feelings, emotions, and attitude. For someone love is more than just being interested physically in another one, rather it is an emotional attachment. We can say love is more of a feeling that a person feels for another person. Therefore, the basic meaning of love is to feel more than liking towards someone.

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Need of Love

We know that the desire to love and care for others is a hard-wired and deep-hearted because the fulfillment of this wish increases the happiness level. Expressing love for others benefits not just the recipient of affection, but also the person who delivers it. The need to be loved can be considered as one of our most basic and fundamental needs.

One of the forms that this need can take is contact comfort. It is the desire to be held and touched. So there are many experiments showing that babies who are not having contact comfort, especially during the first six months, grow up to be psychologically damaged.

Significance of Love

Love is as critical for the mind and body of a human being as oxygen. Therefore, the more connected you are, the healthier you will be physically as well as emotionally. It is also true that the less love you have, the level of depression will be more in your life. So, we can say that love is probably the best antidepressant.

It is also a fact that the most depressed people don’t love themselves and they do not feel loved by others. They also become self-focused and hence making themselves less attractive to others.

Society and Love

It is a scientific fact that society functions better when there is a certain sense of community. Compassion and love are the glue for society. Hence without it, there is no feeling of togetherness for further evolution and progress. Love , compassion, trust and caring we can say that these are the building blocks of relationships and society.

Relationship and Love

A relationship is comprised of many things such as friendship , sexual attraction , intellectual compatibility, and finally love. Love is the binding element that keeps a relationship strong and solid. But how do you know if you are in love in true sense? Here are some symptoms that the emotion you are feeling is healthy, life-enhancing love.

Love is the Greatest Wealth in Life

Love is the greatest wealth in life because we buy things we love for our happiness. For example, we build our dream house and purchase a favorite car to attract love. Being loved in a remote environment is a better experience than been hated even in the most advanced environment.

Love or Money

Love should be given more importance than money as love is always everlasting. Money is important to live, but having a true companion you can always trust should come before that. If you love each other, you will both work hard to help each other live an amazing life together.

Love has been a vital reason we do most things in our life. Before we could know ourselves, we got showered by it from our close relatives like mothers , fathers , siblings, etc. Thus love is a unique gift for shaping us and our life. Therefore, we can say that love is a basic need of life. It plays a vital role in our life, society, and relation. It gives us energy and motivation in a difficult time. Finally, we can say that it is greater than any other thing in life.

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 Love Essay Topics

Love is a strong emotion that gets a person attracted to an object or another person. Love is the strongest emotion humans can develop. For centuries, love has played several important roles in the existence of humankind. Love serves as a facilitator of every human relationship. Without love, humans will suffer from loneliness and severe depression. For most students, the concept of love appears too complex to write an essay about. Most of the times, when students need to write love essays, they struggle to find what to write about. As part of our efforts to help students with their academics, we shall mention some popular love ideas that students will find interesting and easy to write things about. While all kinds of essays develop the ability of students to think critically, love essays make students see reasons to value emotional bonds. By using the essay ideas that we’ve compiled below, you will enjoy your writing session and find inspiration for research work, which is the essence of education.

Best love essay topics

  • Dependency of Love
  • What is Love?
  • Eros: The God Of Love
  • Garden of Love
  • Love: The Marriage Kind of Love
  • Love and Fellowship
  • A Discussion about Love and Marriage
  • God and Love: God Vs. Love
  • Love in Relationships
  • Love is a Natural and Beautiful Thing
  • Various Forms to Express Love
  • Love: The Best Memory
  • Chemistry Of Love: The Brain Scan
  • The Lack Of Love
  • A Quiz on First Love
  • How Pessimist View Love
  • The Cage of Love
  • The Idea of Love
  • Is Love Real?
  • What Makes A True Love?
  • The Various Ways to Love
  • Is True Love Necessary?
  • Theories of Love
  • How to Express Love
  • The Goddess Of Love
  • Love at First Sight
  • The Power of Love
  • Love and Sacrifice
  • A careful Examination of Parental Love
  • Is Love Just a Word?
  • Love is a Choice or a Feeling
  • Love is Not Easy or Simple
  • Self Love Is True Love
  • Love is More Than a Verb
  • The Ideas and Concepts behind Love
  • The Third Type Of Love
  • Love is Everywhere: A Society Without Romantic Love
  • Love Is A Temporary Madness
  • The True Meaning of Love
  • My View On Love
  • The Meaning of a Realistic Love
  • Is Love Becoming A Joke?
  • The Purest Form of Love Is Friendship
  • One Can See Love Anywhere
  • Personality Influences Love
  • The Medicine of Love
  • Love Is Just an Illusion
  • Love Is a Complex and Distinct Emotion
  • The Pattern of Love and Relationship
  • Love Is A Universal Language
  • The Triangle Of Love Theory
  • The Power of Youth Love
  • Love And Masculinity: The Theme
  • The Proper and Improper Way of Love
  • The Influence of Money on Love
  • The Definition of True Love
  • The Classic Belief Of Love
  • The Existence Of Love: The Theory
  • The True Elements Of Love
  • Socrates: Theory Of Love
  • How to find true love
  • Why is it difficult to find true love?
  • Love at first sight: how does it happen?
  • How to show your love to someone
  • How to stop loving someone
  • Why is it important to love people?
  • What does it mean to love someone from the heart?
  • How to know when someone truly loves you
  • Can love be measured?
  • Why you should love people without expecting anything in return
  • Why you should love those who don’t love you
  • Is love compulsory in every relationship?
  • How can love be dangerous?
  • The signs of true love
  • Differences between love and lust
  • Is love the same as lust?
  • Can a person love without giving?
  • The role of love in friendship
  • The strongest kind of love
  • The mysteries of love
  • Love is the bedrock of every relationship
  • What emotion can we rightly compare love to?
  • What makes romantic love different from other kinds of love?
  • How to fall in love with anyone
  • How love controls the mind
  • Why it’s good to love everyone around you
  • Is it possible to love annoying people?
  • Places where anyone can find true love
  • Why people hardly forget their first love
  • What makes love a special kind of emotion?
  • What are the differences between love and crush?
  • What pessimist think love is all about
  • Signs that a person doesn’t love you genuinely

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Essays About Love and Relationships: Top 5 Examples

Love, romance, and relationships are just as complicated and messy as they are fascinating. Read our guide on essays about love and relationships.

We, as humans, are social beings. Humanity is inclined towards living with others of our kind and forming relationships with them. Love, whether in a romantic context or otherwise, is essential to a strong relationship with someone. It can be used to describe familial, friendly, or romantic relationships; however, it most commonly refers to romantic partners. 

Love and relationships are difficult to understand, but with effort, devotion, and good intentions, they can blossom into something beautiful that will stay with you for life. This is why it is important to be able to discern wisely when choosing a potential partner.

5 Essay Examples

1. love and marriage by kannamma shanmugasundaram, 2. what my short-term relationships taught me about love and life by aaron zhu, 3. true love waits by christine barrett, 4. choosing the right relationship by robert solley, 5. masters of love by emily esfahani smith, 1. what is a healthy romantic relationship, 2. a favorite love story, 3. relationship experiences, 4. lessons relationships can teach you, 5. love and relationships in the 21st century, 6. is marriage necessary for true love.

“In successful love marriages, couples have to learn to look past these imperfections and remember the reasons why they married each other in the first place. They must be able to accept the fact that neither one of them is perfect. Successful love marriages need to set aside these superior, seemingly impossible expectations and be willing to compromise, settling for some good and some bad.”

Shanmugasundaram’s essay looks at marriage in Eastern Cultures, such as her Indian traditions, in which women have less freedom and are often forced into arranged marriages. Shanmugasundaram discusses her differing views with her parents over marriage; they prefer to stick to tradition while she, influenced by Western values, wants to choose for herself. Ultimately, she has compromised with her parents: they will have a say in who she marries, but it will be up to her to make the final decision. She will only marry who she loves. 

“There is no forever, I’ve been promised forever by so many exes that it’s as meaningless to me as a homeless person promising me a pot of gold. From here on out, I’m no longer looking for promises of forever, what I want is the promise that you’ll try your best and you’ll be worth it. Don’t promise me forever, promise me that there will be no regrets.”

In Zhu’s essay, he reflects on his lessons regarding love and relationships. His experiences with past partners have taught him many things, including self-worth and the inability to change others. Most interestingly, however, he believes that “forever” does not exist and that going into a relationship, they should commit to as long as possible, not “forever.” Furthermore, they should commit to making the relationship worthwhile without regret. 

“For life is a constant change, love is the greatest surprise, friendship is your best defense, maturity comes with responsibility and death is just around the corner, so, expect little, assume nothing, learn from your mistakes, never fail to have faith that true love waits, take care of your friends, treasure your family, moderate your pride and throw up all hatred for God opens millions of flowers without forcing the buds, reminding us not to force our way but to wait for true love to happen perfectly in His time.”

Barrett writes about how teenagers often feel the need to be in a relationship or feel “love” as soon as possible. But unfortunately, our brains are not fully matured in our teenage years, so we are more likely to make mistakes. Barrett discourages teenagers from dating so early; she believes that they should let life take its course and enjoy life at the moment. Her message is that they shouldn’t be in a rush to grow up, for true love will come to those who are patient. You might also be interested in these essays about commitment and essays about girlfriends .

“A paucity of common interests gets blamed when relationships go south, but they are rarely the central problem. Nonetheless, it is good to have some — mostly in terms of having enough in common that there are things that you enjoy spending time doing together. The more important domains to consider are personality and values, and when it comes to personality, the key question is how does your potential partner handle stress.”

Solley, from a more psychological perspective, gives tips on how one can choose the ideal person to be in a relationship with. Love is a lifetime commitment, so much thought should be put into it. One should look at culture, values regarding spending money, and common interests. Solley believes that you should not always look for someone with the same interests, for what makes a relationship interesting is the partners’ differences and how they look past them. 

“There are two ways to think about kindness. You can think about it as a fixed trait: Either you have it or you don’t. Or you could think of kindness as a muscle. In some people, that muscle is naturally stronger than in others, but it can grow stronger in everyone with exercise. Masters tend to think about kindness as a muscle. They know that they have to exercise it to keep it in shape. They know, in other words, that a good relationship requires sustained hard work.”

Smith discusses research conducted over many years that explains the different aspects of a relationship, including intimacy, emotional strength, and kindness. She discusses kindness in-depth, saying that a relationship can test your kindness, but you must be willing to work to be kind if you love your partner. You might also be interested in these essays about divorce .

6 Writing Prompts On Essays About Love and Relationships

Essays About Love and Relationships: What is a healthy romantic relationship?

Everyone has a different idea of what makes a great relationship. For example, some prioritize assertiveness in their partner, while others prefer a calmer demeanor. You can write about different qualities and habits that a healthy, respectful relationship needs, such as quality time and patience. If you have personal experience, reflect on this as well; however, if you don’t, write about what you would hope from your future partner. 

Love and relationships have been an essential element in almost every literary work, movie, and television show; an example of each would be Romeo and Juliet , The Fault in Our Stars , and Grey’s Anatomy . Even seemingly unrelated movies, such as the Star Wars and Lord of the Rings franchises, have a romantic component. Describe a love story of your choice; explain its plot, characters, and, most importantly, how the theme of love and relationships is present. 

If you have been in a romantic relationship before, or if you are in one currently, reflect on your experience. Why did you pursue this relationship? Explore your relationship’s positive and negative sides and, if applicable, how it ended. If not, write about how you will try and prevent the relationship from ending.

All our experiences in life form us, relationships included. In your essay, reflect on ways romantic relationships can teach you new things and make you better; consider values such as self-worth, patience, and positivity. Then, as with the other prompts, use your personal experiences for a more interesting essay. Hou might find our guide on how to write a vow helpful.

How love, romance, and relationships are perceived has changed dramatically in recent years; from the nuclear family, we have seen greater acceptance of same-sex relationships, blended families, and relationships with more than two partners—research on how the notion of romantic relationships has changed and discuss this in your essay. 

Essays About Love and Relationships: Is marriage necessary for true love?

More and more people in relationships are deciding not to get married. For a strong argumentative essay, discuss whether you agree with the idea that true love does not require marriage, so it is fine not to get married in the first place. Research the arguments of both sides, then make your claim. 

Check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays . If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics .

essay titles about love

Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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50 great articles and essays about love and relationships, love and life, masters of love by emily esfahani smith, this is emo by chuck klosterman, how to pick your life partner by tim urban, my superpower is being alone forever by joe berkowitz and joanna neborsky, it's not them, it's you by jen doll, together alone by michael hobbes, liking is for cowards by jonathan franzen, 30 more essays about life, relationships, in relationships, be deliberate by emily esfahani smith and galena rhoades, endless love by aaron ben-ze’ev, does a more equal marriage mean less sex by lori gottlieb, deeply, truly (but not physically) in love by lauren slater, is an open marriage a happier marriage by susan dominus, the breakup museum by leslie jamison, tinder and the dawn of the "dating apocalypse" by nancy jo sales, dating online by emily witt, love me tinder by emily witt, tinder hearted by allison p. davis, a million first dates by dan slater, mormons, orthodox jews and the dating crisis by jon birger, dating by numbers by kevin poulsen, why we cheat by lisa taddeo, why women stray by david buss, the adultery arms race by michelle cottle, the cuckold by james harms, why we love by helen fisher, essays in love by alain de botton, all about love by bell hooks, a general theory of love by thomas lewis, fari amini and richard lannon, 100 more great nonfiction books, see also..., 50 great psychology articles, 50 great essays about life, 20 great articles about happiness.

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The Psychology of Love

Love by lauren slater, the science of love by barbara fredrickson, the biology of attraction by helen e. fisher, love is like cocaine by helen fisher, the rejection lab by alison kinney, there's no such thing as everlasting love by emily esfahani smith, 50 more articles about psychology, men, women, sex and darwin by natalie angier, 12 revelations about sex by alain de botton, safe-sex lies by meghan daum, why my wife won't sleep with me by sean elder, women who want to want by daniel bergner, 50 more articles about sex, kids these days, no labels, no drama, right by jordana narin, why developing serious relationships in your 20s matters by elizabeth spiers, like. flirt. ghost. by mary h. k. choi, friends without benefits by nancy jo sales, boys on the side by hanna rosin, 50 more articles about growing up, the limits of friendship by maria konnikova, the type of love that makes people happiest by arthur c. brooks, how friendships change in adulthood by julie beck, it’s your friends who break your heart by jennifer senior, friends of a certain age by alex williams, a guide to friendship, schmoozing, and social advancement by glenn o'brien, the man date by jennifer 8. lee.

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essay titles about love

20 Essay Topics about Love for the Most Non-Relevant Subjects

Love is one of the most beautiful things around. This feeling of attachment brings people together and helps them conquer some of the life’s challenges. Life can get really boring when you are all alone, and it may even lead to depression and other physiological issues. But if you are with a person you love, even the most boring activities turn to be fun and enjoyable. A walk in the park becomes an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors together. Those boring nights turn to be a chance to bond and plan for the future.  When you have to write an essay on love, all you have to do is to highlight the power in making people’s lives better and worthwhile. But what if you have to write in fields that are not usually related to love such as economics and law. This can be quite challenging and to help you with that, here are 20 essay topics about love in different niches. Read further and pick the right topic for your upcoming essay.

heart balloons sky

  • Spending for Affection: Valentine’s Day Phenomenon
  • Spending Habits in Marriage: Who Is the Spendthrift in Your Union?
  • Debt Management for Couples: Should Couples Service a Debt Together or Separately?
  • Asset Management and Ownership for Couples. At What Point Do Your Partner’s Assets Become Your Own
  • The Economics of Divorce: Who Gets What When a Couple Breaks Up?
  • Ensuring Fairness in Divorce: The Division of Assets and Finances in Divorce
  • Marriage and the Law: The Legal Responsibilities of Couples in Marriage
  • Are You Cohabiting with Your Partner?  What the Law Says about Cohabiting
  • Appealing a Divorce: Seeking Fairness as You Terminate Your Union
  • Domestic Violence in Marriage: How the Law Protects You From Physical and Emotional Harm in Your Marriage

Information Technology

  • Technology and Love: Finding Love Online
  • Amazing Apps That Will Help Connect You to the Love of Your Life
  • Online Dating: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology in Dating
  • Fake Love: Why Online Dating Is Not the Best Way to Find Love
  • Scams Online: How to Protect Yourself When Using Online Dating Apps
  • Love at First Sight: Tell a Tale Signs That He or She Is Your Soulmate
  • The Chemistry of Love: What Is This Thing Called Love
  • Love and Lust: Can the Two Exist Together
  • The Different Ways to Love Your Partner: The Emotional Availability and Support
  • Physical Attraction: Is That Love or Lust?

There is more to love than just the fun bits associated with it, and sometimes, your professors may ask you to draft an essay on the issues that are not usually related to love and relations such as the economics of love and what the law says about your marriage. When it happens, the above-mentioned tips will come in handy. Pick a topic and get down to drafting right away.

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527 Relationship Essay Topics

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  • The Relationship Between the Environment and Humans
  • Social Media: The Negative Impact on Relationships
  • Confucius: The Five Great Relationships
  • Hamlet and Gertrude Relationship Analysis – Research Paper
  • Shakespearean Hamlet’s and Ophelia’s Relationship
  • The Relationship Between Theory and Research
  • Literature: Relationships With Society
  • The Relationship Between the Environment and Development Environmental issues are some of the most popular topics for global discussion among the policymakers. Different countries face different environmental problems.
  • How Cell Phones Affect Family Relationships: Essay Sample This essay will give recommendations on how to handle technological devices to improve the social structures in a family.
  • Relationships in “The Merchant of Venice” by Shakespeare “The Merchant of Venice” is a play written by William Shakespeare during the 16th century. The characters in the play demonstrate virtues of friendship, love, and hate.
  • The Relationship between Religion and Politics The paper will look at how various civilizations have regarded religion and the extent to which religion has been allowed to influence the direction of politics.
  • Law and Medicine: Relationship Analysis Medicine like most other professionals is governed by laws that are meant to protect patients’ rights and prevent fraudulent practice.
  • Relationship Problems and Disagreements All relationships have problems and disagreements. Lack of communication can be the start of a couple’s problems or the other way round.
  • Relationship Between Entrepreneurship and Innovation Entrepreneurship and innovation are complementary of each other. Having an updated entrepreneurial perspective in business is critical for reaching the aim of innovation.
  • “Night” by Elie Wiesel: Eliezer’s and His Father Relationship Eliezer the main character in Night encounters change on several occasions. This essay describes how the relationship between Eliezer and his father changes throughout the novel.
  • Social Media: Impact on Interpersonal Communication and Relationships Social media has surpassed email as the primary method of communication with individuals from all around the globe. It has proved beneficial to some and harmful to others.
  • How Happy Relationships Affect a Person: Cause and Effect The paper states that happy relationships are affective. They impact a person’s physical and emotional health and can change an individual’s attitude in life.
  • Social Media and Interpersonal Relationships Social media has undeniably impacted the nature of interpersonal relationships, and the result is rather ambiguous, although more negative changes can be identified.
  • Importance of Relationships and Family in Frankenstein Frankenstein’s novel talks about different thematic outlooks relying on what the reader identifies as the thematic impact of their modern culture.
  • The Relationship Between Identity and Language Native language is often taken for granted as something that people use intuitively but it has a critical role in building one’s identity.
  • Relationship Between Morality and Happiness The role of morality in relation to happiness is essential. It defines the core principles and values of a person.
  • Relationship Between Poverty and Crime The paper makes the case and discusses inequality rather than poverty being the prime reason for people committing crimes.
  • Enculturation and Family Relationships This paper will be devoted to the experience of enculturation affected by parents and their relationships and what impact it had on the family relationships.
  • Relationship Between Concepts, Constructs, and Variables To develop the conceptual framework, it is crucial to define the concepts, constructs, and variables and understand their application in healthcare research.
  • Boeing Company’s Customer Relationships Management The focus of the paper is to give the definition of the notion of “being customer-led” and to analyze different customer-led programs on the example of Boeing Company.
  • Arm Span vs. Height: The Relationship Analysis This study will demonstrate whether the men’s spread arms are equal to their height using the dimensions provided in the Vitruvian man illustration.
  • The Glass Menagerie: Analysis of Relationships This essay will analyze the complicated relationship between the antagonists of the Glass Menagerie play Amanda–the mother and Laura—the daughter.
  • Cathay Pacific Airlines’ Customer Relationship Management This paper investigates the impact of customer relationship management in the airline industry and its contribution to the success of Cathay Pacific Airlines.
  • Counseling and the Characteristics of Helping Relationships Counseling is a multifaceted process that involves the creation of friendship, active listening and elevation of an individual to make a wise decision concord to current challenges.
  • Relationship between Gods and Humans in The Odyssey The relationships between Gods and Humans in The Odyssey are layered and vital for the story. Find out how they affect the plot and Odysseus’s journey.
  • Business and Human Resource Strategies Relationship This paper discusses the reasons why it is necessary to have a close relationship between business strategy and an organization’s human resource strategy.
  • Relationship Between Korean Culture and Language This paper considers the English language peculiarities among Korean migrants to demonstrate the impact of national culture on forming the Korean language by using their contracts.
  • Aristotle’s View on the Relationship Between Soul and Body Aristotle’s work called “De Anima” represents a study of the question of the soul and is phenomenal for the time of the thinker.
  • Marriage and Family Relationships’ Role in Society In this paper, attention will be paid to such factors as social class, age, and other determinants of marriage in order to comprehend the worth of a family in society.
  • The Relationships Between Church and States in Europe This paper has explored the development of relationships between church and state in Europe in the period from 800 to 1122.
  • Parent-Child Relationship and Its Effect on Adolescents The importance of parent-child relationships stems from an incredible level of interdependence that many families display when it comes to addressing family needs.
  • Odysseus and Athena Relationship in Homer’s The Odyssey Odyssey is one of the major poems written by Homer. It has been translated to a number of modern languages and originally it was expected to be sung, rather than read.
  • Joyce Travelbee’s Human to Human Relationship Model Joyce Travelbee’s human-to-human relationship model argues that every patient is a unique human being who deserves to be provided with hope, motivation, and meaning while experiencing the illness.
  • Behaving in a Loving Relationship This topic is essential because divorce rates increase every year, and most people are not aware of the rules that may help maintain love, trust, and care.
  • Business Relationship With Its Stakeholders This paper briefly looks at theories that explain a business relationship with its stakeholders. It then discusses stakeholders in the banking industry.
  • Hedda Gabler’s Relationships with the Men in Her Life The play “Hedda Gabler” reveals the lifestyle and thoughts of a desperate housewife who is limited by Victorian values.
  • Computer Communication and Its Influence on People’s Relationships The essay states that computer communication has excellent development opportunities currently, still it has some negative effects.
  • Building Meaningful Relationships The relationships that people create with their contacts are critical in mobilizing resources to promote change in the community.
  • Virtual and In-Person Relationships: Comparative Analysis The lower rate of marriages compared to romantic partnerships among online daters may be due to the lack of exclusivity, commitment, and trust.
  • The Relationship Between Education and Recidivism Inmates who enrolled to earn a diploma in General Educational Development did not engage in crimes again as compared to those who did not enroll for such programs.
  • Analysis of the Relationship between Strategy and Implementation of Change The development of internet technology has resulted into global interconnection amongst various organizations.
  • Pluralism Approach to Employment Relationship The paper discusses whether pluralism is the most viable approach to the modern employment relationship by comparing it with other structures and exploring neo-pluralism.
  • Single African American Mothers’ Relationships With Sons The research topic for this study dealt with the experiences of single African American mothers’ relationships with their sons.
  • Intercultural Relationships and Communication An intercultural relationship is vital because it can help to learn new skills and gain diversified cultural knowledge.
  • Attachment Theory and Romantic Relationships Attachment is a crucial personal characteristic that significantly influences an individual’s social life and romantic relations.
  • Father-Son Relationships in Homer’s “The Odyssey” By focusing on the father-son relationship, Homer reveals what was important to the ancient Greeks and what should still be important to us today.
  • Money Issues in Romantic and Marital Relationships Money often causes issues in relationships because of changing roles in the household, increasing expenses, financial infidelity, and lack of financial goals.
  • Hamlet’s Relationship With Gertrude Hamlet’s conflict with Gertrude, his mother, reflects the difference in views between them and the young prince’s desire for imaginary ideals amid royal intrigue.
  • The Processes of Building Connection and Relationships A situation in which someone reveals his or her feelings is always saturated with emotions and requires understanding and empathic accuracy.
  • Cheating or Infidelity in Relationships Infidelity in romantic relationships, both at the stage of dating and marrying, usually leads to the partnership’s destruction.
  • Music and Mathematics Relationship This paper seeks to show the usage of mathematics in music and avail information on the effects of listening to music on mathematics.
  • Science and Religion: Historical Relationship This paper will discuss the historical relationship between science and religion including the areas of contention and agreement between the two.
  • Relationship Between Strategy and Operations in an Organization The paper states that the relationship between strategy and operations creates a strong process for formulating decisions in running an organization.
  • The Relationship Between Science and Philosophy The article discusses science and philosophy are the same things, but science is a modified version of philosophy.
  • Wal-Mart: Managing Relationships with Stakeholders From an ethical and legal point of view, Wal-Mart needed to change some policies and continue to improve on some of its most basic strategies.
  • The Relationship Between Land and People A case on study was the December 26th, 2004 tsunami that killed over 230,000 people in 14 different countries.
  • “Sonny’s Blues”: Relationships Between the Brothers One of the main themes in the short story “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin is family support, essential for uniting the characters and allowing them to solve their problems.
  • Explaining the Impact of Birth Order on Siblings’ Relationships Relationships between children can vary and be analyzed on the basis of a number of factors, primarily the position of the siblings, more popularly termed as ‘birth-order’.
  • Worker-Employer Relationship According to Bible Job is an influential part of a person’s life, and employees and employers must build good relationships. The Bible refers to them as interactions between a slave and a master.
  • Gadgets’ Impact on Parent-Child Relationships This paper considers studies that analyze gadgets’ impact on relations between parents and children and factors that affect the time children spend using their devices.
  • Marketing and Revenue Management Relationship Marketing and revenue are two correlated essential aspects of the business. Both revenue management and marketing are geared toward increasing business revenue.
  • The Impacts of Divorce on Family Relationships The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of divorce and separation on family relationships. The researcher will apply qualitative research approach to analyze data.
  • The Causes and Effects of Social Media on Relationships and Communication Communication has become easier and more complicated at the same time. The Internet has blended interpersonal and mass communication, making public and private lines less pronounced.
  • Freedom in Life and Relationship There are numerous benefits accrued from freedom in a relationship. Setting a partner free in a relationship leads to one becoming responsible and committed to the relationship.
  • Globalization and Democratization Relationship This paper explores the existing relationship between democracy and globalization. It focuses on democratization, globalization and their imperativeness.
  • The Parent-Child Relationships Theories Duties that a child has to his or her parents are unique. When it comes to parents, an individual is expected to do things that he or she will not do for other people.
  • Ghosting in Communication and Relationships Ghosting is the act of abruptly ending all communication with someone, especially with another person well-known to someone.
  • Boyle’s Law: Pressure-Volume Relationship in Gases The purpose of this paper is to use an established mathematical relationship to determine pressure or volume gas when one variable changes at a constant temperature.
  • Parent-Child Relationships in the Novels “Lolita” by Vladimir Nabokov and “Sula” by Toni Morrison The problem of parent-child relationships is one of the most examined and actual eternal questions. This question concerns the problems of love and hatred.
  • Marriage and Romantic Relationships: US vs. Trinidad & Tobago This paper aims to discuss the courtship and marriage customs in the United States and compare them with those from Trinidad and Tobago.
  • Relationship Between Urbanization, Globalization, and People The relationship between urbanization, globalization, and people is one of the most interesting and provocative topics in many discussions.
  • Education and Income Inequality Relationship Income inequality is a great problem of every society since it widens the chasm between the richest and the most deprived people and negatively affects economic growth.
  • How to End a Relationship? In the instance when both parties are not comfortable with the relationship and they are ready to come out and share their feelings, ending a relationship is rather easy.
  • Responsible Relationships and Abstinence Developing responsible relationships and remaining abstinent is crucial for adolescents and young adults, especially for their mental well-being.
  • Father-Son Relationship in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” Play The paper states that Hamlet’s struggle emanates from the death of his father. Although he becomes a villain at some point, he remained steadfast.
  • Peplau’s Theory of Nurse-Patient Relationship Peplau theorized the main goal of care is to create an interpersonal, therapeutic relationship to allow nurses to assist their clients in identifying their felt problems.
  • Rita F. Pierson and The TED Talk on Education and the Teacher’s Relationship With the Children Rita F. Pierson: the TED talk on education and the teacher’s relationship with the children they teach and discuss its traits as well as those of the speaker.
  • My Relationships With the English Language and English Skills One day, I realized that the development of literacy skills did not mean merely the ability to string several words together in a coherent sentence.
  • The Relationship Between Drugs and Addiction to Crime Systemic crime emerges from the arrangement of drug circulation. It includes conflicts over the region in rival drug traders, attacks, and executions committed in involved groups.
  • GE Energy and GE Healthcare: Strategic Customer Relationships This article seeks to discuss the benefits of building strategic customer relationships for GE Energy and GE healthcare and their customers.
  • Employee Burnout and Vacation Length Relationship There is a problem with the workplace burnout rates in the organization. It needs to be addressed in a manner as efficient and expeditious as possible.
  • Nursing Theoretical Frameworks: Joyce Travelbee’s Human-To-Human Relationship Model In contemporary nursing science, there are numerous theoretical frameworks of various types, each describing a unique approach to caregiving.
  • Family Relationship in “Night” by Elie Wiesel In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, the relationship between Eliezar and his father appears to be complex. In this essay, the author analyzes how this relationship changes throughout the novel.
  • Communication Theories in Workplace Relationships As per the social penetration hypothesis, individuals progress from shallow to deep dialogues when trust is established via recurrent effective interaction.
  • Analysis TED Talk Outline: Broken Relationship Sometimes, relationships get broken for seemingly no reason; you just abruptly drift away from each other: even the closest of people can grow apart without a reason.
  • How to Maintain a Long-Term Relationship The answer to how to maintain a long-term relationship can be simplified into one word – balance. The sense lies in the lack of balance between high expectations and reality.
  • The Relationship Between Human Sinfulness and the Doctrine of Salvation The theme of the salvation of the human soul is central throughout the Bible. This paper examines one aspect of the Doctrine of Salvation, concerning human sinfulness.
  • Relationship with Father in the Book Night by Elie Wiesel In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, Eliezer experiences starvation, mental and physical abuse; the experience resulted to a change in relationship with his father.
  • Romantic Relationships Built With Dating Apps Modern technologies are actively developing and improving and helping people in all areas of their lives. The sphere of personal relationships and love is no exception.
  • The Relationship Between My Laptop and Me Remote work was gaining popularity, and today, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, almost all areas of our lives have moved online.
  • Environment and Health Relationship This paper aims to explain the relationship between health and the environment through a succinct analysis and identification of five objectives of epidemiology.
  • Classifications: Cell-Phone Users, Relationship, Class Items and Drivers This paper examines different types of people in the following categories: cell-phone users, relationship, class items and drivers.
  • The Relationship Between Air Temperature and Relative Humidity The paper describes the connection between relative humidity and temperature as well as the variations in these two parameters at different times of the day.
  • Breaking Free From an Abusive Relationship The problem of an abusive relationship and a woman’s role in it is vividly depicted in the movie “Enough” with Jennifer Lopez and in the book “Black and Blue” by Anna Quindlen.
  • Adult – Child Relationships in American Movies The following research paper is about the relationship bond of an Adult and a child shown in the American movies.
  • Behavior and Relationships in the Workplace If a person does not achieve the desired results in the workplace, it means that he or she does not fulfill the obligations to an employer.
  • Family Relationships and Dominant Culture Personal preferences, values, and attitudes are largely conditioned by the social and cultural environment in which people live.
  • Organizational Structure’s and Culture Relationship The paper considers the questions about creating and managing organizational culture, and organizational design and strategy in a changing global environment.
  • The Yoga Ethics in a Student-Teacher Relationship The yoga ethics in the student/teacher relationship arises from an idea of various boundaries ranging from an array of personal upbringing and regular life experiences.
  • Polyandrous Relationships and Their Key Features People in polyandrous relationships experience love and emotional attachment and are ready to be close to each other for better or for worse.
  • The Relationship Between the Range and Time of Flight of a Cannonball This work aims to establish the relationship between the range and time of flight of a cannonball as a function of its initial velocity of departure from the cannon.
  • Mother-Daughter Relationship in “Flowers in the Attic” by Andrews, Virginia C. Flowers in the Attic by Andrews, Virginia C. deeply explores various topics related to child neglect, abuse, unhealthy parental dynamics, and family patterns.
  • The Work and Identity Formation Relationship Work is one of the vast parts of human lives because contributes to the moral development of people and is closely connected with the process of personality forming.
  • Professional Relationships in Healthcare Successful professional relationships are essential to working effectively in healthcare settings and maintaining a positive climate within the organization.
  • Developing Relationships in the Workplace Stakeholders are individuals and groups that the firm impacts directly or indirectly. Businesses must identify and prioritize the needs and expectations via surveys and feedback.
  • Date Rape and Victim-Offender Relationships Analysis The victim/offender relationship is one of the most significant factors, which help to determine offender’s behavior at different stages of committing a crime.
  • The Main Theses of Healthy Relationship A healthy relationship refers to a good relation with the people around you whereby there are no instances of quarrel or disagreements over given issues.
  • Relationship between Religion and Government The government and religion should not be related at all as an individual’s religious choices are personal. The paper shall look at the basis of this argument through examples.
  • The Relationship Between Youth, Lifestyle and Consumption The idea of youth in the modern world has not been explicitly attached to a certain age group, and became the focus of the global consumer culture as a whole.
  • Interpersonal Qualities for Good Relationships Interpersonal skills like respect, friendliness, sympathetic joy and equanimity are essential for the growth of quality relations that foster individual and collective development.
  • Body-Mind Relationship in Psychobiology The very division into “the body” and “the mind” is artificial, but it is convenient due to our perception of the world and the huge qualitative difference between them.
  • Building Family and Community Relationships Standard 2: Building Family and Community Relationships requires advocates on behalf of children to understand the current family and community situation of children.
  • Romantic Relationship: Failures and Lessons Self-development is the final step before meeting the one who can make you happy and the final stride before developing successful relationships with this Mr. or Ms. Right.
  • The Impact of Divorce and Separation on Family Relationships Divorce and separation has become a tradition in the contemporary world. Spouses barely finish 10 years in marriage before they start having misunderstandings.
  • Doctor-Patient Relationships in Medical Anthropology Doctor-patient relationships promote the physical and mental health of the patient and assist the doctor in providing the highest level of treatment.
  • Broken Relationships Aspects Discussion Nowadays, divorces are more acceptable in society, some people choose to be single parents, and some decide they do not need to be married to have a family.
  • Descartes and the Mind-Body Relationship Driven by Descartes’s explanation of his mind-body relationship theory, specialists tend to ensure to distinguish between the brain and the mind.
  • The Relationship Between Internal and External Customers In “Internal Customer in the Management of Sports and Recreation Company” the researcher seeks to find a relationship between the sports employees with those who use the services.
  • Ethics: Dual Relationships Dual-role relationships are a very important topic in the social working area since they can affect both sides: the specialist and the client.
  • Interpersonal Relationships in the Movie Crash The movie Crash (2004) raises multiple essential topics, and some of the described issues are still acute in society.
  • Doctor-Nurse Relationships The interaction between team members in the health industry is extremely important as it might have an impact on the life of the patient.
  • Industry vs. Inferiority Relationships School plays an essential role as the teachers and classmates help one progress through industry and inferiority.
  • The Kite Runner’ by Khaled Hosseini: Relationships That Change
  • Human Behavior and Social Environment Relationship
  • Cognitive Dissonance in Abusive Relationships
  • Social Relationships and Work
  • Football in Ghana and Its Relationship with the Rest of the World (Player Transfers)
  • Symbiotic Relationship Between Cleaner Gobies and Fish
  • Marketing: Good Relationship With Customers
  • Childhood Relationships & Adolescent Mental Health
  • Son-Father Relationship in Elie Wiesel’s “Night”
  • Group Dynamics and Relationships in Teams
  • Family Relationships and Response to Health Issues
  • The Impact Paternal Absence on Females Relationships
  • Law and Morality Relationship: Kant vs. Fuller
  • Healthy Marriage and Family Relationships
  • Communication Technology: Impact on Personal Relationships
  • Employee Relationships From a Biblical Perspective
  • The Mediating Effect of Job Happiness on the Relationship Between Job Satisfaction
  • Social Media and Mental Health Relationship
  • Money Issues in a Relationship
  • Nurse-Family Relationship and Barriers to It
  • The Relationship between Race and Sexuality
  • Parasocial Relationships and Purchasing Habits
  • Impact of Relationships and Social Connection
  • Single Mothers and Sons Relationships
  • Customer Relationship Management in E-Commerce
  • The Relationship Between Task Duration and Direct Resource Cost
  • Doctor-Nurse Relationships: Lessons Learnt
  • The Reverse Logistics and Sustainability Relationship
  • Door-to-Door Sales and Personal Relationships
  • Extramarital Relationships and Their Causes
  • Why Doctor-Patient Relationships Matter
  • Exploring Patterns and Relationships in Mathematics
  • Sexual Abuse and Its Impact on Relationships
  • Benefits of Good Parent-Child Relationships
  • Japan-US International Trade Relationship
  • Ethics of Infidelity and Cheating in Relationships
  • Relationship Between Sports and Religion
  • Direct Marketing and Relationship With Customers
  • Morality Policy Making: The Relationship between Politics and Morality
  • Identities within Relationships
  • Analyzing the Relationship Between Gender and Victimization
  • Customer Relationship Marketing in Business Marketing
  • The Relationship With Colleagues
  • Organizational Management and Performance: Inter-Organizational Relationships
  • The Relationship of Leadership to the Politics of the Organization
  • McClelland’s Theory: Organizational Relationships
  • Education & Interpersonal Relationships in Family
  • International Relationships and Foreign Policy in American Movies
  • Integrity in Relationships and Leadership
  • Peer Relationships Impact on Adulthood Development
  • Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc.’s Supply Chain Relationships
  • Domestic Violence in Same-Sex Relationships
  • Funder and Grantee: Building a Relationship
  • Social Media Changing Interpersonal Relationships
  • Attraction, Love, Relationship Schemas and Stages
  • Primary Nursing Care vs. Relationship-Based Care
  • Persuasion and Relationships in Negotiating and Disputes
  • The Contractor-Customer Relationship Factors
  • The Relationship of the Holy Spirit to the Father and the Son
  • The Booking Firm’s Customer Relationship Management
  • How the Concept of Brahman-Atman Can Benefit Human-Environment Relationship
  • Father & Son Relationship in Night by Elie Wiesel
  • Money and Relationship in King Lear by Shakespeare
  • Relationships and Christian Morality
  • The Theme of Relationships in “Hills Like White Elephants” and “Indian Camp” by Hemingway
  • Database Diagrams and Relationships
  • Trends in Relationships in the Board of Directors and the CEOs
  • Relationship Between Brilliance and Mental Illness
  • Competence in Relationships, Interaction, and Guidance
  • Relationships in the “Night” Novel by Elie Wiesel
  • Public Health and Private Medicine Relationship
  • Government Regulations of Employment Relationship
  • Christ’s Relationships with Wealth and Poverty
  • Religious Beliefs and Ecology Relationship
  • Lobbying and Civil Disobedience Relationship
  • Relationship Between Low Self-Esteem and Body Weight Among Adolescents
  • Psychology of Relationships: Case Analysis
  • The Relationship Between HIV and Kaposi Sarcoma
  • Alzheimer’s Disease Through the Lens of a Relationship
  • Father-Son Relationship in Night
  • Bullying and School Drop Out Rate Relationship Analysis
  • Collaborative Relationships within Child Protection Work
  • Relationships Between Maori and Pakeha During the Early Contact Period
  • Explaining Relationships: Types of Relationships
  • The Analysis of the Structure of Human Relationships
  • Birth Order and Siblings Relationships
  • Father-Son Relationships in William Faulkner’s Novels
  • Empirically Supported Relationships and Therapist Factors
  • The Relationship Between Understaffing of Nurses and Patient Safety
  • Personal Relationship With Alcohol Abuse
  • “Night”: A Reflection on Elie’s Relationship with His Father
  • Technological Influence on Personal Relationships
  • Employment Relationship: Nature and Tensions
  • Human Becoming Theory in Patient-Nurse Relationships
  • Role of Social Media in Managing Customer Relationships
  • Muslim Faith and Healthcare Relationship
  • African-American Mothers’ and Their Sons Relationship
  • Standard 2: Building Family and Community Relationships
  • Interpersonal Relationships and Health Outcomes
  • Five Components of a Lasting Relationship
  • Management’ and Employees’ Relationship
  • Relationship Between PTSD and Religion
  • Social Media Hindrance on Interpersonal Relationships
  • Mind-Body Relationship in Psychobiological View
  • Supply Chain Processes and Relationship Management
  • Diversity Dimensions and Their Impact on Relationships
  • The Broken Relationship Interview Analysis
  • Understanding the Relationship Between Discount Rate and Risks
  • Relativism and Its Relationship With Ethics
  • Leadership Followership Relationship
  • Coach and Athlete Relationship
  • Relationship Development Application Paper
  • Explaining Attachment Theory and Romantic Relationships
  • Industrialization Impact on Men and Women Relationship
  • Introduction to Sociology: Building Proper Relationships
  • Culture and Its Relationship to Fundamentalism of Modern Iran
  • “Children’s Emotional Development: Challenges in Their Relationships to Parents, Peers, and Friends”: Article Review
  • The Relationship Between Understaffing of Nurses and Patient Safety in Hospitals
  • Healthy Relationships in the Healthcare Workplace
  • The Experimental Approach: The Causal Relationship Between Independent Variables and Dependent Variables
  • Singapore and Malaysia Economic Relationships
  • Therapy and Culture in the Nurse-Patient Relationship
  • Dating Stereotypes and Relationships Development
  • Social Media’ and Business’ Relationships in Indonesia
  • The Autism-Gender Relationship Analysis
  • Values’ Influence on a Romantic Relationship
  • The Nature of Leadership as an Organizational Relationship
  • The Myth and History Relationship in Homer’s Iliad
  • The Ethical Principle of Dual Relationships
  • Communication Milestones in Relationships
  • The Fourth Amendment and Technology Relationship
  • The US-Israel Relationship and Foreign Challenges
  • The Therapeutic Couple: Non-Working Relationships
  • The Relationship Between Sustainable Development and a High Standard of Living
  • A Care Ethics Position: Doctor-Patient Relationships
  • Collaboration: Impact on Employee Relationships
  • The Relationship Between Native Americans and White Settlers
  • The Brain Structure and Cognition Relationship
  • Critical Racial Theory and Interracial Relationships
  • Unveiling the Relationship Between CSR and Employee Turnover
  • Economic Inequality and Its Relationship to Poverty
  • The Relationship Between Gender and GPA
  • The Media and Print Relationship
  • The Employee Salary and Market Rate Relationship
  • The Theology and Science Roles and Relationships
  • Father-Son Relationships in “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • Causal Relationships Between Variables
  • The Similarity in Reasons to Start and End a Romantic Relationship
  • Therapy for Building Meaningful Relationships
  • Effective Communication Tips for Better Relationships
  • Comparison of Current Relationships Between US and Russia to Cold War
  • Ideologies and Their Relationship Between Violence and Popularity
  • Organization and Employee Relationships
  • The Global Industry and Nature Relationships
  • Nonverbal Communication in Relationships
  • The Parent-Child Relationship in Sports
  • Human Relationships and Happiness
  • The Impact of Alzheimer’s Disease on Relationships
  • Becoming an Adult and Forming Relationships
  • The US Dollar Value and Demand Relationship
  • Identifying Employer-Employee Relationship
  • “Relationship Between Logistical Support Factors…” by Akanmu
  • Successful and Unsuccessful Strategies in Relationships
  • Cohabitation: A Free Relationship
  • A Relationship Between the Individual and Society
  • Relationship Between the Medieval Music and Culture
  • Elderly Health and Substance Abuse Relationship
  • A Feedback in the Manager-Employee Relationship
  • Performance Management and Working Relationships
  • The History of Relationships Between Police and African Americans
  • Technology and Employment Relationship Management
  • Strategies for Relationships, Groups, and Organizations
  • Wealth, Opportunity, and Teen Pregnancy Relationship
  • Relationship of the History of the Western Civilization II Timeline to Historiography
  • Developing the Coach-Athlete Relationships
  • The Relationship Between Grassroots Movements and Activists
  • Social Capital and COVID-19 Relationship
  • Entrepreneurial Networking and Relationship Capital
  • Customer Relationship Management Software Implementation
  • Sports and Religion: The Relationship Analysis
  • The Federal Reserve and the Bible Relationship
  • Relationships in the “For Colored Girls” Film
  • Relationship Between the Past and the Present in “Kindred” Novel
  • The Relationship Between the Use of Electronics and Consumer Behaviors
  • Coaching: Responsibility, Strategies, and Relationships With Client
  • Building Strong Relationships at Work
  • Hagia Sophia and Related Spiritual Relationships
  • The Intimate Relationships Development
  • Philosophy of Religion: The Topic of the Relationship Between God
  • Communication Inhibitors’ Effect on Relationships
  • Halloween Culture and Influenza Infection Relationship
  • Relationship Between Poverty and Health People in 2020
  • Human Psychology and Physiology Relationship
  • Corporate Governance and Voluntary Disclosure Relationship
  • Successful and Unsuccessful Relationships
  • Investing in Stocks and Risk-Return Relationship
  • Christianity and Sports: The Relationship Analysis
  • Social Networks’ Impact on Relationships
  • The Doctor-Patient Relationship: Legal Duties
  • The Relationship Between Economic and Political Freedom
  • Distancing Influence on Economic Relationships
  • Healthcare Quality and Leadership Relationship
  • Double Standard in Sexual Relationships
  • The Relationship Between Parenting Styles
  • The Impact of My Emotional Intelligence on Personal Relationships
  • Trust and Relationships in Contemporary American Cinema
  • Relationship Between Gender and Death Anxiety
  • HIV Disease’s and Kaposi Sarcoma’s Relationship
  • Barriers to Leaving Abusive Relationships
  • Christianity: Afterlife and Relationship With Jesus
  • Entrepreneurship: Relationship Marketing
  • Relationship Between Monetary Policy and House Price in USA
  • Standard Employment Relationship in Canada
  • Study of a Parent-Child Relationship
  • The Relationship Between Race and Crime in the United States
  • Relationships Between Reproduction, Heredity, and DNA
  • Relationships Between the European Settlers and the Native Americans
  • Atopic Dermatitis and Eczema Relationship
  • Exercise and Heart Attacks: The Relationship Among Women
  • Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship Analysis to the Mutagenicity of Nitroaromatics Compounds
  • IW Customer Relationship Management Plan
  • Research Critique: The Importance of Relationships in Mental Care
  • The Relationships Among Tests and Scales, Populations, Reliability and Validity
  • The Relationship Between Spirituality and Organ Donation
  • The Relationship Between Breast Cancer and Genes
  • Healthcare Research and Social Change Relationship
  • Sexual Satisfaction Importance in the Romantic Relationships
  • The Relationship Cafe: Cultural Analysis
  • Human Systems and Relationships Observations
  • Healthcare Practices Problems: Relationships With Physicians
  • Beta-Agonist Use and Death From Asthma Relationship
  • The Intergovernmental Relationship Among Public Health Care Agencies
  • The Relationship of Linear Motion Equations
  • Relationship Among the Religions
  • Music and the Second Reconstruction Relationship
  • International Relationships During Cold War
  • The Relationships Between Technology Progress and Communication
  • Technology and Dating: Social Media and Committed Relationships
  • Meaningful Relationships in the Age of Social Media
  • Sex Ed and Power in Relationships
  • Romantic Relationships and Parenting
  • Approaches to Love and Relationship in Poetry
  • A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Evaluation of a Universal Healthy Relationships Promotion Program for Youth
  • Artist Profession: Relationship to Drawing
  • Customer Relationship Management Study Critique
  • Interpersonal Relationships and Risk Perception
  • Big Data in Human Relationships
  • “The Worth of Love and Human Relationships” by Oscar Wilde
  • Neurotransmitters and Behaviour Relationship
  • Relationship Between Men and the Environment
  • Rogers and a Therapeutic Relationship
  • Effects of Relationships Among Interacting Populations
  • The Evolution of Romantic Encounters and Norms and Actions Within Relationships
  • Ethics, Morality, and Legality Relationship
  • Effective Communication in Close Romantic Relationships in the First Year
  • Interpersonal Relationships and Organizational Abuse in Wall Street Movie
  • Sales and Promotions Relationship
  • COVID-19: Intergovernmental Relationship and Census
  • State v. Miranda: Special Relationship With a Minor Child
  • The Theme of Jealousy in Relationships Reflected in Art
  • Principal-Agent Relationships: Business Law Concept
  • Sex in the Media: Effects on Behaviors and Relationships
  • Molecular Composition and Relationships Between Organisms
  • Relationship Between Coaching Actions and Influences
  • Mother-Adult Daughter Relationships Within Dementia Care
  • Communication in Relationships: Communication Styles
  • The Relationship Between C-Commerce and Corporate Portal
  • Implementation of a Customer Relationship Management
  • Physical Activity and Relationship Characteristics
  • Executive Board Members of SMB: Team and Relationship
  • Racial Diversity and Educability Relationship
  • Relationship Between a President’s Leadership and Campaign Styles
  • International Business: The US – UAE Relationship
  • Governing Business Activity: Small and Big Firms Relationship
  • Phones and Society: The Relationship
  • Customer Relationship Management: Business Relations
  • The Race or Class and Sexuality: Relationship
  • Problems Which Ruin Relationships
  • A Closer Look at Age, Peers, and Delinquency Relationship
  • Homelessness and Poor Health Relationship
  • Parapsychology and Psychology Relationships
  • Attraction, Relationships and Communication
  • Interracial Relationships and Marriage in the USA
  • Race Has Nothing to Do With Relationships
  • Films and Tourism: Antecedent Relationship
  • Relationship Between Ancient Greek and Roman Architecture
  • E-Business Changes Organisation-Customer Relationships
  • The Relationship Between Customer E-Support and Phone Technology
  • Cross-Cultural Executives’ Perceptions in Quality Customer Service and Relationship
  • Relationship Between Social Location and Health Status
  • Retail Environment: Employee Relationship, Channel Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Single African American Mothers and Their Relationship With Adolescent Sons
  • The Relationship Between Executive Functioning and Weight Loss
  • Relationship Between Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving, Decision-Making, and Stress Management in Nursing
  • Relationship Between Stress and Nicotine Intake in Middle Age Adults
  • Single African American Mothers’ Experiences of Relationships With Their Sons
  • Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 for China-US Relationships
  • Examining the Relationship Between Therapeutic Self-Care and Adverse Events for Home Care Clients in Ontario, Canada
  • Nurse’s Previous Abusive Relationship and Practice
  • The Relationships Between Nurses and Their Patients
  • Relationships Between Nurses and Physicians: Effects on Patient Outcomes
  • Abusive Relationships and Domestic Violence Treatment
  • Nurses’ Abusive Relationships and Patient Outcomes
  • Interpersonal Relationships Against Life Discontent
  • Counseling for Healthy Relationships With Parents
  • The Relationship Between Unemployment and Economic Growth
  • Relationship Between the Code of Civil Rights and the Bill of Rights
  • Biology and Happiness Relationship
  • Sacred, Sacrament and Relationship to Christ
  • Attachment Theories in Child-Parent Relationships
  • Homelessness and Mass Incarceration Relationship
  • God’s Laws and Gospels Relationship
  • The Relationship Between Depression and Self-Esteem
  • Single Afro-American Mother-Son Relationships
  • Crusades and Western Europe-Eurasia Relationship
  • “Developing Relationship with Employers” by Stensrud
  • Crimes in Intimate Relationships
  • Substance Abuse and Frustration Relationships
  • Sports and Leadership Skills Relationship
  • Father-Son Relationship in Wiesel’s “Night”
  • Domestic Violence in Same/Opposite-Sex Relationships
  • Customer Compaints, Relationships and Sales Ethics
  • Relationship Education Program and Its Evaluation
  • Family Relationships and Divorce Psychology
  • The Relationships Between American Revolution and Cultural Diversity
  • The Relationship Between Asthma and Smoking
  • Race and Education Level Relationship in America
  • Cohabitation Relationships and Their Benefits
  • Reactive Oxygen Species and Cancer Cells Relationship
  • Social Roles and Functions in Relationships
  • Nursing: Human-to-Human Relationship Model
  • Elementary Relationships Theory Application to Data Banks
  • Putin’s Relationship with the Russian People
  • Father and Son Relationship: “Night” by Elie Wiesel
  • Interpersonal Relationship: African-American Families
  • Trade Openness and Economic Growth’s Relationship
  • Depression and Self-Esteem Relationship
  • Professional Relationships in Healthcare Delivery
  • Vaccines and Autism Relationship and Debates
  • American Dollar and Russian Ruble Relationship
  • Market Failures and Public Response Relationship
  • Childhood Obesity: The Relationships Between Overweight and Parental Education
  • Physical Beauty and Advertising Relationship
  • Weight Gain, Atherosclerosis, Diabetes Relationship
  • Dehumanization and Violence in Relationships
  • Diagnosis Disclosure and Child-Parent Relationship
  • States-Multinationals Relationship and Asian Miracle
  • Nurse Staffing and Retention Rates Relationship
  • Venezuela and Colombia Relationships
  • Mind-Body Relationship in Psychobiological Studies
  • Social Relationships and Development in Childhood
  • Building Family and Community Relationships: Guide
  • Center Parcs Company: Customer Relationships Management
  • Insights Into the Psychology of Relationships
  • Art and Science Relationship in Nursing
  • Mind, Consciousness and Body Relationship
  • Relationship between Asthma and Smoking
  • Diabetes and Dementia Relationships and Nursing
  • Cuba’s International Policies and Relationships
  • Segmentation in Customer Relationship Management
  • The Impact of Relationships With Parents on the Future
  • Building Family and Community Relationships Standard
  • Genograms and Relationship Maps as Medical Tools
  • Childhood Maltreatment’ and Psychosis’ Relationship
  • Management and Leadership: Defining the Relationship
  • Father-Son’ Relationship in the Book Night by Elie Wiesel
  • Tanning Booths and Skin Cancer Relationship – Medicine
  • Consumer Science: Company and Clients Relationships
  • Developing Empowered Relationships Within the Organization
  • Family Relationship in Marion Wiesel’s Book “Night”
  • The Relationship Between Low Calorie Diet Intake and Longevity
  • Perceptions about Relationships around Schooling
  • The Impact of Abusive Experiences on Nursing Practitioner’s Performance With the Victims of Domestic Violence
  • Relationships: Different Views on Gay Marriage
  • What Are the Aspects of the Relationship Between School and Family in Pupils?
  • Why Student Shouldn’t Have Relationship With Opposite Sex Before Time?
  • How Can Self-Disclosure Help in a Counselling Skills Relationship?
  • How Communication Can Affect Your Relationship With Your Partner?
  • How Did Henrik Ibsen’s Work Develop in Relationship to the Conventions of Realist Theatre?
  • How Does Browning Present the Relationship Between Men and Women in His Two Poems?
  • How Does Competition Affect the Relationship Between Innovation and Productivity?
  • Was the Relationship Between Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson Love or Rape?
  • What Is the True Meaning of Relationship?
  • What Are the Between Differences Between Men and Women in Intimacy Relationship?
  • Why Women Suffer Disadvantage in the Employment Relationship?
  • How to Understand the Value of a Relationship?
  • What Is the Relationship Context of Human Behavior and Development?
  • What Is the Characteristics of a Helping Relationship?
  • What Is the Meaning of Therapeutic Relationship?
  • How Attraction Works When We Build Up Our Social Relationship?
  • How and Why Does Dickens Show the Changing Relationship Between Pip & Joe?
  • Why Women Still Stay In Abusive Relationship?
  • Why Trust and Respect Are Crucial for a Relationship?
  • Why Romeo and Juliet’s Relationship Was Doomed From the Outset?
  • Why Parents Should Have a Special Relationship?
  • Whta Are Family and Relationship Benefits of Travel Experiences?
  • How Does Family Relationship Change Canadian Aboriginal Culture?
  • What Is the Importance of Peer and Family Relationship on an Adolescent?
  • How Does Materialism Influence Family Relationship?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 527 Relationship Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/relationship-essay-topics/

"527 Relationship Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/relationship-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '527 Relationship Essay Topics'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "527 Relationship Essay Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/relationship-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "527 Relationship Essay Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/relationship-essay-topics/.

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This essay topic collection was updated on January 9, 2024 .

All about Love

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39 pages • 1 hour read

All about Love: Love Song to the Nation Book 1

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Chapters 5-7

Chapters 8-10

Chapters 11-13

Key Figures

Index of Terms

Important Quotes

Essay Topics

Discussion Questions

Explore how hooks draws connections between love and honesty. Why is honesty a vital component in love practice?

Discuss how hooks draws connections between love and loss. What are the different ways one can experience loss? How does loss teach a person about love?

Explain hooks’s concept of “love ethic.” What is a love ethic , and why does hooks advocate for living by a love ethic?

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344 Marriage Essay Topics & Examples

Whether you’re writing about unconventional, traditional, or arranged marriage, essay topics can be pretty handy. Consider some original ideas gathered by our experts and discuss divorce, weddings, and family in your paper.

🏆 Best Marriage Essay Examples & Topics

👍 good marriage essay topics, 💡 simple topics about marriage, ⭐ interesting research topics about marriage, 🔍 good research topics about marriage, 📌 most interesting marriage topics to write about, ❓ marriage research questions.

  • Marriage in the Importance of Being Earnest: Analysis Although Algernon’s view on love and marriage is not known during the conversation with his butler, we get to know his thoughts on the subject in a monologue where he claims that marriage is an […]
  • Women, Friendships, Marriage in Lynn Nottage’s “Poof!” Maybe Loureen and Florence treat their problems a little differently depending on the fact of having children or the degree to which the husband’s attitude can be tolerated. The general opinion about women and their […]
  • Christian vs. Muslim Marriages Comparison and Contrast A wedding is a civil or religious ceremony conducted in the presence of the family and friends of the bride and groom, to celebrate the beginning of their marriage.
  • Early Marriage Advantages In addition to this, there is a positive correlation between marriage and the increased mental and physical well being of an individual.
  • Marriage in A Midsummer Night’s Dream The main theme of the play revolves around the marriage between Thesus, the Duke of Athens, and the Queen of Amazons called Hippolyta, as well as the events that surround the married couple.
  • Early Marriage and Its Impact on Education Given the significant impacts that early marriage has had on education, this paper builds on the available recent research to establish the extent of early marriage and its impacts on the lives of children.
  • Qualities of Successful Marriages Faith makes great differences in marriage and this is why it is very important to share your individual beliefs and values with the partner prior to marriage in order to understand each other and plan […]
  • Islamic Marriage and Divorce The family being the basic unit of a society which is also a principle in the Islamic society its genesis is the relationship between a husband and a wife.
  • Why Gay Marriage Should Not Be Legal Therefore, because marriage is a consecrated unification of a male and a female, ready to sacrifice all that is at their disposal for the continuation of the human species and societal values, I believe all […]
  • The Pros and Cons of Gay Marriage Counteracting the argument that prohibition of gay marriage appears similar to discrimination is the idea that marriage, in the traditional understanding of the word, is the union of necessarily different sexes, a man and a […]
  • The Marriage in Norway in the 1800s The paper reviews the tendencies of matrimonial and reproduction life in Norway in the 19th century. The research study is based on the academic peer-reviewed article that analyzes marriage in the country in the 1800s.
  • Marriage and Family Challenges As a rule, one of the principal reasons for a difficult adaptation is the initially inflated requirements of one of the spouses or even both of them.
  • Statement for Marriage and Family Therapist Applicant My personal experience in marriage, long-term work with families within the framework of my occupational duties, and the desire to help people through life’s difficulties motivate me to become a Marriage and Family Therapist.
  • Marriage in the Postmodern Society Circa 900BC, the world only knew one type of marriage, at least the Judeo-Christian history, which is the best documented type that indicates that marriage was between a man and a woman with the option […]
  • The Marriage of Heaven and Hell The contraries used by the poet in “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell” are the backbone of this poem. The structure of “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell” is the first feature of the contraries […]
  • The Marriage Traditions of Wolof Culture These include the role that marriage plays in the family formation in the Wolof society, what the economic background of the plural marriages is, and which traditions describe the marriage ceremony of the Wolof culture.
  • Marriage and Adultery Laws of Emperor Augustus The laws were enacted to deal with marriage avoidance, the preference for childless unions, marriage of lower class women by the Roman elite, and adultery, all of which threatened the continuity of the Roman aristocracy.
  • “Why Marriages Fail” by Anne Roiphe It is a productive way to end the essay because people are reassured that in every situation there is a way out and it all depends on the individuals and their want to work things […]
  • Marriage is Outdated and no Longer Suits Modern Lifestyles and Attitudes They do not perceive the essence of entering in to marriage when they can accomplish most of the above mentioned issues outside marriage.
  • How to Have a Happy Marriage In life, although a number of strategies of enhancing happiness in life exist, it is important for all individuals to note that, success of these strategies depends on the commitment levels in spouses hence, the […]
  • Marriage in “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin News about the death of her husband arises and owing to her heart problem, carefulness is vital for the one to deliver the news to her.
  • Christian Marriage Rituals From the ancient times, parents of both the bride and groom were the primary parties to the marriage covenant. According to the biblical times, marriage was a legal covenant between the parents of the bride […]
  • Argument for Gay Marriages Enacting laws that recognize gay marriages would be beneficial to the society in the sense that it promotes equal rights among members of the society.
  • Interracial Marriage Explained Secondly, an interracial marriage promotes the general acceptance of people from a different race in the new society or community and also promotes the appreciation of other people’s values in the new community and their […]
  • Process Philosophy’s Impact on Marriage and Education The growth in the popularity of gay marriages in America provides evidence of the impact of process philosophy on government policies.
  • Interracial Marriage and Emirati Identity Issues According to the Federal National Council, the prevalence of interracial marriages in the UAE is threatening Emirati women, in terms of their ability to be married by a fellow Emirati man.
  • From Collectivism to Individualism in Marriage A marriage that is established on a collectivist ideal tends to be focused more on the interests of the in-group more than self interests.
  • Cultural Traditions: Arranged vs. Autonomous Marriage Given the aforementioned reasons, this is possible to convince people that pre-arranged marriages can be admitted as culturally permissible, and the concept of cultural relativism is an objective tool.
  • Definition of Marriage. Reward of Marriage For many years, social scientists have argued on the reward of marriage due to the distinctiveness of the populace who get married and stay married. As a result, the definition of marriage can be broadened […]
  • Marriage Relationships in “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” by Hemingway Harry and his wife, Helen, are stranded in Mount Kilimanjaro and their interactions reveal that their rocky relationship is a result of a mixture of frustration, incorrect decisions, getting married for wrong reasons, and unreciprocated […]
  • Importance of Communication in Marriage Marriage is the first step in establishing a family and the kind of communication that exists between the partners determines the kind of family that they will establish.
  • Marriage Differences in Botswana The body part discusses the history of life and marriage, marriage now, marriage in the book, the similarities and differences of life and marriage in the book and real life.
  • The Future of Marriage Although today marriage is still a significant stage in the personal life and family is discussed as the fundamental factor for the social development, the role of marriage declines, the rate of divorces increases, and […]
  • Marriage and Family Therapy Even though she is the one instigating therapy, she is suggesting that the therapist speaks to Leon and not her. This case, the problems is Marceline’s indecision and lack of set goals of what she […]
  • Traditional Marriage and Love Marriage Comparison In this paper, the pros and cons of love marriage and traditional marriage will be discussed to clarify which one is a better or just more appropriate option for modern people.
  • Let Me Not to the Marriage of Two Minds by William Shakespeare The reader can interpret starting lines as the response to the question of the priest in the wedding ceremony about the reasons preventing the couple from getting married The structure of the phrase “Let me […]
  • Interracial Marriage in the 1950s The central problem was that the period was characterized by racial segregation laws that did not allow people of a different race to attend the same restaurants, cinemas, and other public places. Moreover, parents often […]
  • Absolute Gender Equality in a Marriage Despite the fact that the principles of gender equality in marriage will clearly affect not only the relationships between a husband and a wife but also the roles of the spouses considerably, it is bound […]
  • Taqiya and Mut’ah in Islam: The Legal Status of Mut’ah Marriage in Indonesia It is essentially a temporary contract marriage, in which a man and a woman agree to assume the roles of husband and wife for a limited period.
  • The Benefits of Marriage This essay aims to identify the benefits of marriage, compare the level of happiness between married couples and cohabitors and analyze the conditions that contribute to the marriage advantage.
  • The Ethics of Early Marriages in the American Society In the United States, division of matrimonial property takes the form of a fifty-fifty percentage share between the marriage partners at the time of the dissolution of their marriage, which means that the law perceives […]
  • Arguments against Young Marriage and Their Rebuttal For the most part, these arguments point at the current social flaws and the need to address them. Instead, such experience is acquired in the course of social interactions, which young people are engaged into […]
  • Child Marriages in Modern India The practice of child marriages among the Shaikh and the Rajasthan community at large has been exacerbated by the government’s reluctance in preventing it and to make the matter worst, it seems to be very […]
  • Cultural Differences in Arranged Marriages All the expenses of the marriage are taken care of by the parents of the couple. The reason why arranged marriages are encouraged among the Hindus is that there is utmost respect compared to marriages […]
  • Marriage Vs. Living Together: Pros and Cons Marriage is simply a ceremony that was imagined and enacted by man in order to signify the decision of a man and a woman to live together in a forever sense of the word.
  • Temporary Marriage in Lebanon: Pros and Cons Supporters of temporary marriage in Lebanon argue that, since the union does not involve use of force, it cannot be termed as a violation of the right of women.
  • Interracial Marriage in the United Arab Emirates One of the main problems is the population ratio of the country. The increased presence of foreign wives in the country can create an appearance that the identity of the country changed.
  • Social Issues: Arranged Marriages Even though research has shown that some arranged marriages result in loving and stable relationships, I think it is important to give individuals the freedom to choose their partners and decide whether they are prepared […]
  • Marriage and Family: Life Experience When we got married, a man was perceived to be the head of the family, and in his absence the wife was expected to guide the family.
  • Benefits of Remarriage for Happy Life Remarriage allows a person to find love and comfort from the other partner. When a person chooses to be remarried, they would likely accumulate their financial sources to focus their economic development with the partner.
  • Marriage and Alternative Family Arrangements In the selection of the marriage partners, individuals are required to adhere to the rules of endogamy as well as the rules of exogamy.
  • The Concept of Same Sex Marriage and Child Adoption It is as a result of this approach that an individual sexual orientation cannot be used to limit them from adopting children least it is proven beyond doubt that the relationship will be harmful to […]
  • Life in Marriage or Single Life? However, in recent decades, the world has begun to actively change, society has become more inclusive, and more and more people who refuse to marry for different beliefs have begun to appear.
  • Comparison of Marriage in Elizabethan Times and in “Othello” The man was believed to be the head of the family, and he had the legal right to punish his wife.
  • Institution of Marriage and Its History Due to the nature and intentions of marriage, numerous definitions and viewpoints have emerged that continue to dictate what the institution ought to be.
  • Specific Communication Styles That Make for Happy Marriages The next style of communication is submissive, characterized by a desire to please other people, and avoid conflicts by all means.
  • Marianne Weber’s Views on Marriage Traditionally, the role of a husband was that of a breadwinner and a patriarch of the family, whereas a wife’s duties were to take care of their children and keep the family hearth.
  • Arranged Marriage and Its Ethical Dilemma His family would be happy to see him married to the person they chose, and his father would save his reputation.
  • Cohabiting Before Marriage: Reasons and Benefits The concept of cohabitation is traditionally looked down at by the representatives of the contemporary society, which is quite weird given the fact that the phenomenon of diversity and plurality of opinions have been promoted […]
  • Family and Marriage Therapy The theory explains clearly how change is brought about because it suggests that the main objective of the therapist is to advice the client on how to achieve the best results in the future using […]
  • Factors Influencing Perception on Same-sex marriage in the American Society The protagonists and antagonists of this marriage institution have always clashed over the tenet of the same-sex marriage against the moral standards of the society.
  • Marriage in The Yellow Wallpaper She has failed to recognize that she is the driver of her own life, and blame should not be put on man. Therefore, she is not able to work her creativity and ends up drawing […]
  • Cohabitation vs. Marriage It is not only crucial to the couple but also to the whole society since it is the foundation by which a society is based.
  • Marriage in Saudi Arabia The elders of the prospective bride propagated marriage in Saudi Arabia, and afterward, it was the responsibility of either the groom or the groom’s parents to propose to her father.
  • Girls Not Brides Organization’s Commitment to Eliminate the Forced Child Marriage Graca Machel, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu are the champions of Girls Not Bride, and they advocate to end child marriage in our society.
  • Love, Marriage, and Divorce He weighs the possible outcomes, and mostly, these were negative elements such as discrimination of his side of the family who are expected to wait only for food and drink during the wedding, other wedding […]
  • Assessing in the Field of Marriage and Family Therapy Through assessment, the family therapist can influence the outcome of the conversations in a consultative meeting between the troubled individual and the therapist.
  • Genograms Role in Family and Marriage In my second marriage, the major challenge was to find a unified approach to my son and the children of my new partner.
  • The Nature of Aristocratic Marriage and Family in the Mid-Heian Period The poorly defined Heian marriage system denied the women the ability to react and advocate for their human rights, Seidensticker Edward.
  • Concepts of Gay Marriage Gay marriage is an institution of marriage where people of the same sex cohabit together. These benefits are the one that make people to defend gay marriage in a court of law.
  • Role of Marriage/Family & Singlehood Unfortunately, there are claims that the prevailing social factors within the American society have been unfavorable thus preventing women from choosing their life partners thereby leading to an increase in number of single women in […]
  • Marriage as a Basic and Universal Social Institute While education and employment have resulted in a shift in marriage due to the changing gender roles, Goldstein and Kenney note that women continue to marry or join the marriage institute at the same high […]
  • Pre Marriage Counseling: One Year Before Getting Married On the other hand, pre-marriage counseling may lead to the end of a relationship. Unfortunately, some people refrain from consulting pre-marriage counselors due to breach of privacy or if the counselor is not in a […]
  • Polygamy in Islam: Marriage Issues Thus, the faith of people in their prophet is also the basis and rationale for the practice of polygamy. The fact that Islam views marriage as a sacred act of goodness and mutual help is […]
  • Biblical Marriage and Divorce – Religious Studies The outstanding fact is that the Bible discourages the practice. Divorce is harmful to both society and the Church.
  • Effects of Same Sex Marriage to the Society Therefore, the paper will seek to elaborate on the effects of same sex marriage to the society. The number of children being raised in the available families has reduced leading to a declining population and […]
  • Sex and Marriage Relations Analysis The problem of the modern married couples is that the notion of sex became the dominant in the relations and the faithfulness in the family is not in honor now.
  • Arranged Marriages: A Critical Analysis While discussing the points in favor of arranged marriage, the writer does not seem to have taken a stand in favor yet he has provided evidence to show that arranged marriage is an outlet for […]
  • Inter Caste Marriages and Mixed Identity They do not experience the practices of a particular religion due to which they are perturbed when other children know and talk about their religion and its practices with a sense of pride and belonging.
  • Christians Holy Orders and Marriage To a great level the society itself is constitutive of the symbol, and is thus vital in calling forward the gifts of the occupation in which each individual is well-known and established in each sacrament […]
  • Marriage Decline as a Social Problem in the US To discuss the social illness of declining marriages in the US, the incorporated is the social constructionist perspective. The origins of the constructionism can be traced back to the attempts to establish the nature of […]
  • Effect of Stress on Relations and Marriage Therefore, this paper had the aim of discussing the effects of stress on a marriage and relationships and how the stress can be reduced and controlled.
  • The Importance of Premarital Counseling Before Marriage It is thus essential for couples contemplating to enter into a binding contract to go through premarital counseling program in order to get skills and knowledge on how to maintain their marriage.
  • Love and Marriage during the Era of Mao in Communist China In the Mao era, the law did not allow polygamous marriage in the Chinese community and through such, the sale of young females within the society ended.
  • Arranged Marriages are Less Successful This research aims to establish the reasons why arranged marriages are less successful when compared to love unions in the realms of commitment, passion, intimacy, and marital satisfaction.
  • Common Sexual Problems Experienced During a Marriage Dissatisfaction with the relationship, a lack of shared activities, old age, poor health, and daily stress also contribute to a decrease in sexual satisfaction in a marriage.
  • Marriage Decline Among Black Americans The marriage rate in the United States of America has generally declined in the current decade. Incarceration of the African American community has played a significant role in promoting their marriage decline for decades.
  • Unforgiveness in Marriages and Families I think true forgiveness in the context of marital or familial relationships cannot be achieved without a complete understanding of the causes of the transgression and the reasons behind one’s inability to forgive.
  • Marriage Types and Their Critical Components Increasingly, variations have also encompassed how one of the traditional expectations of marriage, that is, siring children, is construed and whether spouses are of the same or different sexes.
  • Privacy in Marriage: Rights Violations While this approach differs from the notion of the Living Constitution, which holds that the constitution should be read in the context of current times and political identities, even if such interpretation is at odds […]
  • Premarital Cohabitation’s Impact on Marriage Though premarital cohabitation used to be linked to an increased probability to a divorce.recent studies confirm that cohabitation enhances the power of a marriage.
  • The Importance of Marriage Education In such cases, the importance of attending marriage education is highlighted, the usefulness and importance of which is to provide knowledge not only about the marriage union but also in general about interaction and proper […]
  • Women in Marriage & Sex, Abortion, and Birth Control The historical period chosen is from the eighteenth to the twentieth century to demonstrate the advancement of social structures for women.
  • Creating a Survey About an Institution of Marriage If I were to create a poll or a survey, I would want to study the institution of marriage from the viewpoint of people who have gotten a divorce at least once.
  • Family Behaviors, Inequality, and Outside Childbearing Marriage The gap between the poor and the rich is widening in the US, making the American dream impossible for many people, especially children and families.
  • The Meaning of Marriage: A Comparison of Articles In addition to the titles of academic journals and articles, it is possible to determine which field of science an article belongs to from its content, the language used, and the focus of the study.
  • The Love and Marriage Relationship Analysis This shows that the researcher was determined to obtain accurate results from the subjects with the least, and that is the strength of the research.
  • Institution of Marriage: The Sociological Perspectives However, sociological studies played a pivotal role in defining the main tendencies of marriage as a social institute development from the end of World War II to the current realities.
  • Same-Sex Marriages and Equality Some oppose gay marriage on religious grounds and others- on an individual or group basis, but some tussle against the inequitable portrayal of gay marriage with zeal, such as Senator Dianne Feinstein.
  • Newlyweds’ Optimistic Forecasts of Their Marriage The first instrument used was the Quality of Marriage Index, a six-item scale requiring partners to describe the level of their agreement and disagreements regarding their marriage in general.
  • The Supreme Court Decision on the Right to Same-Sex Marriage The decision of the Supreme Court on the constitutional right of citizens to same-sex marriage is a significant event in the history of the development of modern democratic society.
  • “Do Student Loans Delay Marriage?”: Participants, Measures, and Results The purpose of this article is to discover: the relationship between student loan debt and marriage in young adulthood; whether or not the relationship differs for women and men; if this relationship becomes weak over […]
  • Aspects of Marriage and Family Life At the time of Colonial America, during the consequent period of the emerging modern family, and after the formation of the contemporary family, the situation of this institution differed drastically.
  • Institution of Marriage in China Marriage is one of the oldest social institutions that regulate interpersonal and sexual relations, a society recognized by the union between spouses to create a family, giving rise to a married couple’s mutual rights and […]
  • How Marriage Affected the Economic Status of Women On the other hand, in Twelfth Night, written in the early XVIIth century, the reader is shown the more romantic side of a marital union.
  • The Church’s Attitude Toward Homosexual Marriage Erickson Millard claims that Jesus’s teaching about the permanence of marriage is based on the fact that: God made humanity as male and female and pronounced them to be one.
  • Future of Marriage: Non-Monogamy, People’s Needs in Marriage Another condition explaining the likelihood of the shift in the meaning and form of this institution is the fact that some of the values underpinning it remain intact.
  • Arranged Marriages in India According to Bertolani, marriage in Indian society is strictly arranged by the parents of potential marriage partners and does not necessarily have to involve love. Thus, arranged marriage in the context of Indian society is […]
  • Marriage in Muslim Cultures and America In the Muslim religion, which is most widespread in the Arabian countries and among the Arabian people, marriage is perceived differently than in the American culture.
  • Gay Marriage Should Be Repealed The institution of marriage has changed dramatically within the first two decades of the 21st century due to the gradual acceptance of gay marriage.
  • Interracial Marriages in “Like Mexicans” by Gary Soto Therefore, Soto’s decision to marry a Japanese woman should encourage Mexican people to change their negative attitude towards other ethnic groups and practice interracial marriages.
  • COVID-19: How Race, Gender and Marriage Contribute to Humanity A study by Landivar et al.about the effect of the virus on gender and marriage in the US reveals that the pandemic has worsened gender inequality in employment.
  • “Social Attitudes Regarding Same-Sex Marriage and LGBT…” by Hatzenbuehler It relates to the fact that the scientists failed to articulate a research question in the proper form. However, it is possible to mention that the two hypotheses mitigate the adverse effect of the lacking […]
  • Cuban Americans Views on Marriage The representatives of different racial and ethnic groups tend to share dissimilar views regarding marriage, parenting, and divorce that are based on their cultural traditions and beliefs.
  • Does Marriage Bring Happiness?: Based on “The Story of an Hour” In this case, marriage is not a union of the loved ones but is a social obligation where a wife is a subject of a husband.Mr. Millard’s family seemed a perfect example of the social […]
  • The Defense of Marriage Act: LGBTQ + Community One of the milestones in the development of the struggle of members of the LGBTQ + community for their rights in the United States is the adoption of the Defense of Marriage Act.
  • Marriage and Divorce: Problems of Couples This seems to be the same stand that is taken by Paul in regards to the position of the man and the woman in the marriage, where the man seems to be the sole determinant […]
  • Legalization of the Same-Sex Marriage: Advantages In this particular section, I would like to find out by which percent the economy of different countries will grow when the government legalizes homosexuality due to the excess expenses that it uses in buying […]
  • Controversies Surrounding the Topic of Same-Sex Marriage In particular, the emergence of same-sex relations is the sign of the deinstitutionalization of the concept of marriage in society. The changes that occurred at the beginning of the 90s of the past century were […]
  • The Gay Marriages: Ethical and Economic Perspectives Among the key ethical dilemmas that are related to the issue in question, the conflict between religious beliefs and the necessity to provide the aforementioned services, the issue regarding the company’s needs v.its duty to […]
  • Marriage and Crime Reduction: Is There a Relationship? It is clear that marriage plays an integral role in reducing crime through a shift of priorities that are family centered and the transition to adulthood.
  • Effects of Mastectomy on Marriage This is because the husband has to deal with the fact that his wife has one breast. The husband is affected by his wife’s condition of a missing breast.
  • California’s Proposition 8 on Same-Sex Marriages However, in other states, obtaining the right for same sex marriages is only one of a series of the issues that have arisen since much controversy as the U.S.same sex marriages movement rose in the […]
  • “Why Marriages Succeed or Fail”: The “Bang” or “Whimper?” As mentioned above, it is common for people to assume that if something is wrong in a close relationship between a wife and a husband, there is a profound and apparent conflict to blame.
  • The Role of Marriage on the Example of Two Plays The plays Waiting for Godot and A Long Day’s Journey into Night indirectly imply the topic of the marriage’s role and how it impacts the individuals.
  • Stephanie Doe: Misyar Marriage as Human Trafficking in Saudi Arabia In this article, the author seeks to highlight how the practice of temporary marriages by the wealthy in Saudi Arabia, commonly known as misyar, is a form of human trafficking.
  • The Opinion of Americans on Whether Gay Marriage Should Be Allowed or Not Based on the political nature of the population, 43% of the democrats think, American society supports gay marriages and only 18% of the republicans hold the same view.
  • Millennials Say Marriage Ideal but Parenthood the Priority However, it is still believed that the joy of giving birth to a child is one of the greatest joys in life.
  • Doomed Marriage in “The Girls in Their Summer Dresses” by Irwin Shaw The most common answer to this question is that these people love each other. The article The Girls in Their Summer Dresses testifies to the fact that marriage is doomed.
  • Sexuality, Marriage, Gay Rights The supremacy of law and protection of people right lie in the heart of the protection of the freedom of personality.”Part of the basis of democratic government in the United States is a system of […]
  • Cross-Border Marriages Between Japan and China: Reasons and Results Besides, the statistics of Japanese men and women dissatisfied with their marriages is humbling; consequently, determined to find a more gratifying alternative, men are engaged in cross-border marriage enterprise.
  • Same-Sex Marriage Policy & Social Impact Reflection Creation of public policies and laws are significantly influenced by the diversity in culture forcing the government to engage with the society when developing policies.
  • Same‐Sex Couples, Families, and Marriage The article under consideration is a systematic review of the recent scientific literature that addresses the range of issues that same-sex couples face and the peculiarities of their inner structure.
  • Marriage Premium for Professional Athletes Researchers in the sphere of the labor economy agree that there is a connection between marital status and the number of wages earned by men.
  • “How I Met Your Mother”: Ideas of Marriage The central relationship throughout the series is Marshall and Lily’s marriage, with its ups and downs, individual quirks, and their influence on each other.
  • Woman’s Position in Marriage: Similarities in History With time she began to see the creeping figures in the pattern of the wallpapers in the room; with an absence of any physical and mental activity, her anxiety began to increase and resulted in […]
  • For Richer (Not for Poorer): The Inequality Crisis of Marriage An example of a factual claim made by the writer is where she states that the number of marriages in the United States dropped by 5% from the year 2009 to 2010.
  • In Defense of Marriage Act 1996 As the editorial holds, the power of the law is lower than that of the congress and therefore its application on the subject of marriage is like depriving the congress of its powers of regulating […]
  • Effect of Same-Sex Marriage on the Legal Structure of Gender in All Marriages Despite the fact that the current article does not address the gender roles in the family, parallels can be drawn showing that in no way the institutionalization of same-sex marriage can have an effect on […]
  • Gender, Love and Sexuality: Healthy Marriage Formation Parties in marriage must have trust in each other because it is a basis for the growth of their union. Parties in a marriage need to be romantic as it harnesses love and loyalty.
  • Same Sex Marriages: Definition and Main Problems In essence, the opposition of same sex marriages practically comes out of the use of the word “marriage”; such that, same sex couples enjoy the same rights as partners from contemporary marriages.
  • Emotionally Focused Therapy Effectiveness in the Instituion of Marriage The suitability of the elements of the methodology determines the appropriateness. They indicate the main themes of the study and provide a beginning for the reader to understand the problem that is being researched and […]
  • Marriage and Mothering Challenges In the modern world, the institution of marriage and the issue of motherhood have experienced challenges due to changes in perception.
  • Interventions in Institution of Marriage Analysis This paper helps to understand the principles of evaluation research, the effectiveness of the intervention selected for settling marital discord and the use of evidence elicited in the research analysis for the purpose of enhancing […]
  • The Case Against Gay Marriage The Constitutional protection to equal rights under the law has been invoked over and over again to try and afford homosexuals “equal right” to the social institution of marriage and to social security when one […]
  • Conflict and Marriage Satisfaction To manage solving differences effectively, individuals in a marriage relationship should learn the thinking and positive and negative behaviors of their partners and have a positive perception towards these partners. This leads to unresolved conflicts […]
  • Marriage and Physical Well-Being The dissolution of a marriage combined with the poor quality of the marriage leading up to the divorce is associated with the decline of both mental and physical health resulting in the increased use of […]
  • Cohabitation Before Marriage One of the many disadvantages of cohabiting is that in this condition, you are never sure of your partner’s next move.
  • Irony of Marriages in an Indian Set Up On the contrary, it is a belief, which can well be attributed to the rigidity of an Indian cultural norm that forces its followers to believe that the institution of marriage is indeed a handiwork […]
  • Marriage and Family Systems: Western Society and Kadara of Nigeria The institution of marriage in the modern culture holds a distinct development over the years. In these cultures, marriage is negotiated by the parents of the betrothed.
  • Re-Thinking Homosexual Marriage in Rational and Ethical Fashion We demonstrate that the way out of the hysterical debate is to consider soberly the basis for supporting the ordinary family as the basic unit of society and protector of the next generation.
  • Gay Marriage and Bible: Differences From Heterosexual Practice When respected the bonds of marriage leads to the good not only of the couple and their children, but also to the good of society as a whole.
  • Gay Marriage: Evaluation Argument The basic theme of the article was to present advocacy of gay marriage and a thorough presentation of arguments in favor of the legalization of gay marriages.
  • Same Sex Marriage Morality: Discussion Patterson further concluded that as long as the homosexual parents could let their children understand the real scenario, there is a strong indication that children could very well accept and love their parents even though […]
  • Do Young Couples Marriages Always End in Divorce? The reasons for the failure of the marriage is supposed to stem from the immaturity of the parties involved and the ill preparedness of the couple to deal with the changes that married life brings […]
  • The Concept of Marriage: Discussion They control their language and behavior and this is a prime example of symbolic interactionism that is instrumental in the institution of marriage.
  • Marriage Rates in Oklahoma and Illinois This essay dwells much in the states of Illinois and Oklahoma and the differences and the reasons for this differences will make up the body of this discussion. Marriage rate differs a lot in the […]
  • Interracial Marriage: History and Future Developments Sigler in- “Civil rights in America: 1500 to the present” is of the opinion that the civil rights of the citizens of America is helpful to make and end to the racial segregation in America.”Politics […]
  • Civil Union: Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Couples’ Marriages Once the readers are influenced by the argument it is assumed that they would move a social memorandum in favor of the argument and insist the authority to grant the gay couples the status of […]
  • Marriage and Family Problems as Social Issues Sociology as a discipline has an extremely wide range of interests and it is next to impossible even to enumerate them, however the issue that has always been of the utmost importance for the sociological […]
  • How Is Marriage Related to Health?
  • Marriage and Family: Women as Love Experts and Victims
  • Views on Marriage and Family Throughout Chinese History in Relation to Religion
  • Successful Marriage Conditions
  • Domestic Violence in Marriage and Family
  • The Definition of Marriage
  • Advocacy Plan for Forced Marriage in Sudanese Tradition
  • The Effects of Social Media on Marriage in the UAE
  • Marriage in Contemporary America
  • Marriage Lawsuit in the State of Florida
  • Gender Role Attitudes and Expectations for Marriage
  • First and Second Marriages: Psychological Perspective
  • Happiness: Health, Marriage, and Success
  • Gay Marriage: Societal Suicide
  • Early Arranged Marriages in Indonesia
  • Child Marriage in Egypt: Changing Public Attitudes
  • Same-Sex Marriage Discriminatory Law in Alabama
  • Family, Marriage, and Parenting Concepts Nowadays
  • Marriage and Divorce Statistics in the United States
  • “The Case For Same Sex Marriage” Video by Savino
  • The Rejection of Marriage and Social Stability
  • Family Life Cycle: The Institution of Marriage
  • Marriage Expectations in Newlyweds
  • Marriage Stages: Mother and Daughter’s Interview
  • Marriage Process in Saudi Culture
  • Advices for a Happy Marriage Life
  • Marriage: The Good, the Bad, and the Greedy
  • Same-Sex Marriage Legalization and Public Attitude
  • Same-Sex Marriage National Legalization
  • Long-Lasting Marriage and Its Psychology
  • Marriage: Economic, Social and Political Meanings
  • Interfaith Marriages in Islamic Views
  • Child Marriage in Egypt as a Social Problem
  • The Smart Stepfamily Marriage
  • Gay Marriage and Its Social Acceptance in the US
  • Relations and Social Distance in Kinship and Marriage
  • Infidelity in Sexual Relationships and Marriage
  • Five Filters of Communication in Marriage
  • Same-Sex Marriage as a Positive Tendency Nowadays
  • American Marriage Trends and Government Measures
  • Same-Sex Marriage Representation in American Media
  • Relationship and Marriage Coaching
  • Marriage and Family Class Ideas
  • Marriage and Politics in 3500 BC-1600 AD
  • Marriage Peculiarities in the United Arab Emirates
  • Marriage Life in the Film “The World of Apu”
  • Does Marriage and Relationship Education Work?
  • High Marriage Costs in the United Arab Emirates
  • Marriage in the New Millennium
  • Homosexual Marriage: Causes of Debates
  • Interpersonal Communication Issues in the Marriage
  • Marriage in the Films: The Mirror Has Two Faces and Sunrise
  • Weddings, Marriage, and Money in the UAE
  • Physical Health Problems in Marriage
  • Marriage in the United Arab Emirates
  • Tthe Defense of Marriage
  • Sociology: Marriage and Reasons Why People Get Married
  • The Changing Landscape of Love and Marriage
  • Asian American Women and Marriage
  • Legalizing Gay Marriage in the US
  • The Miseries of Enforced Marriage
  • “Gay Marriages” by Michael Nava and Robert Dawidoff
  • Fairy Tale Marriages Are Not Real
  • Marriage as Depicted in Soloveitchik’s Typology of Human Nature
  • Why Do Conservatives Disagree on the Topic of Marriage Equality?
  • Same-Sex Marriage in the United States of America
  • Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage in San Francisco
  • Boundaries in Marriage: A Healthy Marital Association
  • Gay Marriage’s Social and Religious Debates
  • Interracial Marriages in the US
  • Marriage and Family Therapy in Connecticut
  • Interview of a Marriage and Family Therapist
  • Gay Marriage in The UK
  • Marriage and Love are Incompatible
  • Marriage in the Bible
  • Marriage & Family Therapy
  • Legalization of the Same Sex Marriage in California
  • Constitutional Amendment that Allows Same-sex Marriage
  • Gay Marriage: Debating the Ethics, Religion, and Culture Analytical
  • Marriage and Family Counselling
  • The Problems of Marriage and Divorce
  • The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
  • Homosexuals’ Right to Marry
  • Conservative Views on Same-Sex Marriage Campaigns
  • The Effectiveness of Marriage Conflict Resolution Programs in the USA
  • Self-Expansion and Marriage
  • The Government Should Sanction Marriages of Same Sex Couples
  • Millennials Say Marriage is Ideal but Parenthood is the Priority
  • The Effect of Marriage on Crime Rate
  • Current Trends Affecting Marriage and Family Formation in Asia
  • Gay Marriages and US Constitution
  • The Issue of Gay Marriages: Meaning, Importance and Cons
  • Legalizing Gay Marriage
  • Incest – How Did Society’s View on Consanguineous Marriage Change Throughout History and Science Development and Why
  • Naked Marriage and Chinese Society Research
  • Marriage in Early Modern Europe
  • Gay Marriage, Same-Sex Parenting, And America’s Children
  • Gay Couples’ Right to Marriage
  • Human Behavior: How Five General Perspectives Affect Marriage
  • Marriage and the Limits of Contract
  • Defending Gay Marriage
  • Relation of Gay Marriage to the Definition of Marriage
  • Marriage Concerns in Al-Khobar City
  • The Idea of Marriage: Why So Eager?
  • Effects of the Social, Economic and Technological Change on Marriage
  • Defense of Marriage Act
  • Medieval Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marriage Sovereignty
  • Gay Marriage: Culture, Religion, and Society
  • Gay Marriages in New York
  • Should Same Sex Marriage Be Legal?
  • Why Gay Marriages Should Not Be Legalized?
  • Interracial Marriage in the U.S.
  • Making Marriage Work
  • Concept of Representation of Marriage
  • Gay Marriage as a Civil Rights Issue
  • Low Income Marriage and Divorce VS. High Level of Income Marriage and Divorce
  • Anti-same-sex Marriage Laws and Amendments Violate the Constitutional Guarantees of Equality for all Citizens of the United States
  • Arguments for Supporting Same-Sex Marriage
  • Interracial Marriages and Relationships in Asian American Communities in the US
  • Same-sex Couples and Marriage: Causes and Claims
  • Children in Interracial Marriages
  • Gay Marriage and Parenting
  • Feelings about Marriage and Family Life
  • The Women’s Career Role in the Institution of Marriage
  • Should Gay Marriages Be Allowed?
  • Reasons of the High Homosexual Marriage Rate
  • Marriage systems of the Gikuyu and San Communities
  • Gay Marriage and Decision Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
  • Cohabitation: Is It Wrong?
  • Arguments for Gay Marriages
  • Opposition to the Legalization of Same Sex Marriage
  • American Marriage in transition
  • Marriage and Family Imagery in the Cinematography
  • Religious, Governmental and Social Views on Same-Sex Marriage
  • The Changes that has Occurred in Transpacific Vietnamese Marriages
  • Gay Marriages: Why Not Legalize Them?
  • 19th Century Norms of Marriage
  • Should We Allow Gay Marriages as Civil Unions?
  • Same-Sex Marriage: Sociopolitical
  • Marriage Equality: Same-Sex Marriage
  • Monogamy as an Acceptable System of Marriage in America
  • Must gay marriage to be legal?
  • Gay Marriage in the U.S.
  • Concepts why marriage matters
  • Gay marriage and homosexuality
  • Marriage in the Modern World
  • Problems in Marriage – The Weakening of Families
  • Same Sex Marriages Impact on the Children Social Growth
  • Gay Marriage Legalization
  • The Effect of Divorce on a Person After Long Marriage
  • Rebuilding Families and Marriage in America’s Society
  • Problems in Marriage: Is Divorce the Only Option?
  • American vs. Asian Marriages
  • Sex Marriage: Personal Opinion
  • What Are Factors Aid Determining Societal Norms Marriage Family?
  • Who Did First Love Marriage in the World?
  • How Does Marriage Affect Physical and Psychological Health?
  • How Has Same-Sex Marriage Decision of Supreme Court Impacted Lives?
  • What Are the Stages of Marriage?
  • How Does the Perspective of Gay Marriage?
  • Why Should Couples Not Live Together Before Marriage?
  • How Do Cohabitation and Marriage Effects Childhood Well?
  • What Are the Types of Marriage?
  • How Do Legal Constraints Affect Marriage and Family Formations?
  • How Has Marriage Changed Over the Last 30 Years?
  • Can a Marriage Survive Different Political Views?
  • Why Do People Stop Fighting for Their Marriage?
  • How Does Same-Sex Marriage Affect Decreasing Population Growth?
  • Why Do Men Change After Marriage?
  • Why Married Couples Drift Apart After Marriage?
  • Why Was Marriage Originally Created?
  • How Does Same-Sex Marriage Affects Society?
  • What Does the Bible Say About Marriage?
  • What Do the Parental Pressures Affect Your Own Desire for Marriage?
  • How Did the Utopian Communities Challenge Existing Ideas About Property and Marriage?
  • How Does Infidelity Affect the Marriage and Family?
  • How Was Marriage Back in the 1800s?
  • Why Should Couples Live Together Before Marriage?
  • How Does Infertility Effects Marriage?
  • How Does Interracial Marriage Affect Children?
  • How Similar Are Cohabitation and Marriage?
  • How Far Would You Agree That Marriage Is Based on Social Class?
  • When Marriage Loses Its Value?
  • What Benefits Are There of Marriage Today?
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 29). 344 Marriage Essay Topics & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/marriage-essay-topics/

"344 Marriage Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 29 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/marriage-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '344 Marriage Essay Topics & Examples'. 29 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "344 Marriage Essay Topics & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/marriage-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "344 Marriage Essay Topics & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/marriage-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "344 Marriage Essay Topics & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/marriage-essay-topics/.

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The Divine Realm of Aphrodite: the Goddess of Love and Beauty

This essay about Aphrodite explores her symbolic significance in ancient mythology as the epitome of love and beauty. It describes her mythological origins, her majestic domain adorned with luxury, and the complex nature of love that she represents. The text reflects on how Aphrodite’s influence is woven through various mythic narratives, showing that love, in its myriad forms, is a powerful, sustaining force in human life. It invites readers to appreciate love’s beauty and challenges, portraying Aphrodite not just as a goddess, but as a source of profound inspiration.

How it works

In the vast panorama of ancient mythology, the figure of Aphrodite stands out as a symbol of beauty and love. Emerging from the foamy depths of the ocean, born from the remnants of Uranus, she embodies an unmatched allure, captivating both deities and humans with her divine charm. Her presence exudes a magnetic allure, imbued with the transformative essence of love.

Aphrodite’s celestial domain is a place of opulence, where she presides in a grand palace decorated with shimmering jewels and aromatic blooms.

Surrounded by a cohort of cherubs and servants, she oversees a realm filled with the gentle sounds of heavenly music and the sweet fragrance of roses.

However, the splendor of Aphrodite’s realm transcends mere aesthetic beauty. It is imbued with the essence of love in its most elevated form. Here, love manifests in various expressions—from the fervent union of lovers to the steadfast loyalty among friends. In her nurturing presence, relationships thrive, and souls find comfort and connection.

The journey through love under Aphrodite’s influence is complex, filled with both joy and heartache, ecstasy and despair. She reveals that love is a complex jewel that brightens the darkest corners of the soul while also unveiling its fragilities. Love is an enigmatic force, weaving its influence through the essence of life itself.

Throughout the annals of mythology, Aphrodite’s impact is evident, influencing the fates of numerous heroes and lovers, such as in the tales of Orpheus and Eurydice or Tristan and Isolde. Her involvement often leads to unexpected outcomes, yet it also offers profound lessons—that love, in all its forms, unites and sustains us through life’s myriad experiences.

To truly understand Aphrodite is to explore the depths of love and beauty. She is not just a distant goddess but a muse of profound inspiration. In her realm, love blooms like a vibrant garden, and beauty shines like the sun’s golden light. Here, passion is limitless, and the heart reigns supreme.

Ultimately, Aphrodite invites us to embrace love’s transformative power, to enjoy its delights and endure its challenges with grace. In love’s embrace, we find refuge from life’s struggles, and through beauty, we touch the essence of our spiritual being.


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The Divine Realm of Aphrodite: the Goddess of Love and Beauty. (2024, May 12). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/the-divine-realm-of-aphrodite-the-goddess-of-love-and-beauty/

"The Divine Realm of Aphrodite: the Goddess of Love and Beauty." PapersOwl.com , 12 May 2024, https://papersowl.com/examples/the-divine-realm-of-aphrodite-the-goddess-of-love-and-beauty/

PapersOwl.com. (2024). The Divine Realm of Aphrodite: the Goddess of Love and Beauty . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-divine-realm-of-aphrodite-the-goddess-of-love-and-beauty/ [Accessed: 16 May. 2024]

"The Divine Realm of Aphrodite: the Goddess of Love and Beauty." PapersOwl.com, May 12, 2024. Accessed May 16, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/the-divine-realm-of-aphrodite-the-goddess-of-love-and-beauty/

"The Divine Realm of Aphrodite: the Goddess of Love and Beauty," PapersOwl.com , 12-May-2024. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-divine-realm-of-aphrodite-the-goddess-of-love-and-beauty/. [Accessed: 16-May-2024]

PapersOwl.com. (2024). The Divine Realm of Aphrodite: the Goddess of Love and Beauty . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-divine-realm-of-aphrodite-the-goddess-of-love-and-beauty/ [Accessed: 16-May-2024]

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Ivan Specht started at Harvard on track to study pure mathematics. But when COVID-19 sent everyone home, he began wishing the math he was doing had more relevance to what was happening in the world.

Specht, a New York City native, expanded his coursework, arming himself with statistical modeling classes, and began to “fiddle around” with simulating ways diseases spread through populations. He got hooked. During the pandemic, he became one of only two undergraduates to serve on Harvard’s testing and tracing committee, eventually developing a prototype contact-tracing app called CrimsonShield.

Specht took his curiosity for understanding disease propagation to the lab of computational geneticist Pardis Sabeti , professor in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard and member of the Broad Institute, known for her work sequencing the Ebola virus in 2014 . Specht, now a senior, has since co-authored several studies around new statistical methods for analyzing the spread of infectious diseases, with plans to continue that work in graduate school.

“Ivan is absolutely brilliant and a joy to work with, and his research accomplishments already as an undergraduate are simply astounding,” Sabeti said. “He is operating at the level of a seasoned postdoc.”

His senior thesis, “Reconstructing Viral Epidemics: A Random Tree Approach,” described a statistical model aimed at tackling one of the most intractable problems that plague infectious disease researchers: determining who transmitted a given pathogen to whom during a viral outbreak. Specht was co-advised by computer science Professor Michael Mitzenmacher, who guided the statistical and computational sections of his thesis, particularly in deriving genomic frequencies within a host using probabilistic methods.

Specht said the pandemic made clear that testing technology could provide valuable information about who got sick, and even what genetic variant of a pathogen made them sick. But mapping paths of transmission was much more challenging because that process was completely invisible. Such information, however, could provide crucial new details into how and where transmission occurred and be used to test things such as vaccine efficacy or the effects of closing schools. 

Specht’s work exploited the fact that viruses leave clues about their transmission path in their phylogenetic trees, or lines of evolutionary descent from a common ancestor. “It turns out that genome sequences of viruses provide key insight into that underlying network,” said the joint mathematics and statistics concentrator.

Uncovering this transmission network goes to the heart of how single-stranded RNA pathogens survive: Once they infect their host, they mutate, producing variants that are marked by slightly different genetic barcodes. Specht’s statistical model determines how the virus spreads by tracking the frequencies of different viral variants observed within a host.  

As the centerpiece of his thesis, he reconstructed a dataset of about 45,000 SARS-CoV-2 genomes across Massachusetts, providing insights into how outbreaks unfolded across the state.

Specht will take his passion for epidemiological modeling to graduate school at Stanford University, with an eye toward helping both researchers and communities understand and respond to public health crises.

A graphic designer with experience in scientific data visualization, Specht is focused not only on understanding outbreaks, but also creating clear illustrations of them. For example, his thesis contains a creative visual representation of those 45,000 Massachusetts genomes, with colored dots representing cases, positioned nearby other “dots” they are likely to have infected.

Specht’s interest in graphics began in middle school when, as an enthusiast of trains and mass transit, he started designing imagined subway maps for cities that lack actual subways, like Austin, Texas . At Harvard, he designed an interactive “subway map” depicting a viral outbreak.

As a member of the Sabeti lab, Specht taught an infectious disease modeling course to master’s and Ph.D. students at University of Sierra Leone last summer. His outbreak analysis tool is also now being used in an ongoing study of Lassa fever in that region. And he co-authored two chapters of a textbook on outbreak science in collaboration with the Moore Foundation.

Over the past three years, Specht has been lead author of a paper in Scientific Reports and another in Cell Patterns , and co-author on two others, including a cover story in Cell . His first lead-author paper, “The case for altruism in institutional diagnostic testing,” showed that organizations like Harvard should allocate COVID-19 testing capacity to their surrounding communities, rather than monopolize it for themselves. That work was featured in The New York Times .

During his time at Harvard, Specht lived in Quincy House and was design editor of the Harvard Advocate, the University’s undergraduate literary magazine. In his free time he also composes music, and he still considers himself a mass transit enthusiast.

In the acknowledgements section of his thesis, he credited Sabeti with opening his eyes to the “many fascinating problems at the intersection of math, statistics, and computational biology.”

“I could fill this entire thesis with reasons I am grateful for Professor Sabeti, but I think they can be summarized by the sense of wonder and inspiration I feel every time I set foot in her lab.”

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I finally understand my mother's tough love

"you and your mother are just alike," my father would tell me, by randall horton.

I remember, as if it were yesterday, sitting in an Alabama church as the Baptist preacher eulogized my grandmother. I waited patiently for tears to stream down my cheeks. They did not.

Only days before, I’d received notification my grandmother had died from one of the four roommates I shared a house with on Harvard Street in Washington, D.C. It was 1982 and I was a student at Howard University . I’d gone to the fall Homecoming concert featuring musical groups Time and Vanity 6 at Crampton Auditorium on campus. This was before cellphones, texting and other instant communication, so my mother had to call the police station in D.C., give them my address, and ask them to send a patrol car to our house where the message was relayed to me before I was about to go inside the auditorium.

I remembered being in that church — numb, unsure of how to act or respond to death. I’d been close to Grandmother. I loved her dearly; yet, I did not cry.

I wanted to display a sense of love and affection, that tenderness death exposes. I wanted Grandmother to know the crater she left inside my heart was gargantuan, unfillable. However, it is difficult to escape the lessons of supposed manhood from neighborhood cats that specialized in the art of misogynistic behavior, believed in preying on the weak, and being a real N___ was the only thing in life to aspire to. What I mean is from an early age both inside and outside the home, I was taught real men don’t cry. They bet not.

The majority of this I had learned by the tender age of eight, from pouring shots of white and red liquor in my grandmother’s shot house.

During this transformation from college student to drug seller, my mother and I had a difficult time being in the same room without arguing about my life choices.

My grandmother’s shot house was frequented by men hardened by the weatherworn elements of time, those tiny particles of memory that refuse erasure. They held it all in. There was no crying. The emotive was damn near mythological and prohibited by the innate laws that governed these men. I watched them. I learned from them. I wanted to be them.

It was an environment my mother was accustomed to as well, having come of age in that old veridian clapboard house, an experience she never wanted to talk about, especially what it was like for a young woman to be present in a place that sexualized women on the daily. Even before my grandmother died, my mother and I always had this sort of brokenness, a fractured claim to connection. It seemed like we would never find a way to bond as mother and son, or wade in an emotional state of comfort.

By the time I was in that southern church processing Grandmother's death, I’d become a participant in the national narrative of cocaine through a Cuban cartel operating out of Miami.

In the future version of Randall, there would be twin-engine planes, cigarette boats moving through Caribbean waters with fiberglass kilos headed to Miami. There would also be homelessness and prison. There would be near-death misses, near-deaths attempted. I was a lost human drifting through the corridors of consciousness. What I am trying to say is I had become immersed in a culture of drugs. At the time of my grandmother’s death I was a college student in name and appearance only.

I was straddling a wafer-thin allegorical fence: The young man my parents wanted me to be versus who I was becoming.

During this transformation from college student to drug seller, my mother and I had a difficult time being in the same room without arguing about my life choices. To be honest, I did not make it easy. I rebelled at authority. Our disagreements were intense, mainly because, in the end, I wanted her to love me in a way I could not express. So I acted out, even as an adult. Perhaps my father saw this dynamic play out more than anyone, and when I was alone and angry, he would only offer, “You and your mother are just alike.”

My mother was never easy on me. Even as a boy she demanded I be tough, that I not cry. One time when I was homeless in D.C., I called the house late one night, and while my dad wanted to talk to me, my mother told my dad to hang up the damn phone . If I am honest with myself, I know why. I needed a tough love because a conventional love wasn’t working. It would take many years to understand my mother, that the silence she lived with growing up around her mother, the things she witnessed, it all played a part in how she raised me as her son. She saw how society withered those men up and took the joy out of living before they returned to the dirt. The booze, the women of the night, the gambling, the cons, all of these factors of the living she grew up around, as did I.

The day before my mother passed, I was at home in Birmingham, Alabama.

My mother had recently suffered a mild stroke, so mild she wasn’t aware until she went to the hospital and the doctor confirmed bleeding on the brain. The prognosis seemed to be good, so I did not fly home. I came two months later on my way to a literary conference in Dallas.

Perhaps my father saw this dynamic play out more than anyone, and when I was alone and angry, he would only offer, “You and your mother are just alike.”

The night before my flight departed for Texas, I was working on my panel presentation in my father’s office downstairs when I looked up and saw my mother lingering in the doorway with the most angelic smile. At that moment, wading in my own silence, I felt the sincerest connection I’d ever shared with my mother. Her glowing face was full of innocent youth. It was as if she were a teenager, and I was meeting her for the first time. My mother proceeded to explain she’d backed the car out of the garage and back in. A simple task, but for her it was validation that she was on the road to full recovery.

When I finished my panel the next day in Dallas, I checked my cell phone only to see way too many missed calls from my brother-in-law. The sheer volume told something was wrong. My mother had suffered a severe stroke. I needed to return to Birmingham immediately.

At the hospital my dad, sister and I received the prognosis there was nothing else to do, that she would never regain consciousness.  My mother would hang between the balance of life and death for the next five days. I could only think back to our exchange in the doorway of my father's office, that moment when whatever we were battling against with each other was over. In many ways that moment told me that whatever connection we had or did not have, I was her child, and she was my mother. The only way I knew to deal with the impending loss was to visit mother every day in the hospital and read her passages from my soon-to-be published book, "Dead Weight: A Memoir in Essays."

The first essay I read was from “November 2nd and A Mother’s Love,” in which I recall my mother and I attending the Inaugural Ball in honor of President-elect Barak Obama.

I wanted my mother to know how special that moment was when we shared the first dance, dressed to the nines in formal attire in the nation’s capital. This dance came after a five-year bid inside the carceral state, after two years in a drug program, a bachelor's degree, an MFA, and a PhD. After the PhD came my first tenure track job. I was now following in the shadow of my mother, also a lifelong educator.

The second passage came from my essay, “Eleven Days.” It took my mother 57 years to reveal to me — or rather, to my wife, on a visit after our marriage — that after my premature birth in 1961, I’d been separated from my mother for 11 days, for the sole reason of race. I recount what it must have felt like for her to have a child and then not have a child. For all the reasons in the world, this revelation made sense in terms of our broken claim to connection, and why we’d been on this journey since my birth.

Though my mother could not formulate words, I could stare into her fading eyes, and as I did, I became in sync with her every breath. I’d like to think she saw the passion, the writer in me, and never imagined this to be my destiny. I uttered the most difficult words I've had to speak when I told her, "It is OK to let go." 

Author at 5 months old

I cried at the foot of her bed like I’d never lived by the code that weeping is for the weak. I didn’t give a damn. Whatever it was that I could not articulate had to come out. And in the crying came the baptism, and after the baptism came a sense that our love had always been that of mother and son, and maybe in the progression of death we truly understood each other. This was my mother’s final gift to me.

At the funeral, it was assumed, that I — the writer — would say something.

I sat in that same basement study where I last saw my mother alive, and after another good cry,  the first words I wrote were: “Come celebrate with us this life of longevity, a life realized through a commitment to service and achievement, taking every inch of what this social order gives, with all its constructs and ideologies within a nation that never could have imagined the existence of the strong Black woman — who is often cloaked in a sort of invisibility.” I wanted my mother to know she was never invisible.

I returned home a motherless child.

The next morning, while working on a creative nonfiction essay on my backyard deck in North Jersey, two doves appeared on the wooden railing. It is a backyard visited by darting sparrows and dignified blue jays lingering in the skeletal tree branches of spring. Sometimes against the background of a shed and garden, cardinals flash their emblematic red wings. But never doves.

As a poet, I viewed these two birds as Grandma and Momma, the two most important women in my life, checking in on me, letting me know they are always here, there, everywhere. 

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Randall Horton is the author of " {#289-128}: Poems ," which received the 2021 American Book Award; " Dead Weight: A Memoir in Essays ;" " Hook: A Memoir ," which received the Great Lakes College Association 2017 Award for Creative Nonfiction; and three additional poetry collections. The recipient of a National Endowment of the Arts Fellowship in Literature, Horton is a Cave Canem Fellow and a member of  the Affrilachian Poets , as well as the experimental performance group Heroes Are Gang Leaders, which received the 2018 American Book Award in Oral Literature. He is the co-creator of Radical Reversal , a poetry/music band dedicated to challenging systemic injustice in the American legal system through the installation of recording studios and creative/performance spaces as well as programming in Department of Correction facilities in the United States. Originally from Birmingham, Alabama, he now resides in New Jersey and is a Professor of English at the University of New Haven. 

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  19. 527 Relationship Essay Topics & Research Titles at StudyCorgi

    Boyle's Law: Pressure-Volume Relationship in Gases. The purpose of this paper is to use an established mathematical relationship to determine pressure or volume gas when one variable changes at a constant temperature. Parent-Child Relationships in the Novels "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov and "Sula" by Toni Morrison.

  20. Essay About Love: Advanced Guide to Follow

    Practical Steps on How to Write a Love Essay. Research the area to get verified sources. Examine literary works and movies. Create an outline. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence. Don't be bare-worded. Stick to the correct sequence of writing. Use the "self-asking" method for each writing step. Use quotes.

  21. All about Love Essay Topics

    Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "All about Love" by bell hooks. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

  22. 344 Marriage Essay Topics & Samples

    344 Marriage Essay Topics & Examples. Updated: Feb 29th, 2024. 26 min. Whether you're writing about unconventional, traditional, or arranged marriage, essay topics can be pretty handy. Consider some original ideas gathered by our experts and discuss divorce, weddings, and family in your paper. We will write.

  23. The Divine Realm of Aphrodite: the Goddess of Love and Beauty

    Essay Example: In the vast panorama of ancient mythology, the figure of Aphrodite stands out as a symbol of beauty and love. Emerging from the foamy depths of the ocean, born from the remnants of Uranus, she embodies an unmatched allure, captivating both deities and humans with her divine charm

  24. Studyfy

    At Studyfy, we provide superior writing assistance to support your academic journey. Our team comprises skilled professionals adept at various tasks, including homework aid, proofreading, and essay refinement. With extensive knowledge and experience, our experts ensure your writing is impeccable and tailored precisely to your needs.

  25. So how do you track spread of disease? By the numbers

    Ivan Specht decided to employ his love of math during pandemic, which led to contact-tracing app, papers, future path Part of the Commencement 2024 series A collection of stories covering Harvard University's 373rd Commencement.

  26. I finally understand my mother's tough love

    The first essay I read was from "November 2nd and A Mother's Love," in which I recall my mother and I attending the Inaugural Ball in honor of President-elect Barak Obama.