Essay on City Life Vs Village Life for Students and Children

500+ words essay on city life vs village life.

Village life reflects the rural lifestyle and city life shows the urban lifestyle. Life in both rural and urban areas has its own plus points and problems. One is quite different from each other. Traditionally, India is a predominantly rural country as Mahatma Gandhi had said, “The real India lives in villages”. Though India is mainly a land of villages, there are many cities as well in the country.  Life in these big cities is quite different from life in a village. Let us consider, in brief, life in a big city and point out some of its important advantages and disadvantages.

essay on city life vs village life

Comparison: City life Vs Village life

The facility of education.

In big cities, there are good arrangements for education. The big college even universities are available.  There are also a very large number of school both government and private in the big city.  These arrangements do not exist in small towns and villages.

Medical Facility

Cities also provide sufficient medical facilities.  Almost in every city, there are good hospitals in which the poor get free medicines and treatment. Many qualified doctors are also there to serve the sick and the suffering. Indeed lack of such medical arrangement is the main drawback of villages.

Amusement and Recreation

Cities also provide many opportunities for amusement and recreation. In every city, there are a number of cinema houses and multiplexes, where we can enjoy with family. Also, a number of restaurants and hotels are available for better food of variety. There are also many parks and gardens where we can enjoy the best natural beauty. Villages are always lacking such facilities.

The Opportunity of Employment

The most important advantages of cities are the availability of huge opportunity for employment . They are centers of trade and commerce as well as offices of many multinational companies . Persons with different qualifications can easily find jobs to suit them.  In villages, employment is available mostly in farming. Due to farming, only seasonal jobs are available to a large population in villages.

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Mixed Culture

Cities are having a variety of people from various cultures. But real India and its customs are highly visible in villages.

Natural Environment

It is fact villages are always natural due to be their self-creation by nature. On the other hand, most cities are manmade. Hence the natural environment of villages is their main attraction. In villages only we may have the charms of birds and flowers or the beauty of the day-dawn.

Pollution and Adulteration

City life is extremely unhealthy due to air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution . The people are not getting fresh air to breathe or the clear sky to enjoy the sunshine. Also, food in the cities is dirty, unhealthy and adulterated. The villages are very much away from such drawbacks.

Population and Other Issues

In city life is very costly. People have to live with a lot of pomp and show. A simple life as in the villages is almost impossible in the city. Besides, the cities are over-crowded and it is very hard for people to get suitable accommodation. People in the city do not have much sympathy with others even with neighbors. The sympathy and close interdependence which is marked in the village’s life is entirely lacking in the city.

Thus, life in villages and in cities presents two contrasting pictures. There are positive as well as negative aspects of both. Therefore it is up to the individual to make the most of it irrespective of the rural or urban setting that one lives in. I, myself, like to live in a village in the close vicinity of a modern city so that I can enjoy the pleasures both of the city and the village.

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  • City life vs Village Life Essay


Essay on City Life vs Village Life

The best way to enhance one’s language is to practice writing in the same way. While writing the mind is pushed to think beyond its comfort zone. This sparks the creative streaks of a student allowing him to explore the various aspects of the topic. Also, writing essays improves the language hold for the students. Writing repeatedly and consistently will make students easily understand the various rules of grammar. As one goes to higher classes, the need to write lengthy answers increases. Practicing essays from a younger class will help students to learn to write well-structured answers from a younger age. 

The mentality of humans cleared the picture of two different sides in their minds, but in actuality, the situation is partially contradictory. The coin has two sides, so it's unpredictable to say which one is right. The count of things related to each other in city life and village life is beyond one’s reach. If they accelerate each other, combining together, it will not take long for the country to prosper. 

The rural lifestyle is most primarily reflected in village life while the urban lifestyle is most primarily reflected in city life. There are both advantages and disadvantages of living in both rural and urban areas. Regardless, they are very different from each other. A country like India is considered to be the land of villages though there are many cities as well. Life in villages is quite different from that in the cities.

In the case of big cities, there are very good arrangements for education. Schools, colleges and universities are present in cities while in case of the villages there are very poor arrangements for education and there are many village areas where people are uneducated and do not get the chance to study because of lack of education facilities. This is one of the reasons why nowadays people from villages move to urban areas.

In the case of urban areas, excellent medical facilities are there. There are top-class hospitals where there are camps available for the poor as well where qualified doctors give free treatments. On the contrary, there is rarely any medical facility available in the villages, and in many areas, people have to run to cities and travel miles even in case of emergencies to get treatment.

Another advantage of living in an urban area is that there is a huge number of jobs available and many multinational companies, small companies, big companies are present in the big cities. There are centers of trade and commerce and it is very easy for a person to find a job in the urban areas. On the other hand, villagers mostly do farming and the jobs are limited to seasonal jobs.

Though in terms of the technical factors the city life is way ahead of the village life, yet people consider village life more peaceful. The customs of Real India are reflected mostly in the villages where people have not left their cultures and still follow the Indian traditions. India has a vast variety of cultures which is visible only in the villages.

The urban areas are fully man-made while on the other hand villages are self-created and are very natural which is one of the reasons why people from cities travel to villages in order to seek peace and enjoy nature. The wide species of birds, different varieties of flowers, scenic views, and all the things related to nature is the beauty of the villages.

The villages feed and clothe the people while the city provides learning and culture. In rural areas, however, most of the people depend on agriculture for their livelihood. Poultry farming proves to be a lucrative business for them. In the past, villagers used to meet their daily needs by exchanging gold-grown crops with their villagers. But as urbanization increased, these same people started selling the goods in the towns. 

India is blessed with a great tradition. In terms of tradition and culture, villagers seem to have retained the old tradition. Dussehra, Diwali, Holi, and the other 29 festivals in a year are celebrated here with enthusiasm and spontaneity. The urban people who are undergoing modernization seem to lack it. However, the city dwellers, who are engaged all day long, lack the time and desire for such things. They almost forgot our traditions in addition to the money. Highly demanded cities result in congestion, even population leads to pollution. An increase in cost and expenditure is a serious issue for city dwellers. Villages are the best place to live comparatively, as hygiene food and calm environment with peace. The village is in dire need of education. Primary education can be easily acquired in villages too. However, for secondary education, one has to move towards cities. The variety of facilities available in the cities reduces the scarcity of educational staff. People used to migrate towards cities or smart cities, to get benefited from lots of job opportunities, stable income, and better life stability.

The picture in the city is completely different; here agriculture is basically a side business of the citizens. Where precious diamonds in the form of cultivation are grown in the village, the skyscrapers stand on the same farm in the city.  Cities have well-structured transport systems, which connect all the remote areas in urban centers. The leading role of transport is played by rail, road, and the air. The city livers possess various alternative options when it comes to transportation. Even having more than enough, in emergencies, plenty of taxis and cabs are ready to get hired from you. Thousands of families of taxi drivers survived on this. 

It is clear to all citizens that the availability of medical facilities in the cities is speedy compared to that of villages. Often, patients from the villages have to move to cities even for a minor ailment. Moreover, Better communication if observed in big towns, smart business tycoons eager to invest in large cities as they said, we do not feel inferior here. A math worm and economic predictor can start making a lot of money by smartly utilizing their cerebrum in the stock market. 

Therefore, it is clear that life in villages and cities are two different faces of the same coin. There are pros and cons of life in both areas. We must analyze both lives and choose what we want accordingly.

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One can easily read and study the essay City Life vs Village Life from Vedantu. This article will help students and learners to understand the difference between lives in the two places and also, enable them to write the same in their exams. Experts at Vedantu have created necessary points for the essay and provided them so that students can benefit from this at ease.


FAQs on City life vs Village Life Essay

1. What makes village life appealing compared to city life?

The availability of good and healthy food, clean air along abundant space makes village life more appealing. Most of the land in villages is used for agriculture. This makes the village a very clean and peaceful environment. There is no air, water, or noise pollution in villages making it all the more appealing to live in.

2. Why do people from villages migrate to cities?

A city or a smart city unlike villages has a lot to offer in the form of comfort and personal growth. A city offers strong communication facilities, transport facilities, medical facilities, job and business opportunities along with education facilities. All these make the villagers want to leave their homes and migrate to cities for better living conditions.

3. How can village life be improved to prevent people from migrating to cities?

People living in villages are very simple with the need for basic requirements. Providing secondary education, electricity, toilets, and medical facilities will improve their lives encouraging them to stay back in their villages and continue farming.

4. How does vedantu help students with essay writing?

Vedantu has provided here numerous essays on various topics to help students write the essays in the correct way. These essays are written to help students understand the correct way of writing essays allowing them to replicate the same for better marks.

5. Why do people in big cities have health-related issues?

Since there are no cars, no factories, no vehicles present in the village areas, they are far away from all the pollution and people breathe fresh air and eat fresh food. In the case of urban areas, the air is very unhealthy and the food is not fresh many times. There is so much pollution in the city that people get sick because of it. People have started getting breathing problems, stomach problems, and other health-related issues because of the pollution and the unavailability of fresh food.

City Life vs. Village Life

What's the difference.

City life and village life are two contrasting ways of living. City life is fast-paced, bustling, and filled with opportunities for career growth and entertainment. It offers a wide range of amenities such as shopping malls, restaurants, and cultural events. On the other hand, village life is peaceful, close-knit, and centered around nature. It provides a sense of community and simplicity, with less noise and pollution. While city life offers convenience and excitement, village life offers tranquility and a stronger connection to nature. Ultimately, the choice between city life and village life depends on individual preferences and priorities.

City Life

Further Detail


City life and village life are two contrasting ways of living that offer unique experiences and opportunities. While city life is characterized by its fast-paced nature, modern amenities, and diverse population, village life is known for its tranquility, close-knit communities, and connection with nature. In this article, we will explore the attributes of both city life and village life, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages.

Infrastructure and Amenities

One of the significant differences between city life and village life lies in their infrastructure and amenities. Cities are known for their well-developed infrastructure, including efficient transportation systems, modern healthcare facilities, educational institutions, shopping centers, and recreational facilities. The availability of these amenities makes city life convenient and provides residents with a wide range of options for entertainment, education, and healthcare.

In contrast, village life often lacks the same level of infrastructure and amenities. Villages typically have limited transportation options, with fewer public transportation services and fewer roads. Healthcare facilities may be limited, and residents may need to travel to nearby towns or cities for specialized medical care. Educational institutions in villages are often smaller and may have fewer resources compared to those in cities. However, village life offers a more peaceful and close-knit community environment, which some individuals find appealing.

Population and Diversity

Another significant difference between city life and village life is the population and diversity of the communities. Cities are densely populated, with millions of people from various cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. This diversity creates a vibrant and multicultural environment, offering opportunities for individuals to interact with people from different walks of life. The exposure to diverse perspectives and cultures can broaden one's horizons and foster tolerance and understanding.

In contrast, villages have smaller populations, and the communities are often more homogenous. Villagers tend to have closer relationships with their neighbors and share common traditions and values. While this can create a strong sense of community and belonging, it may limit exposure to different cultures and perspectives.

Cost of Living

The cost of living is another crucial aspect to consider when comparing city life and village life. Generally, cities have a higher cost of living due to the higher demand for housing, transportation, and goods and services. Rent or property prices in cities are often significantly higher than in villages. Additionally, the cost of groceries, dining out, and entertainment tends to be higher in urban areas.

Village life, on the other hand, offers a lower cost of living. Housing prices are generally more affordable, and the cost of daily necessities is often lower compared to cities. This can be advantageous for individuals or families looking to save money or live a simpler lifestyle. However, it is important to note that certain specialized goods or services may be less accessible in villages, requiring residents to travel to nearby cities for specific needs.

Job Opportunities

Job opportunities are often more abundant in cities compared to villages. Cities are economic hubs that attract businesses and industries, offering a wide range of employment options across various sectors. The presence of numerous companies and organizations in cities provides individuals with more choices and opportunities for career growth and development.

In contrast, villages typically have limited job opportunities, especially in specialized fields. The primary occupations in villages are often related to agriculture, farming, or small-scale businesses. While village life may offer a more relaxed and less stressful work environment, individuals seeking career advancement or specialized job roles may find it challenging to pursue their desired professions in rural areas.

Environmental Factors

When comparing city life and village life, it is essential to consider the environmental factors that come into play. Cities are often associated with higher pollution levels, increased traffic congestion, and a lack of green spaces. However, cities also tend to have better waste management systems and access to clean water and sanitation facilities.

Village life, on the other hand, offers a closer connection to nature and a cleaner environment. Villages are typically surrounded by greenery, with access to fresh air and open spaces. The pace of life in villages is often slower, allowing individuals to enjoy a more peaceful and serene environment. However, villages may face challenges in waste management and access to clean water, especially in underdeveloped regions.

In conclusion, city life and village life offer distinct attributes and experiences. While cities provide modern amenities, diverse populations, and abundant job opportunities, they also come with a higher cost of living, increased pollution, and a faster-paced lifestyle. On the other hand, village life offers a close-knit community, a lower cost of living, and a closer connection to nature, but may lack infrastructure, job opportunities, and exposure to diversity. Ultimately, the choice between city life and village life depends on individual preferences, priorities, and the desired quality of life.

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Essay On City Life Vs Village Life

essay on city life vs village life

Table of Contents

Short Essay On City Life Vs Village Life

City life and village life are two different ways of living, each with its own unique advantages and disadvantages. While city life is fast-paced and dynamic, village life is calm and peaceful. Both ways of life offer different experiences, and the choice between the two often comes down to personal preferences and priorities.

City life is characterized by fast-paced living, with a high level of activity and a constant buzz of excitement. Cities are centers of commerce, industry, and culture, and offer a wide range of employment, educational, and entertainment opportunities. City life is also more convenient, with easy access to shops, hospitals, and other facilities.

However, city life also comes with its own set of challenges. Cities are often crowded, with high levels of pollution and noise. Housing costs can be high, and the fast-paced lifestyle can be stressful and overwhelming. In cities, it can also be difficult to find a sense of community, and people may feel disconnected from their neighbors and the world around them.

Village life, on the other hand, is characterized by calm and peaceful living. Villages offer a close-knit community and a sense of connectedness to the land and nature. People in villages are often more connected to each other and to their environment, and the pace of life is generally slower and more relaxed.

However, village life also has its own set of challenges. Villages are often isolated, with limited access to basic facilities such as shops, schools, and hospitals. Employment opportunities can be limited, and people may have to travel long distances to find work. Villages also tend to be more conservative and traditional, which can limit opportunities for personal growth and self-expression.

In conclusion, city life and village life are two different ways of living, each with its own unique advantages and disadvantages. The choice between the two often comes down to personal preferences and priorities, and there is no right or wrong answer. Both city life and village life offer different experiences, and it is up to each individual to decide which is best for them.

Long Essay On City Life Vs Village Life

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a city or a village? With contrasting lifestyles, city life and village life provide two different perspectives on how humans can live. In this article, we will explore the differences between city life and village life so that readers can make their own informed decisions about which lifestyle appeals to them the most.

Introduction: Definition of City Life and Village Life

City life and village life are two different types of living. City life is fast-paced and full of hustle and bustle. There are many people and things to see and do. Village life is slower paced and more laid back. There are fewer people and things to see and do.

city life vs village life essay introduction

When it comes to city life vs village life, there are a few key differences that you should know about. For starters, city life is typically much faster paced than village life. There are more people in cities, which means there is more happening at any given time. This can be great if you’re someone who enjoys being busy and having a lot to do. However, it can also be overwhelming for some people.

Another key difference between city life and village life has to do with the amount of space that each offers. Cities are often much more crowded than villages, which can make them feel cramped and claustrophobic. Villages tend to have more open space, which can be refreshing if you’re used to the hustle and bustle of city living.

Finally, another key difference between these two types of living is the cost of living. Cities tend to be more expensive than villages, simply because there is more demand for goods and services. If you’re on a budget, then village life may be a better option for you.

Advantages of City Life

City life has a number of advantages over village life. For one, cities are generally more economically prosperous than villages. This means that there are more job opportunities and a greater variety of goods and services available. Cities also tend to offer better educational and medical facilities than villages.

In addition, city life is generally more exciting and stimulating than village life. There is more to do and see in a city, and the pace of life is generally faster. This can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on your preferences.

Advantages of Village Life

Village life has its own unique charm. It is peaceful and quiet, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. The people in villages are friendly and close-knit. There is a strong sense of community in villages.

Village life is simple and natural. People in villages lead a healthy lifestyle as they are not exposed to the pollution and noise of cities. They eat fresh and organic food, which is good for their health.

Village life gives you a chance to connect with nature. You can enjoy the beauty of the surroundings and the peace of mind that comes with it. Village life is an ideal way to escape the stresses of city life.

Disadvantages of City Life

Though city life has many advantages, there are also several disadvantages of living in a city. Here are some of the main disadvantages of city life:

1. Cost of living is higher in cities. This is because real estate is more expensive in cities and there are also more expenses for things like transportation and utilities.

2. There is more pollution and congestion in cities. This can lead to health problems from exposure to pollution and also from stress caused by the crowded conditions.

3. There is less personal space and privacy in cities. With so many people living in close proximity, it can be difficult to find a place to yourself or to have any sense of privacy.

4. There is more crime in cities. With more people comes more opportunities for crime, and the anonymity of city life makes it easier for criminals to get away with their crimes.

5. There can be a feeling of isolation in cities. With so many people around, it can be easy to feel like you’re just a small part of the crowd and that no one really knows you.

Disadvantages of Village Life

One of the main disadvantages of village life is the lack of access to basic amenities and services. villagers have to travel long distances to get basic necessities like healthcare, education, and even clean water. This can be a huge burden, especially for families with young children or elderly members.

Another downside of living in a village is the limited job opportunities. Most villages are too small to support businesses or industries, so villagers typically work in agriculture or related fields. This can make it difficult to earn a good income, which can lead to poverty and other problems.

Finally, village life can be quite isolating compared to city life. There are usually fewer people around, and there may not be much to do in terms of entertainment and social activities. This can make it hard to meet new people and make friends.

Comparison Between City and Village Life

There are many differences between city and village life. Most significantly, the pace of life is much faster in a city. This can be seen in the way that people move around, the way that they interact with each other, and the way that they work. In a village, people tend to know each other well and there is a strong sense of community. Life in a city is often more anonymous and people are less likely to stop and chat with each other.

Work patterns are also different in cities and villages. In a city, most people work long hours in office buildings or factories. They may only see their families for a few hours each day or week. In a village, people often have more flexible work patterns. They may work from home or have jobs that allow them to take breaks during the day to spend time with their families.

The environment is another key difference between city and village life. Cities are typically full of concrete buildings, busy roads, and polluting factories. Villages are usually greener, with more open space and fresh air.

Of course, there are also some similarities between city and village life. Both types of communities typically have schools, shops, and medical facilities. And both cities and villages can be lively places full of culture and interesting people.

City life and village life are two different worlds apart. Though both offer their own unique advantages, city life has far more benefits than living in a rural area. With better technology, career opportunities, and educational facilities of higher quality, living in the city is definitely the better choice for anyone looking to progress in their lives. That being said, everyone should experience both lifestyles before deciding which one suits them best; after all, it’s always good to have options!

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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Top 10 Differences Between Village Life and City Life

From ages, it is seen that the lifestyle between a village (countryside) and a city varies. There is a huge difference in the way of living between the people living in the cities and villages. Each of them has its disadvantages and advantages. Cities are the main hubs of everything, starting from the fast-food chains to tall buildings. Cities represent the epitome of cultural integration along with globalization. City life also offers wide options for facilities and opportunities. The village is somewhere we find our inner peace there. Arrays of trees, ponds, and puddles, the patch of green lands marks the boundaries of any village. Only in villages, we can see dew on the grass, rituals, and celebrations with full celebration.

Village life is the representation of a rural lifestyle, whereas city life represents an urban lifestyle. The city is overpopulated compared to the villages where small numbers of people live. The air and water in the village is less polluted and the village has a cleaner environment, less noise, and fresh air compared to the cities. People in the villages are less busy than those in the big cities. Cities consist of innumerable numbers of buildings and vehicles and offer better medical care and education than villages.

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Definition of Village

The word “Village” is derived from a French word that refers to a group of buildings. That is exactly what defines a village, a small community of people in a rural area. Sometimes the houses of the villages are incorporated into the towns as the municipality. Villages which represent rural areas are also known as countryside in many countries.

In a village, the environment is very calm and composed. Every population of the village tends to know everybody very well. Villagers are always warm-hearted and are always ready to help in any situation. But villages have fewer facilities when compared to cities. The villagers have difficulty with education, transportation and even medical treatment. Some villages do not have a fully modernized and equipped hospital or medical facilities, while in others the people of the villages have to cover hundreds of kilometers to reach the hospitals. Schools are also underdeveloped and do not have highly qualified teachers. Parents have to send their children to the cities for higher education. Employment is also a questionable situation in villages, as there is only an option of farming for the people there.

Village Life City Life Difference

Definition of City

The word “City” is also derived from a French word that means citizenry. A city is a large important town. In the USA, cities are incorporated into municipalities with local governments. In Great Britain, A borough for the seat of the Bishop is called a city.

City life or urban life is full of advantages and facilities. Cities are endowed with higher education due to an ample number of schools and colleges present there. Apart from the schools and colleges, the city has cinema theaters, banks, stadiums for different types of sports, hotels, shopping malls, hotels, and clubs. A city is characterized by several pollution types, like air pollution, noise pollution, and water pollution. These pollutants are caused by numerous industries, factories and mills present over there.

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The Main Differences between City and Village Life

The following are some of the basic differences that can be observed in the life of the city and the village. They are:

Language of Communication

Villages use their local language for communication. The village schools generally follow the vernacular medium for instruction. English is an alien language there. Villagers who migrate from the rural community to the city for the first time are at a loss of words due to poor knowledge of the common language of communication. Cities are a hybrid of languages, people and cultures. Thus, to survive in a city, you have to know the common language to communicate with the people.

Food, or the style of cooking, is one of the most important aspects of any social system. Due to a busy life in the city, food is in sync with the lifestyle of the dwellers in the city. City dwellers tend to opt for less healthy but quick to prepare food. That is why there are innumerable food joints, dining places and takeaways in the city. City dining during the working days is just grabbing a bite.

On the other hand, villagers believe in homemade food by using homemade raw materials like cow dung balls, hay and wood. In the village, you can find pure clarified butter, milk, and traditional dishes. Fresh food is a part of daily life of rural people.

Means of Transportation

In villages, horse carts, bullock carts, bicycles or walking are the main means of transportation. Long-distance travel is covered by the buses issued by the state government. The road conditions in the villages are also very poor and thus transportation systems are very primitive.

One of the main features of the city is the transportation facilities. Most city dwellers have their own private transport, like a bike or car. There is plenty of public transportation, like metro railways, cab services, buses, and even auto-rickshaws. Recently, due to financial and environmental concerns all across the globe, carpooling has also become one of the most renowned options for transportation in the city.

Social Life

The social lives of most people in the city are restricted to the virtual world of social networking sites. People hardly have any time for themselves in the city. Parties, occasions and holidays are the only events where people get to meet their loved ones and relatives.

On the flip side, people in villages, come in contact and hence talk to each other directly. No one can remain a stranger in the villages due to constant communication and interaction with a small population.

Villages serve as a hub of inspiration for simple living in the lap of nature. The ambiance of the village gives a soothing effect to your busy daily life. It also offers peace to the senses and picturesque views, that are too far away from all the dirt and dust. The air is completely free from any harmful emissions and pollution.

On the other hand, cities are polluted, noisy and crowded. People hustle over the speed of the internet and other small things rather than enjoying their lives.


The striking difference that we can observe between a village and the city is the infrastructure and the buildings. The cities are full of skyscrapers that are made up of glass panels. Offices, as well as rooms for living, are getting smaller day by day.

The homes in the villages have large areas with open spaces. The houses in the villages are mostly one or two storeys high and are traditional.

People from the villages are native nature and warm hearted. This means that they have spent their entire life in a particular village. Most of the villagers are farmers or look after farm-related work. Simple and traditional ways of living and helpful nature are the main traits of the people living in the villages. Village people are often simple, hard working and like to follow tradition.

Pay cheques, work, and a modern lifestyle are the usual priorities of people in the city. Many people of various religions and beliefs migrate to the city in search of jobs and proper education.

Shopping and Entertainment

Shopping is a popular activity in the cities. There are large numbers of shopping malls that serve the success of this purpose. People from the villages come to the cities for shopping during any special occasion or festival. The city offers better quality and numerous options for the same product. The concept of malls has managed to get all types of customers with different requirements under one roof. For entertainment purposes also, there are plenty of alternatives to choose from the amusement parks, restaurants, pubs, exhibitions, clubs and movie theatres.

The villagers go to the local grocery shop that is within walking distance for their daily supplies. Moreover, the villages have fewer stores and are small. The villagers are often unaware of the types and names of the products that rule the cities. The concept of entertainment in the villages is different from in the city. The people of the villages meet in the evening and discuss their social life and other important matters. Walking in the green fields with loved ones, showered in the heavy rain, eating fruits directly from the trees, and socializing with fellow villagers are the different forms of entertainment in the village.

Due to their hectic schedule and busy work life, most city dwellers wake up late on holidays. They spend that day of the week taking rests or maybe having an outing for dinner at the end of the day. Holidays in the villages are always filled with fun and entertainment.

While discussing about advantages and disadvantages, education aspect cannot be less emphasised. In cities, there are arrangements for quality higher education. Due to the presence of big colleges and universities, the scope of first-class knowledge is more feasible there. You can avail of both private and government schools and colleges for the study. In villages, there are mostly government schools with no option for colleges. The quality of education suffers, options are limited. Rural people are often less concerned about the education and believe in simple life.

Most of the scope of employment is present in the city. There are small commercial companies, MNCs, and trading organizations as well to give you a job which is not possible in a village. Different types of people can get their type of job according to their level of education. In villages, employment is mostly farming. Farming is a seasonal job and, thus, most farmers have to come to the city during the off season of cultivation.

Adulteration and Pollution

The air in the city is extremely unhealthy due to air, noise and water pollution. The people in the city do not get to see a clear sky or breathe fresh air often. Also, the foods available in big cities are unhealthy and adulterated. The villages are far away from such problems and do not have these drawbacks, they have clean air. There is a clear difference in the quality of environment which people get to enjoy in village life as compared to city life.

From all the above points, we have concluded that life in cities and villages represents different and contrasting pictures. Both the lifestyles come with both negative and positive aspects. Thus, it is up to the preferences of the individual if he/she wants to live in urban or rural settings.

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essay on city life vs village life

Priyanki Baruah

6 thoughts on “top 10 differences between village life and city life”.

essay on city life vs village life

Everything is beautiful in its place. We cannot compare both things, when we talk about a city or a village, people have different environments, people are more active in health, people love themselves more in a city or a village, they feel the beauty. they enjoy nature, they are simple

essay on city life vs village life

Thank you so much for providing high-quality content. It helped me a lot in preparing my debate. Keep doing good work dude!

essay on city life vs village life

Village life is better than city life by orelope Alimot:(1) Village life is better because there is youth empowerment: the youth in the village are empower because they are many work to do in the village e.g fishing, farming, basket weaver, mat weaver e.t.c unlike the city that many youth are not empower see the on the street because of how much they will be shutting, stealing and so on.

essay on city life vs village life

This is very helpful for me to get out of the difference between village life and city life.

essay on city life vs village life

Hi every body my English is very weak but i am trust in your self and goes to the side of comment my comment is the city and village life village people is very hard work, very busy,very judge in all discipline in our own life he is very hospitable and sincere and the people of city is very educated,lazy and very misbehavior people so what going on I am but this is my comment ok please don’t my insult everybody thank you

essay on city life vs village life

Thank you for the good going to debate perfectly next Monday .

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Village Life vs City Life: Difference and Comparison

Cities are the acme of both cultural fusion and globalization. City life also provides a diverse range of amenities and possibilities.

A village is a place where we may discover inner serenity. The green grounds area indicates each settlement’s limits, with its arrays of trees, ponds, and puddles.

Each has its own set of drawbacks and benefits.

Key Takeaways Village life offers a close-knit community, natural surroundings, and a slower pace, while city life provides more job opportunities, entertainment options, and better infrastructure. Cities have better healthcare facilities, educational institutions, and public transportation than villages. Pollution levels are lower in villages, contributing to a healthier environment, but city dwellers have access to a wider range of resources and services.

Village Life vs City Life

Village life refers to living in a small community or settlement located in rural areas, away from large cities. Villages have a slower pace of life, and people engage in agricultural activities. City life refers to living in a densely populated urban area, with a fast-paced lifestyle.

Village Life vs City Life

The community has a simple, natural, and fresh way of life. Everyone lives as a family because of the limited amenities.

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In many nations, a village symbolising rural regions is called the countryside. One of the most appealing aspects of village life is the people’s purity and simplicity.

City life is affluent, dull, and stylish. Cities provide a high quality of life by providing excellent infrastructures such as trains, roads, and other modes of transit.

In terms of career prospects, a higher standard of living, and the country’s economic growth, city life unquestionably has an advantage over village life.

Comparison Table

What is village life .

The atmosphere in a village is quite quiet and collected. The village’s populace has a strong tendency to know everyone.

Villagers are always kind and willing to assist in any emergency. Villages have fewer amenities than cities.

In villages, employment is likewise a dubious condition because the people’s sole alternative is to farm.

Crops, fruits, vegetables, and seeds are all grown in the villages. Wheat bread, milk, yoghurt, and butter are fresh and healthy foods.

People eat nutritious foods, and as a result, they are robust and durable. Education, healthcare, communication sources, roads, and vehicles are all lacking in villages.

There is no effective sewerage infrastructure in the villages.

These inadequacies cause a lot of problems for people. As a result, many migrate to cities in search of a higher quality of life.

The sun rises at dawn in the hamlet, the sun’s rays fall on the earth, and dewdrops glisten like beads in the sunshine. This is an amazing vista that captures the grandeur of nature.

This happens only in places where we can witness the dawn and natural beauty. Villages are lovely because they have a relaxing environment.

People who reside here are poor and basic. Agriculture is the primary source of income for the majority of the population.

village life

What is City Life?

A city is a significant and huge settlement. Because of the large number of schools and colleges present in cities, they are equipped with higher education.

Aside from schools and colleges, the city features various other facilities like the cinema hall, banks, stadiums for various sports, motels, shopping malls, hotels, and nightclubs.

Several pollutants, such as air, noise, and water, characterize a city.

A significant number of enterprises, factories, and mills are responsible for these emissions. Traffic noise, filthy air, enormous buildings, small streets, and a human-made environment characterize city life.

This is the downside of city living. Looking at the bright side, we can obtain a lot more.

Cities are intriguing to look at because of their lights.

Large hospitals, bridges, highways, educational institutions, schools, colleges, and universities, automobiles, adequate communication systems, food streets,

and shopping malls are all man-made creations that assist ordinary people in leading a high-standard existence.

The person is irritated by the workload as well as the lack of fresh air.

People are more crowded, which increases the risk of viral illnesses. City dwellers lack genuine sentiments; in other words, they are self-centred.

Their lives have been dulled by their routine job. They don’t have time to scrutinize the work of others.

Then people went to parks and playgrounds to cool off.

The mind and soul of a man are soothed by greenery.

However, there are other dangers associated with increased urbanization. The combustion of diesel or petrol releases a slew of toxic chemicals into the atmosphere, causing a slew of respiratory illnesses.

city life

Main Differences Between Village Life and City Life

  • Villagers use their native tongue to communicate. Village schools use a vernacular medium for education, but cities are a mash-up of languages, people, and cultures.
  • Food is in tune with the lifestyle of city people due to a hectic existence in the city. On the other hand, villagers believe in handmade meals and use nature-friendly raw materials such as cow dung balls, hays, and wood in their cooking.
  • Horse and bullock carts, riding bicycles, and walking are the primary modes of mobility in villages. Long-distance travel is handled by state-run buses, although most city people have their private transportation, such as a bike or automobile. There is also ample public transit.
  • The metropolis is filled with glass-panelled skyscrapers, whilst the residences in the rural have wide regions with open spaces.
  • Villages offer a source of inspiration for living simply in the great outdoors. Cities, on the other hand, are polluted, loud, and congested.

Difference Between Village Life and City Life


Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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17 thoughts on “village life vs city life: difference and comparison”.

I really like the key takeaways from the post, very educational and informative.

It’s true that city life has a number of amenities, as the post mentions, but the pollution of cities should also consider in a comparison with village life.

This article provides a comprehensive breakdown and contrast of village and city life, offering a myriad of examples and comparisons. We can agree that it is the epitome of balanced journalism and informative writing.

The post makes valid points and does a good job at carefully comparing village life and city life.

It’s quite impressive to see the plethora of information and noteworthy points that have been included in this article. A commendable effort overall.

I found the information provided extremely useful and informative. I had no idea about the key takeaways mentioned, and this article gave me a lot of insights. I am grateful.

The broad spectrum of content covered in the article is positively staggering. I believe this can be used as a reference point for anyone wanting to delve deeper into this subject

The author has managed to capture the essence of both village and city life in a very detailed and convincing manner. I have gained a lot from this article.

The author has meticulously managed to outline all the pros and cons of both village and city life, leaving the reader with a crystal clear standpoint to form an opinion. It is an excellent read for those interested in sociology and geography.

Village life offers a slower pace and natural surroundings, I find this very appealing.

Cities contribute to the globalization of culture and offer a variety of amenities. However, cities are also generally louder and more congested.

I find the comparison table quite interesting and accurate. Cities really are polluted, loud, and congested.

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essay on city life vs village life


Essay on City Life Vs Village Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on City Life Vs Village Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on City Life Vs Village Life


City life and village life are two different worlds. City life is fast-paced, bustling with people, noise, and activities, while village life is calm, quiet, and close to nature.

City life offers many facilities like high-quality education, healthcare, shopping, and entertainment. There’s diversity, with people from different backgrounds living together. However, it’s often stressful due to traffic, pollution, and high cost of living.

Village Life

Village life is peaceful, surrounded by greenery and fresh air. People live in harmony, sharing joys and sorrows. However, it lacks modern facilities and opportunities.

Both city and village life have their own charm and challenges. It depends on individual preference where one would like to live.

250 Words Essay on City Life Vs Village Life

The dichotomy between city life and village life has long been a subject of interest and debate. Both have their unique characteristics that attract people of different preferences. The decision to live in a city or a village is influenced by the lifestyle, pace, and environment one prefers.

City Life: A Hub of Opportunities

City life is often characterized by a fast pace, high energy, and a multitude of opportunities. Cities are the epicenters of economic activities, offering a wide range of jobs across various sectors. The availability of amenities, such as world-class healthcare facilities, educational institutions, and entertainment options, make city life appealing. However, cities can also be crowded and polluted, leading to a stressful and hectic lifestyle.

Village Life: Tranquility and Simplicity

On the contrary, village life is synonymous with tranquility, simplicity, and a close-knit community. Villages offer a peaceful environment, far from the hustle and bustle of city life. People in villages generally lead a slow-paced life, deeply connected with nature and their cultural roots. However, villages may lack certain amenities and opportunities, leading to a limited scope for economic advancement.

In conclusion, the choice between city life and village life depends on an individual’s preference for pace, environment, and opportunities. City life offers a dynamic and opportunity-rich environment, while village life provides a serene and culturally rich lifestyle. The balance between these contrasting lifestyles is a personal choice, reflecting one’s values and aspirations.

500 Words Essay on City Life Vs Village Life

The dichotomy of city life versus village life has been a topic of interest for centuries. This essay aims to delve into the distinctive characteristics of both lifestyles, highlighting their advantages and drawbacks, and analyzing how they shape the lives of their inhabitants.

City Life: The Buzz of Modernity

City life is often associated with dynamism and modernity. The cityscape, with its towering skyscrapers, bustling streets, and diverse population, is a testament to human ingenuity. City dwellers enjoy the advantages of a broad range of amenities such as advanced healthcare facilities, educational institutes, entertainment options, and job opportunities.

However, city life is not without its drawbacks. The fast-paced lifestyle can lead to stress and anxiety. The cost of living is high, and the sense of community is often lost in the crowd. Pollution, traffic congestion, and noise are also significant issues that affect the quality of life in cities.

Village Life: The Tranquility of Simplicity

In contrast, village life is characterized by its simplicity and tranquility. The pace of life is slower, allowing for a deeper connection with nature and a stronger sense of community. Villagers often engage in traditional occupations such as farming, fishing, and handicrafts, which keeps them in touch with their roots.

However, village life also has its share of challenges. The lack of access to advanced healthcare and educational facilities can limit opportunities for personal growth and development. Moreover, the limited job opportunities can lead to economic stagnation and force many to migrate to cities in search of better prospects.

Interplay of City and Village Life

While city and village life might seem diametrically opposed, they are interconnected in many ways. The migration from villages to cities, driven by the pursuit of better opportunities, contributes to the growth and dynamism of cities. Conversely, cities rely on villages for food and raw materials, highlighting the symbiotic relationship between the two.

In conclusion, both city and village life have their unique charms and challenges. The choice between the two often depends on personal preferences and circumstances. It is essential to recognize that both lifestyles have their roles to play in society’s fabric and contribute to its progress in their unique ways. The ideal scenario would be a harmonious blend of both, where the advantages of one can compensate for the drawbacks of the other. This would ensure a balanced growth and development of society, where no one is left behind.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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essay on city life vs village life


32 Key Pros & Cons of City Life vs. Village Life

“ I loved experiencing city life in New York.”

Quvenzhane Wallis, Actress

Pros and Cons of City Life vs. Living in the Countryside

advantages and disadvantages of city life vs. countryside life

Many people love to live in the city. In fact, city life has many important advantages compared to living in a village.

However, there are also many issues related to living in a big city.

In this article, the pros and cons of city life are examined in detail.

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Advantages of living in the city vs. living in the countryside, city life offers much better public transport, better education opportunities, higher level of tolerance, higher chances to find a partner, more opportunities to play sports, city life offers various different activities, lower distances between different facilities, bigger variety of different foods, better access to shopping centers, better entertainment in general, celebrities rather perform in big cities than in villages, you will have better access to the latest technologies, better job opportunities in cities compared to villages, salaries are often much higher in big cities, you may not even need a car if you live in the city, easier to meet new people in the city, better medical infrastructure in the city.

One key advantage of city life is that you have access to much better public transportation .

Public transport can be a convenient way to get around and is also quite important to slow down global warming and to mitigate several other environmental problems.

Using public transport can also be much faster during rush hour compared to just using your car.

Hence, good public transport systems in big cities can greatly improve your overall quality of life.

Also the education opportunities are often much better in big cities compared to villages.

In fact, in many cities, you will have numerous options regarding preschool , elementary school and high school. Many big cities also have universities.

In contrast, there may be a great lack of education opportunities in rural areas.

Therefore, if you have kids and want to offer them the best education possible, city life also offers you many more options in this regard.

Since people of many different ethnicities live in big cities, there will also be a higher level of tolerance towards minorities in cities compared to smaller villages which often have quite traditional values and are not too eager to open up for different cultures.

Consequently, if you want to live in an area with many different cultural influences or even belong to a certain minority, city life may be better for you since people will be more open towards new cultures and your life will therefore be easier regarding many different aspects.

Another benefit of city life is that it will be much easier for you to find a partner.

In big cities, you will have the opportunity to connect to many different people.

In turn, it becomes much more likely that you find a suitable partner.

Therefore, if you currently live in a village and have difficulties to find a suitable partner, chances are that you would have many more options if you lived in the city and you may consider moving to the city in order to increase your chances to find a partner.

In big cities, you will also have the opportunity to play numerous different sports.

In fact, there will be sports clubs for almost every sport you can imagine.

Hence, whatever sport you want to play, there will be someone who wants to play with you.

In contrast, if you live in the countryside, the selection of sports that are offered may be quite limited.

Therefore, if playing sports is really important to you, you might also be far better off with city life compared to living in a village.

City life offers not only a much better selection of different sports, it also offers plenty of additional activities.

For instance, you can go out at night to various different locations.

Moreover, you can go to museums or do other cultural things. In general, in big cities, you will have a big variety of different activities and chances are that you will never get bored.

However, if you live in the countryside, there will not be too much to do and chances are that you will not be able to spend your leisure in the way you want to.

Therefore, also from an activity perspective, city life should be preferred over village life most of the time.

In big cities, everything you need will not be too far away from you.

You will find the next store within walking distance.

You will find the next doctor’s office not too far away.

In general, everything you will need for your daily life will be concentrated in cities and there will not be too long distances to get from A to B.

In contrast, if you live in a small village, chances are that you will have to drive many miles until you find what you are looking for.

Moreover, some facilities may not even be present in villages.

For instance, if you have to attend a hospital, you may have to drive a long time to the next city.

Thus, city life can also be considered to be much more convenient compared to village life since you will be able to reach everything you need in a reasonable timeframe.

Since there are many different cultural influences in cities, there will also be a much bigger variety of different foods in cities compared to the countryside.

Hence if you really like to try many different foods, you will be far better off by living in a big city.

Moreover, if you attend all those different restaurants, you can also get some inspiration about what to cook at home.

Therefore, also from a culinary perspective, city life definitely has an edge over village life.

Shopping is quite important to many people, especially to women.

If you live in a big city, it will be no problem to find suitable stores where you can go shopping all day long, at least if you have the money to do so.

However, if you live in the countryside, chances are that you will not have this opportunity since the number of shopping centers will be quite limited and you may also have to drive long distances to get to one of those centers.

Consequently, if shopping is quite important to you, living in a big city may be much better suited for you compared to living in the countryside.

In big cities, you will also have much more entertainment opportunities compared to small villages.

You can go to many different bars and clubs, watch movies in cinemas or attend an escape room.

All this may not be available to you in small villages.

Hence, if entertainment is pretty important to you, city life will offer you much more of that compared to village life.

Another upside of city life is that you will be able to see more celebrities.

In fact, most big concerts and sports events will take place in big cities and if you want to see your favorite bands and sports stars live in person, chances are that city life will be the right way to go for you.

If you live in a big city, you will also have much better access to latest technologies .

For example, while the internet connection is usually quite good in cities, it can be rather poor in rural areas.

However, a good internet connection is crucial for various parts of our daily life and if you don’t have such a connection, you may not develop sufficient technological knowledge, which may translate into significantly worse job opportunities in the long run.

In general, job opportunities in big cities are usually much better compared to villages.

This is due to the fact that many big corporations are located near the city center since they want to have access to as many qualified workers as possible in order to expand their business operations in a proper manner.

Therefore, if you aspire to a demanding corporate career, chances are that you want to go for city life since you will have many different companies from which you can choose from if you are highly-qualified.

Not only the job opportunities will be much better in cities, also the salaries are often much higher.

In turn, people in big cities will often be able to afford many more amenities compared to people living in the countryside.

Thus, if money is really important to you and you want to earn a high salary, chances are that you want to go for living in the city to maximize your income prospects.

Another advantage of living in the city is that you often do not even need a car.

Especially if you live close to the city center, you will have all the shops you need in your neighborhood.

Moreover, if you have to go for longer distances, you can still use public transport and reach your destination in no time.

Hence, if you are willing to make some compromises, you will not even need a car in many cases, which is not only beneficial for your pocket but also for our environment since you can improve your carbon footprint if you rely on public transport instead of using your car.

If you currently do not have too many social connections or friends, chances are that the city life will also benefit you in this regard.

Since there are so many different bars you can do to, you will soon be able to make new friends.

Moreover, you could also join a sports team and make new connections there.

In general, it will be much easier for you to make new social connections in big cities compared to a state where you live in a small village.

If you live in a big city, you will also have much better access to medical facilities.

For example, imagine you suffer from a quite rare disease and you need proper treatment for it.

Chances are much higher that you will find a specialist in this field in a big city compared to small villages.

Hence, also from a medical perspective, it can make great sense to decide for city life and against living in the countryside.

essay on city life vs village life

Disadvantages of Urban Living vs. Village Life

City life can be quite stressful, urban living is not suitable if you love nature, big cities are quite crowded, you may get stuck in traffic jams.

  • Parking can be a problem in cities

Cities can heat up in summer

City life may not be suitable for pets, rents are often much higher big cities, only insufficient green spaces in many big cities, cities may be less secure compared to villages, higher daily life expenses, lack of space, cities are often quite noisy, air pollution is a problem in big cities, people may lose connection to nature.

While there are many important advantages to living in the city, there are still some problems related to it.

For instance, one downside of city life is that it can be quite stressful .

Many people feel quite overwhelmed by all the noise, by the crowds of people populating the inner city and so on.

In general, living in a city feels much more stressful compared to living in the countryside and stress is never good for our overall health.

Hence, if you feel quite stressed if you have too much going on around you in the city, you may rather prefer to go for countryside living instead.

Also if you are a person who really loves nature, you will likely be better off by living in rural areas in the countryside instead of living in big cities.

In the countryside, you can live close to nature and you will also be able to go to the nearby forest or other nature reserves almost every day.

However, if you live in a big city and there are no nature reserves within the next hundred miles, you will not be able to go for a walk in nature after work at all.

Hence, if you want to be surrounded by nature, chances are that you will be better off by living in villages instead of living in the city.

Since there are so many people living close to each other, big cities are often also quite crowded.

Making things worse, many people also commute to work from the countryside to the city every day, which even increases the number of people that will be present in the city.

Therefore, if you hate crowded places and need more space for yourself, chances are that you will also be much better off with village life.

In big cities, traffic jams are quite normal and if you have to commute through the city, chances are that you will also lose plenty of time every morning and evening in traffic.

In contrast, if you live in the countryside, there will almost be no traffic jams at all and you can use your time much more efficiently due to that.

Another problem of living in the city is that cities heat up quite a lot in summer.

In fact, due to the many glass office buildings in inner cities which are closely located to each other, the air inside those inner cities will heat up in an unpleasant manner.

In turn, you will also sweat a lot, especially if your workplace has no air conditioning.

In contrast, if you live in a small village, you may not be affected by heat too much since there will be more space between buildings and the air will not heat up as much due to that.

Also if you have a pet, city life may not be for you.

On the one hand, you will have a much harder time to rent a flat or a house since many landlords do not accept pets in their property in cities.

On the other hand, your pet will also not have too much space in big cities since properties are much smaller on average. In turn, your pet may be kept under unnatural conditions.

Thus, if you have a pet , village life may also be much more suitable for you.

Another disadvantage of living in the city is that rents are often also much higher compared to living in the village.

Many people want to live in cities and while the demand for housing in the city increased quite a lot over the past decade, housing offers are rather limited.

In turn, with increasing demand and low supply, property prices and rents increased substantially.

Hence, if you want to save significant amounts of money on rent, you may want to choose the village life over living in the city.

In many cities, there will also only be insufficient green spaces.

Hence, if you love nature and want to spend your time in a natural environment, city life may not be the way to go for you.

Another benefit of living in a village instead of living in the city is that cities are also less secure on average.

Thus, if you want to live as safe as possible and want to minimize the risk to get robbed, chances are that you will be better off by living in villages also in this regard.

Also the overall price level is higher in big cities. You will have to spend more money on food, drinks and various other activities of daily life.

Hence, if you want to save money on all those things, village life will be better suited for you.

If you live in a big city, you will likely also suffer from a lack of space.

Cities are often quite crowded and you will often be surrounded by a high number of people.

Moreover, chances are that rents will be quite high and that you will also not be able to afford big homes.

Therefore, if having a big property and space in general is quite important to you, you may be far better off by living in the countryside.

Since there are so many people and cars around, big cities are also quite noisy .

Hence, if you are a person who wants to spend his or her time in a quiet atmosphere, city life will not be suited for you at all.

In big cities, the air quality is usually also quite bad.

This is not only quite unpleasant, it can also lead to serious health issues .

Consequently, if you want to spend your time in an area with good air quality , the city life may not be for you.

In general, many people who live in big cities also lost their connection to nature.

This is quite sad since we as humans originally lived in natural environments for quite a long time and breaking with nature means breaking with our identity.

Hence, in order to maintain a better connection with nature, living in villages instead of big cities may also make sense in this regard.

essay on city life vs village life

Top 10 City Life Pros & Cons – Summary List

Should you live in a city or in a village.

From the previous discussion, it had become clear that there are various advantages and disadvantages of living in the city.

In the end, you have to decide for yourself whether the city life is for you or if you rather want to live in a smaller village instead.

essay on city life vs village life

About the author

My name is Andreas and my mission is to educate people of all ages about our environmental problems and how everyone can make a contribution to mitigate these issues.

As I went to university and got my Master’s degree in Economics, I did plenty of research in the field of Development Economics.

After finishing university, I traveled around the world. From this time on, I wanted to make a contribution to ensure a livable future for the next generations in every part of our beautiful planet.

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City Life is Better Than Village Life Essay

One of the biggest debates humans have is whether city life is better than village life or vice versa. Each area represents the opposite of the other and the advantages of one are actually the disadvantages of the other. While village life has many advantages, including less noise, beautiful natural landscapes, less pollution, fresh air and less congestion, the statistics does not favor the village folks worldwide.

Each year, millions of people migrate to urban centers in search of greener pastures. Even though most of them would have preferred to stay in the less stressful villages, they had to move to cities due to economic reasons. Here are reasons why city life is better than village life.

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The first reason is transport. The cities generally have well-structured transport network systems that connect virtually all areas of the urban centers. The main modes of transport include road, rail and air. City dwellers therefore have various alternatives when it comes to transport. They may use personal vehicles or taxis on the roads, they may opt for trains to traverse across the outskirts of the city or they may hop into an airplane and go to other cities.

There are also paved paths for walking and riding bicycles. On the flip side, villages have the worst transport systems. The main drive way may be well maintained, but other interlocking roads that penetrate through villages and farms are rarely tarmacked. These roads are impenetrable during the wet seasons when they become muddy.

Then, there is better communication in the cities. Most communication companies have all their equipment installed in cities, because of the high population which assures them of good return on their investments. They rarely install communication transmitters in the villages, which makes the communication network in rural areas very poor. Village folks have to rely on strong communication boosters from the cities, which are rarely reliable. They therefore have to look for areas with network before they can communicate, which makes the whole process tiring and frustrating. In the cities, communication networks are virtually everywhere even in the poorest neighborhoods.

Furthermore, the cities have security. Cities have police patrolling twenty four hours a day. Aside from that, there are CCTV cameras all over the city, which makes it easier to catch criminals and solve crimes. The 911 speed dial also assists in faster response rate from the police force, which is very essential during emergency cases. Due to low population density in the rural areas, the village folks are exposed to a lot of risks.

There are no advanced police forces in the villages, just a few sheriffs with poor equipment, who have to cater to all the people. The fact that the villages have poor communication systems is actually a challenge to the village folks during times of crisis, because they cannot alert the authorities in time.

Moreover, the city has a wide selection of career choices and business opportunities. This is the main reason why most people are abandoning villages in favor of cities. The city is basically a bubbling hub of commercial activities. There is so much more money in circulation in the cities than in the villages, which increases the prospects of prosperity. There are many career opportunities for both skilled and unskilled people.

Also, the high population in cities is very attractive to businessmen and increases the chances of businesses succeeding. The only viable economic activity with a higher likelihood of succeeding in the villages is farming. However, farming does not work much in their favor since they are just producers. They sell their commodities as raw goods to manufacturers, which does not fetch much in comparison to the big corporations that are raking in billions of dollars from processed foods.

There are also public amenities in the cities. The education system in cities are better with more skilled teachers and excellent facilities. Village schools are usually understaffed, because few teachers are willing to take their skills to the villages. There are also many hospitals and medical facilities throughout the cities with different practitioners, such as surgeons, doctors, nurses and psychiatrists.

Furthermore, the response rate of medical teams during emergencies is faster due to good communication and transport infrastructure. Villages rarely have more than one medical institution and they are usually understaffed with poor healthcare facilities. There are also banks, shopping centers, telephone, rest rooms, drinking fountains, just to name a few.

In addition, there are many entertainment and recreational venues in cities. The city life is always busy with entertainment spots, during the day and at night. Entertainment venues, such as nightclubs, cinemas, coffee shops and fast food restaurants make life more fulfilling and fun. There also recreational facilities, such as museums, parks and zoos, where people go to relax and enjoy. Aside from the occasional communal meetings, entertainment is almost nonexistent in the villages.

There are very few spots of entertainment, which makes life in the villages boring and slow. Another good thing about city life is privacy. It is quite ironic that the cities are more private than the villages, despite having millions of people living in one geographical region. In the cities, people do not go around snooping around other people’s affairs, even if they are neighbors. In the villages however, news spread like bushfire because they all know each other and everybody wants to stay abreast with what is going on in each person’s lives.

Also, there is integrations of cultures. Cities are basically metropolitan areas attracting people from all walks of life. As people come together, there is borrowing of cultures, which fosters unity and eradicates any form of biasness and prejudice. Only one group of people resides in the villages at a time, which limits their thinking and ability to accommodate foreign cultures and other worldly views. One of the things that flourishes in cities as a result of cultural diversity is food.

City folks have a wide selection of cuisines to choose from. They may visit hotels and stalls offering whichever food they wish to eat or they may order through phone calls and the meals are delivered to their doorsteps. Such things do not exist in the villages and the rural folks have to be contented with the few dishes they have.

Housing is also better in the city than in the rural. Houses in the city (Excluding the ghettos of course) have standard designs with good drainage and sewer system. Though the average city house is smaller in comparison to a village house, the fact remains that they are far more comfortable. City houses have Air Conditioner installed in them to moderate the temperatures inside.

Everything is automated- there are dishwashers for the utensils, vacuum cleaners for the floors, laundry machines for clothes, lawn mowers for the lawns, security systems to secure the houses, just to name a few. All these equipment are not present in the average village houses. In fact, most houses in the rural do not even have bathrooms inside the houses, due to unavailability of drainage and sewer systems.

To add on that, cities have state of the art technology that is always up-to-date with the current trends all over the world. Technology makes life far much easier for city dwellers than rural folks. With just a click of the button, city dwellers can get whatever they want. They may purchase anything online, they may order food using their cell phones or they may get uber by just activating an application in their phones.

Poor and outdated technology, coupled with lack on infrastructure is locking out villagers from the prospects of comfortable and easy life. Furthermore, the governments mostly keep into consideration the cities folks first when making budgets and policies. It is a known fact that most of the public funds are used in the development and maintenance of public infrastructure in urban centers. This explains why there is always more rapid change and growth in cities than in the rural areas.

The fact that there are so many opportunities in the cities means that every person can achieve their dreams, if they are willing to put in all the necessary work and perseverance. In the rural area, a person’s chances of getting out of poverty are very slim, because people generally rely on farming. So, if a person does not have land, then working on another person’s land cannot secure him/her the necessary wages to be able to purchase a parcel of land.

In conclusion, city life is generally better than village life because of convenience. In the city, you can get whatever you want and quickly. The village life is not bad, however there is the issue of scarcity. So many things are not present in the villages and village folks have to make regular trips to towns to shop, which is tiresome and time consuming. It goes without saying therefore that town folks would find it hard to survive in a rural setting. On the flipside however, the village folks will be intrigued by the fabulous lifestyle of the city and the world of opportunities that the city life offers.

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City Life vs. Village Life Debate Essay

For centuries, the allure of bustling cities and the serenity of villages have sparked a debate about where the ideal life lies. While cityscapes pulsate with opportunity and cultural vibrancy, villages offer a slower pace and a deep connection to nature. This essay argues that neither city life nor village life inherently offers a better overall experience . Both environments possess unique advantages that cater to individual preferences and priorities. Ultimately, the “better” choice hinges on personal aspirations, career goals, and the desire for a fast-paced or a more tranquil lifestyle.

II. Advantages of City Life

A. Career Opportunities:

Cities are undeniable powerhouses for professional growth. According to a recent study by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 70% of new jobs in the United States are projected to be created in metropolitan areas between 2020 and 2030 [Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics]. This translates to a vast and diverse range of industries and professions concentrated within city limits. Aspiring entrepreneurs, tech innovators, or specialists in niche fields are more likely to find their ideal career path in a city teeming with established companies and burgeoning startups.

For example, a recent college graduate with a degree in artificial intelligence would have a significantly wider range of job opportunities in a city like San Francisco, a hub for tech giants, compared to a smaller town with a limited focus on that specific field.

B. Educational Opportunities:

Cities are not just economic powerhouses; they are also intellectual centers. They boast a concentration of prestigious universities, colleges, and specialized training programs. These institutions offer students access to world-renowned professors, cutting-edge research facilities, and diverse academic programs. For those seeking to further their education or pursue specialized training, cities provide unparalleled opportunities.

Imagine a student passionate about marine biology. By attending a university located in a coastal city with a renowned marine research center, they could combine traditional classroom learning with firsthand experience through internships and research projects. This kind of immersive learning environment, often concentrated in urban areas, can be invaluable for a student’s academic and professional development.

C. Cultural and Social Vibrancy:

Cities are a tapestry woven from diverse cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds. This vibrant mix translates into a wealth of cultural offerings for residents. World-class museums showcase historical artifacts and artistic masterpieces. Grand theaters host captivating performances, from classical ballets to avant-garde productions. Art galleries pulsate with creativity, displaying works by established and emerging artists.

Beyond the established institutions, cities offer a thriving underground scene. Independent music venues host up-and-coming musicians, while local art galleries showcase the works of undiscovered talents. This constant exposure to diverse artistic expressions fosters a dynamic and stimulating environment.

Furthermore, the anonymity and close proximity of city life can make it easier to find communities with shared interests. Whether it’s a book club for literature enthusiasts, a running group for fitness enthusiasts, or a language exchange for those passionate about foreign cultures, cities provide fertile ground for forging social connections. This ease of finding like-minded individuals fosters a sense of belonging and enriches the social fabric of city life.

III. Advantages of Village Life

A. Peace and Tranquility:

In stark contrast to the frenetic energy of cities, villages offer a haven of peace and tranquility. The slower pace of life allows residents to escape the constant buzz of traffic and the pressure of deadlines. Imagine waking up to the gentle chirping of birds instead of the blare of sirens. Evening strolls can be accompanied by the soft rustling of leaves rather than the cacophony of urban life.

This quieter environment has a profound impact on mental well-being. A recent study by the University of Michigan found that spending time in nature can significantly reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression [Source: University of Michigan study on nature and mental health]. The easy access to green spaces and the opportunity for regular interaction with the natural world are unique advantages of village life.

B. Affordability:

The allure of village life extends beyond its tranquil setting. Compared to cities, villages generally boast a significantly lower cost of living. According to the Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service, housing costs in rural areas can be up to 70% lower than in metropolitan areas [Source: Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service]. This translates to more affordable housing options, lower transportation costs, and potentially, a simpler and less materialistic lifestyle.

Imagine a young couple starting a family. In a village, they might be able to afford a spacious home with a backyard for their children to play in, compared to a cramped apartment in the city. This financial flexibility allows village residents to prioritize experiences and relationships over material possessions, fostering a different kind of wealth.

C. Strong Community Bonds

The close-knit nature of village communities stands in stark contrast to the anonymity of city life. Villagers often know their neighbors by name, fostering a strong sense of belonging and mutual support. This tight-knit network provides a safety net, with residents looking out for each other and readily offering help when needed. Traditional values of cooperation and shared responsibility are often deeply ingrained in village life.

For instance, imagine an elderly villager struggling with yard work. In a village setting, neighbors might readily offer assistance, ensuring their well-being. This sense of community fosters a feeling of security and belonging that can be difficult to find in a fast-paced urban environment. The social fabric of village life provides a strong support system, particularly for families and individuals seeking a close-knit environment.

IV. Addressing Challenges

While both city life and village life offer undeniable advantages, it’s important to acknowledge the limitations of each. Cities, despite their vibrancy, can struggle with issues like pollution, crime, and traffic congestion. For some, the fast pace and constant stimulation can be overwhelming.

Conversely, village life, while offering peace and affordability, might lack the diverse amenities and career opportunities readily available in cities. Those seeking a fast-paced and stimulating environment might find village life too slow and lacking in excitement.

However, it’s important to note a growing trend that bridges the gap between these two lifestyles. The rise of suburbanization offers residents a mix of urban convenience and a more relaxed atmosphere. Additionally, the concept of “smart villages” is gaining traction, aiming to integrate technological advancements and modern amenities into rural areas while preserving their unique character. These developments suggest that the future might hold a more nuanced approach to living, allowing individuals to find a balance between the advantages of both city and village life.

V. Conclusion

In conclusion, the debate between city life and village life is not a zero-sum game. Neither option inherently offers a better overall experience. The ideal environment hinges on individual priorities and aspirations. Those seeking professional growth, cultural immersion, and a dynamic social scene might thrive in a bustling city. Conversely, individuals yearning for peace, affordability, and a strong sense of community might find solace in village life.

Ultimately, the key lies in carefully considering your personal needs and goals . Do you prioritize career advancement and cultural vibrancy, or is a simpler, more tranquil existence more appealing? By reflecting on these questions and acknowledging the advantages and limitations of each environment, you can make an informed decision about where to build your life. The future might even hold the possibility of a hybrid approach, with advancements in technology blurring the lines between city and village life and allowing individuals to create a truly personalized living experience.

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City Life vs. Village Life Essay

Life in a city and life in a village is in deep contrast with each other. They both have their pros and cons based on the availability of resources, the pace of life and social structure. Despite the differences, both cities and villages along with their residents are an integral part of Indian culture.

Short and Long Essay on City Life vs. Village Life in English

Find here some essays on the topic to compare city life and village life in short as well as in detail.

City Life vs. Village Life Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Due to industrialization the life of people is divided into city life and village life.

2) Village life is free from noise and pollution.

3) Facilities like hospitals, transportation, schools, etc are absent in villages.

4) Village peoples are mostly employed in agriculture.

5) Village life is more peaceful and prosperous than city life.

6) City life enjoys all the facilities at the door.

7) City life is more expensive than village life.

8) Big industries are giving employment to city people.

9) Amenities like theatres, parks, malls, etc are present only in cities.

10) City lives are benefitted from various government services.

Essay 1 (250 Words) – Pros and Cons of City Life vs. Village Life


If you are living in India, then you must be aware of both city life and village life, except the few who have never been to a village. The general perception of the people living in the cities is that life in a village is difficult and like punishment. Such views only arise out of ignorance and lack of information about the values that the villages hold.

City Life vs. Village Life

Life in a city has its own advantages so does life in a village. Though living in a city is more comfortable and convenient it is also expensive. Residing in a city cost you dearly in terms of maintenance, lifestyle and other needs. Most of such expenses are unnecessary and could well be waved off. This unnecessary expenditure is absent in villages.

The simple village life hardly requires anything more than a square meal two times a day. There is hardly any disposable income, and even if there is, it is spent wisely on many important things like marriages, houses, etc. Unlike the cities where people spend their precious savings on dining in hotels, buying clothes even without any function or festival, shopping precariously, etc.

Despite the convenience, life in a city is unnecessarily commercialized and influenced by external factors. Village life, on the other hand, is utterly simple to the core with no-nonsense attached. It has its own beauty – it gives real-life hands-on experience with life, labor, people, and relationships.

City life offers more comforts than the village but it’s also engulfed in many engagements that really don’t matter. In cities, people value things more than relationships. They judge each other and make relations based on mutual financial status and materialistic possessions. This self-centered attitude is absent in villages and villagers value humans and relationships moreover materials.

Quality of Life in a City and a Village – Essay 2 (400 Words)

Cities and villages both are areas where humans reside in colonies. However, both city life and village life differ on several parameters including education, health, employment, society, etc. Despite the differences, each life has its own value and significance. In the essay, we shall go through the quality of life both in cities as well as villages.

Life in a City

Most of us must be familiar with how is life in a city. Living in a city is more comfortable and convenient as compared to living in a village. A city offers better basic amenities and modes of a commute than a village. There is also an ample number of schools and colleges making cities a hub of education.

Also, the 24/7 availability of doctors and hospitals with trained staff, make the city life more safe and secure. Government bodies and public offices are more active in cities than they are in the villages. Police, municipality, PWD (Public Works Department) and other agencies work tirelessly for the general public, making the latter’s life more safe and comfortable. Life in a city also offers plenty of entertainment opportunities, both for the children and the elders.

Any city has big market places with cinema halls, restaurants, parks and what not. The mall culture is also thriving in Indian cities and there is hardly a city without malls. A city certainly offers a good quality of life with all the basic necessities and comforts.

Life in a Village

Village’s life is completely different from that of the city. It goes on at a really casual pace, without many events in the houses or in the village itself. Farming is the prime occupation of many, a normal village life entails, sowing the crops, taking care of the cattle and other similar jobs. The village life lacks the hustle-bustle of the cities and is lived in a very simple way.

However, life in a village has its own advantages. Villages have kept our religious and traditional values alive for ages. The festivals that we only superficially celebrate in the cities are celebrated in their real essence in the villages. Also, the village society is more closely linked together than in the cities, making life more socially secure than the cities.

Both city life and village life are in high contrast with each other. They have their own differences, advantages, and disadvantages. But, despite the differences, they are an integral part of human civilization.

Essay on City Life vs. Village Life

Difference Between City Life and Village Life – Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words)

Both cities and villages are places of human settlements; though, they differ hugely from each other in terms of quality of life and social structure. In the following essay, we will compare the life in a city with that in a village and discuss their respective advantages and disadvantages based on different aspects.

Difference Between City Life and Village Life

Life in a city or a village differs in several aspects like education, health facilities, basic amenities, social bonding, cultural values, etc. We will briefly go through the difference in city and village life on several parameters.

The city presents good education opportunities than villages. A city has educational institutes from primary to graduation or post-graduation level. Villages, on the other hand, have few government-run primary schools. Though many villages in India today, have degree (graduation) colleges, still, they lack behind in terms of quality of education and post-education opportunities. Such is the situation that the villages’ youth are migrating to cities for education.

  • Health Facilities

This is one of the most significant fields on which the Indian villages lack behind the cities. Cities have a number of doctors, hospitals, dispensaries, pathologies, diagnostic centers, medical shops, etc. Some big cities with a sufficient population also have two to three government hospitals. Sadly, the situation isn’t the same in the villages. The government of India has mandated one Primary Health Center (PHC) with at least one doctor in every village, howsoever small.

But, the medical facilities available in a PHC have no comparison with that of any city hospital. Cities hospitals are more equipped to deal with emergencies with immediate facilities to conduct any kind of test if required. Many PHCs in villages also face staff crunch and lack of funds to upgrade their medical equipment. Often, they only do the job of providing basic first aid.

  • Employment Opportunities

The economy of an Indian village is primarily agriculture-based. The majority of the village population does farming for livelihood. They produce cereals, crops, fruits, vegetables, etc. and sell it out to the local market for profit. This is by and large the only source of income in a village. Other stable employment opportunities in a village are nil.

On the other hand, the city provides tremendous employment opportunities both for daily wage workers and professionals. The high dependency level of the agricultural industry on natural climatic conditions and the occurrence of rains have made it a risky business, thereby, causing high migration from villages to cities. The youth of villages is today abandoning farming and moving to the cities in search of more stable employment.

  • Social Bonding

The social life in a village is more closely knitted together. People personally know each other and take part in happiness and sorrow whenever required. This social bonding is something that is absent in city life. In cities’ dwelling, it is quite common for people to be neighbors for years without taking part in family functions or even normal conversation, to say the least.

This social absenteeism is in high contrast with the villages, where everyone, not only the neighbors, knows each other too well enough, on personal terms. Therefore, life in a city might be financially stable with all the basic amenities, but village life is a true example of human relationships and social values.

The life in both cities and villages has its own advantages and disadvantages based on different aspects. While a city life provides a better standard of living, a village life, on the other hand, is a perfect example of better social life and relationship values.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . Life in the village is peaceful and more comfortable.

Ans . The lack of essential facilities and no carrier opportunities make village life difficult.

Ans . The natural scenes, friendly and helping people, and clean environment are the real beauty of village life.

Ans . Life in cities is easy because of good facilities like better transport, electricity, communication, education, and carrier facilities.

Ans . City life is unhealthy because of contaminated air, water and pollution.

Ans . Indore is the cleanest city in India.

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City life vs. village life Essay

To begin with, the countries within the underdeveloped and developing categories cannot obtain overall development at once. The fragmentation did, in case of construction, deferring the access of infrastructure in one place from the other. In this phase, the city is the area with access to all necessary support that attracts a vast population migrating with a motive of having a better living standard. Due to the uncontrolled flow of people and the massive migration rate, the city gets crowded and creates an adverse effect on the environment. The villages are the area with a quiet environment but less access to the infrastructure of development. Life is more connected with rural people’s living style in a natural setting.  

Firstly, city life is full of urban people. Cities are the busiest hubs which have limited opportunity but a high flow of people. The lifestyle is in a rush for earning and living. The rooms of investment are top in the city area. Significant facilities like better education and health service are available in cities. The city is a point for international missions as well, where employment is comparatively high with a sound payment. Due to the overflow of the people, the area is a crowd that makes the environment pollution and adds up risk in people’s lives. The struggle of living with limited resources, sound availability, and we can notice the high demand in cities where the natural environment gets demolished, creating unmanaged urbanization and high industrialization. Life is stressful, with opportunities for a better experience as well as high levels of chronic diseases.  

Contrary to this, village life is a condition of fulfilled basic needs. The state of the natural environment with arrays of trees, stone tops, and terrace farming hills or green plains are common. The foods come from fields instead of processed foods from industries. The actual reflection of culture and simple lifestyle is what we see in villages. The mud puddles are familiar with less access to quality health service and secondary education systems. The rural lifestyle is based on the life experience of older adults rather than philosophical books and theories. The environment is peaceful with a dense forest nearby where wildlife settles in their natural habitat. Life demands physical labor due to no access to the latest technology, but nutrition has an assurance with necessary physical exercise. But in case of disease and superstition, people suffer due to invalid traditional values and no direct access to first aid.

To summarise it all, village life gets simplified with fewer complications. Life is the significance of culture, whereas city life is an example of modernization. The village reflects the natural environment, whereas the city shows what luxury refers to. The aim in life varies from the achievement of basic needs and a happy family. It reaches the condition of being wealthy and having a luxurious experience as villagers migrate to the city. The transition is boon as well as a threat because the luxury sounds well to listen, but the consequence of being inactive makes us suffer lately. Hence, the city is the unmanaged transition that hands a lot of opportunities that can get better with sustainable development and equal enhancement of lifestyles within the country. 

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essay on city life vs village life

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Essay on City Life vs. Village Life in 100 Words for Students

In This Blog We Will Discuss

City Life vs. Village Life: Short Essay in 100 Words (1)

There are lots of differences between city life and village life. City life is really busy. People are always doing lots of works there. You have no time to waste there. On the other hand, village life is so calm. You will find lots of people spending time here and there.

There are so many modern and digital facilities available in cities, but the villages don’t have these. Naturally, the villages are beautiful. Especially the villages near any hill or river. But it is really hard to find some natural beauty in cities. Both places have good and bad sides.  

City Life vs. Village Life: Essay (2)

Some people ask is a city better to live or village? I think there are advantages and disadvantages to both places. If you are talking about natural beauty then the village is the best place. You will get lots of natural scenes there that you won’t get in cities. Other hand cities are good for finding a new job or work.

You will not find jobs in the villages. You have to come to the city. Cities are having a better communication system, better roads and you will get transportations often. Both places have different sides. I think the city is better.  

100 Words Essay on City Life vs. Village Life (3)

For me, city life is way better than village life. There are tons of advantages that you will get in cities. Let me share a few of them. First of all, people are really busy in the cities. They don’t have time to waste. It is a really good thing. You have to work if you want to survive.

You will find lots of jobs in cities. The communication system is really amazing. You can travel anywhere inside the city really fast with metro or bus services. This is never possible to get these experiences in the village. So I think city life is best.  

TIPS : This is a very short essay on City Life vs. Village Life in 100 words. This essay is only for children from class 1, 2, 3, and 4. They can learn this short essay easily. It is an important topic for the exam.

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essay on city life vs village life

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Essay on City Life Vs Village Life in English

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Table of Contents

City Life Vs Village Life: Even decades after independence, India is replete with inequality so much so that it is often said there are the two countries, one that is Bharat and the other, India. It speaks of the two different realities that prevail in rural and urban parts of the country. But, it is essential that the residents of both rural and urban areas live in harmony with each other.

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According to the National Survey Organization, the average monthly per capita expenditure in a rural area of ​​the country was Rs 1054, while in urban areas it was Rs 1984 in 2009-10, that means the per capita expenditure of urban dwellers was more than 88% as compared to those living in the villages. This is not the only difference in the lives of villagers and city dwellers.

Long and Short Essays on City Life Vs Village Life in English

Here we are providing essays on village life vs. city life in a very simple and easy to understand language for students so that they can select any village life vs. city life essay as per their needs.

Essay on City Life Vs Village Life in 100 words

India is said to be a land of villages. Sixty-seven percent of the country’s population still lives in villages. To people who live in villages, life in urban areas is full of difficulties. What they do not like is vehicular pollution, crowd, constant noise, and smoke rampant in cities, which make them feel uneasy.

But those raised in cities love the hectic pace of life. They love to chase their dreams of money, power and social status. Each day brings to them new problems and complications for which they struggle to adjust to survive the rat-race of life.

Definitely, there is a great difference in the lifestyle of people living in villages and cities. The need is to balance both kinds of lifestyles by incorporating good aspects from each other.

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Essay on City Life Vs Village Life in 150 words

Facilities and opportunities to move forward are greater in urban life than what we find in rural existence but there is an acute problem of pollution, noise, lack of adequate water supply, traffic jam, overcrowding and crime in cities. Similarly, though there is a lack of modern facilities in rural areas, but the clean air and peace are beneficial for the health of the people living there.

Villages hold a mirror to Indian culture and heritage. India’s centuries-long traditions still exist there. You can enjoy sunshine, greenery and tranquillity, and the people here are found to be very warm and friendly.

On the other hand, urban life is filled with tough challenges. Mostly, the people living in cities can avail latest amenities and cutting-edge facilities. They are always pre-occupied and busy with one thing or the other all the time. Sadly, they do not have time to even meet their neighbours, friends and relatives. Thus, there are advantages as well as drawbacks to live in both rural and urban areas.

Essay on City Life Vs Village Life in 200 words

India is largely an agriculture-based country. Farmers are the backbone of rural economy. They work very hard in agricultural fields where they grow grains and vegetables. They conserve water in ponds and canals to irrigate crops. The life of farmers is close to nature, away from the hustle and bustle of cities. There is peace and tranquillity everywhere, except for conflicts over land and caste prejudices and the prevailing taboos and superstitions.

On the other hand, people in cities are always racing against time. There is always great pressure to perform leading to stress and other health problems related to the hectic lifestyle of urban life. The urban dwellers have little time for friends, neighbours, relatives, or even their own family members. As the cost of living in cities is constantly going up, the chase of money becomes an inevitable part of life in cities. Yet despite accumulating wealth, peace still eludes the urban habitants.

But life in villages has its own problems. There are frequent clashes related to ownership of land and caste. Many villages do not even have basic facilities of education, employment, healthcare, transport and electricity. Ultimately, there is need for restoring true balance and purpose in your life, whether you are living in a village or a city.

Essay on Village Life Vs City Life in 250 words

Rural life is quite peaceful as people here do not lead a hectic lifestyle. They wake up early in the morning and fall asleep timely at night. Here the air is not polluted, as is the case with cities. There is also less pollution and crowd. Villagers are accustomed to easy-going life in villages as opposed to the hectic life in cities that leads to great amount of stress for them.

But villages mostly lack basic facilities such as electricity, schools, nursing homes and factories to employ people. Villagers have to walk on foot for several miles, if they do not have their own transport. Villages only provide seasonal employment and mostly people there are not gainfully employed. All these factors lead to large-scale migration of people from rural to urban areas in search of good education, employment and comforts of life.

But life in cities has its own negative side – it’s full of pressure, stress and anxiety. People here have several material comforts and amenities but no mental peace. They are always busy in executing various tasks related to their personal and professional life so much so that they sometimes they do not even know their next-door neighbour. The pressure to constantly perform takes a heavy toll on their health and they become prone to various ailments or lifestyle diseases even at a young age. Some of them even spend sleepless nights and their mental equilibrium takes a beating. So, life in rural and urban areas is poles apart but both are integral to the development of India.

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Essay on Village Life Vs City Life in 300 words

More than half of India’s population lives in villages. Gandhi had said “the real India lives in villages”. Rustic simplicity and natural beauty is emblematic of Indian culture and heritage.

Lives of most of the people in villages mostly depend on agriculture. Some people earn their living from animal husbandry and agro-based cottage industries. Most of the villagers are farmers. They are hardworking, unassuming and generous. When farmers plough their fields in the morning sun, the chirping of birds that accompanies the movement of the oxen seems to hum a melody of hard work. Farmers are innocent by nature unlike some of their urban counterparts who lose their inner goodness in the cut-throat world of materialism in cities.

Life in urban India is marked by wide-ranging disparity. There are residents who have unlimited means of enjoyment but some people are so poor that they have to live in slums. Economic inequality, pollution and garbage are the bane of urban existence. People also have to face lack of adequate water supply. Yet people want to live in cities because they get facilities for good education, healthcare, transport and so many modes of comforts and entertainment. There are also good opportunities for employment in cities unlike villages where very few people are gainfully employed.

City life is a boon in many ways, but on the other hand it is also a curse. Every year the population of cities is growing by leaps and bounds, increasing pressure on their infrastructure and reducing life to a dehumanized rat race.

Thus, life in villages and in cities presents two contrasting pictures. There are positive as well as negative aspects to the both and it is up to the individuals to make the most of it irrespective of the rural or urban setting that one lives in.

Essay on Village Life Vs City Life in 400 words

Life in both rural and urban areas has its own plus points and problems. One is quite different from each other. Traditionally, India is a predominantly rural country as Mahatma Gandhi had said, “The real India lives in villages”.

There is a splash of festivals and fairs in villages. Here festivals are celebrated with a sense of brotherhood in a traditional way. The whole village dances to folk tunes at the time of festival whether it is Holi, Baisakhi, Pongal, Onam, Dussehra, Diwali, or Eid. All the people in the village live in bonds of fraternity. They share mutual happiness as well as sorrow with each other as per the circumstances of life. Though their lifestyle is not as advanced as what you see in the cities, rural people are warmer, and more cordial. They are more considerate and know each other in the village. They do not live in a state of isolation as is the case with metropolitan cities.

The natural beauty of the villages in India is simply eye-catching. The lush green fields capped around by flowers and spread an intoxicating fragrance. Birds chirp around merrily in fields, barns and village homes. Simplicity is the hallmark of life in villages.

Unfortunately, the search for jobs and the glare of material comforts and facilities is leading to large-scale migration of people from rural to urban areas. Though, now villages in the country are now also advancing in terms of standard of living. Urbanisation is taking place at a fast pace; electricity, piped water, concrete roads, telephone/mobile phone, computers, education and medical care are accessible facilities in many parts of rural India these days. Farmers are now using modern agricultural implements, and in place of oxen, they are ploughing the fields with tractors.

But life is not without troubles in villages too. There are frequent disputes over land and same-gotra love marriages, which all result in bloodshed and violence. The village panchayats when deliberating on disputes pronounce very harsh and uncalled-for judgements which make people’s life a tale of misery and pain.

Villagers depend on the sale of their agricultural produce on urban markets and city dwellers cannot survive without the supply of essential commodities such as grain, fruits and vegetables from rural regions. People from villages daily commute to cities to buy latest articles of modern life, watch movies, relax and enjoy themselves or do jobs in urban establishment. In fact, development of India is unthinkable without the harmonious development of villages and cities. Both of them complement each other.

Essay on City Life Vs Village Life FAQs

What is city life vs village life.

City life is about living in busy, developed areas with access to many amenities, while village life is in smaller, rural communities with a simpler way of living.

Which is better city life or village life essay?

The essay compares and contrasts city life and village life, discussing their advantages and disadvantages.

What is a city life essay?

A city life essay explores the benefits and challenges of urban living.

How to debate village life and city life?

To debate village life vs. city life, discuss factors like infrastructure, job opportunities, and lifestyle preferences.

Why city life is better than village life debate points?

City life may be preferred for reasons like better job prospects, modern amenities, and education options, but village life offers tranquility and a closer connection to nature. The choice depends on individual preferences.

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City Life Vs Village Life Essay

Even decades after independence, India is replete with inequality so much so that it is often said there are the two countries, one that is Bharat and the other, India. It speaks of the two different realities that prevail in rural and urban parts of the country. But, it is essential that the residents of both rural and urban areas live in harmony with each other.

According to the National Survey Organization, the average monthly per capita expenditure in a rural area of ​​the country was Rs 1054, while in urban areas it was Rs 1984 in 2009-10, that means the per capita expenditure of urban dwellers was more than 88% as compared to those living in the villages. This is not the only difference in the lives of villagers and city dwellers.

Long and Short Essays on City Life Vs Village Life in English

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Here we are providing essays on village life vs. city life in a very simple and easy to understand language for students so that they can select any village life vs. city life essay as per their needs.

Essay on City Life Vs Village Life 1 (100 words)

India is said to be a land of villages. Sixty-seven percent of the country’s population still lives in villages. To people who live in villages, life in urban areas is full of difficulties. What they do not like is vehicular pollution, crowd, constant noise, and smoke rampant in cities, which make them feel uneasy.

But those raised in cities love the hectic pace of life. They love to chase their dreams of money, power and social status. Each day brings to them new problems and complications for which they struggle to adjust to survive the rat-race of life.

Definitely, there is a great difference in the lifestyle of people living in villages and cities. The need is to balance both kinds of lifestyles by incorporating good aspects from each other.

Essay on City Life Vs Village Life 2 (150 words)

Facilities and opportunities to move forward are greater in urban life than what we find in rural existence but there is an acute problem of pollution, noise, lack of adequate water supply, traffic jam, overcrowding and crime in cities. Similarly, though there is a lack of modern facilities in rural areas, but the clean air and peace are beneficial for the health of the people living there.

Villages hold a mirror to Indian culture and heritage. India’s centuries-long traditions still exist there. You can enjoy sunshine, greenery and tranquillity, and the people here are found to be very warm and friendly.

On the other hand, urban life is filled with tough challenges. Mostly, the people living in cities can avail latest amenities and cutting-edge facilities. They are always pre-occupied and busy with one thing or the other all the time. Sadly, they do not have time to even meet their neighbours, friends and relatives. Thus, there are advantages as well as drawbacks to live in both rural and urban areas.

Essay on Village Life Vs City Life 3 (200 words)

India is largely an agriculture-based country. Farmers are the backbone of rural economy.  They work very hard in agricultural fields where they grow grains and vegetables. They conserve water in ponds and canals to irrigate crops. The life of farmers is close to nature, away from the hustle and bustle of cities. There is peace and tranquillity everywhere, except for conflicts over land and caste prejudices and the prevailing taboos and superstitions.

On the other hand, people in cities are always racing against time. There is always great pressure to perform leading to stress and other health problems related to the hectic lifestyle of urban life. The urban dwellers have little time for friends, neighbours, relatives, or even their own family members. As the cost of living in cities is constantly going up, the chase of money becomes an inevitable part of life in cities. Yet despite accumulating wealth, peace still eludes the urban habitants.

But life in villages has its own problems. There are frequent clashes related to ownership of land and caste. Many villages do not even have basic facilities of education, employment, healthcare, transport and electricity. Ultimately, there is need for restoring true balance and purpose in your life, whether you are living in a village or a city.

Essay on Village Life Vs City Life 4 (250 words)

Rural life is quite peaceful as people here do not lead a hectic lifestyle. They wake up early in the morning and fall asleep timely at night. Here the air is not polluted, as is the case with cities. There is also less pollution and crowd. Villagers are accustomed to easy-going life in villages as opposed to the hectic life in cities that leads to great amount of stress for them.

But villages mostly lack basic facilities such as electricity, schools, nursing homes and factories to employ people. Villagers have to walk on foot for several miles, if they do not have their own transport. Villages only provide seasonal employment and mostly people there are not gainfully employed. All these factors lead to large-scale migration of people from rural to urban areas in search of good education, employment and comforts of life.

But life in cities has its own negative side – it’s full of pressure, stress and anxiety. People here have several material comforts and amenities but no mental peace. They are always busy in executing various tasks related to their personal and professional life so much so that they sometimes they do not even know their next-door neighbour. The pressure to constantly perform takes a heavy toll on their health and they become prone to various ailments or lifestyle diseases even at a young age. Some of them even spend sleepless nights and their mental equilibrium takes a beating. So, life in rural and urban areas is poles apart but both are integral to the development of India.

Essay on Village Life Vs City Life 5 (300 words)

More than half of India’s population lives in villages. Gandhi had said “the real India lives in villages”. Rustic simplicity and natural beauty is emblematic of Indian culture and heritage.

Lives of most of the people in villages mostly depend on agriculture. Some people earn their living from animal husbandry and agro-based cottage industries. Most of the villagers are farmers. They are hardworking, unassuming and generous. When farmers plough their fields in the morning sun, the chirping of birds that accompanies the movement of the oxen seems to hum a melody of hard work. Farmers are innocent by nature unlike some of their urban counterparts who lose their inner goodness in the cut-throat world of materialism in cities.

Life in urban India is marked by wide-ranging disparity. There are residents who have unlimited means of enjoyment but some people are so poor that they have to live in slums. Economic inequality, pollution and garbage are the bane of urban existence. People also have to face lack of adequate water supply. Yet people want to live in cities because they get facilities for good education, healthcare, transport and so many modes of comforts and entertainment. There are also good opportunities for employment in cities unlike villages where very few people are gainfully employed.

City life is a boon in many ways, but on the other hand it is also a curse. Every year the population of cities is growing by leaps and bounds, increasing pressure on their infrastructure and reducing life to a dehumanized rat race.

Thus, life in villages and in cities presents two contrasting pictures. There are positive as well as negative aspects to the both and it is up to the individuals to make the most of it irrespective of the rural or urban setting that one lives in.

Essay on Village Life Vs City Life 6 (400 words)

Life in both rural and urban areas has its own plus points and problems. One is quite different from each other. Traditionally, India is a predominantly rural country as Mahatma Gandhi had said, “The real India lives in villages”.

There is a splash of festivals and fairs in villages. Here festivals are celebrated with a sense of brotherhood in a traditional way. The whole village dances to folk tunes at the time of festival whether it is Holi, Baisakhi, Pongal, Onam, Dussehra, Diwali, or Eid. All the people in the village live in bonds of fraternity. They share mutual happiness as well as sorrow with each other as per the circumstances of life. Though their lifestyle is not as advanced as what you see in the cities, rural people are warmer, and more cordial. They are more considerate and know each other in the village. They do not live in a state of isolation as is the case with metropolitan cities.

The natural beauty of the villages in India is simply eye-catching. The lush green fields capped around by flowers and spread an intoxicating fragrance. Birds chirp around merrily in fields, barns and village homes. Simplicity is the hallmark of life in villages.

Unfortunately, the search for jobs and the glare of material comforts and facilities is leading to large-scale migration of people from rural to urban areas. Though, now villages in the country are now also advancing in terms of standard of living. Urbanisation is taking place at a fast pace; electricity, piped water, concrete roads, telephone/mobile phone, computers, education and medical care are accessible facilities in many parts of rural India these days. Farmers are now using modern agricultural implements, and in place of oxen, they are ploughing the fields with tractors.

But life is not without troubles in villages too. There are frequent disputes over land and same-gotra love marriages, which all result in bloodshed and violence. The village panchayats when deliberating on disputes pronounce very harsh and uncalled-for judgements which make people’s life a tale of misery and pain.

Villagers depend on the sale of their agricultural produce on urban markets and city dwellers cannot survive without the supply of essential commodities such as grain, fruits and vegetables from rural regions. People from villages daily commute to cities to buy latest articles of modern life, watch movies, relax and enjoy themselves or do jobs in urban establishment. In fact, development of India is unthinkable without the harmonious development of villages and cities. Both of them complement each other.

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Essay on city life vs. village life (2465 words).

essay on city life vs village life


Essay on City Life vs. Village Life!

One of the most striking features of industrial age is the growth of city life. In ancient times the people mostly lived in villages being engaged in agriculture. Cities arose here and there as centres of trade or seats of government. Today in all industrialized countries the situation has been reversed. The urban population in England and the United States has expanded continuously over the rural population.

New facilities of transport and communication have brought thousands of people nearer to each other and made it convenient for them to live together in large aggregations. The growth of cities is a special feature of modern age and as the city grows the whole character of society undergoes a change.

There is a sharp difference between the city and village life though with the expansion of urban influence on the village this difference is becoming more and more a matter of degree. However, in spite of the recent trends of urbanisation the villages still retain many of their traditional features and present a sharp contrast with the urban life.

(i) Force of Traditional Mores:

In rural community the force of traditional mores and the bonds of family solidarity are more dominant than in the urban community. According to Biesanz and Biesanz, “In the rural community custom is the king, the folkways and mores control most of behaviour,” The sense of group responsibility which tends to be more and more dissolved in the growth of the city prevails in village life.

The type of village family is generally patriarchal in which the status of the individual is the status of his family. There is less individual questioning and rebellion. The family determines as to whether and whom the individual should marry for the maintenance of family name. There is lesser freedom in the selection of life partner. There are few love-marriages.

Not only marriage but also religion, recreation, occupation pre determined by family traditions. Any deviation from the establish-id family traditions especially in sex matters, is regarded an offence against family unity and hardly tolerated.

The life of all men and women is merged in family life. In short, family dominates individual’s life in village community. Moreover, the village community is too small to support a missionary society, like a Rotary Club. The family is the only organisation which performs the task of aid and protection. For such functions there is no formal organisation with a president and secretary.

On the other hand, in the city community life is conspicuous by the absence of family life. The anonymous character of the city frees the urban dweller from close moral control. Social control becomes the activity of specialized agencies. Family control is lessened. Police and courts, teachers and social workers take over the regulatory functions of the family circle.

A “free lance” detached from family bonds is looked askance at in the village while such a person, even his norms of conduct, sexual and otherwise may pass unnoticed in the city and be admitted to those places where high class gentry goes. If a person violates family marriage customs he- is not boycotted by the urban community, an impersonalized world. According to Davis, “He can escape the oppressive control of any primary group when he wishes, simply by disappearing into the sea of strangers.”

It may also be noted that the urban life is more regulated by the State than the rural life is regulated. Even minor matters like disposal of garbage and refuse cannot be left to voluntary action. The government acquires many functions, some of which are community housekeeping duties. Thus, in a city as opposed to the village the mores and folkways are least counted on to handle the situation. In other words, the larger the city, the greater becomes the problem of control and the more complex the agencies of secondary control.

(ii) Primary Contacts:

Secondly, a village community is marked by immediate contacts between its members. There is a strong ‘we-feeling’ in the rural community. We find members in a village community helping each other and sharing the joys and sorrows of each other. In the village everybody is known to everybody.

Their relations are personal. Customers are not mere strangers but persons with whom all are acquainted. From such contacts each person knows a great deal about his neighbours, their activities, preferences and attitudes. Status of each one in the village community is well known.

Written contracts are less important than a word of honour. Crime in village community is rare. Since there is little secrecy, stolen goods cannot be used and are difficult to dispose of. Things are done by mutual understanding. In city life, on the other hand, nearness counts much less. The inhabitants of a city hardly know each other.

Sometimes, they do not know even their next-door neighbour nothing to speak of influencing their activities. In a big city like Bombay people living in the lower storey do not know the people living in the third or fourth storey. There is an atmosphere of indifference and callousness in a city.

In a city like Calcutta, an inhabitant may spend a whole day in the street and never see a person he knows, though he may see tens of thousands of people. Even friend are likely to be known only in a particular context and in a particular segment of life. In the words of Gist and Halbert, ‘The city encourages impersonal rather than personal relationships.” Most of the relations are indirect. Competition has a far greater velocity in the city than in the village.

(iii) Simplicity and Uniformity:

Life in a village community is simple and uniform. There are few ambitious men and fewer excitements. The villagers lead a uniform life tilling land and rearing animals. Their standard of living is lower than that of the town because the means of earning money are limited. They view land as the most substantial of all heritages.

Agriculture is their major occupation. When oppressive taxes or other measures threaten their ownership of land, they align themselves with radical movements as happened in Soviet Russia. The standard of living of the urban people is higher.

They are more prodigal than the village people. Country life suggests ‘save’, City life suggests ‘spend’. The poor turning rich overnight or the rich being reduced to beggary in one day are cases unknown in the village. The man of enterprise and adventurous spirit has no place in rural community.

The city dweller becomes indifferent to extremes of all kinds. Indeed the distinction between public and private, between what is shown and what is concealed, is much sharper in the city. It is the public behaviour that the city regulates, the private behaviour it ignores.

(iv) Specialization:

Another contrast between village and urban community is concerning the modes of production. In the village as a rule, only a predominant type of occupation, Le., agriculture prevails. Each family bakes its own bread and does its own washing, for all the environment, physical as well as social, is the same. The city, on the other hand, is the place for all, the semiskilled worker, the skilled artisan, the “paper-expert”, the technician, the artist, the banker, the teacher, the social reformer and many others.

It is a heterogeneous group of people engaged in various pursuits. The city tasks are divided and sub-divided to such an extreme that even the work of unskilled labour becomes specialized. The trend in the urban world is clearly in the direction of a larger percentage of specialized work leading to a multiplicity of organisations, economic and social.

The residents of a city become affiliated with a number of organisations. Their social relations are mostly indirect and secondary. Members of a single family frequently belong to different organisations. Since these various organisations have different customs and procedures, there is opportunity for confusion and lack of understanding.

(v) Proper Placing of All:

The process of selection for the specialized work is keener. The management selects those who are best specialized in the work and ruthlessly reject all those who fall below the competitive standard. The owner of special ability has greater chances of quick promotion. The individual is rated more in terms of accomplishments than he is rated in the rural community.

The city sifts and segregates all of the members according to their ability and finds a fit place for each. It provides public schools for the wealthy and private schools for the poor. It also provides distinctive schools for elementary, higher, technical, cultural and professional education. It even provides separate schools for defective persons, e.g. Deaf and Dumb school.

(vi) Social Mobility:

The city requires and promotes great social mobility. It lays emphasis on achievement rather than the ascription of status. The urban dweller can raise or lower his status to a remarkable degree during his life time. The caste element in social stratification is minimized.

Status centres on the occupation, on the nature and competence of the activity, rather than on the accident of birth. As opposed to the village in a city social climbing is most prevalent. Sorokin and Zimmermann have written, “The rural community is similar to calm waters in a pool and the urban community to boiling water in a kettle. Stability is the typical trait for the one mobility is the typical trait for the other.”

(vii) Areas of specialization:

Specialization is also seen in the physical structure of the city. Distinctive areas are marked for different activities. Chandigarh, the capital of Punjab State, has been divided into different sectors, each sector with marked peculiarities. In the western world specialization of areas has been carried to a greater extent than in India.

The structure varies from city to city in accordance with the size, site and needs, of the city, but generally everywhere in the western world there is a clear division of space into zones of business activity, of low rentals and residential congestion, of transitory abode, of “middle-class” residence, of industrial concentration, and so forth.

(viii) Position of Women:

Specialization in the city has also influenced the life of women. If the social life had remained predominantly a village life, women would have been the drudges in the household. Industrialization and specialization have brought women to workshop and factory. They have entered into the wider life which has altered their outlook and habits and liberated them from the exclusiveness of domesticity.

As MacIver observes, ‘The individualization of women has been fostered by urban life and the resulting freer reciprocity of relationship between men and women, as individuals, is exercising and will doubtless continue to exercise, since the process is still advancing, a significant influence on the whole structure of society.”

(ix) Contrast of Qualities:

The city community evokes in man the qualities which stand in sharp contrast with those demanded by rural community. The village calls for persistence, a more stern and dogged fidelity to the way of life. He is fatalistic and is in constant contact with nature. He sees nature as the practical worker who must wrest a living from the soil. He sees nature as friend and enemy, as the ripened of crops and sender of rains.

The forces of nature are beyond his control and reckoning. He is attached to- rituals and becomes superstitious and religious. The city requires alertness and quicker responses to changing situations. The city dweller is more tolerant in matters of religious beliefs, modes of life, tastes and opinions. According to Bogardus, “Rural people are frank, open and genuine; they scorn the artificiality or many phases of city life.”

The city is ruled by impersonality of law and the caprice of fashion. In a rural community the rural moral codes are fixed and strict. Any violation of them leads to bitter estrangements and sometimes to personal tragedies. In a rural community there is much mutual aid. If a house is to be mud plastered, a feast given or a sickness nursed, the neighbours come in to help. There is an atmosphere of kindliness.

There is a good deal of visiting, several times daily, between the people. In an urban community there is no strong ‘we feeling’. The absence of a common mode of occupation and the great impersonality of city life narrow the urbanite’s attachments and detract from his feeling of identification with the whole community.

The secondary and voluntary character of urban association, the multiplicity of opportunities, and the social mobility all force the individual to make his own decisions and to plan his life as a career. The city instead of suppressing the individuality emphasizes it.

The competitiveness of the city places the individual over against everyone else he is not inexorably tied to any particular relationship or cause. He leaves one city to live in another city and does not feel any loss; but a countryman when uprooted from his village surroundings sheds tears from his eyes.

(x) City a Home of Wealth:

Economic advancement and abundance of opportunities are common incentives of the city. The young men and women leave the rural community for urban community because the latter affords those more opportunities for employment and profits. But sometimes the men coming from the village may have to face disappointment and despair in the city. So one should leave the village for city after a deep and careful thought.

The above are then the features that distinguish rural from urban life. In the city “opposite conditions are found”, aggregation ; instead of physical isolation; associations of many kind’s supplementing or supplanting the functions of family or categorical relationships; contacts with human beings and civilization diversity superseding contacts with nature; differentiation of economic classes and specialization of economic tasks, ranking and grading men in ways often unknown in the country; limited and intensified work, with its endless varieties and disparities of opportunity and of fortune creating an intricate design of competitive living traditionally alien to the rural sense.” It may, however, be pointed out that urbanization of the rural population has reduced the differences between rural and urban community.

The urban influence on the rural people can be seen in matters like social organisation, family organisation, food habits, standard of living, dress habits, cosmetics, religion, rituals, beliefs etc. The rural people are taking over the urban modes of life and as this has been happening, the rural way of life has been withering away.

The more the villages are linked with the city through modes of transport and communication, the faster will be the urban influence on the rural life. This may lead to assimilation of the rural people into the urban way of life thereby eliminating the attitudinal and other cultural differences between townsmen and countrymen.

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City Life Vs Village Life Essay

Even decades after independence, India is replete with inequality so much so that it is often said there are the two countries, one that is Bharat and the other, India. It speaks of the two different realities that prevail in rural and urban parts of the country. But, it is essential that the residents of both rural and urban areas live in harmony with each other.

According to the National Survey Organization, the average monthly per capita expenditure in a rural area of ​​the country was Rs 1054, while in urban areas it was Rs 1984 in 2009-10, that means the per capita expenditure of urban dwellers was more than 88% as compared to those living in the villages. This is not the only difference in the lives of villagers and city dwellers.

Long and Short Essays on City Life Vs Village Life in English

Here we are providing essays on village life vs. city life in a very simple and easy to understand language for students so that they can select any village life vs. city life essay as per their needs.

Essay on City Life Vs Village Life 1 (100 words)

India is said to be a land of villages. Sixty-seven percent of the country’s population still lives in villages. To people who live in villages, life in urban areas is full of difficulties. What they do not like is vehicular pollution, crowd, constant noise, and smoke rampant in cities, which make them feel uneasy.

But those raised in cities love the hectic pace of life. They love to chase their dreams of money, power and social status. Each day brings to them new problems and complications for which they struggle to adjust to survive the rat-race of life.

Definitely, there is a great difference in the lifestyle of people living in villages and cities. The need is to balance both kinds of lifestyles by incorporating good aspects from each other.

City Life vs Village Life

Essay on City Life Vs Village Life 2 (150 words)

Facilities and opportunities to move forward are greater in urban life than what we find in rural existence but there is an acute problem of pollution, noise, lack of adequate water supply, traffic jam, overcrowding and crime in cities. Similarly, though there is a lack of modern facilities in rural areas, but the clean air and peace are beneficial for the health of the people living there.

Villages hold a mirror to Indian culture and heritage. India’s centuries-long traditions still exist there. You can enjoy sunshine, greenery and tranquillity, and the people here are found to be very warm and friendly.

On the other hand, urban life is filled with tough challenges. Mostly, the people living in cities can avail latest amenities and cutting-edge facilities. They are always pre-occupied and busy with one thing or the other all the time. Sadly, they do not have time to even meet their neighbours, friends and relatives. Thus, there are advantages as well as drawbacks to live in both rural and urban areas.

Essay on Village Life Vs City Life 3 (200 words)

India is largely an agriculture-based country. Farmers are the backbone of rural economy.  They work very hard in agricultural fields where they grow grains and vegetables. They conserve water in ponds and canals to irrigate crops. The life of farmers is close to nature, away from the hustle and bustle of cities. There is peace and tranquillity everywhere, except for conflicts over land and caste prejudices and the prevailing taboos and superstitions.

On the other hand, people in cities are always racing against time. There is always great pressure to perform leading to stress and other health problems related to the hectic lifestyle of urban life. The urban dwellers have little time for friends, neighbours, relatives, or even their own family members. As the cost of living in cities is constantly going up, the chase of money becomes an inevitable part of life in cities. Yet despite accumulating wealth, peace still eludes the urban habitants.

But life in villages has its own problems. There are frequent clashes related to ownership of land and caste. Many villages do not even have basic facilities of education, employment, healthcare, transport and electricity. Ultimately, there is need for restoring true balance and purpose in your life, whether you are living in a village or a city.

Essay on Village Life Vs City Life 4 (250 words)

Rural life is quite peaceful as people here do not lead a hectic lifestyle. They wake up early in the morning and fall asleep timely at night. Here the air is not polluted, as is the case with cities. There is also less pollution and crowd. Villagers are accustomed to easy-going life in villages as opposed to the hectic life in cities that leads to great amount of stress for them.

But villages mostly lack basic facilities such as electricity, schools, nursing homes and factories to employ people. Villagers have to walk on foot for several miles, if they do not have their own transport. Villages only provide seasonal employment and mostly people there are not gainfully employed. All these factors lead to large-scale migration of people from rural to urban areas in search of good education, employment and comforts of life.

But life in cities has its own negative side – it’s full of pressure, stress and anxiety. People here have several material comforts and amenities but no mental peace. They are always busy in executing various tasks related to their personal and professional life so much so that they sometimes they do not even know their next-door neighbour. The pressure to constantly perform takes a heavy toll on their health and they become prone to various ailments or lifestyle diseases even at a young age. Some of them even spend sleepless nights and their mental equilibrium takes a beating. So, life in rural and urban areas is poles apart but both are integral to the development of India.

Essay on Village Life Vs City Life 5 (300 words)

More than half of India’s population lives in villages. Gandhi had said “the real India lives in villages”. Rustic simplicity and natural beauty is emblematic of Indian culture and heritage.

Lives of most of the people in villages mostly depend on agriculture. Some people earn their living from animal husbandry and agro-based cottage industries. Most of the villagers are farmers. They are hardworking, unassuming and generous. When farmers plough their fields in the morning sun, the chirping of birds that accompanies the movement of the oxen seems to hum a melody of hard work. Farmers are innocent by nature unlike some of their urban counterparts who lose their inner goodness in the cut-throat world of materialism in cities.

Life in urban India is marked by wide-ranging disparity. There are residents who have unlimited means of enjoyment but some people are so poor that they have to live in slums. Economic inequality, pollution and garbage are the bane of urban existence. People also have to face lack of adequate water supply. Yet people want to live in cities because they get facilities for good education, healthcare, transport and so many modes of comforts and entertainment. There are also good opportunities for employment in cities unlike villages where very few people are gainfully employed.

City life is a boon in many ways, but on the other hand it is also a curse. Every year the population of cities is growing by leaps and bounds, increasing pressure on their infrastructure and reducing life to a dehumanized rat race.

Thus, life in villages and in cities presents two contrasting pictures. There are positive as well as negative aspects to the both and it is up to the individuals to make the most of it irrespective of the rural or urban setting that one lives in.

Essay on Village Life Vs City Life 6 (400 words)

Life in both rural and urban areas has its own plus points and problems. One is quite different from each other. Traditionally, India is a predominantly rural country as Mahatma Gandhi had said, “The real India lives in villages”.

There is a splash of festivals and fairs in villages. Here festivals are celebrated with a sense of brotherhood in a traditional way. The whole village dances to folk tunes at the time of festival whether it is Holi, Baisakhi, Pongal, Onam, Dussehra, Diwali, or Eid. All the people in the village live in bonds of fraternity. They share mutual happiness as well as sorrow with each other as per the circumstances of life. Though their lifestyle is not as advanced as what you see in the cities, rural people are warmer, and more cordial. They are more considerate and know each other in the village. They do not live in a state of isolation as is the case with metropolitan cities.

The natural beauty of the villages in India is simply eye-catching. The lush green fields capped around by flowers and spread an intoxicating fragrance. Birds chirp around merrily in fields, barns and village homes. Simplicity is the hallmark of life in villages.

Unfortunately, the search for jobs and the glare of material comforts and facilities is leading to large-scale migration of people from rural to urban areas. Though, now villages in the country are now also advancing in terms of standard of living. Urbanisation is taking place at a fast pace; electricity, piped water, concrete roads, telephone/mobile phone, computers, education and medical care are accessible facilities in many parts of rural India these days. Farmers are now using modern agricultural implements, and in place of oxen, they are ploughing the fields with tractors.

But life is not without troubles in villages too. There are frequent disputes over land and same-gotra love marriages, which all result in bloodshed and violence. The village panchayats when deliberating on disputes pronounce very harsh and uncalled-for judgements which make people’s life a tale of misery and pain.

Villagers depend on the sale of their agricultural produce on urban markets and city dwellers cannot survive without the supply of essential commodities such as grain, fruits and vegetables from rural regions. People from villages daily commute to cities to buy latest articles of modern life, watch movies, relax and enjoy themselves or do jobs in urban establishment. In fact, development of India is unthinkable without the harmonious development of villages and cities. Both of them complement each other.

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