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August 16, 2021

Is it time to get rid of homework? Mental health experts weigh in

by Sara M Moniuszko


It's no secret that kids hate homework. And as students grapple with an ongoing pandemic that has had a wide-range of mental health impacts, is it time schools start listening to their pleas over workloads?

Some teachers are turning to social media to take a stand against homework .

Tiktok user @misguided.teacher says he doesn't assign it because the "whole premise of homework is flawed."

For starters, he says he can't grade work on "even playing fields" when students' home environments can be vastly different.

"Even students who go home to a peaceful house, do they really want to spend their time on busy work? Because typically that's what a lot of homework is, it's busy work," he says in the video that has garnered 1.6 million likes. "You only get one year to be 7, you only got one year to be 10, you only get one year to be 16, 18."

Mental health experts agree heavy work loads have the potential do more harm than good for students, especially when taking into account the impacts of the pandemic. But they also say the answer may not be to eliminate homework altogether.

Emmy Kang, mental health counselor at Humantold, says studies have shown heavy workloads can be "detrimental" for students and cause a "big impact on their mental, physical and emotional health."

"More than half of students say that homework is their primary source of stress, and we know what stress can do on our bodies," she says, adding that staying up late to finish assignments also leads to disrupted sleep and exhaustion.

Cynthia Catchings, a licensed clinical social worker and therapist at Talkspace, says heavy workloads can also cause serious mental health problems in the long run, like anxiety and depression.

And for all the distress homework causes, it's not as useful as many may think, says Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, a psychologist and CEO of Omega Recovery treatment center.

"The research shows that there's really limited benefit of homework for elementary age students, that really the school work should be contained in the classroom," he says.

For older students, Kang says homework benefits plateau at about two hours per night.

"Most students, especially at these high-achieving schools, they're doing a minimum of three hours, and it's taking away time from their friends from their families, their extracurricular activities. And these are all very important things for a person's mental and emotional health."

Catchings, who also taught third to 12th graders for 12 years, says she's seen the positive effects of a no homework policy while working with students abroad.

"Not having homework was something that I always admired from the French students (and) the French schools, because that was helping the students to really have the time off and really disconnect from school ," she says.

The answer may not be to eliminate homework completely, but to be more mindful of the type of work students go home with, suggests Kang, who was a high-school teacher for 10 years.

"I don't think (we) should scrap homework, I think we should scrap meaningless, purposeless busy work-type homework. That's something that needs to be scrapped entirely," she says, encouraging teachers to be thoughtful and consider the amount of time it would take for students to complete assignments.

The pandemic made the conversation around homework more crucial

Mindfulness surrounding homework is especially important in the context of the last two years. Many students will be struggling with mental health issues that were brought on or worsened by the pandemic, making heavy workloads even harder to balance.

"COVID was just a disaster in terms of the lack of structure. Everything just deteriorated," Kardaras says, pointing to an increase in cognitive issues and decrease in attention spans among students. "School acts as an anchor for a lot of children, as a stabilizing force, and that disappeared."

But even if students transition back to the structure of in-person classes, Kardaras suspects students may still struggle after two school years of shifted schedules and disrupted sleeping habits.

"We've seen adults struggling to go back to in-person work environments from remote work environments. That effect is amplified with children because children have less resources to be able to cope with those transitions than adults do," he explains.

'Get organized' ahead of back-to-school

In order to make the transition back to in-person school easier, Kang encourages students to "get good sleep, exercise regularly (and) eat a healthy diet."

To help manage workloads, she suggests students "get organized."

"There's so much mental clutter up there when you're disorganized... sitting down and planning out their study schedules can really help manage their time," she says.

Breaking assignments up can also make things easier to tackle.

"I know that heavy workloads can be stressful, but if you sit down and you break down that studying into smaller chunks, they're much more manageable."

If workloads are still too much, Kang encourages students to advocate for themselves.

"They should tell their teachers when a homework assignment just took too much time or if it was too difficult for them to do on their own," she says. "It's good to speak up and ask those questions. Respectfully, of course, because these are your teachers. But still, I think sometimes teachers themselves need this feedback from their students."

©2021 USA Today Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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Can Excessive Homework Cause Depression? – 17 Reasons

Does Homework Cause Depression

Does Homework Cause Depression?

You or a loved one may currently be struggling with excessive amounts of homework and are wondering if can homework cause depression. The short answer is that depression can absolutely lead to depression for a variety of reasons. Identifying the cause of your homework-related depression below is the first step toward bettering your mental health. Excessive homework, lack of social support, and perfectionism are just a few of the reasons homework can lead to depression.

Reasons Why Homework Might Cause Depression:

1) multiple hours of homework.

Starting in high school, or sometimes even middle school, students begin to slowly receive more and more hours of homework. There are various reasons why multiple hours of homework per week might lead students to depression, with stress and procrastination being at the top. Certain subjects, such as mathematics or science-related classes (i.e. chemistry) might also be challenging for some students to comprehend, leading them to feel drowned in stress and procrastination. Many hours of homework on a subject that one does not understand may start as stress and procrastination, but across multiple weeks or months may gradually turn into strong feelings of inadequacy and ultimately depression.

2) Extracurricular Activities May Interfere

Only some people in high school are distinguished academics capable of effortlessly finishing hours of homework each week. Other students are naturally gifted in different areas, such as athletics, arts (such as music or drawing), or even gaming! However, these activities can also get in the way of valuable time each student needs to complete homework and be successful in school. If the student prioritizes extracurricular activities significantly more than homework, this certainly can have negative mental health consequences. Ultimately, a school/leisure balance is key when it comes to avoiding student depression and maintaining overall happiness and success!

3) Excessive Homework From Classes or Teachers

Certain subjects or teachers might also be prone to assign excessive homework that might initially be daunting. For example, mathematics, chemistry, and physics are examples of classes that high school students find both challenging and overwhelming. If these classes are not already difficult enough, a bad professor might add excessive homework that is clearly not necessary for the student’s growth. The combination of excessive homework and poor teachers can easily lead students to mild depression over time.

4) Prior Struggles With Mental Health Issues

Mental health issues in the United States and across the world are higher now than at any point in much of human history. This means that many students already have mild to severe forms of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health issues. When students receive homework that they feel incapable of completing with little to no support outside school, this may only worsen their mental health. Unfortunately, depression is only one of many mental health issues students may face when confronted with challenging homework.

5) The Sleep Deprivation Cycle

Many students, especially in high school and college, naturally prefer to stay up late and wake up late. These individuals are commonly referred to as “night owls” since they mostly thrive at night. Being a “night owl” is not an inherent problem until the student’s sleep begins to fall below the recommended range of 7-9 hours per night. Sleep deprivation is defined as “a state caused by inadequate quality or quantity of sleep.”

Although side effects of sleep deprivation depend on a few factors, depression is one of the most common. Students might feel stressed during the day and procrastinate until night when they make the logical decision to stay up and finally complete the homework for the following day. This is the day-to-day reality for many students since they have yet to break the sleep deprivation-depression cycle.

6) Concern With Getting Good Grades

Although getting good grades is applauded by almost everyone ranging from students and parents to teachers and principals, some students take it to the extreme. Perfectionism is the need to appear perfect, which might be reflected by extremely good grades or high GPAs (that are often unrealistic or unnecessary). Most colleges do not require students to have anywhere near perfect good grades or GPAs, meaning students should set realistic goals while still making it possible to achieve long-term goals. Setting realistic goals for good grades can also lead students to minimize stress, depression, and other negative effects that come with perfectionism.

7) Physical Health Problems

Some students might also suffer from physical health problems that are either genetic (such as Type I Diabetes) or behavioral health problems (such as obesity). In the case of a young student with obesity, his or her most difficult class might be the physical exercise (PE) class. This student might look at other students performing the daily physical activity for class and feel a sense of inadequacy that can grow over time and lead to depression, especially if not properly addressed or guided.

There is also a slew of other physical health problems that might contribute to a student’s struggle and depression when in school. These health problems might also make it difficult for students to complete homework when away from school, due to a variety of factors.

8) Weight Loss Problems (Homework Cause Depression)

Weight loss may occur when students are overly focused on school and have little to no time to eat a highly nutritious meal. Since food gives energy to the brain and is responsible for many vital functions of the human body, it is no wonder why depression might arise out of weight loss. In addition, many students, particularly young female students, go through a time that challenges their self-image. Other students and social media might pressure these students into conforming to non-realistic beauty standards via weight loss.

9) Young Adults and Lack of Balance

High schoolers and college students are still very young in the grand scheme of life, with many lacking the crucial ability to balance school and homework with other parts of their lives. Especially with the amount of homework some classes assign, students might not balance enough time that is necessary to complete the assigned work. Students might spend much time procrastinating homework and doing fun, but less productive activities, such as playing sports or video games. Mental health counselors (either at school or in a clinical setting) can be extremely effective at helping students manage school work and ultimately avoid depression.

10) Homework and Test Scores

High schoolers and older students must find enough time to complete homework and study to get optimal test scores. Although this does vary from class to class, most individuals will have at least a few classes where balancing homework and testing is critical for success. Test anxiety is a big factor that might lead students to heavily prioritize studying for an exam instead of completing homework. If students are overly concerned with test scores and neglect to complete assigned homework, depressive symptoms may occur.

11) The Importance of Time Management

As mentioned earlier, young children or young people, in general, might often struggle to effectively complete a lot of homework. Building daily habits around homework completion for just 30 minutes per day can add up to make a massive difference (that is 4.5 hours by the end of the school week!). Not only does effective time management make it easier to complete homework, but it also removes much of the stress, procrastination, and even depression that might come as a result of little to no time management.

For younger children or even high schoolers, an adult role model can significantly help develop these necessary habits sooner rather than later.

12) Prestigious Schools Like Stanford University

High schoolers looking to get accepted into prestigious colleges like Stanford University, or college students already in prestigious schools likely have higher chances to suffer from homework-related depression. High schoolers that are accepted into Stanford University have an average GPA of 3.95 out of 4.00.

This means students trying to get into ivy league schools hold themselves to an extreme standard. This extreme standard will inevitably cause a lack of sleep, depression, and a variety of other negative effects. This does not mean that it is impossible to successfully be accepted into Stanford University, it just means it will be very challenging.

13) Teachers Assign Busy Work

Sometimes teachers (mostly in high school) assign work that is repetitive, not super challenging, and time-consuming to complete. These types of assignments are generally referred to as “busy work,” and can be the bane of some high schoolers’ existence. The problem with busy work is that students begin to focus on the completion of the homework due to the sheer amount of time they know it will take to complete it. This takes away from the overall learning experience of the student and will lead many high school students to procrastinate. Procrastination can lead to piled-up homework and can have a negative impact on the student’s depression levels. Ultimately, teachers that assign busy homework cause depression.

14) Family Stress at Home (Homework Cause Depression)

Sometimes the cause of depression is much deeper than meets the eye, with homework simply exacerbating these untouched issues. One deeper issue revolves around family members and the lack of much-needed social support from parents, siblings, and other family members in the household. These family members might simply be unwilling to provide homework support to young adults, or the issue might be as bad as mental or physical abuse. If you know someone that is being abused, please seek help immediately to help them in the long run. It is clear that these issues could easily lead one to depression.

15) Lack of Friendships and Social Life

Being isolated at school and/or at home might be one of the risk factors for developing depression from homework. Friendships can be mutually beneficial when completing tasks such as homework since students are able to check each others’ work and reduce the overall stress of heavy workloads. Students that always seem to be alone or are even bullied might be at an increased risk of serious mental health problems. It is true that some young people and older students work best alone, but this is definitely a warning sign to keep an eye out for if you are a parent.

Putting isolated students into a club or sport they have an initial interest in might be a fantastic way to help them create valuable bonds with those around them and prevent depression!

16) Social Media and Student Well-Being

Social media is something that has had clear negative effects on the mental health of many age groups in the United States but also across the world. Social media often promotes the action of comparing one’s self to others, which might be academic success in this case. Individuals that are constantly watching other students succeed online may feel like they are the only one that does not understand the course material.

The amount of time spent on social media can also often take away from time that high schoolers could be spent completing homework and other important things. Ultimately, social media is best, like many things, when consumed in moderation and is not used to negatively compare oneself with others.

17) Stomach Problems Such as Celiac Disease

Stomach problems include, but are not limited to celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), lactose intolerance, and constipation or gas. Most of these stomach problems have nausea and even vomiting as some of their primary negative effects. Attempting to do homework or even come to school when having severe nausea is challenging, to say the least. Students with these issues will often have less time as a result, and may even feel as though homework cause depression.

From the list above, there are many clear reasons why excessive homework assignments might lead a student of any age to depression. If you or someone you know struggles with severe depression, please seek professional help. Although there are many ways homework can cause depression, we are strong and capable of overcoming the depression and still achieving success. Ultimately, social support from family and friends, academic guidance, and a consistent homework routine are just a few of the things that might help reduce depression caused by homework.

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Wowwww!! This is extremely insightful ❤️‍🔥Can’t wait for your next post !

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How to Handle School when You Have Depression

Last Updated: January 11, 2024 References

This article was co-authored by Natalia S. David, PsyD . Dr. David is an Assistant Professor in Psychology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and a Psychiatry Consultant at Clements University Hospital and at Zale Lipshy University Hospital. She is a member of the Board of Behavioral Sleep Medicine, the Academy for Integrative Pain Management, and the American Psychological Association’s Division of Health Psychology. In 2017, she received the Baylor Scott & White Research Institute’s Podium Presentation Award and scholarship. She received her PsyD from Alliant International University in 2017 with an emphasis in Health Psychology. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 91,654 times.

Anyone, regardless of age, can struggle with depression. If you are in school — whether you're in elementary school or earning a PhD — depression can make it difficult to focus on your studies. Depression can make it hard for you to concentrate on assignments and do well in classes. You may also struggle with being around other students in school and find it hard to relate to your peers. Adjusting your school routine and using coping mechanisms for depression at school can help you do well. You can also reach out to others for support and get professional help so you can succeed despite your depression.

Adjusting Your School Routine

Step 1 Identify your triggers.

  • Research indicates a connection between depression and academic performance, and in some cases a connection between depression, self-esteem, and social standing. Consider if either these contribute to your depression. [2] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of Health Go to source
  • Other triggers might be stress related to upcoming tests or assignments, crowded halls, assemblies, grades, self-image, and peer pressure.
  • It may be helpful to work on this list with a counselor or therapist, who can also teach you positive coping skills.

Step 2 Focus on one task at a time.

  • If you are having trouble getting out of bed, try to focus on one important task you need to do at school that day, such as take a test or turn in an assignment. Keeping your focus on this one thing you must accomplish may help you feel motivated to get out of bed.
  • Though it may be difficult to do, try not to give yourself time to dwell on how bad you are feeling. Get ready quickly for school by completing one task at a time. Doing this can keep you on track to getting out the door to school on time, ready to do your best despite your depression.
  • If you know you struggle in the mornings, prepare everything you will need the night before. Put all your books in your backpack, lay out the clothes you plan to wear, and make your lunch.

Step 3 Set small, specific goals.

  • Once you are at school, set small specific goals for yourself. This could be handing in your assignment in class or getting to class on time. You may set a goal to say "hi" to one person in your class or to speak once during a class discussion. Keep the goals small and manageable so you do not feel overwhelmed.

Step 4 Create a weekly study plan.

  • Organize the study plan based on your energy levels. For example, if you tend to be more of an active person in the morning, schedule difficult assignments for the morning. Then, do the less challenging assignments at night.

Step 5 Ask for extensions on assignments.

  • Your teachers may offer to give you extensions on assignments, where you hand them in separately from your peers. They may also ask you if you’d prefer to have different dates or times for any tests or exams, especially if your depression is getting in the way of your time management.
  • Do not be afraid to ask for extensions on assignments due to your depression. Most teachers will be understanding and work with you to ensure you do well in school.
  • If your school has a counselor or student resource center, you should speak with them about making special accommodations for your depression. You may need to bring a note from a doctor.

Step 6 Wait for the hallway to clear of people at school.

  • If you have to get to classes back to back, let your teachers know that you may be a few minutes late because you like to wait for the hallway to clear out to avoid feeling stressed.

Step 7 Integrate exercise into your routine.

  • You can also join a sports club at school and exercise that way. For example, you may join the swim team or the track and field team at school.
  • You can also do recreational sports like softball or basketball outside of school to integrate exercise into your routine.
  • Your school may have a student gym that you can use for free.

Using Coping Mechanisms for Depression at School

Step 1 Use positive affirmations...

  • For example, you may use positive affirmations like, "I am strong and motivated to go to school today," or, "Today I am going to have a good day at school."

Step 2 Do deep breathing....

  • To do deep breathing, close your eyes and inhale slowly through your nose for four counts. Then, exhale through your nose for four counts. Do this several times until you feel calm and relaxed.
  • You can even do deep breathing while seated at your desk or walking to class.

Step 3 Listen to a calming playlist.

  • If you find yourself getting depressed before school, try listening to the playlist to help lift your mood. Though the lift may only be temporary, it may be what you need to get through the school day.

Step 4 Write your feelings down in a journal.

  • You can also use the journal as a way to help track your progress as you deal with your depression. Note days when you felt good or energized and days or moments where you felt unmotivated or depressed.

Step 5 Join a school club.

  • For example, you may join a club that focuses on a hobby or activity you enjoy, such as art, photography, debate, or dance.
  • You can also join a club that focuses on something you want to get better at, such as chess, the performing arts, or math.

Reaching Out to Others For Help

Step 1 Speak to your teachers.

  • Your teachers can also refer you to resources at school to help you cope with depression. This could be an afterschool program or the referral to the school counselor.

Step 2 Reach out to your school counselor.

  • Your school counselor can give you tips on how to manage depression at school. They can also speak to your teachers for you and help you get accommodations for assignments so you can do well in your classes.

Step 3 Talk to your family and friends.

  • You may confide in a family member or friend that you trust and comfortable being honest and open with. Let them know that you are looking someone to listen to you and support you, not to judge you or make you feel worse than you already do.
  • Your family and friends may recommend that you speak to a mental health professional at school or through your doctor. Be open to hearing this advice.

Step 4 Speak to a mental health professional.

  • The mental health professional can help you make a treatment plan. The treatment plan will detail your medication needs, your therapy schedule, and any other details relating to your treatment for depression.
  • The therapist may recommend time off or a temporary leave from school, depending on your condition and your needs. Discuss this with your therapist in detail so you feel comfortable making it part of your treatment plan.

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Natalia S. David, PsyD

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18 Hidden Ways Depression Affects You at School

can homework make you depressed

With all the pressure of getting good grades, participating in extracurriculars and having a social life, school can be a stressful time for anyone. But for students with depression –who may have trouble finding the motivation to get out of bed, let alone finish their assignments — it can be especially difficult, and sometimes teachers and family don’t understand.

But it’s not always obvious when a student has depression — so  we asked people in our mental health community to share hidden ways depression affects their experience at school.

Here’s what they had to say:

1. “Far too often, I end up procrastinating because either I’m too emotionally exhausted to do my work, or I want to distract myself from the depressive thoughts. So I spend time watching TV or browsing through the internet. In classes, I’ll try to focus but end up zoning out or just ignoring what’s happening around me. Somehow, I still manage to get decent grades, but it baffles me.” — Alaura F.

2. “When you have one of your ‘episodes’ so to speak, you just sit in class and can’t take anything in or concentrate. Then you don’t learn, and when it happens often you find yourself having no idea what’s been going on for months.” — Eliyah R.

3. “I used to stay in the library doing assignments for as many hours as possible to avoid people and focus on something other than how bad I felt. Before I used to be passionate about what I wrote, but during that period there was zero passion in my writing, it was purely mundane. Plus, I knew if I didn’t fight procrastination and get assignments done then I would also have my anxiety to contend with when they were due.” — Kashmere N

4. “I think the hardest part for me is knowing I need to study or do homework but completely lacking the motivation to do so. And knowing how important keeping my daily routine is but so quickly falling behind.” — Jamie W.

5. “A lot of the time you get labeled the ‘lazy teenager’ or other such cliches. Yes, it may have taken me five hours to get out of bed, and yes, my assignments weren’t met. But there are hidden reasons. Often I am late for classes not because I cannot be bothered but because it is completely impossible to get out of the house in less than five hours some days. The lack of motivation is hard to deal with.” — Lucy M.

6. “Sometimes I didn’t do my homework because: ‘I’m a failure so why do I even try?’”— Noella K.

7. “Fear of failure definitely. Self-doubt. It just gets to a point when I give up and miss out on some opportunities my ‘normal’ brain would jump sky high for. I get this clouded vision that I’m not capable or worthy of anything and that there’s no point in trying, I’m useless anyway. It affects my grades and my social life. I lose friends and respect from my teachers, and it hurts worse in the long run. Now that I’m slowly recovering, every day I’m realizing how much self-doubt gets in the way of the person I want to be and my future.” — Hannah F.

8. “Oftentimes, I go to college on very little sleep. Some days it will be none, and other days it will be two to four hours. That’s just the norm to me. In episodes, I am in a constant fog and my body feels super heavy. I feel even worse and can’t concentrate on top of my other depressive and borderline personality syndrome (BPD) symptoms.” — Kellyann N.

9. “When I was a student, my depression would get the best of me, I wouldn’t study or write my papers. Not because I didn’t want to — oh, I thought and worried about it constantly. I couldn’t do it because my depression keep telling me what I wrote was garbage, what I studied didn’t matter, and it all piles up. I would get so overwhelmed I would blank out in class, staring off and couldn’t focus. Then class would be over and I would be so upset with myself because I didn’t pay attention. That only fed the depression, telling me I would never make it so why should I bother.  I was trapped in my own mind.” — Carolyn A.

10. “I distracted myself by obsessing with my notes. Color-coordinated, perfect writing, prefect lines, thorough essays. I had all straight As. No one knew I had a war in my head because I was the perfect student. But when my work was done… my thoughts would flood back to me and I’d become overwhelmed. Repeat the process until I would go home and cry for an hour.” — Jessica S.

11. “Not being able to attend classes and having to make up reasons for why you’re not there. To both your teachers and your family. And when living in dorms, the humiliation of bringing your trash or dishes out from your bedroom when you haven’t had the energy or motivation to clean your room for like a week. People just think you’re gross or lazy. But I genuinely couldn’t face going into the kitchen if anyone was there. Also, weight gain. I’m a comfort eater and rarely had the energy to cook, so I would mostly get take out or order something in. I tried to convince myself that my flatmates didn’t notice or care, till one day I came through to cook, and some of my flatmates were in the kitchen. And I know they were trying to be friendly and supportive, but they made a fuss over the fact I was actually in the kitchen cooking. And all I wanted to do was flee back to my bedroom and not show my face now that I knew they were observing my eating habits. I was humiliated.” — Rebecca B.

12. “When you want to sit by yourself in class, but teachers keep coming up asking, ‘Are you OK?’ ‘Do you want someone to come sit here?’  They mean well, but it serves as a constant reminder that today I’m not strong enough to interact with my peers.” — Katriana F.

13. “It’s a snowball effect. Depression affects my ability to get things done efficiently, so then I have two options: 1) I stay up late and avoid social events so no one knows I’m struggling or 2) I avoid the issue with all sorts of procrastination until I force myself to do just the bare minimum. Either way I feel guilt and shame about it and stay stuck in the downward spiral.” — Emily C.

14 . “When an episode hits, it really does feel like my mind is broken. I try to study but can’t, and it soon turns into this spiral of very harsh self-criticism and zoning out while my brain tries so desperately to recover. When this happens, I try to use music to relate to. Music really helps me sort my thoughts out, but unfortunately, a day of studying was just ruined because of my inability to pay attention.” — Morgan M.

15. “At university I used to spend pretty much every free day I had in the library working – I knew if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed or do anything productive. I didn’t always get much done, but the fact that I had got out of bed and done something made the negative thoughts a little less intrusive and kept them at bay to a certain extent” — Rebecca D.

16. “ As much as you want to succeed, you feel like you’re dragging around too much to be able to function. You let school work fall behind. You care deep down, but depression pulls you in deeper. You watch the teacher speak, but nothing is comprehended.” — Meaghan T.

17. “It’s having no motivation to do work while at school but then getting home and feeling so exhausted it seems impossible to attempt any of the work I didn’t do. It’s sitting silently and being constantly scrutinized for it — ‘Are you OK?’ ‘You seem quiet.’ ‘Someone’s in a mood.’ ‘Stop PMS-ing/sulking.’ Not once was I ever asked, ‘Is your mental health affecting your studies?’ That would have made an enormous difference.” — Rosie B.

18. “A positive note: School is what pulls me through. If I didn’t have my study I don’t know how I would’ve handled life. School is something I have to do, it’s my number one priority. Yes, it’s sometimes very difficult because of the episodes which I had randomly in class, but my best friend (who is in the same class) knows about my depression so knows how to handle it. I had days where I just couldn’t get out of bed because of it, but then I think about how important school is for me and I always end up happy for going to school. It’s a distraction and a motivation to keep on going for me. ” — Noella K.

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Is Excessive Homework the Cause of Many Teen Issues?

Sydney Trebus , Business Manager | September 15, 2019

Does excessive homework really make a student perform worse? Is homework a big influencer on the emotional and physical health of students? Can we change the bad reputation homework has obtained over the years or is it too late?

Today, schooling is ever-changing, currently focusing on a “necessary” end goal of attending college. Standards are rising, teachers are better trained, and students are left with rigorous courses riddled with hours and hours of homework. People are now wondering how important homework really is. Is that just the overload talking or does homework actually have a negative impact on students? 

Popular opinion would suggest yes, claiming that homework is a useless and stress-inducing part of school at any age. Many Boulder High students communicate a similar complaint. 

Seniors Carson Williams and Carson Bennett voiced their opinions. Bennet says that “Homework results in later bedtimes which means we get less sleep and therefore, have less energy the next day.” Williams agreed and added,“Homework is good if you need it to study, but if it is just busywork then it is useless.” 

Another student, Bishal Ellison, commented that in some classes “homework doesn’t impact [his] success, there is no point … In one of [his] classes, homework is just for extra credit.”

While student opinions are extremely significant, teachers are the ones in control of this so-called “stress inducing and useless activity.” 

Mr. Weatherly, an AP World Geography teacher here at Boulder High, commented that homework has an enormous impact on the success of students within the class; he claimed that there is simply not enough time in class to review everything. He does, however, agree with popular opinion, saying, “Teachers give homework thinking about their own class, not the five or six others students have.” 

So which is it? How important is homework? Homework has been seen both beneficial and detrimental in association with time. Homework over a certain time limit can cause stress, depression, anxiety, lack of sleep, and more. 

Homework distracts from extracurriculars and sports as well, something colleges often look for. Homework is ultimately leading students to resent school as a whole.

According to a study done by Stanford University, 56 percent of students considered homework a primary source of stress, 43 percent viewed tests as a primary stressor, while less than one percent of the students said homework was not a stressor. They were able to conclude that too much homework can result in a lack of sleep, headaches, exhaustion, and weight loss. 

Experts denote that the homework assigned to students today promotes less active learning and instead leads to boredom and a lack of problem-solving skills. Active learning, done through students learning from each other through discussion and collaboration, enhances a student’s ability to analyze and apply content to aid them in a real-world setting. 

This negative attitude towards homework can, unfortunately, arise at a young age, especially in today’s schooling systems. 

Students in all grades are required to extend the hard rigor of school past the average eight hours they need to spend inside the building. According to an Education Week article by Marva Hinton, kindergarteners are often required to do a minimum of 30 minutes of homework a night; these young students are expected to read for 15 minutes as well as work on a packet for another 15-30 minutes. 

Kindergarten is forcing children to learn concepts they may not be ready for, discouraging them at a young age. As a principle rule, the National PTA recommends 10 to 20 minutes of homework per night for children in first grade and an additional 10 minutes for every grade after that. 

After this time marker, homework begins to be detrimental to the success of a student. Additionally, according to the Journal of Educational Psychology , students who did more than 90 to 100 minutes of homework per night actually did worse on tests than those with less than 90 minutes of homework.

The hours of homework students receive takes time that could be spent on extracurriculars, with family and friends, or on sports or activities. Children and young adults focus a large part of their time and energy on school, removing time to replenish and work on other skills in life, including socializing. 

Physical activity can actually be very beneficial to the success rates of students, improving self-esteem, well-being, motivation, memory, focus, and higher thinking. 

According to the   US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC ) , exercise has an impact on cognitive skills such as concentration and attention, and it enhances classroom attitudes and behaviors. 

The more time taken away from the emotional and physical health of a student, the more resentful they will be towards school. In kindergarten, over 85 percent of students are enthusiastic about learning and attending school, whereas 40 percent of high school students are chronically disengaged from school and any learning that takes place. 

What’s even more baffling is that as students enter high school, they are expected to be enthusiastic about school, obtain perfect grades and test scores, and do extracurricular activities and sports in order to get into a good college. 

Logan Powell, the Dean of Admissions at Brown University asks when accepting students, “Have they learned time management skills, leadership, teamwork, discipline? How have they grown as a person and what qualities will they bring to our campus?” 

These are unrealistic standards for students who most likely already have negative attitudes towards school and homework and aren’t given the opportunity to work on the skills colleges look for by exploring their community through clubs, volunteering, and working.

Experts see how detrimental homework can really be for a plethora of reasons; Donaldson Pressman reported that homework is not only not beneficial to a students grades or GPA, but it is also  detrimental to their attitude towards school, their grades, their self-confidence, their social skills, and their quality of life.” 

Homework, however, helps student achievement, reinforces good habits, involves parents in their students’ learning, and helps students remember material learned in class. 

This is all based on the circumstances however, if schools keep making homework more prominent in the learning system, students will lose their passion for learning. Unfortunately, many of us already have. So when teachers consider giving homework to their students, they should ask themselves how they believe it will improve their students’ learning and abilities.

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Chris • Feb 23, 2023 at 6:24 am

I hate homework in 5th grade

Jason • May 24, 2023 at 8:25 am

good luck in 7th grade then cuz that’s where finals start to get difficult. I’m barely keeping up right now and have to stay up late to keep up with the work.

John • May 9, 2022 at 11:40 am

Good article very informative.

Garrett • May 19, 2022 at 7:01 pm

yes i agree

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Empowering Progress: Effective Therapy Homework for Depression

The role of therapy homework.

Therapy homework plays a vital role in the treatment of depression, providing individuals with an opportunity to actively engage in their healing process. By completing assignments outside of therapy sessions, individuals can reinforce the concepts learned in therapy, apply new skills, and make progress towards their treatment goals. In this section, we will explore the importance of therapy homework and how it can specifically help with depression.

Understanding the Importance of Homework in Therapy

Homework assignments serve as an extension of therapy and allow individuals to continue their progress beyond the confines of the therapy room. It provides an opportunity for individuals to practice and integrate new insights, coping strategies, and techniques into their daily lives. Through regular engagement with therapy homework, individuals can reinforce the therapeutic work, develop new habits, and enhance their overall well-being.

Therapy homework offers several benefits for individuals with depression. It allows for increased self-awareness, as individuals are encouraged to reflect on their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This self-reflection promotes a deeper understanding of oneself and the factors contributing to their depression, enabling individuals to identify patterns and make positive changes.

Additionally, therapy homework empowers individuals by giving them a sense of control and agency in their recovery journey. It fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility for one’s mental health, promoting active participation and engagement in the therapeutic process.

How Therapy Homework Can Help with Depression

Therapy homework can be particularly effective in addressing various aspects of depression. It can help individuals challenge negative thought patterns and develop more adaptive and positive thinking. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) worksheets, for example, provide structured exercises to identify and reframe negative thoughts. These worksheets, along with journaling and thought records, allow individuals to track their thoughts and emotions, identify cognitive distortions, and develop healthier thinking patterns.

Behavioral activation exercises are another valuable component of therapy homework for depression. They involve engaging in activities that provide a sense of accomplishment, pleasure, or mastery, even when motivation is low. By gradually increasing participation in enjoyable and fulfilling activities, individuals can combat the inertia often associated with depression and experience an improvement in mood.

By consistently engaging in therapy homework, individuals with depression can experience a sense of progress, growth, and empowerment. However, it’s essential to collaborate with a therapist to develop a personalized homework plan that aligns with individual goals, needs, and preferences. This collaboration ensures that the homework assignments are tailored to the specific challenges and circumstances faced by each individual.

In the following sections, we will explore different types of therapy homework for depression and provide tips for developing a personalized homework plan that maximizes the benefits of therapy.

Types of Therapy Homework for Depression

When it comes to managing depression through therapy,  various types of homework assignments  can be incorporated to enhance the therapeutic process. These assignments aim to reinforce the skills and techniques learned in therapy sessions and provide individuals with opportunities for self-reflection and growth. Here are three common types of therapy homework for depression:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Worksheets

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely used approach for treating depression. CBT worksheets are valuable homework tools that help individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns and beliefs. These worksheets typically involve exercises such as identifying automatic negative thoughts, examining evidence for and against these thoughts, and developing more balanced and realistic thinking patterns. CBT worksheets can be used to address distorted thinking commonly associated with depression, such as overgeneralization, personalization, and catastrophizing.

Journaling and Thought Records

Journaling and thought records are effective homework assignments for promoting self-awareness and monitoring thoughts and emotions related to depression. By encouraging individuals to write down their thoughts and feelings, these assignments provide an opportunity to identify negative thinking patterns and emotions that contribute to depressive symptoms. Thought records, in particular, involve documenting a specific negative thought, examining evidence for and against it, and generating alternative, more positive thoughts. Journaling and thought records can be powerful tools for increasing self-reflection and challenging negative self-perceptions.

Behavior Activation Exercises

Behavior activation is a key component of therapy for depression . Homework assignments focused on behavior activation aim to increase engagement in pleasurable and meaningful activities, even when motivation is low. These assignments may involve creating a schedule of daily activities, setting achievable goals, and gradually increasing involvement in enjoyable activities. By actively participating in positive experiences, individuals with depression can counteract the cycle of withdrawal and isolation often associated with the condition.

By incorporating these types of therapy homework into the treatment plan, individuals with depression can actively engage in their own healing process. It is important for therapists to collaborate with their clients, identifying specific goals and areas of focus, to tailor the homework assignments to each individual’s needs and preferences. Consistency, tracking progress, and seeking support are essential for making therapy homework a meaningful and effective part of the journey towards overcoming depression.

For more information on therapy homework assignments and ideas for other areas of focus, visit our articles on  therapy homework assignments  and  therapy homework ideas .

Developing a Personalized Homework Plan

To make the most out of therapy homework for depression, it’s essential to collaborate with your therapist and develop a personalized plan. This plan should be tailored to your specific needs, goals, and areas of focus. By working together with your therapist, you can create a realistic and manageable homework plan that complements your therapy sessions.

Collaborating with Your Therapist

The first step in developing a personalized homework plan is to collaborate with your therapist. Through open and honest communication, express your goals, challenges, and preferences. Your therapist will use their expertise to guide you in selecting appropriate homework assignments that align with your therapy objectives.

Your therapist may suggest specific therapy techniques or resources that can be incorporated into your homework plan. These may include  cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) worksheets ,  journaling ,  thought records ,  behavior activation exercises , or other relevant tools. By discussing your preferences and comfort level, you can ensure that the chosen homework assignments resonate with you.

Identifying Goals and Areas of Focus

During therapy sessions, you and your therapist will identify specific goals and areas of focus. These goals may include developing coping skills, challenging negative thought patterns, improving self-esteem, or enhancing communication skills. By identifying these goals, you can create homework assignments that directly address the areas you want to work on.

For example, if one of your goals is to challenge negative thought patterns, your therapist may suggest completing CBT worksheets that help you identify and reframe negative thoughts. By integrating these worksheets into your homework plan, you can reinforce the skills learned during therapy sessions and continue working on them independently.

Creating a Realistic and Manageable Plan

When creating your homework plan, it’s crucial to ensure that it is realistic and manageable. Your therapist will help you set realistic expectations and establish a schedule that fits your lifestyle. It’s important to strike a balance between challenging yourself and avoiding overwhelming tasks.

By breaking down larger goals into smaller, achievable tasks, you can maintain motivation and progress steadily. Your therapist may also suggest incorporating self-care activities, relaxation exercises, or mindfulness practices into your homework plan to foster emotional well-being and resilience.

To help you stay organized and track your progress, consider using a journal or a digital tool specifically designed for therapy homework. These tools can help you monitor your assignments, record your thoughts and emotions, and reflect on your progress over time.

Remember, the success of your therapy homework plan depends on your consistency, commitment, and willingness to actively engage in the process. By collaborating with your therapist, identifying goals, and creating a realistic plan, you can maximize the benefits of therapy homework for depression.

Tips for Effective Therapy Homework

To make the most out of therapy homework and enhance the effectiveness of your treatment for depression , it’s important to keep a few key tips in mind. These tips will help you stay on track and maximize the benefits of your therapy sessions.

Consistency and Commitment

Consistency is key when it comes to therapy homework. Make a commitment to regularly engage in your assigned exercises or activities. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to work on your homework. Treat it as a priority and integrate it into your routine. By being consistent and committed, you’ll reinforce the therapeutic progress and build momentum towards achieving your goals.

Tracking Progress and Making Adjustments

Keep track of your progress as you engage in therapy homework. Maintain a record of your experiences, observations, and any changes you notice. This tracking will help you identify patterns and trends, providing valuable insights into your journey. It can be helpful to use a journal or a tracking app to record your thoughts and progress. Regularly review your records with your therapist to assess your growth, make adjustments, and refine your homework plan if necessary.

Seeking Support and Accountability

Seek support and accountability to stay motivated and committed to your therapy homework. Share your goals and progress with a trusted friend, family member, or support group. Consider joining a therapy or coaching community where you can connect with others who are also working on their mental health. Engaging in discussions, sharing experiences, and receiving encouragement from others can provide a sense of support and accountability that keeps you motivated and engaged.

Remember, therapy homework is an integral part of the treatment process for depression. By following these tips for effective therapy homework, you can enhance your progress and experience the full benefits of your therapeutic journey. Stay consistent, track your progress, and seek support to make the most out of your therapy experience.

For more information and resources on therapy homework for various topics, visit our  therapy homework assignments  page.

Overcoming Challenges with Therapy Homework

While therapy homework can be an effective tool for managing depression, it’s important to acknowledge and address the challenges that may arise during the process. Here are some common challenges individuals may encounter when completing therapy homework and strategies for overcoming them.

Addressing Resistance and Motivation Issues

Resistance and lack of motivation can hinder progress when it comes to therapy homework. It’s not uncommon to feel resistant or unmotivated, especially when dealing with the symptoms of depression. However, it’s important to remember that therapy homework plays a significant role in your overall treatment and recovery.

To address resistance and motivation issues, consider the following strategies:

  • Explore the underlying reasons : Reflect on why you may be resistant or lacking motivation. Are there specific barriers or fears that need to be addressed? Share your concerns with your therapist to gain a deeper understanding and explore possible solutions.
  • Break tasks into smaller steps : Overwhelming tasks can lead to resistance. Break down your therapy homework into smaller, more manageable steps. This can help make the tasks feel less daunting and increase motivation.
  • Find intrinsic motivation : Connect with the deeper reasons behind why you want to engage in therapy homework. Remind yourself of the potential benefits, such as improved coping skills or increased self-awareness. Focusing on these intrinsic motivations can help reignite your motivation.

Dealing with Time Constraints

Finding time to complete therapy homework can be challenging, especially when juggling other responsibilities and commitments. However, dedicating time to your therapy homework is essential for making progress in your treatment.

To overcome time constraints, consider the following strategies:

  • Prioritize and schedule : Prioritize your therapy homework by scheduling specific times in your daily or weekly routine dedicated solely to completing the tasks. Treat these scheduled times as non-negotiable commitments to yourself and your well-being.
  • Break tasks into shorter sessions : If the length of the tasks feels overwhelming, break them into shorter sessions spread out over several days. This can help you fit therapy homework into your schedule more easily.
  • Utilize downtime : Identify pockets of time throughout your day that can be used to complete smaller tasks. For example, you can work on journaling exercises during your morning commute or listen to guided meditation during your lunch break.

Modifying Homework to Fit Individual Needs

Therapy homework is not one-size-fits-all, and it’s important to tailor it to your individual needs and preferences. If you find that certain exercises or assignments are not resonating with you or are not producing the desired outcomes, it may be necessary to modify them.

Consider the following strategies for modifying therapy homework:

  • Communicate with your therapist : Discuss any challenges or concerns you have with your therapist. They can help modify the homework assignments to better suit your needs and provide alternative options if necessary.
  • Explore alternative techniques or activities : If a particular exercise is not effective for you, discuss alternative techniques or activities with your therapist. They may be able to suggest different approaches that align better with your preferences and goals.
  • Experiment and adapt : Be open to experimenting with different approaches and techniques. Therapy homework is a collaborative process, and it may take some trial and error to find what works best for you. With the guidance of your therapist, adapt and modify the homework assignments to suit your unique circumstances.

By addressing resistance and motivation issues, managing time constraints, and modifying therapy homework to fit your individual needs, you can overcome challenges and make the most of your treatment. Remember to communicate openly with your therapist, as they are there to support you in your journey toward healing and recovery.

can homework make you depressed

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10 things that might be making you depressed

1.) Grief and traumatic experiences : “Life is a rollercoaster”, as Ronan Keating so aptly put it. And with it, life brings various highs and lows, such as relationship difficulties, financial problems or the death of a family member. Some people will be more resilient to the ‘lows’ than others depending on our personality type (Jones and Kaplan 1975). Sometimes it can be difficult to identify a particular event which might have left us feeling depressed, especially if we have buried our feelings for a long time.

2.) Having a lack of purpose : Research shows that focusing on meaningful goals can buffer the negative effects of stress and other grievances. Without a purpose, our lives can lack a little structure. For example, individuals facing unemployment after years of full time work often report feeling lost. It is important to remember that we don’t have to be saving lives on a daily basis in order to feel a sense of purpose. Focus on the goals which are both meaningful and achievable to you.

3.)   Are you getting enough sleep?: If you’re feeling irritable or sluggish on a daily basis, you’re not getting enough sleep. John Steinbeck wrote: “A problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it.” He is not entirely wrong. Sleep is a restorative state which allows the body to repair and recharge itself for the day ahead. Experts recommend that adults get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night…and let’s face it, we need it!

4.) A poor diet: Healthy diets are often seen as a yellow brick road to a desired body image, or a prolonged lifespan. But don’t forget that your diet can have a huge impact on your mood and subsequently the chances of getting depression. Certain foods promote the maintenance of mood levels. Check out our January food blog for more details.

5.) A lack of exercise: Research tells us that if you sit still for more than 7 hours a day, you increase your likelihood of depression. If you’re based in an office, stand up or go for a walk every half an hour. It will not only help boost your mood, but your productivity levels too! Don’t neglect your posture, either. Studies have shown that slouching in your chair can make you feel lethargic and put you in a negative mood. You can calculate your daily sitting time here .

can homework make you depressed

6.) Are you neglecting nature? If you’re feeling depressed, you might be lacking the sunshine hormone, vitamin D. We can get vitamin D from the sun and a number of foods such as red meats and eggs. It is widely recommended that you get at least 15 minutes of natural sunlight a day- but if you’re unable to get outside, your doctor might recommend that you take some vitamin D supplements. Going outdoors can be extremely calming and a time to reflect; also known as ‘ecotherapy’.

7.) Feelings of isolation or loneliness: Ask yourself, “how is my social life?” Relationships can help us in times of worry or stress. Allow yourself some time to spend with your friends, family or partner. But remember, it’s not about the quantity of friends that you have, it’s quality.

A toxic relationship with a friend or partner can be a lot more damaging than not having any friends at all.

If you’ve drifted away from family or school friends, force yourself to start a new hobby. It’s a great way to meet new people who have something in common with you, and it can be very motivating in the long run.

8.) Stress: We often don’t recognize signs of stress, especially if we have been stressed for a long period of time. But if stress isn’t managed effectively, it can not only have drastic effects on our bodies, but on our mental health too. First, identify what makes you stressed. Then, develop some relaxation techniques in order to combat it. We are all different, so try everything until you find out what works for you, and if necessary- see your GP.

9.) Underlying health problems: Mental and physical health are co morbid- in other words, one direct affects the other. Some physical illness increase our chances of depression, for example: physical disabilities which limit our ability to socialize, exercise, or even sleep. Sometimes, other mental health conditions can make us depressed, especially if we don’t realise that we have them in the first place.

10.) Self-criticism: Daniel Radcliffe said: “Being self-critical is good; being self-hating is destructive.” Asking yourself, “why did I do that?”, or “how could I do this better?” can help us to improve as individuals. However, being self-loathing such as saying, “I’m no good at anything” can be damaging to our mental health. Give yourself a break. Smile at yourself in the mirror or write a list of things you’re good at; just be kind to yourself!

Julia is a Communications Officer at the Division for Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience at Cardiff University.

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Well Guider

12 Tips to Focus on Study when Depressed [Mental Health Tips]


We can’t focus on our work when we are infected by any problem in our lives. I’m going to discuss the top tips t o study effectively when depressed .

When talking about studies along with tension, depression, anxiety, or any other sadness, we can’t concentrate on our studies. Depression and/or anxiety can severely impact our capacity to focus on education. If we don’t work on how to deal with depression and anxiety, we can’t survive in our life.

Whether you are a student of a school, college, or university, or a reading lover, you need to know what is the problem that you can’t focus on your study. I will discuss how to deal with such problems to fully focus on your studies .

There are a lot of reasons for being distracted and discouraged. When we live in shared accommodations, such problems arise. On the other side, if we are living on our own, feeling isolated or detached from other people can also be problematic.

As I’m not going to discuss depression-like problems here, the solution to concentrating on the study is our goal. But, let us first discuss a little about depression and sadness to better understand and deal with such problems.

Depression: Depression is a common and serious medical condition, that negatively affects how you think, feel, and act. Being depressed causes feelings of sadness, out of focus, loss of interest, and pause in your goals. It can lead to a variety of negative emotions and physical problems. It can decrease our ability to work and distract us from our studies. Depression is a mood disorder. There is good news that this disease is treatable.

Read also: 11 Tips to Overcome Procrastination and Start Studying

Table of Contents

Tips to Focus Study when Depressed [Working Tips]

Can you study if you have depression? Really not! Depression makes it hard to study. Being focused on your work is the key to success.

We can achieve hard things and can solve any complexity when we hard work with concentration. Depression affects our studying. When we are depressed or sad, we can’t deliver 100% results that may be at our fingertips. We can’t complete jobs that are too easy for us in case we are depressed. Depression makes you even get very bad grades.

The same situation is for study, if we are depressed, anxious, sad, sorrowful, unhappy, regretful, dejected, downcast, or discouraged, we can’t focus on our study goals. Here I’m going to share some working tips and tricks for you to stay focused on your studies.

1. Dig Out Your Problem

figure out problem

The very first step to adopt is that you have to find out the problem of why you are being distracted from your study. When you succeed in finding out the reason for your depression, you can overcome it.

You may have one or more in your life that are mentioned above. Self-awareness is the first key to tackling such problems.

You may be facing a problem that does not actually exist in your life. You have to think positively, be positive, and be positive in every situation. Educate yourself on depression.

I assure you that if you succeed in finding out the major reason for your depression and sadness, you can get rid of this problem.

Are you going to overstudy? Don’t overschedule your study. Excess to everything is bad. You have to study smart, not hard. Adopt a Pomodoro technique for studying.

Read more: Tips to Make Perfect Study Timetable

2. Consult a Psychiatrist


When you fail to find out the problem by yourself, consult your psychiatrist. It is he, who can help you to diagnose your problem and can suggest you a better solution.

3. Warm Up Yourself Before Study Hours

Write down the syllabus part which you are going to study. Try to forget your past mistakes and use them as an experience and motivation.

Take a cup of tea. Use a notebook and clock to mark the points you have done. Use reminders for different goals.

4. Adopt an Appropriate Environment for Study

study room

Arrange a peaceful place where you can study without any distractions i.e. noise, debates, children, TV, or Mobile.

With the presence of distractions, we can’t focus on our studies.

5. Try Alternate Tools to Study

Make your study interesting and easy. Use different tools like e-books, mobile apps for study, laptops, or arrange a group of friends to study.

When your study will be interesting, your focus will be on your study.

6. Plan Your Study Life

plan life

Plan your study: Make a timetable for your study and follow the routine.

Manage your time, get proper sleep, Play physical and digital games, eat healthy food, exercise daily, and best utilize your leisure time in good interesting hobbies. Plan out your week effectively.

7. Get Motivation


High motivation is a golden factor to beat stress. Even after losing, we don’t lose if we are motivated and confident.

Listen to motivational speakers in your leisure time. Meet with positively motivated friends.

Read more: Tips to Become a Topper Student

8. Cut Out Distractions


Deduct all time-wasting activities from your life. Avoid distractions like social media use and mobile chats during study hours.

To fully concentrate on your studies, you have to leave all distractions at that time.

9. Adopt Some Interesting Hobbies

Good hobbies help us to boost our energy and it releases our tension, depression, and sadness. So, if we plan some good and interesting hobbies, it will help us to focus when studying.

Listening to your favorite music, watching a movie, cooking, gardening, photography, and computer games are some examples.

10. Present Mentally Not only Physically

A very important point about studying with concentration is that you have to be present mentally not only physically.

If you are reading something but thinking about other matters, it can’t prove helpful for gaining knowledge. And when you don’t have knowledge after reading, it is just a waste of time. Your focus will be lost when not present mentally on the statement you are studying.

11. Tell Your Course Tutor About Your Difficulties


If you are a student of the school, college, or university then you can discuss your problem with the concerned teacher.

A teacher can help you to deal with your difficulty with the subject.

12. Share Your Problem with Your Close and Loyal Friend

A good loyal friend can help you overcome your depression.

If you think that the reason for your sadness could be solved by sharing it with your friend, then don’t wait for more to discuss it with your friend.

Causes of Depression that Don’t Allow Us to Focus on Studies:

There are a number of causes that vary from situation to situation. But here I will discuss some major reasons. You may or may not have some problems but you need to consider all these to find out your actual problem of distraction.

  • The Burden of Work: One of the common reasons for depression in a student’s life is the burden of coursework. When a student can’t complete his/her assigned work, he/she may suffer from depression-like diseases.
  • The Complexity of Subject: The complexity of the course subject is another reason for the depression. Every student is not interested in every subject. And some students take it too seriously. Taking too much seriously can cause a problem, not a solution.
  • Differ in Expectations: It is a common reason for depression for every kind of person that our expectations differ from reality in life. If the topic doesn’t match with students’ interests, it can lead to a problem for them.
  • Lack of Motivation: Good motivation can help us to survive and beat depression in study life.
  • Lack of Confidence: If someone has a lack of confidence, he can suffer from depression even if there is no reason.
  • Bad Hobbies: If a student is surrounded by bad hobbies and activities, those hobbies can push him to depression disease which can distract him from his studies.
  • Sleeping Disorder: Sleep refills your cognitive tank. If you don’t get proper and regular sleep, it can affect your physical and mental health. And when you are mentally disturbed, you can’t focus on your study. Insomnia is a reason for depression.
  • Bad Company: Bad friendships and other links to negative people can cause depression.
  • Medical Conditions: Someone may become a patient of depression due to some critical condition of the disease.
  • Family History: A bad family history can lead to depression for a student. Early childhood trauma, poorness, strictness, and so many other reasons may involve distraction in studying.
  • Fail or Fall in Love: Falling or failing in love or relation is also a way of distraction from study. Cheating in love can depress and cause anxiety. People use drugs to release tension.

Some other causes include Lifestyle Issues, Studying Style, Psychological Factors, and Informal Needs as well.

Check Also: 22 Working Ideas to Earn Money Online for Students

How to Focus on Study When in Relationship/Love?

Love and friendship are a part of life. A good companion is a source of encouragement, motivation, and inspiration. But you have to set some priorities and limitations to focus on your study. You may be rejected or disappointed and depressed due to this reason. In this case, you can’t focus on your study. But adopting these tips can help to concentrate on your studies.

Give Priority to Your Study: You have to give priority to your study over your relationship. You have to set some limits and avoid girls in college or university because your first goal is to study not make relationships with girls. Read about, how to avoid girls in college or university.

Self Control is the First Cure: The control of your mindset and thinking is the key to avoiding useless things. You have to kill your emotions.

Don’t overthink about your love: You should avoid overthinking about your relationship or love. Don’t put it on your head every time.

1. Does depression make it hard to study?

Yes, we can’t focus on our studies when we are infected by any problem like depression.

2. Does depression affect your ability to focus?

Yes, you can not focus on any topic when affected by depression.

3. How does depression affect your studies?

Depression and Anxiety can harm your academic performance, hurt your health, and mind, and promote underachievement.

Read more: Over-Studying Effects | Bad Effects of Studying too Much

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Candida Fink M.D.

Is My Child With Depression Ready to Go to College?

Four points to consider during planning for life after high school..

Posted May 9, 2024 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader

  • What Is Depression?
  • Find a therapist to overcome depression
  • Ask first: Are they safe and is their recovery stable over time?
  • Next, does your child understand their condition and their treatments well enough to keep up with them alone?
  • Third, will they keep in touch with you and/or other supports while away?

Sam was diagnosed with depression and anxiety during his sophomore year of high school. After some difficult times, he was admitted to a psychiatric inpatient service, then discharged to an intensive after-school therapy program. Over the next two years, his symptoms improved. He took medications and went to therapy. He eventually decided to go away to college, not too far from home. He hit some bumps the first semester, but stayed in touch with his family, me, and his therapist and he was able to stay at school and eventually graduate in four years.

Ground Picture / Shutterstock

Elle was treated for depression and anxiety beginning in third grade. She took her medication and went to therapy, but still sometimes struggled with low mood and energy, getting to classes, and getting work done. In her senior year, after a period of stability, she, her parents, and the treatment team supported her going away to school. The first semester was challenging but she managed. Second semester she struggled from the start—staying in her room, unable to get to classes or get work done. She took a medical withdrawal and eventually finished her degree at a school closer to home.

Teenagers who are diagnosed with and treated for depression in high school (and before) are often bright kids who have a hard time in school due to their mood symptoms. Planning for college makes sense because they are capable intellectually—and at the same time, depression can significantly affect a young student’s ability to succeed in college. They may have been managing their symptoms while living at home with you, but are they ready to do this on their own? What kinds of conversations should you be having when planning for college with your child with depression?

How stable is your child's recovery?

The first consideration is the stability of your child's recovery from depression.

Honest discussions anchor any further planning around college readiness. Fundamental points to cover here are the severity and duration of their illness and the quality and duration of recovery/symptom relief. Was your child’s depression diagnosed recently (months to a year) or over a year ago? How severe were the symptoms? Were there suicidal thoughts or behaviors? Did your child need inpatient care at any time? How much relief has there been to their symptoms and how long have they been feeling better?

Source: 3rdtimeluckystudio/Shutterstock

Within this framework, safety-related symptoms are a top priority. Symptoms such as self-harm or suicidal thoughts/behaviors need to be carefully assessed by your care team before sending a child to college. Severe sleep disruptions, food restriction, and/or weight loss also need to be considered. Careful and ongoing monitoring of these symptoms—by you, your child, and the psychiatric care team—will be essential in answering the question of college readiness.

Does your child understand and accept treatment?

The second discussion point is how much insight your child has and how accepting they are of the treatment plan.

Is your child honest with you, their treaters, and themselves about what’s happening with them? Are they aware of their medications and are they consistent in taking them? Has the student actively participated in psychotherapy ? It’s not uncommon for college freshmen to forget or stop needed medications, or to miss therapy appointments, so you can’t always prevent these from happening. But it’s important to assess your child’s commitment to the care plan before they need to manage their treatment on their own. You want to have a sense of their willingness to anticipate problems and generate possible solutions before they go.

Is your child willing to stay connected to you?

The third area of discussion is how willing your child is to stay connected with you during their college transition.

Part of going away to college is being away from your parents and not having them monitor your daily activity. It is both healthy and crucial for development to have an increase in independence as they move into young adulthood. But for many students with depression, regular check-ins with you can contribute to a needed sense of routine and support in a time of great change. Having routine times to connect and touch base can help you become aware of changes in your child’s patterns sooner rather than later. You need to get a sense of your child’s willingness to stay connected early in the college readiness discussion. Many kids will protest to keeping up with phone calls to some extent, but if they flatly refuse that type of communication, your planning discussions need to be made with that in mind.

Asking for help and communication skills

The fourth area of discussion relates to asking for help and communication skills.

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You want to consider how well your child can self-monitor. Are they aware when they are struggling? Do they have consistent communication skills for tasks such as reaching out to professors or their RA? Are they accepting help—will they work with disabilities services to get and mobilize accommodations and supports? Will they work with tutors and student services if they need help academically or administratively? Will they reach out to you and/or their care team if they are stuck?

Keeping the conversation going

You will think of many other questions, of course, keeping in mind the goal of prioritizing your child’s mental health over any one academic plan. If your child isn’t ready to go away to school, commuting to a local college can be an option for some. A gap year or a job might work for others. Maybe they need some time in more intensive therapies. Some kids will try college but need to come home and reset. The range of options is much wider than the standard view of high school to four years of college. Honest conversations and flexible thinking will be key to your child’s growth from high schooler to young adult, whatever that looks like.

Candida Fink M.D.

Candida Fink, M.D. , is board certified in child/adolescent and general psychiatry. She practices in New York and has co-authored two books— The Ups and Downs of Raising a Bipolar Child and Bipolar Disorder for Dummies.

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Can’t do homework because depressed? (9 ways to cope)

can homework make you depressed

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The Optimistminds editorial team is made up of psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health professionals. Each article is written by a team member with exposure to and experience in the subject matter.  The article then gets reviewed by a more senior editorial member. This is someone with extensive knowledge of the subject matter and highly cited published material.

The article below is focused on what to do if you can’t do homework because you are depressed. 

Depression and anhedonia 

Anhedonia is a condition where an individual suffers from the lack of motivation and pleasure to engage himself or herself in any activity.

One of the major symptoms of depression is anhedonia. Other symptoms along with anhedonia are feelings of sadness, worthlessness, hopelessness and excessive or too less appetite.

To not be able to do homework because of depression is nothing to be shocked about. It is normal for anyone regardless of the presence of any mental illness to not feel like doing homework and assignment. But if you feel you cannot concentrate on anything that you are planning to do and end up feeling depressed then these ways may help you to cope up.

  • Engage in physical activity 

In an article published in the journal ” Psychology”, it has been mentioned that sustained physical activity can help a person with his or her bad mood by balancing out the chemicals in their body, restricting the frequency of crisis and offering means of catharsis.

The benefits of doing some physical activity on a regular basis keeps your body fit, mind energetic, increases blood supply to all the organs and decreases risk of becoming depressed and sad.

Activities that you can do:

Doing exercise at home

You can surf the youtube and grab loads of videos on cardio, warm ups, ab workout and many more. 

I personally like Chloe ting’s workout videos. When I cannot concentrate, I usually start off with any of her challenging videos which eventually makes me feel strong, focused and energetic.

  • Go out for a walk

If you think cardio is not your thing, you can simply grab your earphones and go our for a short walk. When you are walking look around your vicinity, attend to the trees and plants around you. Attend to anything that catches your eyes. You shall feel happier I assure.

  • Take a ride

You can also take a bicycle ride surrounding your locality to get some fresh air and help yourself. 

If you feel you cannot concentrate on your homeworks and assignments, you can get any kind of physical activity included in your schedule. This will help you lighten your mood thus you will be able to concentrate on your studies. 

2. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is a mental state in which a person experiences the present moment without getting distracted by the memories of the past or the anticipations of the future.

Mindfulness will help you get back to tracking and get going with your task.

When you feel like you do not want to sit with your homework, follow this easy mindfulness strategy.

Sit back and relax; close your eyes; focus on what is happening around you; become conscious of your breathing; breathe consciously; inhale and exhale bigger; feel all the five senses individually; feel the place where you are sitting; feel the black hollow of your closed eyes; breathe the smell of the air; feel your tongue, listen to all the sounds happening around; don’t think about what you have done or you plan to do. Just feel the moment and you will be able to concentrate on your homework.

3. W‌‌rite journal

Writing a journal when you cannot concentrate on your homework can help you get over anhedonia. 

We all need to socialize at some point to share our feelings and emotions especially when we are not happy or feeling depressed.

It is always not possible to find a person to talk to, who would be understanding. Instead you can find a therapist in your own diary. Write what you have to say to a diary and give yourself advice as if you are your own therapist. This type of cognitive restructuring will help you with feelings of depression and anhedonia. 

  • Start doing a hobby 

If you have a hobby that you like to do, start doing it. You need some motivation and energy to work efficiently. Start a new hobby or get yourself engaged in an old one. If you like baking, go and grab the ingredients from the nearest grocery story and start off, you can even prepare a Depression Cake. If you like watching movies, call upon some friends and watch a good movie that will inspire you. You can also listen to songs, watch games and sketch your heart out. 

You can also start a new hobby or experiment with your old ones. This will help you attain a lot of energy and greater goals in life. 

  • Start with small goals

It is very important to give attention to how you plan your day. You should not make unrealistic plans of completing a ton of tasks in one day. Start with small goals. If you feel your assigned task will take more than a day, plan it likewise. Afterall who likes monotony? Make sure your assignment does not make you bored and uninterested. 

According to studies, socializing is a good way of getting over depression. You can socialize over the internet. Nowadays the internet has connected people from all over the world through social media. You can also register in various depression chat rooms to talk to people and get support from users. You can go out and hang around with your friends. 

You can also call up a friend of yours and talk for some time. This will provide you with instant energy so that you can sit properly with your studies.

  • Take a break 

It is very important to take a break when you feel you cannot do something that you are assigned to do.

At times we are depressed and we do not feel motivated enough to do anything. We are bored at the monotony of our lives. We should take breaks and not force ourselves to do something, which we have no intrinsic motivation towards. 

  • Use depression chat rooms

Depression chat rooms are online platforms where people who are suffering from depression communicate  with each other about their experiences and receive mutual support and help. 

These chat rooms are moderated by a volunteer who makes sure that the rules and ethics of the site is maintained.

Depression chat rooms and forums are quite helpful because people these days find chat rooms easier to use because of their availability and trustworthiness compared to getting an appointment from therapists.

Some common Chat rooms and forums 

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) offers support groups and forums led by peers to help people living with depression and bipolar disorders to share experiences and coping skills thus gaining hope. Depression Chat Rooms

Depression Chat Rooms from aims to make people suffering from depression and anxiety communicate with each other. They also welcome people with similar or related health issues such as bipolar disorder and eating disorders. The website is independent, nonprofit, and free.

Depression Forums

Depression Forums offers forums on topics ranging from depression, anxiety to bipolar along with ways to recover, cope and therapy moderated by volunteers. This forum is trusted and has members around 70000.

Depression Sanctuary

Depression Sanctuary is a well-known nonprofit organization created to provide safe, moderated services for people with depression and anxiety. They  seek support from other like-minded people in these chatrooms. Membership is required to participate in the Depression Sanctuary chat rooms, but it’s completely free to join.

The are hosted at specific times. You have to make sure that you abide by the rules and regulations of the chatrooms and treat every member respectfully. The volunteers working over here also suffer from depression. Please be kind to them and treat them with respect.

.Depression Understood

Depression Understood offers a depression chat room that is always open. They aim to have a relaxed, supportive, and informal atmosphere for people who like virtual talk therapy services. 


HealthUnlocked runs in partnership with the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) and offers a safe space for anxiety and depression support. 

Healthfulcha t is a trustworthy service for people who are succumbed to any sort of mental illness. They say “ Here, you will find a Depression Chat Room , depression forums, and a depression social network. It is the hope of HealthfulChat that these important forms of peer support, along with whatever medical attention you may be receiving will help bring you up out of the cloud of depression so that you can begin to enjoy life again. 

  • Don’t give up

You should keep on trying until and unless you gain your concentration to do your assignments in time. Depression should not overpower your potential. Perseverance is the cornerstone of never giving up. Some might consider it being stubborn. But in reality, it is just a doggedness of pushing forward when times get tough and never giving up until you have achieved your dreams. One of the key facets of never giving up is hard work, patience, commitment and self-love


From the article we got to know what to do if you can’t do homework because you are depressed. The article also points out the reason behind lack of motivation also known as anhedonia and how it can be overpowering when someone is depressed. It can be concluded that not being able to do homework because of depression is nothing to be shocked about. It is normal for anyone regardless of the presence of any mental illness to not feel like doing homework and assignment. But if you feel you cannot concentrate on anything that you are planning to do and end up feeling depressed then these ways may help you to cope up.

FAQs : Can’t do homework because depressed

Can anhedonia be cured.

At present, there are no treatments aimed at anhedonia.

Is anhedonia a mental illness?

Anhedonia is the inability to feel pleasure. It’s a common symptom of depression as well as other mental health disorders.

What is an example of anhedonia?

To not be able to do homework because of depression is nothing to be shocked about. It is normal for anyone regardless of the presence of any mental illness to not feel like doing homework and assignment. But if you feel you cannot concentrate on anything that you are planning to do and end up feeling depressed then that can be a sign of anhedonia.

Does exercise help anhedonia?

Absolutely yes. The benefits of doing some physical activity on a regular basis keeps your body fit, mind energetic, increases blood supply to all the organs and decreases risk of becoming depressed and sad.

You can surf the youtube and grab loads of videos on cardio, warm ups, ab workout and many more.   I personally like Chloe ting’s workout videos. When I cannot concentrate, I usually start off with any of her challenging videos which eventually makes me feel strong, focused and energetic.

Can yoga help anhedonia?

Yes yoga makes you mindful and can help you fight with anhedonia

Can lifestyle have an effect on depression?

Lifestyle factors can influence depression such as lack of nutrition, lack of physical activity, experience of trauma etc. 

Can’t force myself to do homework?

Tips and Tricks on How to Motivate Yourself to Do Homework Listen to music, but not just any music.  Set goals and establish a reward system.  Take regular breaks.  Keep the consequences in mind.  Get some rest, if needed.

Who invented homework?

Horace Mann

Instead, it is believed that Horace Mann, an American 19th-century politician and educational reformer, invented the modern concept of homework and made it an educational essential in schools.

Why is HomeWork bad?

In 2013, research conducted at Stanford University found that students in high-achieving communities who spend too much time on homework experience more stress, physical health problems.

Is homework a waste of time?

Homework is a waste of time, indeed. 

Why is homework bad for your health?

Homework can cause physical problems as well as mental.

How to deal with homework when depressed?

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can homework make you depressed

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Are We Talking Too Much About Mental Health?

Recent studies cast doubt on whether large-scale mental health interventions are making young people better. Some even suggest they can have a negative effect.

A portrait of Lucy Foulkes, who wears a gray sweater and black pants and sits on a bench in a garden area outside a building.

By Ellen Barry

In recent years, mental health has become a central subject in childhood and adolescence. Teenagers narrate their psychiatric diagnosis and treatment on TikTok and Instagram. School systems, alarmed by rising levels of distress and self-harm, are introducing preventive coursework in emotional self-regulation and mindfulness.

Now, some researchers warn that we are in danger of overdoing it. Mental health awareness campaigns, they argue, help some young people identify disorders that badly need treatment — but they have a negative effect on others, leading them to over-interpret their symptoms and see themselves as more troubled than they are.

The researchers point to unexpected results in trials of school-based mental health interventions in the United Kingdom and Australia: Students who underwent training in the basics of mindfulness , cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy did not emerge healthier than peers who did not participate, and some were worse off, at least for a while.

And new research from the United States shows that among young people, “self-labeling” as having depression or anxiety is associated with poor coping skills, like avoidance or rumination.

In a paper published last year , two research psychologists at the University of Oxford, Lucy Foulkes and Jack Andrews, coined the term “prevalence inflation” — driven by the reporting of mild or transient symptoms as mental health disorders — and suggested that awareness campaigns were contributing to it.

“It’s creating this message that teenagers are vulnerable, they’re likely to have problems, and the solution is to outsource them to a professional,” said Dr. Foulkes, a Prudence Trust Research Fellow in Oxford’s department of experimental psychology, who has written two books on mental health and adolescence.

Until high-quality research has clarified these unexpected negative effects, they argue, school systems should proceed cautiously with large-scale mental health interventions.

“It’s not that we need to go back to square one, but it’s that we need to press pause and reroute potentially,” Dr. Foulkes said. “It’s possible that something very well-intended has overshot a bit and needs to be brought back in.”

This remains a minority view among specialists in adolescent mental health, who mostly agree that the far more urgent problem is lack of access to treatment.

About 60 percent of young Americans with severe depression receive no treatment, according to Mental Health America, a nonprofit research group. In crisis, desperate families fall back on emergency rooms, where teens often remain for days before a psychiatric bed opens up. There is good reason to embrace a preventive approach, teaching schoolchildren basic skills that might forestall crises later, experts say.

Dr. Foulkes said she understood that her argument runs counter to that consensus, and when she began to present it, she braced for a backlash. To her surprise, she said, many educators reached out to express quiet agreement.

“There’s definitely a fear about being the one to say it,” she said.

A deflating result

In the summer of 2022, the results of a landmark study on mindfulness training in British classrooms landed — like a lead balloon.

The trial, My Resilience in Adolescence, or MYRIAD, was ambitious, meticulous and expansive, following about 28,000 teenagers over eight years. It had been launched in a glow of optimism that the practice would pay off, improving the students’ mental health outcomes in later years.

Half of the teenagers were trained by their teachers to direct their attention to the present moment — breathing, physical sensations or everyday activities — in 10 lessons of 30 to 50 minutes apiece.

The results were disappointing . The authors reported “no support for our hypothesis” that mindfulness training would improve students’ mental health. In fact, students at highest risk for mental health problems did somewhat worse after receiving the training, the authors concluded.

But by the end of the eight-year project, “mindfulness is already embedded in a lot of schools, and there are already organizations making money from selling this program to schools,” said Dr. Foulkes, who had assisted on the study as a postdoctoral research associate. “And it’s very difficult to get the scientific message out there.”

Why, one might ask, would a mental health program do harm?

Researchers in the study speculated that the training programs “bring awareness to upsetting thoughts,” encouraging students to sit with darker feelings, but without providing solutions, especially for societal problems like racism or poverty. They also found that the students didn’t enjoy the sessions and didn’t practice at home.

Another explanation is that mindfulness training could encourage “co-rumination,” the kind of long, unresolved group discussion that churns up problems without finding solutions.

As the MYRIAD results were being analyzed, Dr. Andrews led an evaluation of Climate Schools, an Australian intervention based on the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy, in which students observed cartoon characters navigating mental health concerns and then answered questions about practices to improve mental health.

Here, too, he found negative effects. Students who had taken the course reported higher levels of depression and anxiety symptoms six months and 12 months later.

Co-rumination appears to be higher in girls, who tend to come into the program more distressed, as well as more attuned to their friends, he said. “It might be,” he said, “that they kind of get together and make things a little bit worse for each other.”

Dr. Andrews, a Wellcome Trust research fellow, has since joined an effort to improve Climate Schools by addressing negative effects. And he has concluded that schools should slow down until “we know the evidence base a bit more.” Sometimes, he said, “doing nothing is better than doing something.”

The awareness paradox

One problem with mental health awareness, some research suggests, is that it may not help to put a label to your symptoms.

Isaac Ahuvia, a doctoral candidate at Stony Brook University, recently tested this in a study of 1,423 college students . Twenty-two percent “self-labeled” as having depression, telling researchers “I am depressed” or “I have depression,” but 39 percent met the diagnostic criteria for depression.

He found that the students who self-labeled felt that they had less control over depression and were more likely to catastrophize and less likely to respond to distress by putting their difficulties in perspective, compared with peers who had similar depression symptoms.

Jessica L. Schleider, a co-author of the self-labeling study, said this was no surprise. People who self-label “appear to be viewing depression as a biological inevitability,” she said. “People who don’t view emotions as malleable, view them as set and stuck and uncontrollable, tend to cope less well because they don’t see a point to trying.”

But Dr. Schleider, an associate professor of medical social sciences at Northwestern University and the director of the university’s Lab for Scalable Mental Health, pushed back on the prevalence inflation hypothesis. She disagreed with the claim that students are overdiagnosing themselves, noting that Mr. Ahuvia’s findings suggest otherwise.

Awareness campaigns are bound to have multiple effects, helping some students and not others. And ultimately, she argued, the priority for public health should be reaching young people in the most distress.

“The urgency of the mental health crisis is so clear,” she said. “In the partnerships that I have, the emphasis is on the kids truly struggling right now who have nothing — we need to help them — more so than a possible risk for a subset of kids who aren’t really struggling.”

Maybe, she said, we need to look beyond the “universal, school-assembly-style approach,” to targeted, light-touch interventions, which research has shown can be effective at decreasing anxiety and conduct disorders, especially in younger children.

“There is a risk of throwing the baby out with the bathwater,” Dr. Schleider said. “The response can’t be ‘Forget all of it.’ It should be ‘What about this intervention was unhelpful?’”

Other researchers echoed her concern, pointing to studies that show that on average, students benefit from social and emotional learning courses.

One of the largest, a 2023 meta-analysis of 252 classroom programs in 53 countries, found that students who participated performed better academically, displayed better social skills and had lower levels of emotional distress or behavioral problems. In that context, negative effects in a handful of trials appear modest, the researchers said.

“We clearly have not figured out how to do them yet, but I can’t imagine any population-based intervention that the field got right the first time,” said Dr. Andrew J. Gerber, the president and medical director of Silver Hill Hospital and a practicing child and adolescent psychiatrist.

“Really, if you think about almost everything we do in schools, we don’t have great evidence for it working,” he added. “That doesn’t mean we don’t do it. It just means that we’re constantly thinking about ways to improve it.”

‘We want everyone to have it’

These debates are taking place a long way away from classrooms, where mental health curriculums are increasingly commonplace.

Allyson Kangisser, a counselor at Woodsdale Elementary School in Wheeling, W.Va., said the focus in her school is on basic coping skills. In the early grades, students are asked, “What things can you do to take care of yourself when you’re having big feelings?”

Starting in third grade, they take on more complex material, such as watching cartoon characters to distinguish transient stress from chronic conditions like depression. “We’re not trying to have them diagnose themselves,” Ms. Kangisser said. “We are saying, what do you feel — this one? Or this one?”

At the school’s sixth annual mental health fair last month, Woodsdale students walked through a giant inflatable brain, its lobes neatly labeled. They did yoga stretches and talked about regulating their emotions. Ms. Kangisser said the event is valuable precisely because it is universal, so troubled children are not singled out.

“The mental health fair, everybody does it,” she said. “It’s not ‘You need it, and you don’t.’ We want everyone to have it, because you just never know.”

By the time the students reach college, they will have absorbed enormous amounts of information about mental health — from school, but also from social media and from one another.

Dr. Jessica Gold, chief wellness officer for the University of Tennessee system, said the college students she sees are recognizably different — more comfortable speaking about their emotions and more willing to be vulnerable. They also overuse diagnostic terms and have the self-assurance to question a psychiatrist’s judgment.

“It’s sort of a double-edged sword,” she said. “We want people to talk about this more, but we don’t want that to lead to overdiagnosis or incorrect diagnosis or overtreatment. We want it to lead to normalizing of having feelings.”

Lucy Kim, a Yale senior who has lobbied for better mental health support on campus, described the prevalence inflation hypothesis as “disheartening, dismissive and potentially dangerous,” providing another way to discount the experiences of young people.

“As a college student, I see a generation of young people around me impacted by a depth and breadth of loneliness, exhaustion and disillusionment suggestive of a malaise that goes deeper than the general vicissitudes of life,” said Ms. Kim, 23.

Overdiagnosis does happen, she said, and so does glorification of mental health disorders. But stigma and barriers to treatment remain the bigger problem. “I can confidently say I have never heard anyone respond to disclosures of depression with ‘That’s so cool, I wish I had that, too,’” she said.

Ellen Barry is a reporter covering mental health for The Times. More about Ellen Barry

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When depression meds don’t work, this may help you turn the corner

a doctor works with a patient

Some 30 to 40 percent of patients do not respond to medications for depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), but half of them could be helped by a noninvasive in-office procedure.

To mark National Mental Health Awareness Month in May, we talk to psychiatrist  Katherine Scangos , M.D., Ph.D., co-director of the  Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and Neuromodulation Program  at UC San Francisco.

TMS is a logical next step for many patients with an inadequate response to standard treatment, according to Scangos, who is affiliated with the  UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences  and is an assistant professor of clinical psychiatry.

Scangos’ own happy place is with patients who have had success with TMS after extended periods of blackness. She marvels at those who have managed to re-engage with family and friends, make plans and pursue activities that have been put on hold.

How does TMS work?

The treatment involves delivering brief magnetic pulses to the brain via an electromagnetic coil applied to the patient’s head. This induces electrical currents that stimulate nerve cells in specific areas of the brain. In patients with depression, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is targeted, a part of the brain involved in the cognitive processing of emotions. In OCD, it is delivered to other parts of the brain’s prefrontal cortex associated with repetitive actions.

Most of our patients undergo a newer version of TMS known as intermittent theta burst stimulation, which takes just three minutes. Since no sedation is required and any side effects are mild – scalp irritation is the most common one — patients can go home or return to work afterwards without recovery time. A treatment course usually runs from 20 to 30 sessions over four to six weeks.

a doctor works with a patient

How long does it take to work?

Some patients start to feel better after a week or two. Others may take four weeks or longer. Depression and OCD may be lifelong disorders and follow-up treatments may be required months or years later.

For TMS patients with depression, half may experience at least a 50% reduction in symptoms. For those with OCD, half may experience at least a 35 percent drop in symptoms.

What are the eligibility criteria for TMS?

Most patients have major depressive disorder and have been through multiple medication regimens and received counselling from more than one psychotherapist before they embark on TMS. Insurance companies usually require that patients with depression or OCD — which often occurs with depression — have had negligible benefits after trying at least two medications. We work with patients ranging in age from about 21 to 70, but we consider everyone on a case-by-case basis.

Who would not be a good candidate for TMS?

Patients with anxiety but without depression may not respond to TMS. People who are pregnant, are at high risk of seizure, or who have epilepsy or implanted metal objects in their head shouldn’t receive the treatment.

TMS is not an appropriate first step for patients in crisis requiring imminent relief. The prescription drug esketamine (Spravato) may improve mood within hours or days. Electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) may ease symptoms earlier than TMS and is more effective. But it involves use of anesthesia and electrical stimulation to induce a seizure, making it more invasive than TMS.

Studies are looking to see if the therapy may benefit those with chronic pain, anorexia nervosa, post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety and addiction. Findings are encouraging for some but not all of these conditions.

Do patients continue with antidepressants and therapy?

We ask patients to continue with their regular medications and psychotherapy during TMS and for at least a year after treatment. Oftentimes, medications do have some benefit, but they’re not enough to mitigate symptoms. We also find that patients are more receptive to psychotherapy as TMS progresses and mood improves.

How do you know when a patient is getting better?

We track patients’ scores using a test that ranks symptoms like reduced appetite and sleep, concentration difficulties, sadness, inner tension and slowness initiating everyday activities. And we look for signs that patients’ emotions have lifted and they’re becoming more communicative and expressive. We find out that they’re doing chores, perhaps doing the laundry and cooking dinner. They tell us that they’re calling a friend, sitting through a whole movie and watching a TV show that makes them laugh — activities that they haven’t done for months or years. It’s very gratifying when patients reach this stage of recovery.

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Have I Fallen Out of Love or Am I Depressed?

Or what to consider when you've lost some interest in your partner

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

can homework make you depressed

Verywell Mind / Getty

Am I Falling Out of Love…or Is it a Sign of Depression?

  • Do People Fall Out of Love When They're Depressed?
  • Can Depression Make You Think You're Not in Love?

Overlapping Symptoms

Is depression a reason to end a relationship, seeking professional help, self-reflection and communication, coping strategies.

Every relationship has a natural ebb and flow, but if you're stuck in what feels like an endless low point, you might wonder, "Am I falling out of love , or am I depressed?" The answer to that question can sometimes be much more complicated than expected.

"People often fall out of love when they are depressed because they no longer feel connected to themselves and their partner," says licensed therapist Abbey Sangmeister, MSEd, LPC, ACS . "Depression creates a fog around us that does not allow us to see or feel clearly, which can cause us to feel that no one loves us, we feel or don’t have the energy to love and give, or feel overall numb and disconnected." 

Your love life and your emotions are intricately interconnected, which is why it's sometimes challenging to tell whether you're experiencing changes in how you feel about your partner or if it might be something more serious like depression.

Plus, depression can affect your life and relationships in complex ways. Problems in your romantic relationships can sometimes be a source of deep sadness or even feelings of depression. So how can you tell if what you are feeling means you're no longer in love or if it's a symptom of depression (or a combination of the two)?

Understanding the difference between the two is vital, not only for the health of your relationship but for your own mental health. After all, the sooner you recognize the signs of depression, the sooner you can get help and find relief.

At a Glance

Falling out of love with someone can be a painful, heartbreaking experience. Feeling depressed can also affect how you feel about your relationships since it causes symptoms like loss of interest, sadness, irritability, and social withdrawal. Keep reading to get advice from experts on why falling out of love can be mistaken for depression, and whether depression is ever a reason to walk away from a relationship.

So, what does falling out of love actually feel like? Psychologists have introduced various frameworks to help define and categorize love . One of the best-known theories is Robert Sternberg's triangular theory of love , which conceptualizes love as having three main components: passion, intimacy, and commitment.

When you think about what it feels like to "fall out of love," what you might actually be describing is the loss of passion. It's the gradual decline in the intense feelings of excitement, attraction, and physical chemistry that are the hallmarks of the early stages of a relationship . 

It's normal for those feelings to lessen over time and the other two components of Sternberg's theory, intimacy and commitment, to take center stage. However, it’s a more serious sign when all three of these elements start to disappear.

Common signs that you might be falling out of love include:

  • Not enjoying spending time with your partner
  • Feeling irritated by your partner's presence, quirks, and habits
  • Losing interest in what's going on in your partner's life
  • Not feeling attracted to them anymore
  • Not sharing details of your life or talking about how you are feeling
  • Feeling happier when you are not with them
  • Thinking about being alone or with someone else

Here's where it gets complicated— symptoms of depression can contribute to some of these feelings. You might feel irritated with your partner because, well, you just feel more irritated in general lately. Or you might not want to spend time with them because being around other people takes more energy than you can give right now. 

"People who are depressed can fall out of love like anyone else. Depression may not directly cause someone to fall out of love, but depression is complex and can impact thinking, mood, self-esteem, energy, desire, and more," explains Susan Trotter, PhD , a relationship expert and coach. Trotter also notes that this often results in more conflict, fewer shared activities, less intimacy, and greater isolation.

Susan Trotter, PhD

When these things are occurring, they can, of course, affect how we feel about someone and they can change how we interact in and approach a relationship. This can subsequently lead someone to fall out of love–or at least think and feel like they have fallen out of love.

Figuring out what's really going on means you'll need to take a closer look at how you're feeling and decide whether it represents a change in how you view your relationship or a change in the state of your mental health. In either case, figuring out the cause can help you better decide how to tackle the problem, whether that means seeing a couples therapist, seeking treatment for depression, or breaking up with your partner.

Do People Fall Out of Love When They're Depressed?

Depression might not be the reason why you fall out of love with someone, but it can play a major part in how you feel about yourself, your partner, and your relationship.

Depression can impact many different areas of your life, including how you feel about others, your emotions, and your relationships. After all, it’s hard to feel connected with other people (your partner included) when you’re feeling isolated, sad, and hopeless. 

It can also be challenging to feel many of the emotions that normally happen in a happy, healthy relationship , like joy, excitement, and anticipation. It might not necessarily mean the relationship has changed, but how you feel about it may have shifted, making it much harder to appreciate the good things.

Social withdrawal is another common symptom of depression. When you are depressed, you may find yourself pulling away from your partner. This makes it tough to maintain feelings of intimacy and closeness.

Because you feel less connected to your partner, it's easy to see why this might seem a lot like falling out of love.

Depression doesn't always cause a person to fall out of love, but the way it manifests can create problems in a relationship. You might feel more irritable and short-tempered around your partner. You might not feel like doing things you used to enjoy, so you might turn down opportunities to spend time together. 

How your partner responds to these symptoms can also damage your relationship. They might interpret your reactions as rejection or start to behave in ways that undermine the closeness that you once shared. 

However, it's important to remember that depression and love are complex. Your own experience of depression is unique, and how it affects your relationship can depend on a wide variety of factors. Depression can make you feel like you're falling out of love, but communicating your needs, seeing support, and getting professional help can help you navigate these challenges without jeopardizing your relationship.

Can Depression Make You Think You're Not in Love?

Unfortunately, depression can make you believe a lot of things that aren’t really true. It might tell you that you deserve to be miserable or that you don’t deserve to be loved. It might even make you think that you aren’t really in love at all.

According to therapist and coach Christina Granahan, LICSW , the symptoms of depression, particularly the numbing and sense of isolation that accompanies depression, can cause people to lose touch with feelings of love and connection with their partner. "Depression makes us think a lot of things that aren’t necessarily true. It can make us feel alone, like we don’t belong, like we’re unloved, or a victim of someone else," she notes.

Some characteristics of depression that might make you think you aren’t really in love at all include:

A Loss of Interest

A loss of interest in things that you used to enjoy or that used to be important to you is one of the hallmark symptoms of depression. Such disinterest is common when you find yourself drifting away from your partner. So if you find yourself losing interest in spending time with your partner, it’s normal to wonder if the root of this sudden loss of interest says more about your state of mind or the state of your relationship.

Changes in How You See Yourself

Depression also contributes to issues with poor self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness. You might find yourself wondering what your partner sees in you. Or you might start to think that you don't deserve their attention. You might even feel like you are burdening them. To cope, you might push them away or even try to convince yourself that you aren't in love with them at all. 

Negative Thinking

Depression also leads to distorted, negative thoughts that can make symptoms worse and exacerbate issues in your relationship. Small things that used to not bother you suddenly start to seem much worse than they really are.

You might find yourself misinterpreting your partner's actions, jumping to conclusions , or engaging in all-or-nothing thinking . Such thoughts ultimately undermine your connection and may cause you to think that you aren't in love with your partner like you were before.

Reduced Libido

Depression can significantly impact things like energy levels and libido, but changes in your relationship can have a similar effect. The social withdrawal that often accompanies depression can lead to a lower desire for physical closeness with your partner. If your partner doesn’t understand how this might be a sign of depression, they might interpret this as a loss of interest in the relationship as well.

Even more confusing is the fact that depression and falling out of love can share some remarkably similar symptoms. Common feelings you might experience with both include:

  • Sadness or emptiness
  • Emotional numbness
  • Losing interest in spending time together
  • Having a hard time concentrating
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Feelings of guilt or anger
  • Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness

Researchers have even found that the emotions people experience at the end of a relationship are very similar to clinical depression. So it's no wonder that feeling depressed can make you think you're relationship might be on the rocks (and vice versa).

Symptoms are more persistent

Symptoms affect many areas of life

Loss of interest in many activities

Feelings may come and go

Symptoms are focused specifically on your partner

Loss of interest in your relationship but not in other enjoyable activities

Sangmeister notes that leaving a relationship may be the right choice if your partner is contributing to feelings of depression. Before doing so, however, she suggests talking to a licensed mental health professional. This can help clarify your decision, explore ways to work on the relationship, and make clear decisions that are right for your life and well-being.

"It is important to distinguish whether your mental health–and in this case, depression–is making you want to end a relationship or if you are struggling because of the relationship," Trotter says. Ending it may be your best option if you're struggling because of the relationship. But if it's your depression causing these feelings, it's important to dig deeper into your feelings and symptoms.

"Ending a good relationship could be self-sabotaging and self-destructive if it’s actually a good relationship, and there are many things you can do to stabilize your depression, such as therapy, medication, groups, and more," Trotter explains.

If you do decide to end a relationship, it's important to remember that breaking up can also trigger additional feelings of depression and grief. Both experiences are connected to painful life events—including the end of important relationships in your life. 

It's normal to experience things like sadness, loneliness , and emotional distress when a relationship is over. You'll need to go through a period of adjustment where you allow yourself to process the experience and take steps to heal. Having social support is important, but you should also reach out to a mental health professional if you are experiencing symptoms of depression or prolonged grief following a breakup.

If you are experiencing symptoms of depression, it's important to talk to a licensed mental health professional. They can help you better understand your emotional experience, including whether it is really depression–or a sign that your relationship is in trouble. 

"If depression is significantly impacting you and your relationship, the first step is to seek treatment, which might include therapy and medication to help alleviate symptoms and help you create better strategies for managing your depression," Trotter suggests.

A therapist can evaluate your symptoms and give you perspective on the emotional states you are experiencing. Therapy can also help you understand how depression might be affecting your connection with your partner. 

In addition to treating depression, couples therapy can also be beneficial. By working with a therapist, your partner can learn more about what you are experiencing, and you can strengthen your connection, build greater intimacy , and resolve conflicts more effectively.

If you’re struggling to tell if you’re actually falling out of love or if you might be depressed, it’s important to reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. As you engage in this self-reflection, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you feel like you and your partner don't share the same emotional connection you once had?
  • Are you avoiding spending time with your partner because your differences seem too great to overcome?
  • Have you stopped planning your future together?
  • Have you stopped caring about the things that matter to your partner?
  • Do the unique traits and behaviors that used to seem cute, quirky, and charming suddenly seem like red flags or deal-breakers ?
  • Do you feel happier when you are alone than when you are together?

If you answered yes to many of these questions,  there's a good chance that your feelings for your partner have changed. This doesn't mean that you aren't also dealing with symptoms of depression, but it does indicate that it might be time to evaluate your relationship and think about what steps you want to take next.

If you answered no to many or most of these questions, it might be because your recent moods and feelings are linked to symptoms of depression more than a sudden shift in how you feel about your partner. 

In either case, communication is critical. Talk to your partner about what’s going on with you emotionally so you can make a plan for your next steps. This might include finding ways to rebuild your connection by spending more time together and talking more often. It might involve you seeking professional treatment for your depression. If the relationship is worth holding on to, it may also mean talking to a couples therapist.

If you’re struggling with your love life or experiencing symptoms of depression (or both), finding ways to cope with these challenges is essential. 

With good treatment, effective communication, and motivation, couples can enjoy a happy and healthy relationship even when one of the partners has depression. 

Relationships change over time, and it isn't uncommon for people to lose romantic feelings and experience breakups. The key is knowing how to handle these feelings, knowing when it's worth it to try to salvage a relationship, and when to move on.

  • Communicate: Discussing what you’re experiencing with your partner is an important first step. "It is also important for you to talk with your partner about what you’re experiencing so that they can better understand it," Trotter says. 
  • Care for yourself : Make sure that you are doing things to support your emotional well-being. " Self-care is critically important and taking even small steps to improve connection and intimacy will also help to alleviate the overwhelming feeling of disconnection," Trotter suggests. Even taking small daily steps like eating balanced meals, getting plenty of rest, and treating yourself kindly can help you feel better and gain more perspective on your situation.
  • Reconnect : If you’ve decided to try to fall back in love, start taking steps toward rebuilding your connection with your partner. Remind yourself of their good qualities, take time to appreciate them, and start spending more time together.
  • Consider couples therapy : Talking to a relationship professional can also help. "Working to improve healthy communication is also important, and couples therapy may be an effective way to help you with that," says Trotter. 

Keep in Mind

If you're worried that you've fallen out of love, it can be hard to decode what you're experiencing if you suspect you might also be depressed. Are you depressed because of the relationship, or are symptoms of depression affecting your relationship in negative ways? 

It's important to work with a mental health professional to sort out your feelings, build a greater awareness of what you are experiencing, and make the right decision about how to cope, Granahan suggests. 

She also says getting help and support to deal with depression is what matters most. "Some of us might need to stay in a healthy, life-giving relationship as part of the healing. Enlist the help of trusted allies–including professionals–to help you make these decisions if you aren't sure, but healing comes first."

Sorokowski P, Sorokowska A, Karwowski M, et al. Universality of the triangular theory of love: Adaptation and psychometric properties of the triangular love scale in 25 countries . The Journal of Sex Research . 2021;58(1):106-115. doi:10.1080/00224499.2020.1787318

Sheets VL. Passion for life: Self-expansion and passionate love across the life span . Journal of Social and Personal Relationships . 2014;31(7):958-974. doi:10.1177/0265407513515618

Sharabi LL, Delaney AL, Knobloch LK. In their own words: How clinical depression affects romantic relationships . Journal of Social and Personal Relationships . 2016;33(4):421-448. doi:10.1177/0265407515578820

National Institute of Mental Health. Depression .

Verhallen AM, Renken RJ, Marsman JC, Ter Horst GJ. Romantic relationship breakup: An experimental model to study effects of stress on depression (-like) symptoms . PLoS ONE . 2019;14(5):e0217320. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0217320

Field T. Romantic breakup distress, betrayal and heartbreak: A review . Int J Behav Res Psychol . 2017;5(2):217-225. doi:10.19070/2332-3000-1700038

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

  • Artificial Intelligence /

Google’s Circle to Search will help you with your math homework

Circle to search on android can now help students learn to solve mathematical word problems thanks to google’s new learnlm model..

By Umar Shakir , a news writer fond of the electric vehicle lifestyle and things that plug in via USB-C. He spent over 15 years in IT support before joining The Verge.

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A math word problem that says a car takes 8 seconds to accelerate from 0 meters per second to 24 meters per second. Calculate the acceleration of the car. There’s a drawn circle around the word problem. A metallic blue android bot is in the corner with a Gemini star above it.

Google is enhancing Android’s Circle to Search — the feature that lets you literally circle something on your Android phone’s screen to search it on Google — with a new ability to generate instructions on how to solve school math and physics problems .

Using an Android phone or tablet, students can now use Circle to Search to get AI assistance on mathematical word problems from their homework. The feature will help unpack the problem and list what the student needs to do to get the correct answer. According to Google, it won’t actually do the homework for you — only help you approach the problem.

Over the past year, the use of AI tools like ChatGPT has become a hot topic in the field of education, with plenty of concern over how students can and will use it to get work done quickly. Google, however, is explicitly positioning this as a feature to support education, potentially walking around some of the concerns about AI doing all of the work for students.

Later this year, Circle to Search will also gain the ability to solve complex math equations that involve formulas, diagrams, graphs, and more. Google is using LearnLM, its new AI model that’s fine-tuned for learning, to make the new Circle to Search abilities work.

Circle to Search first launched on  Samsung’s Galaxy S24 series in January and then on the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro later the same month. It’s one of the star new features of Android, and although iOS users can’t yet circle their math homework for help, anything is possible .

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    Therapist-approved techniques to help you lift the paralysis of depression and stop the ruminating that may be getting in your way and preventing you from feeling better. Mar 8, 2022 By

  13. Is Excessive Homework the Cause of Many Teen Issues?

    Homework over a certain time limit can cause stress, depression, anxiety, lack of sleep, and more. Homework distracts from extracurriculars and sports as well, something colleges often look for. Homework is ultimately leading students to resent school as a whole. According to a study done by Stanford University, 56 percent of students ...

  14. The Only Thing a Depressed Person Wants to Hear

    Key points. Depression doesn't manifest the same way for all people. Tailor your conversations about depression to the person you're speaking to, and don't make assumptions about their experience.

  15. School Makes Me Depressed: 5 Steps To Fight Student Depression

    Workload: With a never-ending stream of homework, essays, and tests, school may be very demanding. For some students, the workload is excessive, which might result in fatigue and burnout. ... Anxiety and depression can make social interactions exceedingly difficult. When you're suffering from these mental health issues, you'll be more ...

  16. When Your Job Is the Source of Your Depression

    agitated or slow movement. low energy. feelings of worthlessness. problems thinking. thoughts of death or suicide. Many factors can contribute to the onset of work depression. Dr. Tracey Marks, a ...

  17. Empowering Progress: Effective Therapy Homework for Depression

    Therapy homework plays a vital role in the treatment of depression, providing individuals with an opportunity to actively engage in their healing process. By completing assignments outside of therapy sessions, individuals can reinforce the concepts learned in therapy, apply new skills, and make progress towards their treatment goals.

  18. 10 things that might be making you depressed

    Certain foods promote the maintenance of mood levels. Check out our January food blog for more details. 5.) A lack of exercise: Research tells us that if you sit still for more than 7 hours a day, you increase your likelihood of depression. If you're based in an office, stand up or go for a walk every half an hour.

  19. 12 Tips to Focus on Study when Depressed [Mental Health Tips]

    Plan Your Study Life. Plan your study: Make a timetable for your study and follow the routine. Manage your time, get proper sleep, Play physical and digital games, eat healthy food, exercise daily, and best utilize your leisure time in good interesting hobbies. Plan out your week effectively. 7.

  20. Is My Child With Depression Ready to Go to College?

    But for many students with depression, regular check-ins with you can contribute to a needed sense of routine and support in a time of great change. Having routine times to connect and touch base ...

  21. Can't do homework because depressed? (9 ways to cope)

    Just feel the moment and you will be able to concentrate on your homework. 3. W‌‌rite journal. Writing a journal when you cannot concentrate on your homework can help you get over anhedonia. We all need to socialize at some point to share our feelings and emotions especially when we are not happy or feeling depressed.

  22. Are Schools Too Focused on Mental Health?

    Twenty-two percent "self-labeled" as having depression, telling researchers "I am depressed" or "I have depression," but 39 percent met the diagnostic criteria for depression.

  23. How To Press On With Your Studies When You're Depressed

    Don't be afraid to ask your friends and family for help when you're struggling. "It is important to delegate tasks when you are feeling overwhelmed and depressed," said Rio Salado Counselor Autumn Cardenez. "It is also important to delegate tasks when someone has very high-priority homework, work, and projects due.

  24. When depression meds don't work, this may help you turn the corner

    Some patients start to feel better after a week or two. Others may take four weeks or longer. Depression and OCD may be lifelong disorders and follow-up treatments may be required months or years later. For TMS patients with depression, half may experience at least a 50% reduction in symptoms.

  25. Social media's impact on our mental health and tips to use it safely

    Viewing posts from friends and family across the world can be a way to make you feel more connected. However, social media use has a dark side. Social media can negatively impact our overall wellbeing by fueling anxiety, depression, loneliness and FOMO (fear or missing out). These issues are especially prevalent in teens and young adults.

  26. Have I Fallen Out of Love or Am I Depressed?

    "People who are depressed can fall out of love like anyone else. Depression may not directly cause someone to fall out of love, but depression is complex and can impact thinking, mood, self-esteem, energy, desire, and more," explains Susan Trotter, PhD, a relationship expert and coach.Trotter also notes that this often results in more conflict, fewer shared activities, less intimacy, and ...

  27. Google's Circle to Search will help you with your math homework

    Google's Circle to Search will help you with your math homework / Circle to Search on Android can now help students learn to solve mathematical word problems thanks to Google's new LearnLM model.